Burnout is nature’s way of telling you, you’ve been going through the motions your soul has departed; you’re a zombie, a member of the walking dead, a sleepwalker. False optimism is like administering stimulants to an exhausted nervous system. “Fire in the Belly: On Being A Man” Burnout is becoming increasingly common in today’s workforce. Burnout is a feeling of dread and anxiety that begins in your workplace and ends up seeping into every aspect of your life. Not only is burnout emotional, but it also affects you physically and mentally due to overwork, demanding situations and instances where the outcome didn’t turn out as expected (Mind Tools). Burnout can affect relationships and your health in the blink of an eye so it is wildly important that you be on the lookout for the common signs.
Taking preventative measures can be incredibly helpful, but a lot of times you need to focus on coping. Stress is usually the main reason for burnout so, although it’s normal to feel mild stress, if it becomes all consuming this is extremely problematic.
9 Signs Of Burnout
1. Fatigue: An overwhelming desire to lay on your couch with a snuggie and box of pizza. 2. Lack of excitement: No longer do you get thrilled by sample sales or trips to the winery. 3. Pessimism: You’re lying at the pool and it’s too sunny, too hot, and the beer doesn’t taste quite right. 4. Lack of focus: Your favorite series premiere came on, but you’re more focused on the crack in the ceiling than the big reveal. 5. Work decline: When your job performance slips from amazing to awful. 6. Withdrawal: When people have to say your name fifty times before you process they’re not talking to your pet rock. 7. Lack of personal care: Yoga pants are always a chill idea, but not when it’s for the fifth day in a row. 8. Bringing work life to your home life: Instead of ordering your favorite cocktail for your Sunday brunch you accidentally order a copy of your social media outreach spreadsheet. Well, that just got awkward. 9. Health decline: Before running three miles was a breeze, now it’s a miracle if you can take the stairs without falling into a heap.
How To Avoid It
1. Slow and steady wins the race: Look at the bigger picture of your goal. Although, it may seem like the best idea to put in a quadruple amount of overtime to get ahead you also need to remember that “you” time is important. Success doesn’t happen overnight, so don’t force it. And what’s the point of missing out on that float trip? If you’re so involved with your work you’re going to miss the surrounding lifeblood around you. 2. Pump some iron: Studies show that exercise is one of the BEST ways to reduce stress and keep one healthy. So grab your cutest Lululemon gear, press play on your favorite workout playlist, and go for a jog. Once you’re done you’ll feel happier and probably more fulfilled. 3. Indulge: Like we said before, “you” time is mega important. It’s important to indulge on the weekends. Turn off your work computer and don’t worry, your phone won’t all of a sudden disintegrate if you ignore it for an hour. 4. Namaste: Managing stress is crucial if you’re going to avoid the burnout bug. Take a yoga class, read a self-help book, even going for a stroll outside can help reduce those stress levels. *HUUUUUM* 5. Early bird gets the worm: Time management is key. If you’re feeling overworked try spreading it out over a longer period of time. Waking up an hour early can do wonders for your productivity. Enjoying the silence with some coffee and early morning sunshine makes that to-do list not quite so ugly.
Recovering from Work Burnout
1. Vacation: A vacation is a great first step in recovering from work burnout. It’s crucial to disengage yourself from the problem at hand. Going on a vacation is the best way to refresh yourself and breath life into your daily habits. Wiggle your toes in that white sand and sure, why not have a second mai tai. 2. Lists: Next make a list of your work goals. What was your intention when you accepted this position? Have you reached your goals or made any headway? Are you strutting your stuff or still in that dusty corner cubicle? 3. No Means No: Learn to say no. When you overcommit this can lead to a burnout. Just say, “No Margery, I will not take on your 30-hour project.” 4. Reprioritize: Discover what really matters to you. If your job is no longer making you happy see if there’s ways you can shift and refocus. If not then maybe it’s time to look into other jobs. No harm in looking. I mean LinkedIn was created for a reason. 5. Be Positive: This is A LOT easier said than done, but once you start it becomes easier. When you feel like you’re at a breaking point try to step outside, grab a drink, and just clear your head. You know what that feeling is? Yes, that’s the feeling of happiness.
Work burnout is a very real and frustrating problem, but if you follow some of these tips and create a good support system you can get out of this slump in no time at all.
You’ve probably seen a slew of counting-calorie apps over the past few years, haven’t you? You’ve probably even tried one or two, just out of curiosity. Because no one’s reached a verdict on their effectiveness yet.
There’s always been this big debate among doctors, dietitians and researchers about counting calories. On one side of the spectrum, some see it as a bit obsessive. These folks say you should just be calorie-conscious, choosing instead to make sensible choices, eat three meals a day and have one or two small, healthy snacks.
The flip side of the coin says that measuring out portions and counting calories is the only real way to watch your weight. Most of us just aren’t conscientious enough to realize how many times we’re eating, how calories we’re consuming at any given time, and how many calories are in all our food selections over the course of a day.
I see the logic in both arguments. Really, only one works for me.
In a perfect world, I would never count calories. I would stay within a reasonable margin each day, and could easily resist the allure of an extra cookie, another bite of ice cream or a few more french fries.
But we don’t live in that perfect world. Because then we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. Because then calories wouldn’t exist. It’d just be an endless chocolate lava cakes as healthy dietary staples. Ahhh.
I’ve lived life both ways, counting calories and letting the chips fall where they may. And here’s the sad fact: annoying as it is to get out my calorie-counting app after every food choice, it keeps me accountable.
