
13 Body Hacks, Evaluated: What Science Says About Shortcuts To Health And Wellness

We hate to say it, but at this point in our lives, we’re starting to accept the fact that we’ll never become superheroes. We’re stuck with boring human bodies without adamantium claws, laser eyes, or any of the other awesome anatomical features we’ve been praying for since we were six (we’re 30 now, by the way—not that that matters).


The good news is that, thanks to the internet, we’ve learned about dozens of “life hacks,” purportedly backed by science, that will let us unlock the secrets of our (horrible, boring) bodies. The bad news is that some of those hacks are, well, slightly misleading.
We decided to take a closer look at some of the stranger examples floating around the internet. Some of them are pretty awesome body hacks—others are more like “writing hacks.”

1. Looking at the color green can make you more creative.

Need to sit down and write an essay? Looking for inspiration for your latest play? Are you a professional wrestler and you’re running out of fresh ideas for your armbar? Just look at a big green rectangle, and you’ll somehow trick your brain into jump-starting its creativity circuits, hackers purport.


This hack actually has some basis in science. A 2012 study published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin showed that the color green can aid creative tasks, although the authors were careful to note that the effect was limited. Researchers provided study participants with a “brief glimpse of green,” then asked them to perform various “creativity challenges.”
For instance, in one experiment, participants were asked to come up with various uses for a tin can, at which point their responses were graded by a tester. Participants who saw a green rectangle performed more creatively than those who saw a white rectangle.

“Green may serve as a cue that evokes the motivation to strive for improvement and task mastery, which in turn may facilitate growth,” researcher Stephanie Lichtenfeld, PhD, said in a 2012 interview.
However, Lichtenfeld also characterized the effect as subtle. If you’re really looking to boost your creativity, you’re better off building a creative routine, according to the American Psychological Association. You’ll also want to minimize stress, get plenty of sleep, and collaborate with others—if you want to do so in an all-green room, all the better.

2. Rubbing “pressure points” on your body can prevent migraines.

This hack comes from a piece on Livestrong, which references some…unscientific sources. It’s based on pressure point therapy, a somewhat dubious interpretation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and an ebook that apparently came from an online health food store (not exactly the New England Journal of Medicine).
Activating those “pressure points” can actually reduce the symptoms of a migraine, and some researchers recommend massage and acupuncture (another pressure-therapy) as a first-line course of treatment for migraine sufferers.


However, there are some crucial caveats. For starters, we’re not really sure if pressure point therapy really needs the, uh, pressure points. One study notes that the positive effects “can be achieved even if point selection is not as dogmatic and precise as proposed by the Chinese system.” Rather than trying to find the one inch of your body that holds all of your Chi, you might be able to just rub for a while and get the same results.
And since the placebo effect is more pronounced in people suffering from migraine pain, it’s also possible that pressure-point therapies provide a sort of enhanced placebo effect. One study found that trigger-point massage, while effective at limiting migraine pain, was no more effective than a placebo.
If you suffer from migraines, you’re better off increasing your intake of folic acid, getting regular exercise, and seeing a physician if the headaches are occurring regularly. Don’t expect to cure severe headaches simply by rubbing the webbing between your fingers—but with that said, if you feel like rubbing your finger-webs, go for it. You’re not doing any damage.
Oh, and while we’re on the subject of possible placebos…

3. Use placebos to cure…lots of things.

Placebos aren’t just sugar pills. Well, okay, they are just sugar pills, but they’re powerful medicine.
“The placebo effect is more than positive thinking—believing a treatment or procedure will work,” explained Professor Ted Kaptchuk of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in a piece published on Harvard Health. “It’s about creating a stronger connection between the brain and body and how they work together.”

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Kaptchuk’s research shows that placebos can be just as effective as other medical treatments. You’ve probably heard about that concept—it’s extremely well documented.
What you might not know is that the placebo effect has its own placebo effect; oddly enough, some placebos work even when people know that they’re placebos.
“People can still get a placebo response, even though they know they are on a placebo,” Kaptchuk said. “You don’t need deception or concealment for many conditions to get a significant and meaningful placebo effect.”
In one of his studies, Kaptchuk gave patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) “open-label” placebos. Half of the study’s volunteers received the pills and were explicitly told that they were in the placebo group, while half of them received nothing at all. The group who received the placebos experienced a “dramatic and significant improvement” in their symptoms.

How could that possibly work? Kaptchuk has some theories.
“People associate the ritual of taking medicine as a positive healing effect,” he said. “Even if they know it’s not medicine, the action itself can stimulate the brain into thinking the body is being healed.”
So, how can you turn this information into a superpower? Well, you can’t gain Wolverine-like healing abilities simply by scarfing down some sugar pills, but if you’ve got a condition in which pain or stress is a factor, try taking a harmless supplement and telling yourself that you’re treating the condition. As dumb as that might sound, the research shows that open-label placebos can work.
Oh, and if the placebo doesn’t do the trick, be sure to see an actual physician. Seriously. Don’t trust your health to some advice you read in an internet article.

4. Bend over in a chair to get rid of the hiccups.

We know, we know—everyone’s got a hiccup cure. We’ve seen cures that include rubbing parts of your hand, covering your mouth, and chugging pickle juice.
Those cures might be effective for some people. If you want a really powerful hiccup cure, however, you’ve got to turn to a neuroscientist.

“For non-pathological hiccups, there’s a really easy way to cure them for 99 percent of the population,” James Giordano, PhD, professor in neurology and biochemistry at Georgetown University Medical Center, told Urbo. “You want to sit down and bend forward at the waist, and I mean really bend forward… Then, drink a room-temperature, non-carbonated fluid for 10 seconds straight, or 8-10 swallows of fluid. Stay in that position until you’re finished, then slowly sit up.”
Why does that work? Hiccups are caused by excessive stimulation to the upper part of your digestive tract, including the soft palate, the top of the throat, and the top of the stomach. Giordano explains that his method overwhelms the spasm, allowing your muscles to relax.


“It’s sort of a neurological override,” he says. “The swallowing reflex requires coordination of a number of different nerves, and you’re literally overcoming the spasm by super-coordinating a pattern response.”
Of course, excessive hiccuping can be a symptom of a more serious condition, so if your hiccups don’t disappear in a few hours, you might want to see your physician.

5. Tweak your walking technique to burn more calories.

Walking has to be the best exercise of them all—if you can count walking as an exercise, that is. Running is hard on the knees. Lifting weights is just plain hard. But walking? Heck, we do that every day.
Good news: Fitness motivation site Super Skinny Me says you can burn plenty of calories during a nice, relaxing walk, provided you know how to walk the right way. But the site only cites itself; all of its links are internal. So is this welcome exercise tip too good to be true?


At first glance, Super Skinny Me’s prescription for strolling passes the common-sense test. They say you should boost your walking speed until your heart-rate monitor tells you your heartbeat is up to 65 to 85 percent of your maximum beats per minute. They recommend pumping your arms, weighing yourself down, and taking a hilly route. All of those things require more exertion, so it makes sense that they’d burn more calories.
But what do the doctors have to say about walking as exercise?
It’s a go, particularly for folks who aren’t used to being active, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). Walking can help you burn calories and lower your risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. But Super Skinny Me definitely got one thing right: In order to get the most benefits, you’ll need to keep your pace pretty brisk.

The NIDDK recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. Walk fast enough to increase your heart rate, and you’re there. So while you don’t have to learn new walking techniques to burn calories, you do have to move faster than a shuffle. Try walking quickly for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. If that doesn’t help you meet your weight-loss goals, double your walking time to an hour per day, according to the NIDDK’s recommendations.

6. Refresh quickly with a “coffee nap.”

More than a third of Americans don’t get enough sleep on a regular basis. If you count yourself among them, we’ve got good news (sort of): You can get an extra burst of energy by consuming caffeine and taking a quick nap.


Okay, when we put it that way, it sounds sort of obvious. “Drink coffee and nap to get energy” isn’t exactly groundbreaking advice. However, scientific research suggests that the technique is more effective than other methods, and the “coffee nap” trend has been promoted by dozens of sites, including HuffPost.
Here’s the deal: Caffeine fits into your brain’s adenosine receptors. Adenosine naturally accumulates during normal brain activity and makes you feel tired, and when caffeine fills some of those receptors, you’re less capable of getting drowsy. Sleeping, on the other hand, naturally clears out adenosine. Drink a cup of coffee, then nap for 20 minutes, and your body will clear out some adenosine just as the caffeine makes its way to your brain.

Sleep longer, though, and the effect won’t work as well, since you’ll enter the deeper stages of sleep (when that happens, your body needs more time to recover). Various scientific studies have established this effect, so this “hack” is actually supported by evidence.
With that said, sleep is an incredibly complex process—so complex that scientists don’t really understand why we sleep—so your mileage might vary. Even so, it’s worth a try. If you’re suffering from midday drowsiness, try chugging a cup of coffee and laying down for a short rest. Just make sure to set an alarm, or all of your coffee-chugging effort will be for naught.

7. Improve your brainpower by chewing gum.

Ever hear someone say that a person “is so dumb, he can’t walk and chew gum at the same time?” There might be something to that (plus, it’s a sick burn). Some research suggests that chewing gum affects cognitive abilities, though the extent of the effect is disputed.


In a 2011 study published in the scientific journal Appetite, participants saw significant improvements in their test-taking abilities when chewing gum. Researchers theorize that because chewing gum sends more blood to the brain for about 15-20 minutes, it actually enhances our ability to think.
Of course, that was only one study, so it’s important to take it with a grain of salt (and a stick of Juicy Fruit). We’re not quite sure whether we can classify this as a functional life hack, and we’re even more critical of the other purported effects of chewing gum.

For instance, several sites, including Cracked, have suggested that the habit can dramatically improve reading speeds by eliminating “subvocalization.” The idea behind the hack is that your brain tries to vocalize words as you read them, and when your mouth’s already occupied, it skips this step.
That seems logical to us, and given the study referenced above, we’re sure that some people read more quickly when they’re chewing gum, but we couldn’t find any scientific research showing that the effect has anything to do with subvocalization. Go ahead and try using gum to enhance your brainpower—it certainly couldn’t hurt, provided that you choose a sugar-free product.

8. Study more effectively by taking a quick nap.

While chewing gum might not make you a genius, napping can help you during a late-night cram session.
In 2015, a team of researchers at Saarland University performed a memory recall experiment on 41 study participants. About half of them were asked to take a brief nap after studying.


“The control group, whose members watched DVDs while the other group slept, performed significantly worse than the nap group when it came to remembering the word pairs,” professor Axel Mecklinger, who led the study, told ScienceDaily. “The memory performance of the participants who had a power nap was just as good as it was before sleeping, that is, immediately after completing the learning phase.”
Sleep plays an important role in encoding memories; our brains essentially reorganize our short-term memories while we’re resting, throwing out the useless stuff (the color of the dog you saw on your way back home) while keeping the important stuff (the speech you need to memorize for your presentation on Thursday).
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“A short nap at the office or in school is enough to significantly improve learning success,” Mecklinger said. “Wherever people are in a learning environment, we should think seriously about the positive effects of sleep.”
There you have it: When your boss asks why you’re sleeping before the big meeting, you can simply explain that science told you to.

9. See in the dark (and in the light) by keeping one eye closed.

This one comes from Reddit, and it’s one of the simplest hacks on this list…and, oddly enough, one of the most effective.


“If you’re like me, sometimes you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night,”  Reddit user jbondhus2002 wrote. Why, yes, jbondhus2002, we are like you.
“[When] you do, keep one eye closed if you need to turn a light on. When you turn the light off, open your closed eye, [and it] will be able to see without much light. It’s a really cool trick—and makes you aware of how awesome your body is!”

This one’s pretty easy to explain. In a dark room, your pupils expand in order to capture as much light as possible. When the lights are on, your pupils contract. By covering one eye, you keep one pupil contracted and one dilated, and by switching between them, you can see in either environment.
Some Reddit users suggested that this is the reason that pirates wore eyepatches. Sailors had to move from dark cabins to the bright outdoors regularly, so they’d simply switch their eyepatch when going from one area to another. Mythbusters actually tested this idea and found it plausible, but the show noted that there aren’t any historical sources to support the idea that pirates actually wore eyepatches in the first place.

10. Clear a stuffy nose with a simple trick.

According to a video from Prevention Magazine, you can clear a stuffy nose by pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth while pressing on the middle of your forehead. Alternate between pressing the two spots (one with your tongue, the other with your finger). If you’re having trouble visualizing that, here’s the video.

One Reddit user suggested that this works by moving the vomer bone, which separates the left and right nasal cavities. Your sinuses loosen, the gunk gets released (sorry for the visual), and you’re able to breathe clear again.
There are plenty of anecdotes about this trick working, but we couldn’t find any scientific studies backing it up. Additionally, that explanation about the vomer bone might not be completely accurate. Another Redditor, this one claiming to be a doctor, replied that the vomer isn’t supposed to move and that it’s more likely that the simple muscular activity of the nasopharynx (which connects the nose to the throat) loosens everything up.


Even if this trick is the real deal, you probably won’t get too much relief, since you’re not treating the cause of your symptoms; you’re only easing the pressure for a few moments, and it will build back up fairly quickly. Still, it’s a nice life hack to keep in mind during flu season.

11. Use your right ear to hone in on conversations from far away.

You’re at a party, and you’re trying to hear someone over the music. You can’t quite make out what they’re saying, even though they’re yelling. Not to worry: Turn your right ear toward them, and you’ll magically hear what they’re saying.
This hack comes from a variety of sites, including BBC News, and it’s totally legitimate, even if it doesn’t quite rise to the level of “superpower.” It’s supported by research published by the Acoustical Society of America, and we just tried it out—in loud environments, your right ear is much better at hearing speech. What gives?


When a sound enters your right ear, it’s processed by the left side of the brain, which is generally responsible for speech and language development. If you’re listening to speech, you’ll typically have an easier time using your right ear than your left, though we should note that brain organization is complicated—some people process speech on the right sides of their brains, and some people use both hemispheres.
This is an especially useful hack for younger people, as young brains don’t have well-developed listening tools. Kids have trouble separating different auditory information, but as they age, they’re able to separate audio more effectively.

12. Hold your breath longer by intentionally hyperventilating.

Yeah, yeah, we know—this one doesn’t seem intuitive. It also seems incredibly dangerous. As LifeHacker reports, magician David Blaine claimed that he used this trick to hold his breath underwater for 17 minutes.
“The buildup of CO2 in your lungs can get just as painful as the lack of oxygen,” Blaine explained. “Purge as much as you can before you begin. Repeatedly exhale and inhale. Hard. Imagine you’re trying to blow a toy sailboat away from you.”


He’s not totally wrong. Hyperventilating can improve your ability to hold your breath; with less CO2 in your body, you’re able to stay calm and suppress your natural instinct to take a breath.
Before you try this technique, though, you should understand that it can be extremely dangerous in certain situations. Intentional hyperventilation allows you to feel less pain as you hold your breath, but it doesn’t actually put more oxygen at your disposal.