Whenever I’m forced to see my dietary decisions in black and white, I always, always, always make better choices than when I’m not. When I’m tempted to just grab the snack cake with 420 calories and 8 grams of saturated fat? Suddenly, it’s not as appealing.
On top of that, I’m a grazer. My stream of consciousness goes something like this: Oh, 140 calories per serving for these chips? That’s not so bad! And if I only eat half a serving, that’s 70 calories for eight of ’em, and that’s practically nothing.
Guess what I’ve learned, guys? All those “practically nothings” add up. Like, behind your back. When you’re not actually paying attention to anything but theoretically-low caloric values. (I know, bummer.)
That said, I’m the first to admit I can become a bit obsessive about punching numbers into phones, or bummed when I fall off the accountability wagon. Luckily, I’ve come up with a few strategies to count smart, stay healthy and stay on the wagon:
1. Set healthy, reasonable goals.
Calorie-counting apps like MyFitnessPal, SparkPeople and Lose It! usually allow you to set calorie, exercise and weight goals for yourself, depending whether you want to lose or maintain. When you do this, be real. A reasonable weight-loss goal is one pound per week. If you start meeting your goals, get excited — not crazy. It’s not mentally or physically healthy to go for two or three pounds of weight loss per week on a 1,200 calorie diet and manic exercise. This is not a game of “how low can you go?”
2. Purposely take off days.
In order to keep some sanity, I think it’s great to have off days where you don’t count calories at all. If your husband is taking you out for a decadent birthday dinner, you’re going to a wedding, or you’re on vacation, eat as sensibly as possible as you “pre-game”—but let yourself live a little on your excursion. Have the cake. Eat the steak. Sometimes, as long as it’s not everyday, it’s dietary YOLO. Tomorrow, you start fresh.
3. Cut yourself some slack.
Let’s say you just have a craving that won’t die, and you need to have those late-night cheese n’ crackers—ut they put you over your calorie limit. Or let’s say you get busy and totally forget to track for a day (or three). Don’t let those situations be excuses to just say, “Aw, heck with it!” and go back to grazing mindlessly and bad choices. Approach everyday with the mindset that you’ll track and do your best to make wise choices. And if, one day, you don’t? Fine. The next day, you will. Have short-term memory loss about bad days, don’t use them as reasons to quit.
Really, do what works for you to be healthy. But if you find your dress size inching up and you don’t like it, or can’t seem to avoid the extra cookie day after day, try downloading an app and tallying up your calories as best you can. You might even find noshing mindfully is easier than you thought.
At the end of the day, it’s about avoiding extremes. There’s a happy medium between obsessive tracking and nutritional ignorance. Look for yours.
You suddenly get a jittery shaking feeling. You can’t remember what you were thinking about. Your brain feels all foggy. You start feeling edgy. You’re past hungry. That is the sign of your blood sugar falling.
When your body doesn’t have enough fuel to function properly, it sends you warning signs. Unfortunately there’s another crappy consequence of letting your blood sugar fall too far down. You gain weight. Yea that’s right….weird, huh? You would think, that if you don’t eat enough that you would LOSE weight not GAIN it! Not the case and here is the reason why:
Your body wants to keep homeostasis or constant at all times, so it will do whatever it needs in order to maintain a non-change environment. When your blood sugar falls your body goes into panic mode or the fight/flight response. When you go into panic mode, your body releases adrenaline which serves to temporarily raise your blood sugar. Because adrenaline signals a stressful event, your body releases a hormone called cortisol. As soon as cortisol is released it triggers your body to store fat. Studies have shown that fat gained due to high cortisol levels sits in your belly. So not eating enough, or eating improperly, causes you to gain weight in your stomach.
Body fat located in your midsection is not only unsightly, it’s also really bad for your health. Visceral fat, the fat located in your stomach, is way worse for you than other fat because it surrounds your most important organs. People with a high amount of visceral fat not only have trouble getting into skinny jeans, but also have higher incidences of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.
How do you keep your blood sugar stable and your tummy trim? By fueling your body the right way. Here are tips to help keep your blood sugar stable:
1. Eat small meals every 3-4 hours
2. Limit caffeine and alcohol consumption
3. Workout moderately for 30-60 minutes every day
4. Choose foods that have a low glycemic index, or don’t spike your blood sugar
The last bullet is pretty important as it affects your blood sugar the most. Foods (or food combinations) that have a low glycemic index contain a balanced mix of protein, fat and carbs that slow sugar absorption into your blood. Basically, protein, fat and fiber slow the absorption of sugar (carbs) into your bloodstream and keep your blood sugar stable. They also help you feel fuller, longer. You can choose a meal that has a combination of foods that slow absorption into bloodstream or you can eat a “power food” that contains all of that.
Peanut butter is a power food! In 2 TB serving, it has 13g of healthy unsaturated fats, 7g of protein, 2g of fiber and 3 grams of natural sugar. Not only does it keep you full and stable, but with lots of micronutrients like Vitamin B3, tryptophan and magnesium it also gives you immediate energy and helps you build bone and recover your muscles (for energy later).
There are so many peanut butter brands out there…which do you choose?
At first glance it’s best to always go with the one that says natural. Many contain added salt, sugar, hydrogenated oil and artificial ingredients to enhance the taste. With peanut butter, the less the amount of ingredients, the better. It’s important to watch sugar content. Commercial brands can have up to 250 mg per TB more sugar than natural ones. Also look out for excessive sodium. Natural brands typically have less than commercial ones so be sure to compare labels.
Trans fat: you see the term on food labels, but chances are, you know it more from recent headlines in the news. That is because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has changed its stance on partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs), the primary source of these mostly man-made fats, deciding that it no longer considers them to be “Generally Recognized As Safe” (GRAS). Companies have until June 18, 2018 to remove all PHOs from their products.
We do not have to wait until 2018 to take action, though. Eliminating trans fats from your diet right now can have a profound impact on your health. All you need is my easy-to-follow guide below for identifying and removing them today.
Step One: Start reading all food labels. This can be a little tedious at first, but knowing what is in what you eat is a very important part of taking charge of your health. If the line reading “Trans Fats” says anything but “0g” (zero grams), it contains high levels of trans fats. (Yes, even one gram is considered high.)
You would think that would be enough. Surely, if we only eat products that say they have zero grams of trans fat, we will not have any trans fats in our diets. Unfortunately, it is not quite that simple.
In 2008, the FDA ruled that companies can list zero grams of trans fat on a label if the product contains less than 0.5 grams. However, what if that product has, say, 0.49 grams of trans fat per serving (less than 0.5 grams, so the label says “0g”) and you happen to eat two servings? You have consumed 0.98 grams of trans fats without even realizing it. It sounds nit-picky, but when it comes to trans fats, every little bit matters. Even increasing your daily intake of these fats by 2 percent (about one or two grams) can increase your risk for heart disease by 23 percent. Yikes.
Step Two: To figure out if a product has hidden trans fats despite saying “0g” on the nutrition facts panel, we need to turn to the ingredient list. Here, we are looking for two words: “hydrogenated” and “shortening.” Shortening is almost always made from partially hydrogenated oils, and hydrogenated oils, we have already determined, are sources of trans fats. Partially hydrogenated fats are the biggest source, but even fully hydrogenated oils will contain some trans fats, although in much smaller quantities.
Technically, there are two more words that should raise a red flag when you see them: monoglycerides and diglycerides (sometimes expressed as “mono & diglycerides” on a label). These are broken pieces of fat molecules, essentially, that may or may not have come from a hydrogenated (trans) fat. It is impossible to say for sure, but most agree that a large portion of mono- and diglycerides on the market come, at least in part, from trans fats. As consumers become more savvy to terms like hydrogenated and trans fat, companies have begun using these mono- and diglycerides instead of PHOs. Sometimes they are, in fact, trans fat free, but the labels never say, so it is a chance you have to choose to take for yourself.
Step Three: Muster up the courage to ask about products that do not have labels. This means talking to waiters at restaurants (who will rarely know without asking someone in the kitchen) and employees at bakeries, for example. Here is some tough news to swallow: Nearly everything currently sold at the majority of U.S. bakeries contains trans fat. It is not particularly uncommon at restaurants, either.
I know, I know: Ignorance is bliss. But sometimes to achieve our goals, we have to come to terms with some uncomfortable truths.
Here is another uncomfortable truth: this controversy will not end with eliminating partially hydrogenated oils. In fact, this ruling is only the beginning. Companies have already begun turning to other processed fats and oils that preliminary studies indicate are likely just as harmful.
There will always be a bigger, “badder” ingredient of concern. Most big corporations will always, by nature, consider the bottom line before public health. It is our job–not theirs–to advocate for our health. The good news in this seemingly hopeless situation is that we do have that power. We must arm ourselves with knowledge, vote with our dollars every time we shop, and remind ourselves that any health goal is not one giant, black-or-white leap, but rather a slow and steady, transformative journey. Whenever it starts to feel overwhelming or you start to lose sight of the bigger picture, pause for a deep breath and take one step forward. You can do it.
No one human is alike, and this is remains true when we step foot into a gym. All the possibilities to be had for workout drills, clothing choices, and protein shakes end up resulting in a huge melting pot of personalities to dissect. In just one quick glance, you can easily tell the college has-beens from the business professionals and the tomboys from the primadonnas.
Sure, sure, everyone knows that the gym isn’t about what you wear but how you work out. But you know you’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t put some thought into what you wore out or judged someone for something they put on just to hit the treadmill.
There’s quite an array of characters you’re going to run into at the gym, and the majority of the time you’ll be able to peg their personality on their threads alone. Whether they’re sporting a neon headband or the latest pair of Yeezys, there are only a handful of niches for them to fill.
1. The Greek
Outfit: Oversized, neon fraternity tank. Black cropped leggings from lululemon or Nike. Neon shoes. Plastic thermos with a Vineyard Vines sticker. Philanthropy fanny pack. OutfitVibe: Always down to socialize with their brothers and sisters or relive the glory days.
You’ve seen these guys and girls at least once exercising at your local gym. They’ll come in flashing their letters and muscle tees all while taking the elliptical more seriously than their five-year plan. Flocking to the gym in a moderately sized herd, the girls typically can be found attending their favorite yoga class before Monday night’s chapter meeting. Their shirts hardly seem worn and somehow continue to get brighter every week. The messier the hair and the higher the bun, the older they are.
There’s also another type of Greek that isn’t often discussed but can be found at almost any gym on a weeknight. They’re known as The Alumna. This person is someone who can’t let go of the good ol’ glory days. They’ll be representing their faded Greek tank in hopes that they’ll be mistaken for a current member. And yes, the amount of frat tanks directly correlates to how many different “visits” they took.
They’re not people you should feel bad for though—they’re proud of their accomplishments and all of the humanitarian accomplishments they made in and around their rec center.