13. Banish the call of nature by scratching your leg.

Back in 2006, Australian newspaper the Sydney Morning Herald published a bizarre little story with the headline “Leg scratch ‘controls’ women’s loo call.” The story popularized advice from a physiotherapist named Janetta Webb, who said that women can ease the pressure of a full bladder by giving the back of the leg a hearty scratch.
Since then, this body hack has been picked up by a number of sites, including Lifehacker. There’s just one problem, and it’s the obvious one: Even Webb herself isn’t too confident the trick will work long enough to do much good.


“If you scratch or rub the back of your calf for a few moments, really vigorously, you may interrupt the message from your bladder to your brain just long enough for you to make it to the toilet.”
Webb told the reporter that the only real way to stop the leaks is to strengthen the pelvic floor through special exercises. Add that to the fact that, when she was interviewed for the article, Webb was working on a program to boost consciousness about continence problems and their cures. Could she have come up with the theory in an early bid for viral attention?
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We don’t know, but we wouldn’t recommend holding it in if you’ve got the option. That can stress your bladder muscles, leading to urinary retention (in other words, you’re not fully able to urinate). That’s a potentially serious medical condition. Your best bet is to truck it to the bathroom when you need to go—and save the leg scratching for when your leg itches.
If there’s a lesson in all of this, it’s that some life hacks are sheer hackery. If you can call any beneficial behavior a life hack, which it seems you can, here’s our favorite: Do your research.

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The Healthiest Items You Can Order From Your Favorite Fast Food Restaurant

Despite best-laid plans, the reality is that almost all of us rely on fast food on days when there isn’t enough time to prepare a meal from scratch. We’re in good company. According to a Gallup poll conducted in 2013, 28 percent of Americans reported eating fast food at least once a week, while 16 percent reported having fast food several times a week.
The good news? Fast food chains have more healthy options than ever, and a nutritious and filling meal is now just a quick drive-thru trip away.
If you were to go by the lunches seen on social media and food blogs, you’d think that everyone else is going to open up picture-perfect Mason jar salads and intricately composed bento boxes once noon rolls around. As idyllic as this seems, the reality is that people—particularly millennials—are working longer hours and spending more money than ever on food outside the home.
Fast food chains are scrambling to benefit from this trend, and we can leverage that to the advantage of our schedules and our bodies.
Studying the effects of fast food consumption has traditionally produced some grim statistics; a study conducted over a period of 15 years by researchers at the University of Minnesota found a correlation between fast food consumption, weight gain, and insulin resistance leading to an increased risk for type 2 diabetes and obesity. That same study also concluded that people who ate fast food two or more times a week were at a higher risk than those who didn’t eat fast food.
But eating fast food isn’t all bad news. In fact, this is the time to be seeking out healthy menu items. Popular chains that were once thought of as entirely unhealthy are introducing menu items that cater to a more health-conscious audience.
The New Yorker article “Freedom From Fries” describes how consumer trends such as the demand for food transparency and quality ingredients have been driving the fast food industry’s shift toward healthier food options.
Gone are the days when being health conscious while eating fast food meant a small order of fries and a sad side salad made of limp lettuce and slimy cucumber slices. But it is still important to do some research before buying what you think is healthy. What appears safe in terms of calories and fat can often be the complete opposite.
So how do you choose the healthiest option at your favorite fast food restaurant? Registered dietician Lindsay Pleskot specializes in teaching and inspiring her clients to make healthy choices and was able to offer us some practical advice on how to get the most nutritional bang for your buck from fast food menu items.
Pleskot explains that ironically, some of of the most deceptive items on fast food menus are salads. Fast food entrée salads are notorious for being marketed as healthy choices when in reality they often have sky-high calorie counts and large amounts of saturated fat and sodium.
The problem, Pleskot says, is that “we seem to automatically associate salads with health and nutrition but often they are loaded with tons of dressing and toppings that will add up quickly; think cheese, nuts, croutons, and bacon, to name a few.”
Pleskot also gives a few general rules for keeping your fast food on the healthy side. She advises keeping a close eye on sauces and condiments when possible, seeking out grilled instead of deep-fried items, and asking for the dressing on the side. A spritz of lemon juice on a salad is a calorie-free way to stretch out the dressing so that you aren’t stuck using the whole packet.
Whether you’re a Starbucks kinda gal or a devoted fan of Taco Bell, there’s something at every major fast food chain for anyone in need of a healthy meal in minutes.
Here we break it down by some of our favorite big names in the fast food game.


There are some mornings when your alarm clock fights a losing battle against a few extra precious moments of sleep. When even a bowl of cold cereal takes too much time, the food menu at Starbucks includes healthy options that will leave you feeling satisfied and full until lunchtime. Pleskot advises skipping the lemon loaf and ordering the Spinach, Feta, and Cage Free Egg White Breakfast Wrap to start your day.
With only 280 calories per serving, this savory wrap contains a very filling 20 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber. Still feeling hungry? Pleskot suggests adding a fruit cup or veggies and dip to round out the meal.
Not all of Starbucks’ breakfast sandwiches are equally as healthy though. Be wary of their Sausage, Cheddar, and Egg Breakfast Sandwich, which has 480 calories and 29 grams of fat per serving.


Although entrée salads from fast food restaurants have a bad reputation for being full of empty calories and saturated fat, there are definitely healthier options to be found if you do your research
For example, McDonald’s Southwest Grilled Chicken Salad contains an impressive 330 calories, 11 grams of fat, 33 grams of protein, and 6 grams of fiber, which, as a whole, should keep you feeling satisfied for hours.
Compare the grilled chicken salad to McDonald’s Southwest Buttermilk Crispy Chicken Salad for an eye-opening example of how food preparation and high calorie salad toppers can make a huge difference.
Thanks to the deep fried chicken, shredded cheese, and fried chili-lime tortilla strips, this salad comes in at 500 calories and 25 grams of fat.

Taco Bell

Taco Bell has been a vegetarian staple for generations, but today, the chain quietly offers all diners an easy, tasty way to cut calories. It’s called “Fresco style,” and it replaces high-calorie sauces and toppings with a bright, healthy pico de gallo.
Even the Taco Bell Bean Burrito, a classic for low-budget vegetarians in a hurry, is available Fresco style…although the pico de gallo substitution only shaves 20 calories off this already-minimal dish.
With 350 calories, 9 grams of fat, 13 grams of protein, and a whopping 11 grams of dietary fiber, even the non-Fresco Bean Burrito packs a filling and nutritious punch for those days when you have no time to stop and eat.
While Fresco-style food from Taco Bell offers several healthy options, be wary of their regular menu items, as they can contain astronomical amounts of calories, fat, and sodium.
For example, the Cheesy Gordita Crunch contains 500 calories and fully half of the recommended daily intake of saturated fat.


As many health-conscious Wendy’s customers will know, this fast food chain has had quite a few diet-friendly side options for a while now. Their side salads, baked potatoes, and chili are all smart choices even if you’re aiming for a complete meal.
Ordering an entrée, however, takes a little bit of research. Pleskot advises always “looking out for anything deep fried and breaded. For example, opt for sandwiches made with grilled chicken breast instead of a crispy chicken sandwich … it offers just as much protein without all of the extra fat, calories, and salt.”
Wendy’s Grilled Chicken Sandwich fits the bill perfectly, with 370 calories per serving, 10 grams of fat, and 34 grams of protein.
Compare this grilled chicken sandwich to the restaurant’s Homestyle Asiago Ranch Chicken Club. This deep-fried chicken breast sandwich is smothered in a creamy ranch dressing and Asiago cheese with a topping of bacon. The damage? 650 calories, 34 grams of fat, and almost double the sodium compared to the Grilled Chicken Sandwich.
In need of something more? Add a side salad or a plain baked potato for extra energy without a ton of calories.

Dunkin’ Donuts

The key to eating a healthy meal at Dunkin’ Donuts is to make a healthy food selection and then stick to drip coffee, an Americano, or a cappuccino made with skim milk as an accompanying beverage.
The Turkey Sausage Wake Up Wrap contains a satisfying 240 calories and 11 grams of protein to get your day started.
Looking for a meatless but still filling alternative? Dunkin’ Donuts’ Egg White Veggie Flatbread is a vegetarian option that still contains plenty of protein with very little fat.
Speaking of the Veggie Egg White Flatbread, it’s part of Dunkin’ Donuts’ DDSMART collection. Look for the DDSMART logo to find choices that contain a quarter less fat, sodium, sugar, or calories than the restaurant’s typical fare.
If you don’t spot the DDSMART logo, be careful ordering off the Dunkin’ Donuts menu. There are some real calorie bombs here. For instance, the Sausage Egg & Cheese Croissant is an example of a nutritionally catastrophic breakfast menu item. With 720 calories per serving, 100 percent of the recommended daily intake of saturated fat, and sky-high sodium levels, this is one breakfast sandwich to steer clear of.

Burger King

Are you craving a burger but worry it will hinder your healthy eating goals? Believe it or not, a classic cheeseburger from Burger King is a relatively healthy choice when the need for a burger strikes. A single cheeseburger contains 280 calories and is fairly low in fat and sodium.
If you want to be even more virtuous and skip the cheese, a plain Burger King hamburger has only 240 calories and 10 grams of fat. It’s also comparatively low in sodium.
Feeling like a splurge? Pair a Burger King hamburger with a small order of onion rings to complete your traditional fast food meal with gusto.
While a Burger King cheeseburger may be relatively healthy option, beware the Bacon & Cheese Whopper. Unlike a regular cheeseburger, this sandwich weighs in with 790 calories per serving and 51 grams of fat per serving.
No discussion of health and Burger King is complete without a look at the famous Impossible Whopper, which features a high-tech plant-based patty that’s virtually indistinguishable from the real thing. Does the lack of animal protein make the Impossible Whopper any healthier, though? 
Sadly, the answer is “not really.” An Impossible Whopper contains 630 calories, compared to the beef Whopper’s 660. Not much difference there. The same goes for fat; the Impossible Whopper contains just 6 fewer grams than the real thing, which has 40 grams of fat. Both burgers are catastrophically high in sodium. The traditional Whopper contains 980 milligrams of the stuff, and the Impossible version has 1,080 milligrams.
For context, the American Heart Association recommends a hard limit of 2,300 milligrams of sodium for most adults, and they’d really prefer we limit ourselves to less than 1,500. 


Subway has a reputation as a healthier alternative to the fried-and-greasy fast food model. Surely you can’t crash your diet on a fresh deli sub, right? Well, that depends. 
If you’re satisfied with a 6-inch Veggie Delite on 9-grain wheat bread—without cheese and substituting a splash of vinegar for calorie-rich mayonnaise—you can eat pretty healthy. Such a sandwich build (with lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, red onions, green peppers, and cucumbers as your only toppings) weighs in at just 200 calories and only 2 grams of fat, none of it saturated.
Not bad. This sandwich also has a relatively low share of sodium, with just 280 milligrams and a not-negligible amount of dietary fiber with 5 grams. If a sub like that sounds good, feel free to eat fresh all you want. 
If you’re more of an Ultimate Meatball Marinara kind of gal, watch out. Subway recommends ordering this sandwich on their Ultimate Cheesy Garlic Bread, which is a calorie-packed powerhouse.
A 6-inch Ultimate Meatball Marinara with that bread option contains 730 calories—and that’s without any toppings whatsoever. Load on the melted mozzarella, lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles, and you’re up to 830 calories for a 6-inch sub. This build also contains 52 grams of fat and more sodium than the American Heart Association recommends all day (1,720 milligrams).   


Eaters on a strict caloric budget aren’t likely to seek out fried chicken, but sometimes you just have to eat. If KFC is all you see, that’s where you’ll end up. And the truth is that the calorie counts on certain KFC menu items might surprise you (in a good way).
The trick here is to avoid the breading. Stick with Kentucky Grilled Chicken, which, yes, is actually what it’s called. A single drumstick, grilled, only contains 90 calories, 4 grams of fat, and 290 milligrams of sodium. 
If you can’t resist the temptation of KFC Original Recipe fried chicken, you actually don’t have that much to worry about as long as you exercise portion control. A single Original Recipe drumstick contains 120 calories, 7 grams of fat, and 380 grams of sodium.
Even the sandwiches at KFC aren’t out of control, calorie-wise. A Crispy Colonol’s Sandwich contains 470 calories—which isn’t great, but won’t put you over the top in a single sitting. You do have to watch out for sodium with KFC sandwiches, though. The above example contains 1,170 milligrams of the stuff, which is more than half of the American Heart Association’s absolute hard ceiling of 2,300 milligrams. 

Jack in the Box

Typically, a late-night dinner at Jack in the Box means you’ve made a bad decision somewhere along the way. But you don’t have to pile mistake on mistake with your order; Jack in the Box has a few items that will fill you up without breaking your diet goals.
You might have noticed a grilled-chicken trend here. Jack in the Box keeps up the streak. Check out their Chicken Fajita Pita, which makes a decent meal with 340 calories, 12 grams of fat, and a whopping 23 grams of protein. 
Unfortunately, the Chicken Fajita Pita wasn’t created with heart health in mind. It contains 1,000 milligrams of sodium—and that doesn’t include the side of salsa that comes with each order. 
Even better is the Jack in the Box Side Salad, although it won’t make a very satisfying meal on its own. With just 20 calories (or 45 with a drizzle of balsamic vinaigrette), this dish probably isn’t enough to beat the hunger pangs. Still, it makes a smart addition to one of the outlet’s grilled chicken dishes.
Stay away from the Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburger, though. This grease bomb packs 930 calories, 65(!) grams of fat, and almost 1,600 milligrams of sodium. When you absolutely must have a burger, stick with the plain Jack in the Box hamburger, which weighs in at 340 calories and 18 grams of fat. 

Sonic Drive-In

For healthy eating at your neighborhood Sonic, the word to remember is “wraps.” More specifically, the Grilled Chicken Wrap. It isn’t exactly low in calories—it has 480 of them—but it’s among the lighter options on this particularly heavy menu.   
A word of warning to sodium-conscious eaters, though: The Sonic Grilled Chicken Wrap is salty. It contains 1,720 milligrams of sodium, which is a lot. 
A less sodium-packed option is the Jr. Burger. This is a better choice for the health-conscious among us, with 330 calories, 16 grams of fat, and 610 milligrams of sodium. The trade-off, of course, is that this is a small sandwich with just 15 grams of protein. You may be more satisfied by the Grilled Chicken Wrap, which offers 31 grams of protein.
As for menu items to avoid, where do we start? The SuperSONIC Bacon Double Cheeseburger with mayonnaise is loaded with 1,030 calories, 65 grams of fat, and 1,880 milligrams of sodium. A Chicken Club Toaster Sandwich, which sounds healthy enough, contains 770 calories and 43 grams of fat. And, if you can resist the temptation, you probably want to avoid the Footlong Quarter Pound Coney Hot Dog. This beast has 790 calories, 49 grams of fat, and 2,300 milligrams of sodium. Oof. 

Chipotle Mexican Grill

Chipotle famously only uses 51 ingredients in all their dishes. But how healthy are those 51 ingredients in their various combinations? 
As with Subway, that all depends on you. Fast food restaurants that give their customers wide leeway in constructing their own dishes complicate the attempt to eat healthy—but they also give you more power over what you’re putting into your own body. All in all, it’s a beneficial trend, we’d say. 
Anyway, for a healthy, satisfying meal at Chipotle, start with a burrito bowl. A single burrito-sized flour tortilla contains 320 calories, all of which could be spent on tastier, healthier ingredients.
Likewise, it’s a good move to skip the rice. Black beans provide plenty of starch on their own. As for what to include, start with the veggie burrito bowl with black beans. Add an extra serving of fajita vegetables if you’d like, and don’t skimp on the guacamole. This condiment (if you can call it that) is relatively calorie-dense, with 230 calories per serving, but the heart-healthy fats of avocados tip the scale in guacamole’s favor. 
Choose tomatillo green-chili salsa to round out your lunch. A burrito bowl like this only carries 395 calories and 23.5 grams of fat. More importantly, it’s loaded with vitamin C and helps to keep you feeling full with 14 grams of dietary fiber.  
If you’re counting calories, you probably don’t want to build a carnitas burrito with white rice, pinto beans, and guacamole. A meal like that carries an incredible 1,100 calories, with 48.5 grams of fat and nearly 2,000 milligrams of sodium. They may be real ingredients, but they’re not necessarily diet food.    

Hardee’s / Carl’s Jr.

Hardee’s (or Carl’s Jr., depending on where you live) may not seem like a healthy-eating mainstay, and that criticism is fair. However, you can’t credibly accuse the chain of failing to serve more health-conscious customers. 
The restaurant’s menu offers a selection of “better for you” options, including designations like “Low Carb It,” “Trim It,” and “Gluten-Sensitive.” Yep, this is a fast food restaurant where you can order a Thickburger in a whole-leaf lettuce wrap instead of a bun. 
For breakfast, try the “Trim It”-branded Frisco Breakfast Sandwich. It’s an eggy, meaty meal that will satisfy well into your lunch hour. This product contains 360 calories, 11 grams of fat, and 19 grams of protein.
Low-sodium eaters should steer clear, though; the Frisco Breakfast Sandwich is loaded with 1,100 milligrams of sodium. 
The “Trim It” collection’s Charbroiled BBQ Chicken Sandwich is Hardee’s original low-fat menu item, and it remains a decent choice for the hungry health enthusiast. 
The Charbroiled BBQ Chicken Sandwich provides 18 grams of protein, which is a lot for a lunch item that only contains 190 calories. It’s also low in fat, with just 3.5 grams. And while the Charbroiled BBQ Chicken Sandwich’s sodium content is a bit high at 910 milligrams, it won’t put you over the limit as long as you plan the rest of the day’s meals carefully. 
Avoid the ⅓-pound Bacon Cheese Thickburger, except as a very occasional treat. This sandwich is certainly hearty, with 850 calories and 42 grams of protein. However, the 54 grams of fat, 130 milligrams of cholesterol, and 1,700 milligrams of sodium make this item a no-go for those of us who are trying to eat healthier. 

Steak ‘n Shake

If there’s a healthy milkshake out there in the world, we have not met it (though we’d like to). So we’re afraid we’ll have to stick to the “steak” side of the menu here. As you might have guessed, the healthiest lunch and dinner option on the Steak ‘n Shake menu is probably its Grilled Chicken Sandwich. It’s got 360 calories and just 7 grams of fat, but it provides a belly-filling 28 grams of protein.
If you’re in the mood for a burger, you can’t go wrong with the Steak n’ Shake Single. This no-frills steakburger contains 320 calories, 14 grams of fat, and 15 grams of protein. 
Maybe stay away from the Bacon ‘n Cheese Triple if you’re watching what you eat. Three burger patties is a lot, as reflected by this sandwich’s calorie count of 1,030. Add in the 74 grams of fat and 170 milligrams of cholesterol, and you’ve got a meal that bites back, health-wise. 

Hungry yet? 

We don’t mean to suggest that eating fast food is always damaging to your health. Just pull up this handy guide next time you find yourself in the drive-thru and choose carefully; there’s plenty out there that will fit into your eating plan.  
Also, it’s important to recognize that the problem with fast food isn’t that it’s fast; the issue is with how the food is prepared and the extra ingredients that are piled on for extra flavor. If fast food is a regular part of your diet, then stick to the tips in this article.
But, if it isn’t, take Pleskot’s advice about occasionally treating yourself to the real, greasy deal: “I think the first thing to consider when eating fast food or eating out in general is whether or not this is something you do all the time or is this a once in a while treat? If it really is just once in a while, enjoy your favorite and eat it mindfully!”


Tru Storys: The Costliest Typos Of All Time

A simple typo can have massive consequences.
Mistakes happen. Most of the time, they don’t really affect things in a meaningful way—you might be slightly embarrassed if you misspell a few words or swap out some homonyms, but you probably won’t suffer too terribly. Hey, everyone screws up; you forgive, forget, and move on.
That’s not always the case. Just ask Lynne Lambert. Her company, NYC Subway Line, is a small business that assigns data entry duties to a single employee. Accuracy is crucial because each invoice represents a fairly significant portion of the company’s revenue. A mistake can have serious ramifications, even if it appears fairly innocuous.
“We had a person in that job who would swing from very good to terrible within a day,” Lambert says. “One day, we discovered two errors on invoices she’d made for our biggest customer. I pointed them out and asked [her] to correct them, then resend the invoices via email with an apology.”


Lambert checked up on the employee later to make sure that she’d followed through.
“The invoice was correct, but the note said, ‘We are sorry for the incontinence,'” Lambert recalls. Flabbergasted, she pointed out the mistake to the employee, who blamed it on spellcheck (probably an appropriate explanation, since if it wasn’t a misspelling…well, never mind). She gave the employee another chance.
“She then sent the corrected invoice with the exact same note within two minutes of the first,” Lambert says. “That’s when I knew she was out of chances. We had to let her go.”

In a sense, Lambert was fortunate. While that typo cost an employee her job, the most significant typos in history have had more far-reaching consequences. We looked into the stories behind a few of the most costly typographical errors of all time.

1. A missing hyphen destroyed a NASA spacecraft.

In 1962, NASA launched Mariner 1, a spacecraft intended to fly by Venus and send vital scientific data back to Earth on its infinite journey into the cosmos. Instead, it veered off course, forcing a safety officer to detonate it about five minutes after launch.
A review board later determined that a missing hyphen in the Mariner 1’s coded instructions played a major role in the disaster. The typo caused an issue with the spacecraft’s tracking mechanism.


If you’re picturing some programmer missing a key while setting up the Mariner 1’s software, that’s not exactly the case; at the time, NASA coded computers with punch cards. The hyphen—referred to as a “bar” in NASA’s parlance—should have told the computer to ignore veering movements resulting from a radio guidance failure without attempting to correct course.
The “bar” had been missing from other successful flights that relied on the same software, but radio failure compounded the problem for the Mariner 1. In other words, the missing hyphen wasn’t the only issue with this spaceflight, just the most significant preventable error.

“[The radio guidance failure combined with the missing hyphen] caused the computer to swing automatically into a series of unnecessary course corrections with erroneous steering commands, which finally threw the spacecraft off course,” NASA wrote.
Fortunately, the Mariner 1 was an unmanned mission. Still, the error cost U.S. taxpayers an estimated $80 million—in 1962. Adjusted for inflation, that’s about $663 million today. That’s a lot of money for a single hyphen.

2. In 1988, an unfortunate typo led to a $10 million lawsuit.

The plaintiff: Gloria Quinan, owner of the Banner Travel agency in Sonoma, California. She placed an ad in the Yellow Pages, but as you might have guessed if you paid attention to the title of this article, the phone book’s copy editor apparently skipped a day.
The ad was supposed to advertise “exotic travel.” Instead, it promoted “erotic travel.”  To some tourists, that’s certainly an intriguing offer, but it wasn’t the type of promotion that Banner Travel had intended to promote.
According to The Los Angeles Times, Quinan says she developed severe health issues due to stress from the misprinted ad. She claimed that her business was effectively ruined. Unsurprisingly, the defendant, Pacific Bell, declined to comment (though we’re sure they offered a sexy, sexy apology at some point).


”Her older clients, which was most of her business, want to avoid her now,” Quinan’s attorney, George Altenberg, told the Associated Press.
In accordance with California law, the records regarding the case were destroyed—understandable, given its age—so we’re not sure of the outcome. Regardless, it wasn’t great press for Pacific Bell, and it certainly wasn’t great press for the Banner Travel agency. We’re sure it also disappointed a few frisky travelers.

3. New York City’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority launched a memorable advertising campaign in 2013.

That year, the MTA was forced to dispose of up to $250,000 worth of new subway maps. The reason? They didn’t display accurate fare information.
“[The MTA] is very embarrassed about this,” an anonymous source told The New York Post at the time. “They were frantically calling the booths, trying to get these maps back.”
The maps listed minimum prices for pay-per-ride cards as $4.50 instead of $5. That’s a minor mistake, right? Not quite. The entire purpose of the campaign was to print maps with accurate pricing.


“They weren’t coming out with a new map because they were changing the map,” said Paul Flores, an MTA station agent, in 2013. “They were coming out with a new map because they were changing the price. That was the sole purpose. And they couldn’t even get that right.”
How does that sort of mistake happen? You’d think that someone would catch the typo during the printing process.
“When a document is extremely important, it goes through hundreds of hands,” says James, a freelance copy editor who recently edited the quarterly report for a Fortune 100 company. “You essentially have to edit the document while it’s being printed, and that’s not an exaggeration.”

“Ironically, we see more of these mistakes with massive campaigns since everyone assumes that someone else has looked over the document—or in this case, the map.”
By MTA union estimates, 80,000 incorrect maps were erroneously printed.

4. Back in 1631, a misprinted Bible ruined its publishers’ lives…and gave readers some terrible advice.

Religious typos are particularly unfortunate because the mistakes can ruin important messages. This Easter, for example, a UK church printed a celebratory banner that hadn’t been through spellcheck. It reportedly read: “Chris is Risen.” That’s great news for Chris, we suppose, but it was a massive waste of money for the church.
Still, that embarrassing blunder pales in comparison to an infamous 17th-century printing error. Royal publishers Robert Barker and Martin Lucas sent out 1,000 copies of the Bible without noticing a fairly striking misprint: When listing the seventh of the Ten Commandments, the book left out the word “not.”


The resulting verse read “Thou shalt commit adultery.”
The Anglican Church wasn’t thrilled, as the Bible was intended to represent the faith of the royalty. King Charles I ordered the Bibles destroyed, but several survived the censorship. Recently, The Telegraph reported that one of 10 known copies of the “Wicked Bible” went to auction and was expected to sell for around $21,000; it sold for about $44,000.

Unfortunately, the publishers didn’t fare so well. They lost their printing license and faced heavy fines for their mistake. According to one text, the Archbishop of Canterbury said:
“I knew the time when great care was had about printing, the Bibles especially. Good compositors and the best correctors were gotten being grave and learned men, the paper and letter rare and fair, every way of the best. But now the paper is nought, the composers boys, and the correctors unlearned.”
That’s the 17th-century equivalent of saying, “Your Bible is bad, your editing is bad, and you should feel bad.”

5. An erroneous trade nearly ruined a major banking firm.

Granted, we’re not usually interested in stories of corporate stock trading, but try to put yourself in the shoes of a Mizuho Securities employee in December 2005.


The company attempted to sell 610,000 shares of J-COM Co., Ltd., a staffing services company, at one yen each. That was an amazing deal—at the time, a single share of J-COM went for 610,000 yen. The issue compounded throughout the day, eventually resulting in estimated losses of 27 billion yen (roughly $255 million).
As you might have guessed, someone at Mizuho Securities had attempted to sell a single share for 610,000 yen, but somehow, the values for “value” and “number of stocks” switched. The error probably occurred due to an issue with the firm’s electronic trading system, and in 2009, a court determined that the Tokyo Stock Exchange was 70 percent liable for the mistake.
That wasn’t the only time a human error created a massive disaster on the stock market. In 1994, Chilean stockbroker Juan Pablo Davila lost his company $30 million when he accidentally entered a trade as “buy” instead of “sell” on his computer. In an attempt to rectify his mistake, Davila made additional (unauthorized) trades…and lost $175 million by the end of the day.
Davila served three years in prison for his catastrophic series of bad decisions, and today, the word “davilar” is part of the Spanish language. Its meaning: “to botch things up royally.”

6. An extra comma cost the United States government millions of dollars.

What do you do if you’re a major government and you’re recovering from, oh, a massive Civil War?


If you answered “tariffs,” congratulations, you’re the United States during Reconstruction (also, how are you reading this article?). The Tariff Act of 1872 was intended to restore the economy by changing some of the taxes on imported goods. It was a crucial piece of legislation, since the United States didn’t have a federal income tax at the time; in some years, tariffs provided for up to 95 percent of the federal budget.

The Ulysses S. Grant administration enacted the Tariff Act of 1872 to reduce rates on manufactured goods while maintaining other tariffs. Unfortunately, it included an enormous error: an extra comma.

Like previous tariff acts, the legislation had an extensive list of duty-free products. People wouldn’t have to pay taxes when importing these items. Here’s the important line that made its way into the act:
“[Exempted from the tax are] Fruit, plants tropical and semi-tropical for the purpose of propagation or cultivation.”

The language was supposed to read “fruit plants,” referring to plants that were imported specifically to grow in the United States. Because the comma made its way into the document, however, all fruits were exempted from tariffs—and imported fruits were big business. When importers noticed the error, they pounced (and here, we’re using “pounced” to mean “slowly litigated their case in a boring legal way that probably doesn’t need much further explanation”).
In total, the United States was forced to refund $2 million in collected fruit tariffs, which was about 0.65 percent of the government’s entire federal budget in 1875. Despite a public outcry, nobody could figure out how the comma made its way into the document, but needless to say, it was removed in subsequent tariff acts.

7. A car dealership sent out scratch-off tickets…and all of them were winners.

Technically, this is a printing error rather than a typo, but we think it’s painful enough to include in this list.
If you’ve ever lived in any place ever (and we’re guessing you have), you’ve probably received junk mail from car dealerships. You throw most of them away—except the scratch-off tickets. Everyone loves scratching their way to a prize, even if that prize is something lame like a free test drive or a short conversation with an oddly aggressive used car salesperson.


But for one New Mexico car dealership, the stakes were substantially higher. In 2007, Roswell Honda sent out 30,000 scratch-off tickets to local drivers—and each one was a winner. Recipients believed that they’d won a $1,000 grand prize, and within days, the dealership was swarmed by excited “winners.”
The winning tickets were, of course, not real winners; they were misprinted.
“Unfortunately, they missed it in the proofreading,” Jeff Kohn, Roswell Honda general manager, told The Associated Press.  
Adding that his dealership was making a “full-faith effort” to investigate the error, Kohn said that he was able to stop 20,000 more mailers from reaching his potential customers.
“[This is] not how we portray ourselves or our community,” he said.
Kohn blamed the mistake on Atlanta-based ad agency Force Media Group, which issued a press release shortly after the mailers made the news.
“It was a printing error,” said Force Media Group spokesperson Jim Fitzpatrick. “Instead of only one ticket in 50,000 having the winning notification under the scratch‐off, they all did. We’re going to make up for that in this new sweepstakes by actually increasing both the value and number of prizes offered as well as by dramatically increasing the chances of winning. The dealer and Force looked at the situation and decided we had to make it better to make it right.”