2. The Tomboy
Outfit: Tank top. Baggy shorts. High socks. Black sneakers. OutfitVibe: Don’t mess with her.
Backwards baseball cap, baggy shorts, and a surprising knack for climbing trees—the stereotypes for tomboys have been around for years. But there’s no denying it, these women can be very intimidating at the gym. They’re not to be messed with because they’re there to get a job done.
Typically sporting no-nonsense attire, their aptitude for all things physical puts a lot of men to shame. And girl push-ups? Yeah, they’re not even touching those. Tomboys don’t have to be ‘roided out either—it’s more their attitude than anything else that really sets them apart from the other gym-goers.
You can easily tell who the girls are that find themselves in their element as they walk through the gym door. They’ve used the machines and mats a thousand times and have the worn kicks to prove it. Tomboys are typically easygoing, but make sure to give them the respect that they rightfully deserve.
3. The Macho Man
Outfit: Muscle tee. Short shorts. Blender bottle. OutfitVibe: You’ll be crushed if you step in his way.
Taking his time very seriously at the gym, this guy will definitely be walking in with a protein bottle in hand. Lugging a huge duffle bag with lifting gloves peeking out, bodybuilder type men are the easiest to spot.
It’s not so much the attire they choose but their physical appearance as a whole. Their muscles are larger than life, and the groans they let loose while they lift border on mildly disturbing. Some people even refer to these guys as the “nudists” due to their affinity for constantly being shirtless while they workout. Whether it’s more comfortable or just another way to show off remains to be determined.
When you see one of these characters, you’re not far off if you assume that his personality is commanding, to be polite. He’s used to sticking out in a crowd, and he embraces it. Why wouldn’t he, when he’s clocking so many hours at the gym? It takes a lot of discipline and diligence to sculpt your body into that chiseled form, so cut him some slack when he decides to strut around.
4. The Athlete
Outfit: Nike Dri-Fit gear. Apple Watch. Custom arch shoes. OutfitVibe: They’re about to get down to business.
Athletes are distinct: They’re in impeccable shape and have a no-nonsense air about themselves. You can tell that they know exactly what they’re doing, whether it’s a lunge or pull up.
When you’re jogging and let your eyes creep over to the athlete to your right, you can almost feel your spine straighten as you observe their form. Their focus and acumen for excellence is palpable and gives you serious goals.
Their gear isn’t an exception. Sure, they like being on trend, but they’re more concerned about the durability and performance level of the product. Any sort of combination product is key and the more versatile, the better. It’s unlikely you’ll see them repeat an outfit anytime soon—they have more pullovers and race shirts than you have socks.
Athletes are typically judged as being snobby, but it’s rightfully earned. They’ve sunk time and money into excelling at their chosen craft and refuse to be sidetracked when they’re working on achieving a new record. Just like perfectionists in other areas of life, the gym athlete is very motivated and goal-oriented.
If you ever find yourself in the market for some new cross-training gear, your best bet would be to hit up this group of people for their expert opinion.
5. Dazed And Confused
Outfit: Sweatpants or boxy shorts. Worn out t-shirt. Beat up sneakers. Water bottle that leaks. OutfitVibe: They clearly have no idea what they’re doing
Anyone who takes up a new hobby has experienced that moment of anxiety when you’re a bit unsure about what to expect. Unfortunately for a workout newbie, it’s very apparent when they don’t know the ropes. First of all, the workouts they select are very telling. (Pro tip: setting your resistance to zero on an elliptical gets you nowhere fast.)
But what really makes them stick out is their wardrobe. This isn’t to say that everyone needs to attend their workouts looking primped as can be (we’ll get to this person later), but there should at least be some sort of thought behind the process of when choosing your gym attire. After all, no one likes getting the hem of their pants caught in the elliptical.
These poor, confused souls will typically wear something that’s less than effective for comfort and ease. The materials they sport are typically too warm and overly baggy. They know that having enough mobility is key, but this is usually taken to an unnatural extreme.
But the best part is their personalities. They exude tepidness, not fully engaged in the task at hand. In the hopes that they’ll be able to pick up pointers from other gym-goers, they can be overly friendly. This is, of course, a big no-no. People working out are in a zone—they don’t want to take time out of their routine to coach newbs on the finer points of the treadmill. (Pro-tip: bring a friend if you’re new.)
These dazed gym-goers will either fizzle out after a week or end up conquering their awkwardness. As they do, you’ll watch their style evolve into something of a more polished and self-assured individual. It’s literally survival of the fittest.
6. Perfectly Polished
Outfit: Matching pants and top. Complementary headgear. Eco-friendly water bottle. OutfitVibe: They have their life together in every way you can imagine.
Someone in full matching gear at the gym is a sight to behold. They’re always on trend and their tops and bottoms complement one another perfectly. Whether their hair is pulled back into a tight pony or they’re wearing a baseball cap just slightly off-kilter, everything is very intentional. Even the amount of sweat they exude seems carefully calculated.
They’re the type of person that makes you feel bad when you show up in your worn out shoes and unflattering tank. They may very well be the reason why you’re now sporting a vest to the gym instead of your trusty hoodie.
You can already guess that their personality screams Type A—they have full command over their life. At first it may appear that they’re going strictly for fashion, but that’s not the case. They just enjoy looking put together and giving their best in every aspect of life.
7. The Serial Dater
Outfit: Leggings or Nike basketball shorts. Lululemon tank or muscle tee. Ankle socks. Black cross-training Nikes. For guys, it’s Nike basketball shorts, muscle tee, socks that hit the calves, and dark kicks. OutfitVibe: They’re on the prowl for love.