8. An airline offered its passengers a once-in-a-lifetime fare.

In 2006, Italian airline Alitalia (try saying those last three words three times fast) offered an incredible opportunity: For only $33, travelers could fly from Toronto to Larnaca, a small resort town in Cyprus.That was a shocking discount, since business-class fares between the cities usually cost around $2,500.
Alitalia quickly sold hundreds of tickets, which would have been great news if they’d actually intended to sell them in the first place. Someone at the airline had messed up, pricing the tickets at 1 percent of their actual value.


The company suspended ticket sales within a few hours, but the damage was done. To their credit, Alitalia honored 509 of the bookings (the rest, which hadn’t been ticketed, were refunded).
“It was a human mistake,” Alitalia’s spokeswoman told The Wall Street Journal. “We hope that people will appreciate the effort we are making.”
At normal rates, the tickets would have meant about $1.32 million for the airline. Instead, Alitalia received about $16,797.

9. An extra “s” ruined a business that had operated for more than a century.

In 2009, Welsh engineering firm Taylor & Sons was doing well. The company had operated for 124 years and employed 250 people. Unfortunately, that changed rapidly thanks to a clerical error.
Companies House, the United Kingdom government institution responsible for registering businesses, reported that Taylor & Sons Ltd. had been officially dissolved. Suppliers jumped ship, customers cancelled their orders, and banks refused to issue loans to the failing business—but the business wasn’t failing. Companies House had meant to report the dissolution of Taylor & Son Ltd. (no “s”), a completely different company.
To make matters worse, Taylor & Sons managing director Philip Davison-Sebry was on vacation when the news broke, and some clients believed that he’d skipped the country.


“I felt physically sick. Back at the business the phones were ringing out, it was like Armageddon,” Davison-Sebry said. “Everyone wanted to be paid. People were queuing up for money. Equipment was being taken off site.”
“We lost all our credibility as all our suppliers thought we were in liquidation. It was like a snowball effect.”
While Companies House corrected the error three days later, the damage was done. Taylor & Sons wasn’t able to recover and officially liquidated in 2014.
“I was so close to a nervous breakdown,” Davison-Sebry said in 2015. “I was terrible with the stress of it. I could see everything disintegrating before my eyes and it was not very pleasant … I would not wish it on my worst enemy. Well, except the bloke who nicked my boat.”
The firm sued Companies House and eventually won; they’d asked for £9 million (roughly $11.6 million USD).  We could not find an update on who stole Davison-Sebry’s boat.

10. An antique ale sold at auction for much, much less than it was worth.

In 1852, explorer Sir Edward Belcher led an expedition to the Arctic, and like all good 19th century explorers, he took some strong drinks with him. That included Allsopp’s Arctic Ale, specially brewed in Staffordshire, England for Belcher and his men.
These days, a pristine bottle can fetch more than $500,000 at auction—provided that you spell its name correctly. In 2007, an eBay seller made a costly mistake by listing a bottle of the stuff as “allsop’s arctic ale. full and corked with a wax seal.”


That missing “p” prevented the bottle from showing up in most collectors’ searches. A buyer named collectordan placed the winning bid of $304, then turned around and resold it on the same auction site for a whopping $503,300. We’re not sure whether or not anyone ever drank the expensive brew, but we’re guessing you don’t spend that type of money on an after-dinner drink.

11. A man was sentenced to death (partially) due to a missing word.

While the other typos on this list are serious, at least they didn’t endanger someone’s life. That’s not the case here.
In 1987, Bruce Wayne Morris (who was not Batman, as far as we can tell through cursory research) was found guilty of killing a man who picked him up while he was hitchhiking in 1985 (okay, definitely not Batman). The jury could choose between two punishments for the crime: life in prison with no possibility of parole, or a death sentence.


However, the written instructions given to the jury inaccurately said “with possibility of parole.” Jurors were left with a difficult decision; either they sentence Morris to death, or they allow for the possibility that he could eventually rejoin society. They sentenced him to execution.
That kicked off a legal battle that undoubtedly cost California taxpayers quite a bit of money. A federal court eventually reversed the sentence because it found that the mistake “is too obvious, the likelihood of prejudice too great, and the stakes are too high to conclude the error was harmless.”
Bruce Wayne Morris was freed from prison, became a billionaire, and is using his spare time to build a high-tech batsuit with…oh, actually, we typed the wrong name into Google. Bruce Wayne Morris is probably still behind bars.

12. An embarrassing typo on a ballot led to expensive reprints.

In 2006, Ottawa County in Michigan spent about $40,000 to reprint 170,000 ballots with an unfortunate spelling error in the text of a proposed amendment to the state constitution.

image White

Here’s how the proposal should have read:
“A proposal to amend the State Constitution to ban affirmative action programs that give preferential treatment to groups or individuals based on their race, gender, color, ethnicity or national origin for public employment, education or contracting purposes.”
Granted, it’s pretty dry and boring, but that’s a competent description of the ballot measure. Unfortunately, someone left off the “l” in “public,” which, ahem, substantially changed the meaning of the sentence. The county clerk’s office had proofread the ballot several times, but somehow, the error made it through.
“It’s just one of those words,” county clerk Daniel C. Krueger said. “Even after we told people it was in there, they still read over it.”
The proposal ultimately passed, prompting a lengthy Supreme Court case questioning the ballot initiative’s constitutionality. The law was found to be constitutional, and we should note that the court’s decision correctly spelled the word “public” 73 times. Maybe spelling isn’t that difficult.

13. The URL mistakes you’re making every day are earning someone money.

Make a tiny mistake while typing our name, and you might find yourself at, a manufacturer of air purifiers.
Those are honest mistakes, but some companies intentionally try to take advantage of typos by setting up “typosquatting” websites. Add a stray vowel while typing a popular site’s URL into your address bar, and you’ll likely end up at one of these sites; the advertisements on the side of the screen will collect a tiny amount of revenue from each accidental view.


[Editorial note: Because many typosquatting websites have malicious intent, we don’t recommend intentionally mistyping the names of well-known websites to try to find typosquatters. Trust us, they’re out there.]
About 57 percent of typosquatting websites feature Google pay-per-click ads; the others make their money via other means. According to an estimate from Harvard Business School associate professor Ben Edelman, Google makes about $497 million from typosquatting on the top 100,000 domains every year.
“In fact, comparing domain parking sites to ordinary search results, we expect that the parking sites (including typosquatting sites) have a higher click-through rate,” Edelman writes. “… If so, advertisers’ costs for typosquatting placements could easily exceed our estimates by a factor of two or more.”

That means that every time you make a mistake while typing a URL, you’re likely contributing to a multi-billion dollar industry. See—we all make mistaekes.
Wait, we meant mistakes. We’re fired, aren’t we?


Stories Of When Small Symptoms Pointed To Life-Changing Diagnoses

According to a survey by Bankrate, one in four Americans avoid going to the doctor due to the high cost of medical care. Sometimes, though, money isn’t the issue; we simply don’t believe that we’re that sick. Why spend a few hundred bucks at the doctor’s office when you’ve only got a slight sniffle?
Unfortunately, we don’t have the necessary training to diagnose our own illnesses, and while some symptoms might seem relatively minor, they can be indicative of fairly serious issues. In a recent Reddit thread, users shared their stories of small problems that had big implications.


We collected the best of these stories, edited them slightly for readability, and share them here as cautionary tales. 
If you’re thinking about putting off that next routine checkup, these stories might change your mind.

1. Even when one doctor gives you a clean bill of health, you might need a second opinion.

“When I was deployed to Afghanistan as a medic, a medevac pilot came in because he had a small abnormality on his flight physical electrocardiogram (EKG),” Reddit user Absolute906 wrote. “Apparently, this was something he had been getting waivers for years for.”
In other words, the pilot was familiar with the problem, but as far as he knew, it wasn’t really a problem—or at least, it wasn’t anything that would stop him from working.


“I had just finished an [anatomy and physiology] class and had learned about something called Brugada syndrome, which is basically an arrhythmia that causes sudden cardiac death in the patient. I jokingly mentioned how his EKG reminded me of the abnormality I saw in my textbook, thinking there was no way he actually had it. It had to be [an] artifact from the EKG.”
“The doctor’s eyes widened and he sprinted out of the office,” they continued. “The pilot had it. He was immediately relieved of flight duty, sent home, and had a defibrillator put into his heart before being medically retired.”

“I accidentally diagnosed a man with certain death.”
That’s the pessimistic perspective; looking at it another way, Absolute906 had almost certainly saved the pilot from certain death. Brugada syndrome typically causes sudden death around age 40, and because it’s so rare—it’s thought to affect 5 out of every 10,000 people—it’s often missed or ignored until it’s too late.  

2. Bad headaches can indicate a serious issue.

We’ve covered this beforeheadaches can be a serious symptom when they’re frequent or excessively painful. When you can describe a headache as “the worst I’ve ever had,” it’s certainly time to head to your family physician’s office.
“When I was 12, I had a crazy bad headache that wouldn’t go away,” wrote user muffinlova. “My dad brought me to the doctor, and I didn’t even make it to the exam room before they turned me back and sent us to the hospital.”


“It turns out my headache was from a burst sinus cavity…as in, all the bones around my eye broke, and the liquid leaked back onto my brain, giving me brain meningitis. My eye was bulging out to the point where I looked like an alien, and they told my parents I was not going to make it.”
“Obviously, I pulled through, but I was hospitalized for two weeks and missed two months of school. I was, at the time, only the third known case of this happening, and they had flown in doctors from all over the US and from the UK. Crazy stuff.”

3. Even if you feel perfectly healthy, trust your physician.

Reddit user ThePicklests father used to be a power lifter. The key word there is “used to.” One day, he felt some unusual pain, so he went to the doctor’s office.
“A nurse comes in to the room, looks down at her chart, looks back up and says, ‘Mr. Pickle, you are having a heart attack.’ He got up on the bed and flexed, saying, ‘Does this look like a man that’s having a heart attack to you?'”
“She looked back down at her chart, up again, and says ‘Yes.’”


Cardiac arrest can have a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, sweating, nausea, and cold or clammy skin (we’ve got a more detailed list of symptoms here). Mr. Pickle—and yes, we love saying that—made a classic mistake by assuming that heart attacks can only affect people who appear obviously unhealthy. Heart attacks don’t always look like they do in the movies; more often than not, they’re surprisingly subtle.
Fortunately, he lived through the episode, although he’s since passed away due to unrelated issues. ThePicklest notes that his father quit powerlifting a short time later and became “way more laid back.”
“He started running more than lifting, and learned to appreciate food a lot more. This was his favorite story to tell.”

4. Any sudden numbness deserves medical attention.

“My mother woke up one day and her arm was numb,” user Stylophonics wrote. “After about 45 minutes, it will still pretty numb. She thought she had pinched a nerve in it sleeping, but went to the ER just in case.”
“She had had a stroke, which actually was caused by a blood clot, which moved up from her heart and exited a hole in her heart—a congenital defect she was unaware she had.”


She ended up fine and the feeling in her arm came back,” Stylophonics continued, “but she was incredibly lucky that it did.”
Strokes are the leading preventable cause of disability, and by one estimate, 33 percent of Americans have had “mini-strokes” without realizing it. Each year, about 800,000 Americans have strokes. We’re really not trying to scare you—we’re just hoping that some cold, hard numbers help to show the reality.
The good news: Early diagnosis and treatment can greatly reduce the risk of long-term effects. The bad news: You’ve got to actually head to the doctor in order to receive said treatment.

5. Occasionally, physicians miss key symptoms for years…or decades.

“I was in a fender bender car accident—I was at fault—and my lower back would not stop aching,” wrote one Reddit user. “I went into the ER, figuring I had sprained the muscles in my back and that I would be prescribed muscle relaxers and maybe some pain pills.”
Of course, that wasn’t the case. The doctors seemed keenly interested in the patient’s bizarre results.


“Six hours, several x-rays, a CT scan, and four doctors later, I found out my spine was broken and—get this—healed. The best theory any of them could come up with was that my spine had broken during birth, and since we never knew, it just healed itself, filling in with cartilage.”
“One of the doctors told me that, had we known my spine broke at birth, I would have likely never walked. I would have been treated as handicapped my whole life. I didn’t find out until I was 20, and I already had a child. My mom cried because she always thought I was just a really colicky baby, when in fact I was probably in a lot of pain.”

6. When your doctor’s exam procedures seem extreme, go along with them.

“I have male pattern baldness and needed a prescription for some hair growth medication from a dermatologist,” wrote Redditor mattigus. “The doctor said he would give me a prescription, but first wanted to do a full skin check-up, which he does for every new patient. I got annoyed by the fact that I had to strip … in front of this guy just for my hair medicine.”

HealthyWay Spasic

Hey, there’s a reason that the most effective medicines require a prescription—the physician has to check to make sure that you don’t have any other underlying health conditions that will affect the medication. In this case, that underlying condition was extremely serious.
“A few weeks later, I get a call,” he explained. “There was melanoma cancer on my back. They caught it early enough that it hadn’t spread. That checkup saved my life.”

7. Remember, serious symptoms aren’t always painful.

Reddit user so_illogical said that he might have bit the big one (pun intended) if he hadn’t checked up on some weird symptoms after a routine dental procedure.
“I was taking antibiotics for dental work and noticed these weird blisters showing up everywhere,” they wrote. “Weird, but whatever. 48 hours later, they started opening up, leaving holes in my skin—no blood, I just lost most of the skin in that area. Again, weird, but I was working, so whatever.”


“Then they started appearing in my throat so I got to the hospital ASAP and was diagnosed immediately with Steven-Johnson syndrome. Any longer, and the layers of my skin would have literally peeled away from each other and I would have died. That was a sobering day.”
And people wonder why we hate the dentist.

8. When your physician recommends a CT scan, go for it.

“I had gallstones for three years or so before I finally got my gallbladder ripped out last year,” Redditor dude_icus wrote, using some unnecessarily violent verbiage. “At its worst, I was getting an attack maybe once a month or so, so I figured it couldn’t be that bad.”


“I went to the surgeon for my post-op check-up,” he explained. “He told me that my gallbladder was filled with hundreds of stones of varying sizes, and that it was precancerous. Apparently, people don’t typically get gallbladder cancer until they are in their 80s or 90s. It is often very serious because people don’t catch it right away. I’m in my 20s, and like I said, I had been sitting on this problem for three years for I finally toughened up enough to get it checked out.”
The moral of the story: If you notice a new medical problem, don’t wait to head to the doctor—even if you’re fairly confident that you know what’s happening. You’ve got nothing to lose but your health.
Of course, you might also receive good health advice from a non-physician.
“I owe my life to my barber,” wrote AngryCotton. “When I was 17, he noticed a mole on the top of my head and said I should get that looked at. Two things could’ve happened here: One, I could’ve brushed it off. Two, he didn’t have to say anything.”
HealthyWay Stojadinovic

“Anyway, I went to get it checked out and ended up having it cut out with a scalpel. Turns out that it was cancerous, but at the very early stages. They did a little more cutting and were able to get everything out. [That was] almost 20 years ago, and life is good.”
Barbers aren’t dermatologists, but they do look at a lot of strange moles—hey, it’s part of the job. If someone tells you that a skin growth is unusual, don’t ignore them (but don’t worry too much until you’ve seen your doctor, as the vast majority of unusual-looking moles are non-cancerous).

9. Some of these stories are pretty heartbreaking.

“My girlfriend is in her final rotations for radiology,” wrote Facerless. “A while back, a young girl came in after winning a basketball championship. She had some shooting shin pain, but wasn’t in a [tremendous amount] of pain, still glowing from the win and talking excitedly about a scholarship offer.”


“When her scan came back, about 60 percent of the marrow in her tibia was one big sarcoma (meaning cancer). Surgery and therapy essentially ended her shot at a full ride.”
Still, it saved her life. While losing a scholarship certainly hurts, we’re guessing that she gladly made the trade.

10. Some rare conditions can prompt a “mock pregnancy.”

“A few years ago, I took a positive pregnancy test,” Doctor_Dalek wrote (she’s not an actual doctor, despite her Whovian username).
“I went to the doctor to confirm, just thinking I would be getting some blood work done and maybe an ultrasound. They did the ultrasound, but couldn’t find a baby in my uterus, so they told me it was ectopic—implanted in a Fallopian tube—and I needed to have surgery to remove the baby.”
“I went into surgery and woke up a few hours later. The first thing I remember is seeing my parents and my fiancé crying. Turns out I was never pregnant; I actually had a tumor the size of my fist on my ovary, and my body was reacting to it like a baby. I had an HCG hormone and everything. I’m 4.5 years in remission.”


Unfortunately, that’s not the only deeply disturbing pregnancy story on this list. Reddit user rockabillynurse is a nurse (hence the username) who was working in postpartum care when a patient came into the hospital in labor with her first child.
“She ended up requiring a C-section. In the operating room, they opened her up and found her belly full of cancerous growths. They immediately paged an oncologist at a neighboring hospital—we were just a women’s and children’s hospital—to come immediately while she was still open. It wound up being terminal. She wouldn’t even have known if she hadn’t needed that C-section.”
“Can you imagine going to the hospital to have your first baby and leaving with a diagnosis of terminal cancer? I think about her all the time.”

11. Any unusual long-term symptom deserves medical attention.

“About four months after I had my son, I started to notice the vision in one of my eyes was really off,” wrote user tranquileyesme. “Blurry, spotty, etc. I didn’t really think about it much, because my eye didn’t hurt and wasn’t itchy, and I had a new baby to take care of.”
“Anyway, it lasted for months. Finally, my mom and sister convinced me I had to go to the eye doctor for it to see what was going on. I took my baby with, because I thought, ‘Hey, quick appointment. Maybe 20-30 minutes, and I’ll probably leave with some eye drops or something.'”
“Honestly, one of the worst days of my life. They put me through test after test. I was there for hours. I ended up calling my mom to come get the baby. They weren’t telling me anything. They scheduled an MRI for the next morning, because by this time, my 11 a.m. appointment had dragged out until 5:30 p.m., and the clinic was closed. We were the only people there. Still no answers. I am freaking out.”


“[I] go back the next day and get the MRI done,” she continued. “They send me to the neurologist this time—no eye doctors today. When I walk in, he has all the results from my tests the day before and the MRI I had just taken a while before. I was told I had multiple sclerosis. It was very scary.”
She says she’s doing well, thanks to a supportive family and a firm commitment to her therapy.
“The first years were the hardest, with [having] a toddler and learning to adjust. Now he’s 10 and more self-sufficient. We decided not to have more children, which was really hard, but overall the best decision for our family.”
Tranquileyesme’s doctors responded to her symptoms quickly and effectively, but not everyone is so lucky. If you feel that your physician isn’t taking your symptoms seriously—or if you think that you could benefit from a second opinion—don’t be afraid to say so.
“[I had] increasingly painful periods and nasty PMS symptoms in general,” wrote my_random_thots. “My family doctor attributed the change to age and just wouldn’t take it seriously. After a year of complaints, the doctor prescribed birth control pills, which did nothing.”

“After two years, I finally lost it and cried in her office. The cramps had gone from, ‘Hmm, this is a bit more than usual,’ to full-on WTF, 8/10, white-knuckle-puking-level pain. I asked to please, please be referred to an OBGYN.”
Fortunately, her doctor relented and provided an appropriate reference.
“When the gynecologist examined me, he also did an ultrasound in the office. He took one look at the screen [and] told me I could dress and that he’d be right back. When he returned, he was carrying his surgery bookings schedule. A few weeks later, I had a total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingectomy (tubes out). It would usually take up to a year to book that surgery, but he said he absolutely had to find me a spot.”
“He was horrified I hadn’t been seen much sooner and described my uterus as ‘more tumor than healthy tissue; it looks more like a raspberry than a pear.’ Fortunately, it was just benign fibroid [tumors], but it taught me a lesson: If something hurts, get help! Yell if you have to.”

While healthcare providers rarely act maliciously, many have biases against women. Medical schools are starting to address the problem, but unfortunately, some physicians don’t take women’s pain seriously. Patient advocates recommend being direct and asking about the basis of a physician’s recommendations. Don’t assume that you’re overreacting by asking for another opinion; it’s very possible that your physician is under-reacting.

12. When in doubt, see a specialist.

General practitioners are your first line of defense against serious diseases, but if you’ve got unusual symptoms, ask for a recommendation for a specialist.
“I don’t think you’d classify this as an illness, but I would clean my ears regularly, yet whenever I went to the doctors, they always said there was too much wax and [that they] couldn’t see anything,” wrote werekitty93. “My ears tended to hurt frequently, and I had a hard time hearing for years.”


“In high school, I went to a doctor who, as usual, checked my ears. Instead of just brushing it off and saying I need to clean more, she decided to do a total flush. Took two or three hours total to get both ears cleared, and when we were done, she discovered I had an ear infection that was most likely a year old. As a result, I can’t hear well out of either ear, but that ear in particular has more hearing loss than the other.”
“We also discovered why I had such an abundance of earwax. We figured out I had hyper hydrosis (an overactive sweat gland) that also caused my ears to make more wax. I have been instructed never to use Q-tips again—it just cakes the wax to the sides of my ears—and I go see a doctor once a month to have them flushed. So, had we just had a doctor flush my ears probably five years sooner, I wouldn’t have such hearing loss.”
That’s a tragic story, and unfortunately, it’s not the only example we found of physicians ignoring important information.

“[This wasn’t] me, but my 9-year-old son,” wrote Prima13. “Last summer, he complained about leg tiredness and slept a lot. Our pediatrician couldn’t find anything wrong with him. Fast forward to January 2017, and suddenly he’s constipated and his bladder is retaining enormous amounts of urine. We took him to the local children’s hospital, and they felt that his constipation was keeping him from releasing urine, so they hit him with gallons of Miralax mixture to get him moving.”
The treatment cured his constipation, but he still had his other symptoms.
“After a week of this at the hospital, my wife lost her mind on the hospital staff and demanded that they think outside the box. The neurology department came in and did an MRI, and they found that he had a fatty filum at the base of his spine which presented as a tethered cord.”
“They operated immediately. Unfortunately, now the damage is done. My son no longer has bowel or bladder function because of the nerve damage caused by the tethered cord, so we have to use a straight catheter on him six times a day and keep after his bowels with stimulant laxatives and enemas.”

“We will be entering a clinic in May where they will run a series of daily X-rays and enemas to arrive at the mixture we will need to use going forward. Poor kid will have to live with this the rest of his life. My wife and I are sick over it. If the issue had been caught sooner, he might not have to deal with this. If we had waited longer, it’s possible he could have lost the use of his legs.”
Keep in mind that doctors are only human, and they’re prone to delivering inaccurate diagnoses. One survey of nationwide autopsies found a 40 percent misdiagnosis rate. About 10 to 12 percent of those missed diagnoses were classified as “significant.” Granted, those numbers only look at patients who succumbed to fatal conditions—not patients who ultimately recovered—but the takeaway is that physicians make mistakes, and second opinions are often essential tools in crafting an appropriate treatment plan.

13. Strange symptoms deserve attention, even if you’ve always lived with them.

We hope that we’re not driving this point into the ground, but it’s important: If something seems unusual, get it checked out.
“I was much taller than [the rest of] my family,” wrote CrustyHamSandwich. “My family are all around 5’5″, but I was 6’5″ by high school. We always joked that I was a freak or won the genetic lottery.”


“I went to my father’s doctor for a physical, who noticed the swelling in my hands and ran a blood test. Turns out, my growth hormone levels were about three times the normal amount. I was diagnosed with Acromegaly. Got an MRI which showed I had a tumor on my pituitary gland. I got it removed and was feeling better after a few years.”
Another Reddit user developed an unusual taste for lettuce, which eventually convinced them to seek medical help.
“I started craving iceberg lettuce like you wouldn’t believe,” wrote lovetheblazer. “Like, I’d wake up in the middle of the night and go to the fridge just to eat handfuls of lettuce. At my worst, I was eating an entire bag of iceberg lettuce a day, no dressing or toppings, just munching on it like it was popcorn at the movie theater.”

“I finally decided I should drag myself to the doctor for a few blood tests, assuming I was a bit dehydrated or vitamin deficient or something. My hemoglobin level was 5 when it should be 13-16, ideally. My ferritin (iron stores) level was 1, which is literally as low as the test goes. I went straight from the doctor’s office to the hospital to be admitted for two blood transfusions and an intravenous iron infusion.”
“The hospital staff couldn’t believe I’d been walking around and even working overtime with a level that low for months. Within 24 hours of my blood and iron transfusions, my lettuce craving went away.”
Iron deficiencies are an especially significant problem for women, as we’ve covered in other pieces. You should know the symptoms—but remember, you can still have a condition without having the classic symptoms.
“[My wife] had a rare liver disease that sprung out of nowhere when she was 23,” wrote CountShaftula.
She missed the symptoms because she didn’t have visible jaundice—the yellowing the eyes and skin most commonly associated with liver disease. Instead, she felt extremely itchy.

“She figured it was just really dry skin,” the Reddit user continued. “Turned out to be PSC (Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis). But she’s two years post-transplant and doing great!”

So, how do you know whether you really need to see your physician?

When in doubt, go ahead and set up an appointment. No one’s going to accuse you of being a hypochondriac just because you checked out some unusual symptoms, and as these stories demonstrate, you’re better safe than sorry.
“As a physician: listen to your bodies,” user Doctorpayne wrote. “You guys know yourselves much better than we will even after talking to you in an emergency room for 5-10 minutes. If something is going on that is far outside the usual, please come in to the ER. I would much rather see you and tell you you’re fine [rather than] than sick beyond the point of repair.”
With that said, don’t overreact if you’ve experienced any of the symptoms in this article. These stories are notable because they’re the exception; chances are good that you’ll be perfectly fine. Still, it never hurts to stay on top of your health.


Delivery Room Workers Explain What Happens When A Baby Clearly Isn't The Father's

By some estimates, as many as 9 percent of children have misattributed paternity. That means that their biological father isn’t the man who raised them—and the children are never made aware of that (quite crucial) information.

Of course, paternity statistics are difficult to accurately assess, since you can’t easily perform a genuinely random sample. If a mother knows that her baby’s daddy isn’t, ahem, the baby’s daddy, she might reasonably refuse to take part in a survey, skewing the results.


Still, we know that it happens—and sometimes, the would-be father discovers the deception in the delivery room. Over several different threads, Reddit users shared their stories of parentage gone awry. For the most part, the stories come from doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals who saw families react when they realized that their new baby obviously wasn’t the father’s biological child.

Needless to say, some of these stories are fairly…uncomfortable. We sorted out a few of the best, then edited them for grammar and readability. Strap in, because these get pretty rough.

1. Sometimes, you’ve got to make the best out of a bad situation.

Hey, infidelity happens; when you realize that you’ve only got a 50 percent chance of being a father, you might as well see it through before making any irrational decisions.


Reddit user Racheltower’s father is an obstetrician. She tells how a woman recently visited his office with her husband…and her boyfriend.

“They don’t know who the father is, and they can’t find out until the baby is born,” she explained, “so both men want to be there during doctor appointments and the birth.”

HealthyWay undefined

That seems like an incredibly awkward situation, but to their credit, both of the potential fathers stepped up to the plate.

“The two men were surprisingly cordial with each other,” she said, “but I’m betting they’ll run a paternity test before the umbilical cord is even cut.”

For what it’s worth, obstetricians can actually determine paternity prior to birth, but the current method involves a sampling procedure that could potentially endanger the fetus.

2. In this story, the parentage isn’t really up for debate.

User Idkjill is a nurse, and she shared one of the more baffling experiences she’s encountered on the job.

“Once, we had a couple come in—just them,” she wrote. “The father was black, and the mother was white. The father was so involved and so ecstatic about becoming a father for the second time with this women.”

“Nothing really seemed off until she started pushing. The baby girl came out completely white, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Usually, black babies come out a little pale, but this was just straight-out white.”


“We had to escort the father out for fear of him becoming violent, but he just sat outside the room, on the ground with his face in his hands. That was one of the saddest moments I think I’ve ever seen.”

The bad news: It gets much, much worse.

“Odd thing afterwards, though, the mom didn’t want the baby and wanted nothing to do with the ‘father,’ probably out of guilt,” she wrote, “so she left the responsibility of this baby and their other 2-year-old boy to this man—who didn’t even question taking on this child.”

While that’s heartbreaking, it’s good to know that those kids have at least one great parent. We hope he was able to move on quickly without her.

3. This story doesn’t reflect well on anyone involved.

Sometimes, these stories are so off-the-wall that we doubt they’re real—but for some reason, that doesn’t make them any less entertaining.

“My cousin was an obstetrics nurse in a central European country,” wrote Reddit user Thunder_bird.

Two pregnant women entered the nurse’s maternity ward, but unfortunately, one of the mothers lost her child during delivery. Naturally, she was grief-stricken; she told the nurse that she’d been trying for a baby for many years.

“She and her husband were overjoyed to carry a baby to term,” Thunder_bird wrote. “The husband was not present in the ward that day, but the lady said he would be devastated.”

The other lady delivered a healthy baby, but she was also upset; she already had four children and was unable to financially support a fifth.


“She did not want to look after yet another baby,” they wrote. “Her husband was very upset she was pregnant again—not that he was blameless, but that’s a different story. He was at work and was not at the hospital that day.”

“My cousin talked to the other nurses. No paperwork had been completed, so the staff put both women in the same room with the one healthy baby and suggested they may want to talk.”