Everyone has that one friend that’s constantly on the search for love. Whether they’re at the grocery store or gym, they make sure to put their best face forward because, hey, you never know when you’re going to meet your soul mate.
These type of people who are always looking for their next relationship—at the gym, no less—are an interesting breed. Just throwing something on for a quick workout is never a viable option. The outfits of choice need to have just the right amount of “oomph” to leave a lasting impression. Plus, their form is always on point. They make sure to avoid looking like a fool at all costs.
There are multiple personalities that an attractive, put together person may have. Unfortunately, there’s the likely chance that they’re over-eager.
8. The Overworked
Outfit: Wrinkled Target shorts. Well-worn t-shirt. Mismatched socks. Messy hair. iPod shuffle. OutfitVibe: Hyper alert and in desperate need of stress relief .
It’s pretty easy to tell the stressed from the relaxed at the gym. You almost find yourself involuntarily tensing up when their frantic energy makes its way into your space. Even if you were to close your eyes you can hear their rapid breaths as they try to get more zen.
First key is when they come rushing in with a duffel bag that’s bursting with clothes. Then they beeline it to their go-to machine where they frantically burn as many calories as possible in 30 minutes. Lastly, there’s the mad dash back to the locker room where a quick rinse is sometimes ignored.
Sure, fashion isn’t the first thing on their mind, but they are a business professional, after all. Their style is no-nonsense and can easily be paired with each another. It withstands multiple wears before it becomes limps and somehow never smells.
These people are more likely to engage in interval training and give the gym everything they have. Their personalities are fiery and serious. There’s no time for nonsense when the gym is the only luxury they afford into their busy schedule. They expect success, and yes, they will achieve it as well.
9. The Socialite
Outfit: Anything trendy. OutfitVibe: These people are meant to be seen, both on and off screen.
Everyone has that friend who knows the Instagram filters in alphabetical order and snaps anything and everything. If it’s not captured on their phone, did it ever really happen? This same mentality goes for the gym. They’ve been known to “check-in” for some cardio time and are the rulers of the gym selfie.
They typically go for darker clothes, trying to draw away from the fact that they’re glued to their phone in between reps. Their fashion sense is understated, but that doesn’t mean their personality is. Going to the gym is just one of the highlights of their day and they love being surrounded by all the bustling activity.
Beware of making eye contact. They’re dying to chat and engage, going on about just how many times they’ve been there this week. They’re also itching to spill their latest dating story because, why not? Of course everyone wants to listen to what they have to say, right?
Even though the socialite may get a little obnoxious, they grow on you. They truly mean well and just have a love for socializing and being seen. In moderation, they can make a great workout partner.
10. The Hippie
Outfit: Tie-dye shirt. Well-worn shorts. Chacos. Outfit Vibe: You can almost smell the incense wafting off them, throwing you into an involuntary downward dog.
There’s nothing worse than stretching out next to a person who uses “natural” deodorant. No one enjoys the mix of sweat and B.O. But in order to ensure that you’re not the unfortunate one who posts up next to them, just keep your eyes peeled for someone who looks like they have a stash of vegan yoga mats in their car.
They’re generally pretty unoffensive and you can tell from their fluid gym moves that they’re in a permanently relaxed state. They typically flock towards the core station, so if you end up seeing a free spirit, just be warned that it may not end in the most pleasant of experiences.
However, they will always be willing to give you a lending hand and explain to you how a deeper stretch can be reached at the end of a fitness cycle.
California is in the midst of one of the most severe droughts on record.
It’s so bad that Governor Jerry Brown declared it a state of emergency. The Golden State’s recent trouble accentuates the preciousness of something many Americans take for granted: Water.
We waste an inordinate amount of water maintaining enormous lawns. We shower too long. We keep the water running while we get ready in the morning. If recent predictions are correct, we will no longer be able to blindly ignore these practices. According to NASA, we (and the rest of the world) have cause for concern.
We’re running out of water.
A satellite program conducted by NASA called the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) has given researchers Jay Famiglietti and Matthew Rodell one of the most accurate pictures of the world’s freshwater reserves to date.
Famiglietti is the director of the UC Center for Hydrologic Modeling at the University of California Irvine and Rodell is chief of the Hydrological Sciences Laboratory at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. The two authored a paper based on GRACE, which used two satellites recording the earth’s gravitational data to measure aquifer levels worldwide.
It’s not exactly full of good news. Famiglietti characterized the situation as “quite critical.”
From 2003 to 2013, the research shows that 21 of the world’s 37 major aquifers have become unsustainable. In short, the water reserves are being depleted faster than they’re being replenished. Thirteen of those 21 aquifers are have been affected at alarming rates.
The most stressed aquifers (those with little to no sign of recharging) are the Arabian Aquifer in Saudi Arabia, the Indus Basin in northern India and Pakistan, and the Murzuk-Djado Basin in Libya and Niger. To put the situation into perspective, 60 million people rely on the Arabian Aquifer as a source of water.
That’s not to say America is faring much better.
The Central Valley Aquifer in California and the Atlantic and Gulf Plains Aquifer in the Southeastern portion of the country are both being depleted, as well. The Central Valley Aquifer was rated as “highly stressed,” and the recent drought hasn’t exactly helped matters. Conversely, aquifers located in the Great Plains and the Midwest seem to be doing alright.