“Forty minutes later, the lady without a child was holding the healthy baby. Both women looked happy and relieved. Few words were spoken, but the paperwork was written up by the staff to reverse the records of the two births … They were of the same ethnic background and had similar features, so the swap probably went undetected.”

Obviously, that story has huge ethical issues, and we doubt it’d be possible in American hospitals. Still, it sort of has a happy ending…right?

4. Sometimes, the baby’s appearance isn’t what indicates their parentage.

Reddit user Fuzzus628’s mother worked at a medical laboratory “many decades ago.”

“One day, another woman who worked in the building was visiting the lab,” he wrote. “During the conversation, she mentioned that she was blood type X, her husband was type Y, and their child was type Z. I don’t remember the specific types.”

Well, it’s good that those aren’t the actual blood types, since we’re pretty sure that type Z makes you a zombie.


“One of the younger lab techs blurted out, ‘That’s impossible,’ and the doctor in the lab just stared daggers at him. Luckily, the visitor either didn’t notice or didn’t care, and moved along shortly after. My mom still remembers it as one of the most awkward moments she’d ever been privy to.”

That person probably should have realized the issue while doing Punnett squares in high school biology class.

5. Then again, sometimes appearance is a dead giveaway.

“My brother was doing his OBGYN rotation,” wrote user inkseep1. “In the first birth he assisted, the woman had her husband leave the room. That seems odd these days, but nevertheless, my brother had the husband step out for the comfort of the patient.

If you’re paying attention at all, you know where this was going. The color of the baby’s skin “wasn’t even close” to the skin tone of the father.

“There were lily-white parents and a very black baby,” inkseep1 wrote. “She wanted my brother to stay to talk to her husband, who is about to come back, and he bails on the whole situation. She was playing the odds all the way to the end.”

User CompanionQuandary has a similar story, but she actually stayed in the room to walk the parents through the uncomfortable moment.


“I am a nurse working in labor and delivery,” she wrote. “Most of the time, if the mom thinks the baby may not belong to her boyfriend or husband, she will just have their friend/sister/mom with them there for the delivery, then have the dad come to the hospital room after seeing the baby.”

“There are no guarantees because babies can change a lot over a couple weeks. Many African American babies have very light skin when they are born, which gets darker over time.”

“I have had a patient’s husband get upset about the baby being too light—they were both black—until his mom smacked him and told him that’s what he looked like when he was born.”

“Recently, I had something interesting happen. A girl comes in, in labor, with her boyfriend, sister, and a friend. The boyfriend doesn’t seem too engaged during the process, but that’s not uncommon. The baby is born and is fine, and the sister sends Dad to get some stuff.”

It’s important to note that all of the people involved only speak Spanish, and while CompanionQuandary speaks some medical Spanish to assist with procedures like deliveries, she’s certainly not fluent.


“As soon as the dad leaves, the sister is like, ‘I have a question for you,’ and then proceeds to say something I can’t understand at all. I try to clarify, but I’m just not getting it, so I offer to go get the translator.”

“She’s like, ‘No, I don’t want it to be official.’ She whips out her phone, and through Google translate asks, ‘How can we get a paternity test in the hospital?’”

“I then have to explain that we really don’t do that, but she can get one at CVS. They tell me that the baby doesn’t look like the mom’s other child with this guy, and it might be someone else’s, but they want to check before telling him. So I just apologize and tell them how they can get a DNA test at CVS, and that they cost about $50.”

“This isn’t the first time I’ve been asked about paternity testing, but I just had no idea how you say it in Spanish.”

Some commenters felt that this mother was being unethical here, but CompanionQuandary warns against rushing to judgment.


“You don’t know anyone else’s life circumstances, so it is best to reserve judgment about the choices they have made or you think they may have made,” she explains. “Not every situation is cut-and-dry. Plenty of biological fathers leave and do not support their children, and women are not all lying villains. Life is very gray—just treat people with respect and compassion.”

That’s good advice to keep in mind during these next few stories.

6. This one will make your blood boil.

“I’m a nurse in a level 4 neonatal ICU,” wrote user RavenousButterfly. “We service the sickest of the sick from our state and the surrounding states, so we see it all.”

A baby came into the ICU with life-threatening sepsis caused by herpes. In most cases, RavenousButterfly wrote, doctors try to treat herpes while the mother is pregnant, which greatly reduces the risk of serious complications.


“In this case, the mom didn’t even know she was a carrier,” they wrote. “So where did it come from? This is the awkward and sickening moment when everyone in the room realized where the herpes came from. Turns out, the father had an affair and contracted the virus from his lover.”

“So, yeah, while this woman’s baby is on the verge of death, she finds out her husband has been cheating on her and his cheating a** is the reason their baby is sick.”

That’s not quite a case of misplaced parentage, but it’s infuriating enough to make the list.

7. Sometimes, biology isn’t the most important part of the story.

“My fiance’s father is almost certainly not his biological dad,” wrote user Bagzilla. “His mom was just a genuinely terrible human being who didn’t even try to hide the fact she was cheating.”

“But his dad loved him from the second he was born, and when the mom decided four years later that she just didn’t want the kid anymore, she just gave him to his dad and rode off.”

We don’t know their situation, but it sounds like the kid was better off without his mother in the picture.


“His dad ended up getting married, and he tried for kids before finding out his sperm count was too low to ever father children,” Bagzilla continues. “They ended up adopting many years later.”

“He sat my fiance down when my fiance was 13 and told him the truth, and said that if my friend wanted to test, they would, but it was up to him. My friend cried, and told his father that he just wanted him to be his dad, and that was the end of that.”

Ultimately, the blood test wouldn’t have proved anything; regardless of biological parentage, the kid certainly grew up with his “real” father.

8. Blood typing is complicated…except when it isn’t.

“I’m a NICU nurse that was floating to the nursery,” user Mimimullen wrote. “A baby was born with a genetic abnormality, but was otherwise doing fine. The pediatrician was in the parents’ room discussing the follow-up type stuff for the baby—appointments with a geneticist, an orthopedic surgeon, etc.”

“At some point in the conversation, the mother asked what the baby’s blood type was, to which the pediatrician responded ‘A+.’ The father of the baby insisted that was impossible, as he and his wife were both O-. This was their third baby.”

“The pediatrician got totally flustered and came back to the nursery to verify the lab results. The baby really was A+. We even went so far as to redraw the baby’s blood and retest it. Nope, A+.”


“There is absolutely no chance that the baby belonged to that man. The husband left the hospital soon afterwards and didn’t show up again until it was time to pick up the mom and baby to bring them home. The mom spent the rest of the hospital stay lying alone, in the dark, mostly hiding under the covers.”

We should note that genetic mutations can actually cause these types of issues; two O- parents could potentially have a child with a different blood type. Those types of genetic mutations are extremely rare, but hopefully, this was one of those cases.

9. If you’re feeling disappointed in the human race, this story should provide some relief.

“My aunt is a nurse in the maternity ward,” wrote Beachy5313. “She had a couple come in; they were both very black. The lady has the baby, and it is [extremely] white, like, totally pale, with no trace of any pigment.”

You probably think that you know where this one is going, but think again.

“They put the baby on her mom and the mom starts yelling about how this isn’t her baby, and how they stole her baby,” Beachy5313 continued. “In all fairness, you can be very confused during and after delivery, so it wasn’t stupidity. [She was] just sobbing and freaking out, and the father is just sitting there and looks very confused because he’s realizing that even if she did cheat, there is no way the baby would be that white. The doctor and nurses are trying to assure her that this is her baby, and that the skin usually darkens later.”


“Come to find out, when the father called his mom, she pointed out that they have a second cousin who is albino, and maybe baby got that gene. Turns out, that’s what happened; the baby was albino.”

That’s pretty much the best-case scenario for that unusual situation. Albinism, by the way, affects people of all races, and while it’s rare, one out of every 17,000 people has some form of albinism. While it’s a lifelong condition with several health implications, it usually doesn’t affect lifespan.

It can, however, make for awkward conversations in the delivery room.

10. Several of the stories came from children with complicated histories.

“Oh boy, I’m the illegitimate baby in this one!” wrote RikaBaF27. “Apparently, my mom and ‘dad’ were on a break, so she had a one-night-stand with a dude she just met at a party. Later, she tells my ‘dad’ that she’s pregnant with his kid, so they get back together so he can support her.”
“I was born pretty dark because my biological dad was very, very Native American. The nurses made comments about me being a dark baby, but I guess ‘dad’ attributed it to the bit of Native in my mom, even though she’s very pale skinned.”
“Anyway, this being Oklahoma, of course my ‘dad’ marries her to do the right thing. I was adopted by him after the wedding at about 10 months old. A month later, my brother was born—definitely my dad’s kid—and not long after that, they had a fight, and she drops the revelation on him that I wasn’t his.”


“No idea why it wasn’t more obvious, or [maybe] was he in denial. Both my ‘brothers’ are redheaded, light eyed, and pale skinned with freckles. I popped out the womb with dark hair, dark skin, dark eyes, and no freckles. Even the nurses were like, ‘What a cute Indian (Native American) baby!’”
“But during the divorce (after he had known the truth for a few years), he fought for me along with my brothers and eventually got custody of all of us. He planned on never telling me, but eventually my mom’s loud-mouthed, complete piece of [trash] sister decided to let me know during an argument.
“That was probably the first time I really saw my dad cry. He’s had periods of not being the best dad, but overall, I ended up getting all my most defining traits from him: his commitment to [making decisions], his maniac work ethic—which was how he showed love—and his strength to keep moving forward despite constantly getting [screwed] by any woman he trusts. I think he’s done looking for love. It makes me sad because he really deserves it. Maybe if my mom had been a better person, he would have had a chance at that.”

11. Unfortunately, some situations aren’t as easy to resolve.

“I know a girl who was pregnant with her boyfriend’s best friend’s baby,” wrote one Reddit user. “He found out there was a possibility about a week before she gave birth. I went up to see her once he was born, and [the baby] looked just like the friend. There was no question. I broke the news to her boyfriend, and he was absolutely devastated.”
“His parents were heartbroken and super pissed. They had bought the girl everything she needed, including a $500 car seat/stroller set. She refused to give anything back. She started up a relationship with the friend immediately after having their child, and they’re still together a decade later. But the kicker for me has always been that the boyfriend and best friend were next-door neighbors.”


“She moved into his house after coming home from the hospital. So her ex-boyfriend and his family had to see them basically every day, raising this child that they had believed to be his for the entire pregnancy. I can’t even imagine.”
In a later comment, the Reddit user clarified that the parents did a DNA test shortly after the baby was born, so there wasn’t any question as to whether the “best friend” was the father.

12. In some cases, the baby realizes what’s wrong before the doctors.

So, we cheated. This one doesn’t happen in the delivery room—nor the same decade as the birth.
“I’m a [surgical] nurse,” wrote andybent25. “I had an older male patient who was in for anemia with critically low hemoglobin levels, receiving a few units of blood.”
“I’d been taking care of him the last couple of days, and his daughter was visiting at the time with the patient’s wife and him. We had to do our two-nurse identification process for the blood, where we go over the name, ID numbers, and blood type for confirmation before hanging it on the patient.”
If you’re paying attention to the other stories in this article, you know where this is headed.
“When we were going through it, the daughter stops us and asks us what blood type we’d just said. I didn’t really understand why at the time, but I told her again, and she got really concerned we may be hanging the wrong blood.”


“She said that couldn’t be right, because she was an anatomy professor, and there was no way the crossmatch could be right. She was AB, and she knew her mom had blood type A, so her dad couldn’t possibly be A.”
“I didn’t think much of it and went back to the doctor to ask him for another crossmatch. He was like, ‘Oh, yeah, she might not be his daughter, then.’ We ordered another crossmatch, and sure enough, it came back as an A blood type.”
“She just sat in the corner really quiet [for] the rest of the day with a really sad look on her face. Her mom and dad didn’t really get what was going on, but I know [the mother] had some idea.”

13. When the story involves teenagers, you know it’s going to be rough.

“My (ex) girlfriend delivered a baby while I was in the delivery room, and turns out it wasn’t mine,” wrote Nope_Thats_Not_Me.
“She was 16, I was 15. All along, I was under the impression that this kid was mine, and [it was] time to be an adult. I took all the classes, read the books, worked every night [and] weekend to save whatever money I could as a 15-year-old.”
“I finally get the call she is in labor, so I have somebody rush me to the ER. Luckily for her, it wasn’t a long labor—only about six hours—but there was a complication: The baby came out with the umbilical cord wrapped around its neck. The doctor assured us it was going to be okay, but the nurses were prepping for things to go south.”
“The baby comes out, it’s a light shade of purple, and the nurses immediately take the baby and put on the smallest mask you have ever seen (to help it get oxygen, I guess). I was too panicked to ask a lot of questions. They [say] they need to keep the baby on watch overnight, so I stay in the room with the ex.”
“The next evening, baby is back in the room with us, and all seems well. The ex is asleep, and the same nurse from the night before comes into the room and beckons me out.”


“She states that, at risk of her losing her job, she has to break some harsh news to me; that kid is not mine.”
“She said that while it wasn’t obvious at this stage, over the next few weeks, it would become clear this kid was mixed [race]. Since both of us were white, it was a high probability that it wasn’t mine.”
“Queue a mixed bag of emotions. [I promptly woke] the ex to get a little clarification. Come to find out, she knew the chances, and was just hoping it was mine because it worked better for her.”
“Apparently, her father was old-school racist, and she didn’t want to have to deal with that. I left the hospital to collect my thoughts, and a few weeks later, I was served with child support papers. One DNA test and about six weeks later, I am 0.0 percent that kid’s father.”
“Wherever that nurse is now, I hope your life is amazing. I understand that you were not supposed to get involved in the personal side of things and keep it professional, but you saved me a lot of additional headache.”

14. Sometimes, these stories actually turn out alright.

“A friend of mine has a good one,” wrote notmebutmyroommate—we’re guessing this is about her roommate, but we can’t be sure.
“[The] dad passed out during the delivery, and when he came to, the nurse handed him a baby girl that was several shades darker than him or his wife. The baby was also apparently conceived under such circumstances that he knew he was the father.”
“So this guy was walking around delivery trying to figure out who’s baby he had. He was popping his head into random rooms, asking if anyone had misplaced a baby. This continues until he ran into his great grandma, who proclaimed that baby girl is the spitting image of her late husband.”
“No one has ever told him that his [great] grandpa was black.”


While a baby’s complexion often matches that of one or both of their parents, this isn’t always the case. As The Daily Mail notes, “it is possible, though fairly infrequent, that dark-skinned parents give birth to a pale-skinned child, or vice versa, if their own parents or grandparents [have a different skin color].”
In other words—and we probably don’t have to say this—don’t assume that skin color is a telltale sign of an infant’s parentage.


Symptoms Of Vitamin D Deficiency That Most People Ignore

What does vitamin D deficiency look like? In its most extreme form, prolonged and severe vitamin D deficiency during childhood, known as rickets, can delay growth and lead to visible skeletal deformities.
Today, rickets is relatively rare, but that doesn’t mean that vitamin D deficiency is—more than 40 percent of Americans are deficient. The potential health consequences of this epidemic are serious, as vitamin D deficiency is linked to osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, high blood pressure, and poor pregnancy outcomes.

D-ficient? Odds are you don’t know.

According to the Vitamin D Council, symptoms of vitamin D deficiency can be subtle—or even nonexistent—in the early stages. You might experience some tiredness and general aches and pains, but these symptoms are easy to dismiss because there are many things that cause them.
Aches and pains? You can easily chalk them up to the aftereffects of your last workout—or simply not being 20 anymore. Tiredness? That could be because you aren’t getting enough quality sleep.


Lindsay Obermeyer, MS, RDN, CLT, a Portland, Oregon–based registered dietitian nutritionist and owner of Your Time Nutrition, said she personally experienced chronic joint pain, had labs done, and discovered that her vitamin D was 29 ng/dL (nanograms per deciliter), which is considered deficient by some standards. She started taking a daily dose of vitamin D3, and her joint pain was gone within a week.
[pullquote align=”center”]I had two different clients with the same symptoms, had them tested for vitamin D, both were less than 30, both had relief from joint pain after supplementing. It’s a very common problem up here in the Northwest.[/pullquote]
It can sometimes be hard to tell when you’re in need of more vitamin D. Here are 15 signs that will help you know if you’re vitamin D deficient.

1. Muscle Weakness

You should be aware that muscle weakness can present as generalized body fatigue. If you’re experiencing a more general fatigue around your body, muscle weakness issues in specific areas may stay hidden and go unnoticed for months.


As vitamin D deficiency worsens, symptoms become stronger and harder to ignore. General aches and pains may become muscle and bone (musculoskeletal) pain, and tiredness may progress to muscle weakness. Still, it’s easy to search for answers in the wrong direction.

2. Bone Pain

In a study of 150 patients referred to a clinic in Minnesota for persistent, general musculoskeletal pain, 93 percent had vitamin D levels equal to or below 20 ng/mL, a level considered deficient by most experts.
As an adult, your bones are no longer growing, but new bone tissue constantly replaces the old. Severe vitamin D deficiency interferes with that replacement, leading to the softening of bones known as osteomalacia (or “adult rickets”), which causes pain and increases of osteoporosis.


Shunning the sun and avoiding dairy can leave you with a vitamin D deficiency that might lead to bone pain. This can be difficult to distinguish from muscle or joint pain, but it generally manifests itself as a deep, aching pain that isn’t isolated in an exact area.

There are some indicators that can help differentiate bone pain from muscle pain. Muscle pain is usually centralized to one point and is exaggerated by movement or physical activity. Bone pain, on the other hand, is broader and deeper.

3. Constant Respiratory Problems

Studies show that vitamin D may help defend against respiratory illness, and this is especially true in children. If your child has severe asthma, you may want to increase their vitamin D intake.
Constant respiratory problems may present in different ways. Someone suffering from these issues may feel easily winded after a task they’d normally be fine handling. Or it may be as seemingly obvious as struggling to catch a breath for an extended period.


Breathing issues need to be addressed by a medical professional quickly because they can lead to other issues. Often, a person suffering constant respiratory problems will also suffer from an anxiety disorder, like panic attacks. The inability to take a full breath may quickly spiral into a panic that your life is in immediate danger.

4. Sweaty Head

Years ago, doctors used to ask new mothers if their newborns’ heads were sweating more than normal. This can be a very early sign that a baby is vitamin D deficient. If you’re breastfeeding, it may be helpful to consume more foods that are rich in vitamin D or include some vitamin D drops in your regimen to make sure your baby is getting a sufficient amount.
Foods that contain higher concentrations of vitamin D include fatty fish (such as tuna), orange juice, soy milk, and some cereals. You’ll also want to stock up on dairy products, such as cheese, that are enriched with vitamin D.

Tory DeOrian

Don’t be fooled into thinking that head sweating from a lack of vitamin D only affects infants. If you find sweat pouring from your forehead in situations that wouldn’t normally cause you to perspire, then you may want to talk to a healthcare professional.

5. Depression

As it turns out, the sun is vital to keeping a smile on your face. Vitamin D is often referred to as the sunshine vitamin because it is activated in your skin by sunlight. If you live in a place that sees less sunlight than global averages, the lack of light could literally kill your mood.
According to the Vitamin D Council, this essential nutrient helps your brain’s neurotransmitters produce serotonin, which affects our feelings of happiness. Studies have linked low levels of vitamin D with episodes of depression.
In Alaska and other locales with significantly less sunlight for months out of the year, depression due to lack of sun exposure is treated as a very serious medical issue. Residents are encouraged to purchase light boxes—devices that emit therapeutic light that will help them maintain vitamin D levels during dark winter months.


It’s important that light therapy be used to deal with depression caused by vitamin D deficiencies because the two can become seriously intertwined.
There are many different types of light boxes that can improve your health. The Sperti Vitamin D Light Box is “the only recognized ultraviolet light box for vitamin D production,” and the NatureBright SunTouch Plus Light and Ion Therapy Lamp, a bestseller on Amazon, “balances your [linkbuilder id=”6517″ text=”body clock”], leaving you feeling rested, refreshed, and nourished all over.” Each type has the potential to improve your health, but if you’re in need of light therapy, choose one based on what you hope to get out of it.

6. Infertility

Research suggests that vitamin D deficiency may play a role in the development of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a leading cause of female infertility. One common symptom of PCOS is acanthosis nigricans, which results in dark, velvety skin patches.


“In the fertility world in the Northwest we like to get a baseline on all of our patients and we see many who are deficient,” said Seattle-area registered dietitian nutritionist Judy Simon MS, RDN, CD, CHES, of Mind Body Nutrition.
“One young woman in her early twenties had visible acanthosis nigricans around her neck and on her chest. She had PCOS and pre-diabetes. After six weeks of Vitamin D supplementation the acanthosis was practically gone and she was feeling much less fatigued.”

7. Chronic Infections

Vitamin D is known to have an effect on over 2,000 genes in the [linkbuilder id=”6518″ text=”human body”], so it’s no surprise that the strength of your body’s immune system is also tied to how much vitamin D you are taking in.
When there’s a healthy amount of vitamin D being processed by your body, your immune system is resilient and able to fight off infections and disease. However, a lack of vitamin D can be devastating to your overall health and leave you vulnerable to constant attacks and health problems or scares.


Vitamin D supplements are sold everywhere, but make sure your doctor helps you select the best option for you based on your health needs.

8. Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular diseases are heart conditions that may include damaged blood vessels or frequent blood clotting, among other issues. Articles published by the National Institutes of Health have shown that deficiencies in vitamin D can lead to congestive heart failure.
Some cardiovascular disease-related symptoms that are easier to spot are dizziness, heavy bloating (particularly in the legs), respiratory issues, and chest pain. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately.


If you want to make sure you’re on the right path, home tests are available to check for a lack of vitamin D. These tests will screen your blood and possibly show you if you need to make some changes in your supplementation routine.

9. Psoriasis

Psoriasis may present itself as a scaly rash on your scalp or other parts of your body. Often it can be agitated by stress (unfortunately, finding out you have psoriasis tends to cause stress too). Although psoriasis is not always connected to a lack of vitamin D, the vitamin is sometimes used during treatment. The Mayo Clinic claims that if you have a lack of vitamin D, it will be harder for your body to defend itself against psoriasis.
There is no cure for psoriasis, but it is controllable with treatment. Besides reducing stress and getting your vitamin D, there are other methods for dealing with troubles caused by psoriasis.


For example, specially medicated shampoos can be prescribed to keep your scaly rashes at bay. Depending on the severity of your condition, there are also ointments, oils, and other treatments that could help reduce your psoriasis-related discomfort.

10. Chronic Pain

If you experience chronic, widespread pain throughout your body, it could be due in part to a lack of vitamin D. This connection was only recently discovered. In 2010, researchers began looking into the link between chronic pain and a lack of vitamin D.
Studies have now shown that low vitamin D levels increase a person’s chances of having chronic pain; supplements can sometimes help relieve it. So, if you’re in pain, talk to your physician about the best way to boost your vitamin D intake.


If you want to try a preliminary test for determining if what you’re experiencing is the same thing as chronic pain, doctors have a recommendation: Press against the area of your chest known as your breastbone (also called your sternum). If you feel a sharp pain when you press down on that area, it’s likely that you’re experiencing chronic pain related to vitamin D deficiency.

11. Tiredness

Vitamin D is one of the vitamins your body needs to create energy, and without it, you can end up feeling tired most of the day. This will make it hard for you to get around or even get to work. Without much energy, you may start changing your daily behavior in negative ways, which in turn may impair your overall health.


Continued tiredness can contribute to other symptoms caused by low amounts of vitamin D in the body. If you’re tired, you’re less likely to exercise or go outside. Avoiding activity or sunshine can amplify the effects of a vitamin D deficiency. If you fall into a routine that involves avoiding strenuous activity or sunlight, you’re much more susceptible to issues like depression or mood swings.
Listen to what your body is telling you. Something might be seriously off if you notice that you just don’t have the drive to stay active anymore. You should consult your doctor if you have constant feelings of tiredness that last longer than a few days.

12. Hypertension

Harvard University conducted review of health studies across numerous cohorts that associated increased risk of multiple health outcomes including cardiovascular disease and hypertension (abnormally high blood pressure) with vitamin D deficiency.
Another study, published in Circulation in 2015, considered the viability of vitamin D supplementation as a treatment for patients with hypertension and prehypertension.


It’s important to note that high blood pressure can significantly increase your risks for serious health issues such as heart attacks and strokes.
But don’t panic if you think or know you’re suffering from hypertension. It’s a common health issue that affects more than 3 million people in the U.S. every year. It can be identified without any blood or medical tests but will require an official diagnosis from your doctor, at which point appropriate treatment can be prescribed.
If you do suffer from anxiety, you may want to consider purchasing vitamin D supplements and adding them to your daily routine for that reason. Vitamin D has been proven to have positive effects similar to antidepressants and may reduce your overall blood pressure.

13. Crankiness

As we mentioned in relation to depression, vitamin D affects the levels of serotonin in your brain, which is what affects your mood. If you’re feeling cranky, it might be because you’re not producing enough serotonin. Vitamin D will help your moods stay balanced by ensuring your brain is working with the materials it needs to stay energized and focused.


If you notice mood swings that seem out of the ordinary, visit your doctor for a simple blood test. They will be able to identify what’s going on, and if a lack of vitamin D is the issue, they’ll help you make a plan to get better.
The solution may be as simple as getting out in sunlight more often or eating foods that are rich in vitamin D. For people who can’t handle too much direct exposure to the sun, supplements are readily available, so consider reaching for some before going off on anyone or getting too frustrated with yourself!

14. Chronic Kidney Disease

Kidneys help remove waste from your blood. When they’re not functioning correctly, your bloodstream can fill up with waste, seriously damaging your health. Doctors have recently connected kidney health to cardiovascular disease. They’ve also discovered how important vitamin D can be to your kidneys’ health.


As you get older your kidneys are not as efficient at processing vitamin D. Be sure to eat some vitamin D–rich foods or take a supplement. If you do take a supplement, also consider taking vitamin K2 to activate the right proteins in the digestion process. Ensuring that your kidneys are working properly to process vitamin D is just as important as getting your proper nutrients.

15. Reduced Endurance

If you’re an athlete and you’re seeing your endurance decrease for no apparent reason, it might be because you have low vitamin D levels. Experts in athletic circles now realize that vitamin D is crucial to energy levels, especially when it comes to endurance. Even active people who get outside every day can experience these issues, despite getting more than the recommended amount of sunlight per day (20 to 30 minutes).


Fortunately, if vitamin D deficiency is causing your issues, your endurance should return to normal when you get your vitamin D levels back to normal. Remember: You don’t always need to opt for pills to get your proper dose of vitamin D. Try a supplement in powder or liquid form to mix with your smoothies or protein shakes.

A Side Effect of Modern Life?

For many of us, work means days spent at a desk and leisure means binge-watching the latest Netflix series or catching up on social media. That’s a lot of indoor time, but even when we are outdoors we’re likely to double down on sun protection to prevent premature aging and skin cancer.

Tory DeOrian

Dairy products are fortified with vitamin D, but milk sales are in decline, as more people avoid dairy due to restrictive diets, milk allergies, or lactose intolerance.

What’s your risk?

Although 4 in 10 Americans may be deficient in vitamin D, some people have a higher risk. As mentioned, if you spend a lot of time indoors and protect your skin with clothing or sunscreen when you are outdoors (as you should), your risk increases. Living in northern climates—where winters are longer, colder and darker—amplifies this risk. But a few other risk factors might surprise you:

1. Dark skin. The darker your skin, the more sun it takes to make vitamin D.

2. Body mass index (BMI) over 30. Vitamin D can become “sequestered” in excess body fat instead of making its way to the bloodstream.

3. Past gastric bypass surgery.

Why It Matters

Linke says that bringing vitamin D levels back to the normal range has been a “game changer” for many of her clients who have autoimmune conditions. She cites another client—a woman in her late twenties—whose vitamin D was a 4.

Her rheumatoid arthritis was very bad, she couldn’t walk down stairs unassisted, couldn’t walk without holding on to walls, couldn’t fit into her shoes so she wore flip flops.

Within 10 days of starting vitamin D, along with magnesium (magnesium deficiency can interfere with vitamin D metabolism) and dietary changes, she was able to wear regular shoes and walk without assistance.
As with all health-related issues, talk with your doctor or another medical professional if you are seeing any signs or symptoms that concern you. Deficiency is simple to test for and simple to treat. If in doubt, talk to your healthcare provider.

Fresh Fashion Lifestyle

30 Outfit Mistakes That Make You Look Messy And How To Fix Them

When you absolutely need to look your best, you have to pay attention to the little things.
It’s always the little things—not dramatic changes—that really make all the difference. No matter your body type, profession, personal taste, or preference, it is possible to look and feel good without having to change your entire style, much less who you are at your core.
With that said, certain types of faux pas can be especially damaging. Avoid becoming a victim of these sneaky saboteurs by following these tips.

1. Leaving Bits of Lint and Animal Fur on Your Clothes

People notice details, and a single piece of lint can stand out, especially if it doesn’t match your clothing.


Rather than color-coordinating your lint, we’d recommend getting rid of it entirely. Lint rollers are amazing, but if you don’t have one handy, some tape will do just fine.
Better yet, a more eco-friendly option is this self-cleaning fur and lint remover brush. Remove lint and hair from your clothes with the brush, then put the brush back into the case to remove the hair.

It eliminates paper waste, and it’s affordable enough that you can buy several: one for your home, one for your car, and one for your desk at work.

2. See-through Fabrics

To be clear: Thin, gauzy skirts can be a great addition to your wardrobe. Do yourself a favor, though, and make sure that they don’t go totally transparent when you end up backlit.
Some fabrics will do their best to trick you. They look totally opaque in the dim light of morning. By the time you’re headed out for lunch, though, the light shines right through them, treating all of your coworkers to a glimpse of what’s underneath.
If you’re totally in love with a thin skirt, be sure to wear leggings underneath. You want to preserve a little mystery. And if you’ve got a sheer shirt you really love, just wear a tank top underneath.