The pattern in America mirrors what’s happening in the rest of the world. Essentially, areas in middle latitudes close to equator, especially arid and semiarid regions, are drying up. Furthermore, the tropics and regions farther north and south of equator in more extreme latitudes are experiencing more intense rainfall.
It’s a catch 22.
As those areas become drier and drier, the populations in said areas rely more and more on disappearing aquifers for survival. The water from the aquifers evaporates and then is recirculated to the areas experiencing heavier rains.
If no action is taken, it’s a very real possibility that groundwater in certain areas of the world will be depleted completely. The findings also tacitly touch on a subject that, until now, was strictly the domain of post apocalyptic fiction for most Americans: Conflict over water.
Peter Gleick of the Pacific Institute has noted that water is often a source of “cooperation rather than conflict.” Still, it doesn’t rule out the possibility of the latter. In fact, the Pacific Institute has put together a detailed timeline of water conflict throughout history, from 600 BC all the way to 2014.
The timeline illustrates the fact that there has always been conflict and unrest involving water sources, but that it’s increased in recent years. So what happens when the world’s demand for water outstrips reliable sources?
According to the U.S. Intelligence Community assessment of Global Water Security, the coming water shortage has the potential to lead to social disruptions and political instability. The assessment states that: “Social disruptions eventually leading to state failure are plausible when the population believes water shortages are the result of poor governance, hoarding, or control of water by elites and other destabilizing factors are present.”
Despite that grim warning, the intelligence community feels violent, state-on-state conflict will be unlikely in the coming years. There are other ramifications, though.
When it comes to shared water basins, the report notes that it is likely that a number of countries will exert leverage against their neighbors to protect water reserves. Additionally, “upstream states,” countries home to a water origin source, might be tempted to cut off water to “downstream states” for political gain. Existing problems such as poverty, poor leadership and environmental degradation are likely to be exacerbated under those circumstances.
Considering the information available to us, we must start to take this issue seriously. There needs to be a concerted effort toward effective water management.
This means several things, including: adoption of pricing policies to encourage efficient water use, investment in water infrastructure, effective use of existing technology (especially in regard to agriculture) to aid conservation and efficiency, support of emerging water technology and more advanced hydrological modeling to support new water sharing agreements. It also means adjusting our personal, water-wasting habits.
This sort of research has presented us with more than evidence of a growing problem. It has presented us with an opportunity to change.
As with any sport, the running world has it’s own set of controversial debates and hot button topics among its community and athletes. And right up there next to “should headphones be allowed at races?” debate, is the case of the racing “bling”.
Bling. Hardware. Buckles. Medals.
These days it seems finishers medals are as abundant and as freely given as the paper cups of water served at race aid stations. Once reserved solely for race winners, medals are now more often than not handed to absolutely anyone who participates in a given race, regardless of placement, regardless of race distance, and in some cases, regardless if the runner even crosses the finish line at all. Here are just a few examples:
– RunDisney races, notorious for their strict cutoff times and sweeper “balloon ladies“, are widely known for pulling participants who cannot maintain the required pace out of the race long before the finish line, yet giving them finishers medals anyway.
– Spartan Race, an obstacle course race series known for penalizing people who cannot finish an obstacle with grueling burpees, does not referee the open course, and therefore gives medals to anyone who crosses the finish line…even if they didn’t complete the required obstacles and/or penalties that comprise the race.
– Speaking of finish line, in the case of the ever popular “virtual races”, you don’t even need a finish line anymore. Send your money to the virtual race organizer, and in turn they will send you a finishers medal, without you even having to ever leave your computer desk chair.
-In the ultra running community, belt buckles were traditionally given to runners who completed a 100 mile race. Now buckles are often given to those who run shorter distances, such as 100K, 50 miles, 50K, or even less. In fact, you can even earn yourself a belt buckle simply for promising to run 100 miles in the course of a month (see the virtual races above).
As a result of these examples and more, there is often heated discussion among runners over who truly “earned” their medal, and who did not. Runners who feel their achievements are diminished by others who didn’t put in as much effort as they did on the same course. To throw fuel onto the fire, we’ve got a subculture of runners who claim they solely run for the sake of collecting new medals. And who can blame these “bling runners“, really, with races competing with each other to see who can have the largest, gaudiest, and most medals? The traditional runners, that’s who will roll their eyes. These devout runners claim they don’t need any sort of material trinket to validate their accomplishments.
It’s enough to make your head spin, and wonder why any of it truly matters in the first place. After all, unless you’ve won a Gold in the Olympics, a finisher’s medal is truly just a cheaply manufactured trinket.
Or is it?
The thing I’ve always loved about running and racing is that even though the community is huge, the sport itself is 100% individual. Sure, coaches can provide you with tools and knowledge to become a better runner, and teammates can provide you with the inspiration and motivation to get out there. But no one can put in the training for you, and no one can cross the finish line for you. YOU have to do the work.
Therefore, in my opinion, your race is YOUR race, end of story. You know the effort you put into running that race on that day. You know if you completed the tasks required of the race. And you know the training and the hardships you went through to get to the finish line…or even just the starting line for that matter.
So whatever that medal means to you (or doesn’t mean to you, for that matter): own it.
If it is a representation of overcoming difficulties and achieving something you never thought you’d be able to attempt, never mind accomplish, then display that medal proudly.
If it is simply a material trinket that will never embody the experience of that race for you, then toss it in a drawer, donate it, or don’t even accept the medal in the first place. Do the same if in your heart you feel you fell short or for some reason didn’t honestly earn that medal.
But regardless of what you do or what that medal means to you, don’t let someone else’s opinions nor actions take away from how you feel about YOUR accomplishment.
Ask any woman the worst part about birth control and you’ll get a litany of answers: weight gain, mood swings, acne, and just plain forgetting it. Although birth control pills are 99% effective this number drops pretty quickly when you take into account those times that you forget or are behind a few hours. Not to mention the amount of time it actually takes to conceive once you stop using a hormonal birth control.
So if you don’t want to take the Pill what else are your options? The NuvaRing? The shot? The laundry list of hormone infused options makes you dizzy, and quite frankly we’d rather not read the entire list. Of course there are condoms and even the pullout method, but these are wildly ineffective.
This leads me to introduce you to your new best friend, someone that you will cherish even more than your boyfriend.
Ladies, meet the IUD (Intrauterine Device).
For those who are unaware, IUD’s are a small, roughly one inch plastic device that’s shaped like a ‘T’. It’s inserted into the uterus by a trained gynecologist, nurse practitioner, or midwife. Once in place it stops the sperm from implanting into the egg. Some people feel vaguely uncomfortable with something residing inside of them for up to 10 years, but it’s perfectly safe. Really it’s no different than ingesting a chemical everyday.
Forty years ago the IUD was wildly popular with 10% of the female population using them, but now it’s dropped to only 2%. Why? With the increase in a variety of ‘Pills,’ education about the IUD has become scarce. But I’m here to tell you why the IUD is better than your current birth control, why it will change your life, and why it may, in fact, be better than your boyfriend. 1. You Don’t Have To Worry About Polluting Your Body
ParaGuard is a current IUD that is hormone free, meaning that you don’t have to worry about any of those pesky side effects. Although Mirena and Skyla are hormonal IUD’s the hormone level they actually release is only 1/10 of what you’d normally receive from the Pill. Another perk is the hormone is already located in the uterus, so those chemicals aren’t infiltrating your bloodstream. So, you can receive the benefits of hormones, like reduced periods, but you don’t have to worry about the pesky burdens, like weight gain. Because NO ONE enjoys puffing up like a blimp in the name of staying parent free. 2. Delete Your Alarm Clock
Now you don’t have to feel guilty if you’re having a crazy day and you forget to take your pill, your IUD has got you locked. If you oversleep or are too hungover to process what time it is, you’re safe too. 3. It’s Consistent…Unlike Your Boyfriend
I’m sure there’s been a couple of times where your man has been out with the guys and has gotten a bit too carried away forgetting your late night plans. Well you don’t have to worry about that letdown with your IUD. An IUD’s failure rate is tiny, while a boyfriend has a much larger margin for error. 4. You Don’t Have That Weird Waiting Game Before You Can Get Pregnant
Once your IUD is out you can get pregnant literally that same day. 5. It’s The Type Of Pain That Makes You Feel Good
I’m not going to lie, getting an IUD hurts. There’s a reason they recommend it to women who have already given birth. Some describe the insertion pain as the contractions you feel during labor. Okay, this sounds incredibly scary if you haven’t had the lucky chance to have a baby yet, but lets look at the bigger picture. Five minutes of discomfort for up to 10 years of reliable birth control? Yeah, I’ll take that. And most women say the worst part lasts less than two seconds. We’ve handled worse ladies. 6. You Don’t Have To Spazz Out When You’re Late
One of the perks with Mirena and Skyla is that your periods are lessened and sometimes go away completely. So next time you go for a few months without your period you don’t have to fret that you forgot a pill. 7. It Actually REDUCES Your Risk Of Blood Clots
There have been multiple studies that describe IUDs as foolproof against blood clots. “Researchers said they were associated with a reduced risk and may have a protective effect against blood clots.” Need I say more? 8. It’ll Help Keep Your Friends Around
We all know when we’re about to start PMSing. We magically end up on the couch one night with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s binge watching Gilmore Girls wondering why none of your friends will call back. Well, your hormonal IUD not only eliminates any mood swings but it’ll magically free up your friend’s social calendar. 9. It’s Customizeable
With three types of IUD’s on the market, you’re bound to find the right one for you. The nonhormonal IUD provides up to 10 years of protection before it needs to be removed. Mirena provides five, and Skyla provides three. And if there’s ever a point when you’re not into your new friend, which I promise you won’t happen, you can have it removed in a snap. 10. Your Sex Life Will Be Way Better
I mean how awkward is it when you’re having to grab a condom or if you’re mentally running through your head if you took the pill. And what happens if your NuvaRing slips out? So many awkward moments waiting to happen, and with the IUD it eliminates them completely.
Now I’m sure you understand why some women are in serious relationships with their IUD and not their significant other. They’re slowly starting to make their comeback so don’t hesitate to do a little research of your own to see if this family planning method is right for you.
As human beings we thrive on predictability, and pride ourselves on being the fortune-tellers of our own futures. By predicting the future, and basing our safety and security on our ability to “know” what the future holds we bind our anxiety and deny the reality of life.
In truth, life is unpredictable, unknowable, and impossible to control. As a result we are sometimes blindsided and vehemently hit on the back of the head with the 2×4 of life’s randomness.
When I was 40 years old, I received a breast cancer diagnosis. Then, one year later, my husband announced he no longer wanted to be married. Since then I continue to find myself riding the waves of unexpected loss, and uninvited challenges that life organically brings.
When life throws its curveballs, and the world you thought you knew gets ripped out from under you, there are ways to cope and lessons to be learned. Confronting the realities of what it means to be a human being living on this earth is inevitable for all of us, but it is possible to get through unscathed. You can become a good soldier by having a protocol for dealing with what comes your way as you make the best of what feels like the worst.
First you’ll need to know that there are a few specific phases you’ll journey through as you recover from the experience of becoming untethered from what you thought was your life.
The initial blow is startling and puts you in a state of shock. You are learning very quickly that surprises are not always fun, and that when you experience an unexpected change in your life it triggers a powerful physiological response that organically comes with high levels of stress and fear. The shock usually passes within weeks creating more space for other thoughts and feelings to surface.
In this phase you’re struggling with the reality of what’s happening. You’re trying to reconcile what you expected with your current truth, and part of that process is letting go of the illusions that we all create to feel safe in the world. This is where you say things like, “I never thought this would happen” or “This feels surreal.”
Grappling with the how’s and why’s is an inevitable part of this process. Having your world go up in flames is disorienting particularly when you don’t know where you’re going to land. The uncertainty that comes with unexpected change leaves you with no solid ground so it’s normal to feel adrift and lost as you work toward understanding that you have stumbled into a life challenge you didn’t see coming.
Coping in the immediate aftermath of a life crisis is very specific. You’ll transition into other phases as you move through the process of recovery, but the initial blow and immediate traumatic response are often overlooked and bypassed because it all happens so quickly.
Slowing down and really laying a foundational system in the very beginning sets the tone for how things will unfold going forward.
An important aspect of this kind of treatment is to truly mark the beginning point of healing. There has to be a definitive moment of when the trauma ends, and the healing begins. Without this specific awareness, intentions aren’t clear and you stumble through as opposed to creating a conscious journey.
Believe it or not, it’s possible to begin when there’s no end it site. When you’re ready, and the time is right, you’ll begin putting these coping mechanisms into place:
1. Get Centered
It’s easy to get swept up in the chaos when your life is falling apart. Avoid losing all of your bearings by grounding yourself in healing routines and practices. Start by committing to a daily practice that plants you firmly on this earth so you start each day with a sense of connection to yourself or something greater. Journaling, art, meditation, dance and exercise are all wonderful centering practices.
2. Become a Pill Bug
I’m sure you’ve seen how pill bugs curl up and retreat into their shell the minute you touch them. Think of yourself in the same way because you’re vulnerable right now and need to protect yourself. This is a time to retreat as much as you can even though you’ll expect yourself to go on with life as normal. Practicing self-care and honoring your trauma are key components of coming out the other side stronger and more resilient later on.
3. Step Back
When your life is out of control your first impulse will be to “do something”. Of course there will be some issues that need immediate attention, but in general taking the time to step back and really take in the magnitude of your situation will help you gain clarity about next steps. This isn’t a time to make rash decisions or rush into solutions. Allowing the pieces and remnants of your life to land organically will give you a good sense of what you need to do next. Practice patience and trust that the process will unfold as it is intended to. This is a practice of letting go where it makes sense.
You have the capacity to learn and grow from any challenge in your life if you allow that to happen. Big challenges in life make you a deeper and more evolved person as you come to understand your own strength and resilience. Trust that you have what you need to survive, but never under-estimate the magnitude of what you’re facing.
I’m sure many of us have seen the recent PSA’s regarding organ donors. The feels that ensue are gut wrenching and, quite frankly, made me take a detour on my way home to change my driver’s license preference. Organ donations are one of the advanced medicine miracles of our time, giving people a second chance that 65 years ago wouldn’t have been feasible.
However, organ donations are known for being few and far between. The waiting list is dizzying and the amount of time you have to wait sometimes borders on years.
But now there’s talk that organ donations may eventually be a thing of the past with lab grown prosthetics beginning to take shape. Although this is not the same as organ transplants it could quickly morph into this.
The exact science behind this new age-y science is fairly involved, but here’s a breakdown. We’ll use the example of a rat since that has been the first success story.
1. An arm from a deceased rat was taken and placed in a vat of chemicals that disintegrated all of the cells leaving “primarily [the] vascular and nerve matrix.” In other words, it pretty much looked like a clean skeleton.
2. As the cells were being removed from rat number one, muscle cells from rat number two were being grown in an additional dish.
3. The skeletal arm was placed in a container, and these new muscle cells were injected into this skeletal arm (again this is a VERY basic explanation of the process).
4. This arm was left in the vat for two weeks, and when later inspected, the cells had been accepted. When electrical stimulation was applied to the arm it already had 80% muscle mobility (CNET).
This bioengineered arm has a clear advantage over a prosthetic limb as the range of motion is better and you can feel pressure and/or heat. Although clinical trials are a long way off and the success of it actually being accepted by the body will initially be slim, the current success of human hand transplants is encouraging.
In 1998, the first successful human hand transplant was performed on Matthew Scott. This 13 hour procedure was performed in New Zealand and doctors from around the world were flown in to provide their assistance. Since then, multiple hand transplants have been performed with success rates being higher than fail rates (Composite Tissue Allotransplantation).
The hope is that organically grown limbs and organs will have a higher acceptance rate within the body compared to that of a foreign organism. Prosthetics are usually rejected, or the recipient is on antibiotics for their remaining years to keep their body from rejecting this foreign matter (Engadget).
Organ donation is amazing and prosthetics are used by thousands, but wouldn’t it be amazing if we could have an endless supply to stop waiting lists and remove stigmas? Lab grown limbs are on the horizon, and although it may feel as though we’re playing God, the results can be astoundingly beautiful.