These affordable Hanes tanks come in an array of colors, making them a comfy and versatile undershirt option for any see-through blouse you just can’t put back in the closet. Be sure to wash them carefully, though, as they are 100 percent cotton.

3. Wearing Clothes With Tiny Rips, Frays, and Other Minor Damage

These types of issues sneak up on you. You’ll wear the same jeans every day, and you won’t notice as they start to fray. Or you’ll ignore the missing button on your favorite shirt simply because you’ve worn it so many times.


Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, and that includes clothes. While most rips, holes, or missing buttons can be easily repaired with a needle and thread (consider making a small investment in a sewing kit if you don’t have one already), they can also go from a minor flaw to a deal-breaker quickly. A small tear becomes a gaping hole fast!

A tailor may be able to help you with the trickier hems and holes. Cute patches are another option for covering holes beyond your sewing capabilities. Eventually, however, clothes do just become too worn out to wear—and although it may be hard to let go, just think of the new items you can replace these with.

4. Not Breaking out the Iron

Ironing clothes takes a lot of time, and in busy schedules, that step often gets left out. Still, wrinkled clothes can throw off your entire image. Make sure you have a good iron and ironing board for when you need to make a good, smooth impression. 


It’s also a good idea to invest in some wrinkle-removing spray like the Downy Wrinkle Release Spray—which multi-tasks as a static remover and odor eliminator, too. It’s not exactly an ironing replacement, as tougher fabrics will still require some heat, but it’s perfect for last-minute touch-ups or travel. Just spray it on, shake it out, and go confidently in the direction of your wrinkle-free dreams.

5. Rolling up Your Sleeves Incorrectly

When the seasons change, you might find yourself rolling up your sleeves to stay cool. It’s actually quite a fashionable look, provided that you take the time to do a double-roll.


That technique uses two simple folds, leaving your cuffs looking clean and precise. For a simple yet polished business-casual look, pair a white button-up shirt, cuffs nicely folded, with dark jeans and boots—it’s a classic look, regardless of gender.
Just make sure to pay attention to those cuffs. A good sleeve fold adds class, but the common method of rolling them up all willy-nilly leaves you looking messy and unkempt.

6. Too Many Accessories

Accessories are essential to your look. A single, simple necklace can make a great statement piece, for instance, or a scarf can pull your entire outfit together.


The ideal accessory will be eye catching and (this is important) appropriate for the occasion. Where you’ll get into trouble is if you start piling on the gaudy accessories to cover up a simple outfit. Don’t worry about being too plain; that’s a much better option than going overboard and risking looking tacky.

7. Worn-out Clothing

A great way to make an awful first impression is to wear a shirt that was white in a former life but is now a weird shade of gray-yellow. It’s inevitable that the whitest of whites start to discolor, and once they do, it’s time to either put them in the discard pile or do something about them.
Prevent your whites from becoming former versions of themselves by making whites a separate load. Mixing them with colors can cause them to become dingy and gray.


And if you’ve just got pesky stains on your favorite white tee, try out this natural stain remover that promises to show results—or your money back!

8. Wearing Hair Ties as Bracelets

You’re not a teenager anymore (well, actually, we don’t know—you might be, in which case, disregard that sentence). While you’ve been wearing hair ties on your wrists for years, it’s never really been okay.


Hair tie bracelets look tacky, but there is hope for those of you with a habit of wearing hair ties on your wrist. These hair tie bracelets offer a sleek-looking design that your hair tie fits around, making it seem like an intentional cute accessory—that just happens to hold your hair tie.

9. Pants That Are Too Long

There are many things in life that would classify as being a drag, but your pants shouldn’t be one of them. Hemlines that flirt with the floor are just fine, but you’ve gone too far when they make contact. Along with carrying around dirt and other grime, long pants can become damaged from their trip.
Prevent this fashion faux pas by visiting the tailor. Bring the shoes you like to wear with them the most along so the tailor has an idea of how much length to remove.


If you’re really attached to some long pants, though, and you don’t want to change them, consider wearing taller shoes. These affordable heels come in every color so you can get a pair to match any outfit; this way, even your longest pants won’t drag on the ground.

10. Wearing Athletic Shoes in Non-athletic Situations

Sure, your tennis shoes are comfortable, but unless you’re on a tennis court, they look out of place. Athletic shoes stick out like a sore thumb and can make you look like a teenager (and not in a good way).


This isn’t a hard and fast rule, however. There is grey area between what is an athletic shoe and what is a cute shoe. Tennis shoes often look messy unless you’re working out in them, but certain sneakers have an air of class and style.
If you’re attached to wearing athletic shoes but don’t want to look like you just left the gym, Adidas sneakers are a classic.

11. While We’re At It: Not Cleaning Your Shoes

You wouldn’t leave the house in mud-covered clothing, so why would you walk outside with dirty shoes? A pair of less-than-clean kicks can ruin your outfit faster than you can click your heels together.
A quick swipe when you walk through the door can prevent buildup on heels and boots, but your sneakers are often a different story. Their material can make stains difficult to erase. Fortunately, you can usually rid shoes of unsightly marks by tossing them in the washer.

Alex Zivatar

According to, you’ll need to sprinkle the insides of each sneaker with 3 tablespoons of baking soda and leave them overnight. Shake the soda out in the morning.
Remove the laces from your sneakers and place them in a pillowcase to stop them from getting tangled in the wash. Wipe as much dirt and debris from your shoes as you can with a scrubbing brush, then toss the laces and the shoes in the washer. Protect your shoes and your washer by throwing four to six towels in, as well. This will keep your shoes protected and stop them from banging against the washing machine.
Use liquid detergent and wash the shoes in a cold, delicate cycle. Allow the shoes to air-dry once they are clean. Avoid putting them in the dryer, as its heat can damage your sneakers.

If you’re constantly getting your shoes dirty, it might be a good idea to invest in a shoe cleaning kit as well—this one includes cleaner, a brush, and a towel.

12. Wearing Clothes That Don’t Fit Correctly

Nothing can kill your style quite as quickly as an oversized shirt or too-tight pants. Even if the clothes feel comfortable, if they don’t fit, don’t wear them.
However, falling in love with a piece of clothing that doesn’t exactly fit is a common tragedy. You can likely fix it, however, by taking the garment to a tailor.


Do remember that different clothing manufacturers size their garments quite differently. If you’re a size 2 at one store, you might be a size 6 somewhere else, so trust the fit, not the tag. Always take the time to try on clothes before you buy them.

If you have a dress or blouse that is too big but just so cute, you could accessorize it with a fashion belt around the waist for a more fitted, put-together look.

13. That Applies to the Shoes, Too

Shoes that are too large or too tight create an interesting effect, and not in a good way. Oversized shoes make you look like you’ve got a bit role in the upcoming IT remake, whereas small shoes can make your feet look like they’re planning a prison break.


Again, try shoes on before you buy them, and if you’re not sure if you’re wearing the right size, get a second opinion before you head somewhere important.
Raw, red skin on the heels and feet from too big or too small shoes isn’t comfortable or cute, either, so if you’ve got shoes that rub and blister, try these heel cushion adhesive inserts.

14. Wearing White Clothing That Isn’t White Anymore

Alas, even the whitest whites will eventually start to turn a pale yellow color. The good news is that you can usually restore your whites with a simple bleach bath, and if you’ve got an aversion to bleach, baking soda or hydrogen peroxide can work wonders.


Whatever you use to whiten your clothes, use it consistently. A t-shirt with a vaguely straw-colored hue doesn’t have the same look as a crisp white top.

15. Not Taking Care of Your Nails

A manicure can turn nails from cute to cringe-worthy in a matter of minutes and all it takes is a single chip in the polish. Although keeping a perfect manicure for more than a week or two is just about impossible, you can increase its lifespan by following these simple steps.
First, apply an even and thin base coat. Allow the layer to completely dry, which usually takes at least two minutes before you put on another coat. Use a gel-finish top coat or an at-home LED lamp to help your nails dry.
If you want a professional manicure, ask them to skip the top coat and apply the gel finishing coat when you get home.


And don’t forget to keep your cuticles and fingers looking healthy—dry, cracked skin is as unsightly as it is uncomfortable. We like Burt’s Bees Almond & Milk Hand Cream, and this cute little jar is perfect to stick in your bag or keep at your desk.

16. Carrying a Massive Bag

Sure, it’s great to have a bag that can carry your laptop, makeup kit, car keys, and body cream while still leaving enough room for a full-grown chihuahua, but a big bag can easily throw off the rest of your outfit. After all, a bag is an accessory.


Opt for a smaller bag for job interviews and other important events, and if you need a big bag to hold your laptop when you’re headed to the office, there are plenty of affordable (and adorable!) computer bag options that aren’t too bulky.

This floral print one from DACHEE is a perfectly sleek and subtle pop of color.

17. Missing a Belt Loop (and Other Minor Mistakes)

Pay attention to the little things. You can have a perfectly put together outfit, only to sabotage yourself by missing a belt loop or leaving a visible zipper.
We’re not saying that every inch of your outfit has to be absolutely perfect, but do a quick ocular pat down of yourself before you leave the house; if you don’t have a decent-sized mirror, now’s the time to get one.


Make sure that you’re not making any obvious mistakes.

18. Making Too Many Adjustments to Your Outfit

On the other hand, once you leave the house, try to stop worrying. Don’t constantly pick at your clothes or mess with your sleeves; guys, leave the tie alone. Fidgeting with your clothing is a sure way to look messy, even if there’s nothing actually wrong with your look.

HealthyWay Dimitrov

If you really can’t stop fidgeting, recognize that you’re a little stressed out. Take a moment to collect yourself, squeeze a tennis ball, or do whatever else you have to do to stop picking your outfit apart.

If you can’t stop stressing about the way you look, a compact mirror you can carry in your bag or keep at your desk at work might settle your nerves a bit—but beware, the magnifying ones might get a little too up-close and personal. These small mirrors from Amazon come it several chic patterns.

19. Clothes That Are Pilling

It happens to the best of ‘em. A few times into wearing, you notice that certain spots on your garment are a little rougher than others. The next thing you know, a bunch of tiny little balls join the party and take up space on those rough patches, which are most likely in the armpit or thigh areas. These clothing-crashers are called pills and are formed when fabric rubs together.
Blended fabrics are usually the most susceptible to becoming pilling victims, says Good Housekeeping magazine. Fiber blends that contain three or more fabrics have a higher incidence of pilling, especially those that contain both natural and synthetic fibers.


To prevent damage, turn your garment inside out before washing. Doing so prevents the fabric from rubbing against other clothes in the wash, stopping the pills before they wreak havoc.
The gold standard for pill-prone garments is hand-washing. Placing your washer on the gentle or delicate setting is second best. Air-drying your clothing can also help to keep it safe. Once everything is washed and dried, store or hang your garments inside out.

If you’ve got a favorite sweater that’s already pilling, however, you can remove most of the fuzz with a simple trick. First, rub a pumice stone over the fabric to loosen up the little fuzz balls, then run a lint roller over the fabric to remove them.

20. Not Getting Your Favorite Pair of Shoes Repaired

We get it; you love your shoes, even if the soles are fading away and the leather is scuffed. The good news is that a talented cobbler can perform those much-needed repairs, restoring your favorite kicks to their former glory.


The bad news is that the longer you wait, the more you’ll pay—and the worse you’ll look. If you’re going to keep that old pair of shoes, take care of them.

If you’ve got a favorite pair of shoes that are coming unattached to the sole, you may not need to go to a cobbler just yet—invest in a good bottle of shoe glue to keep on hand for minor fixes.

21. For Guys: Unkempt Facial Hair

The beard is back, folks. Facial hair hasn’t been this fashionable since the Old West. With a great beard comes great responsibility, though, and too many of us are forgetting that beard maintenance takes work. A neat, masculine face-mane is one thing. Grizzly Adams is another.


To keep from looking sloppy, make sure that you keep your beard neat and trimmed. That means shaving your neck, and probably your cheeks as well. And don’t underestimate the power of a good beard oil—moisturizing facial hair and the skin underneath is essential for a healthy-looking beard. This beard care kit comes with 100 percent natural and organic beard oil, beard wax, a brush, and scissors for trimming.

When trimming and shaving, remember: There should be clear lines demarcating “beard” and “non-beard.” Otherwise, you’re not just Brooklyn hip. You’re mountain-man messy.

22. For Women: Visible Bra Straps

There’s a war going down in our culture today, and internet comments threads are the battlefields. That war is over the appropriateness of visible bra straps.
“Adult women wear bras, and people should deal with it,” say the pro-bra-strap ladies who just don’t care.

Photo by Debashis Biswas on Unsplash

“Bra straps are never, ever appropriate in a professional setting,” say the human resource managers.
Given the controversy, it’s safest to keep your straps covered up. You might not look like you’re making a point; you might just look like you got dressed in the dark. This is not to take a side in the debate.

We’re just saying that the smart money is always on covering undergarments. These clips and straps work great, or go with a strapless bra.

23. Wearing Oversized Clothes to Hide Your Figure

Oversized clothing is “in” right now, but don’t play into the trend just to hide your figure when you’re feeling bloated or self-conscious. Tuck in those oversized tops or add a belt; make sure that your figure’s visible.


You rock, and there’s no reason to sink into your clothing. If you want to go a few sizes up, have a plan and make an effort to balance your outfit’s proportions.

24. Excessively Long Sleeves

Long sleeves can easily make you look like a little kid. Unfortunately, if you’ve got short arms, a shirt might flatter the rest of your figure perfectly but leave your arms looking like flopping noodles.

Photo by Cherry Laithang on Unsplash

If you don’t want to roll up, go ahead and give your tailor a call—and if you don’t have a tailor, get one. For a few bucks, you can get a perfectly crafted look, provided that you’re on a tailor’s good side, and you’ll never go back to straight off-the-rack clothes again. That applies to both men and women (and guys, having a tailor will instantly put you way ahead of your competition).

But if you’ve got short arms and don’t want to cough up the extra money for a tailor, you’ve still got options. A three-fourth sleeve shirt does wonders to make the arms appear longer. Pair this one with leggings or jeggings.

25. Going Really Retro (Without Any Sort of Twist)

We’re fine with retro looks, to be absolutely clear. You just need to have some sort of a modern update, or you’ll end up looking like you got stranded in a 1980s (or earlier!) department store.
Modern accessories can provide a great, easy update. Your shoes and bottoms can also be modernized to complement a vintage top.


Just take it easy on the nostalgic items, and you’ll be fine; otherwise, you’ll look like you didn’t spend enough time thinking this through.

26. Taking the Term “Boyfriend Blazer” Too Literally

There are some great boyfriend blazers in the boutiques these days, but you can’t literally lift a boyfriend’s jacket and expect to look chic. What the designers call a “boyfriend blazer” is actually cut to strike a very feminine figure. Blazers designed for men, meanwhile, will make you look like David Byrne during his big-suit era.


No matter how romantic you think it is to snuggle in your boyfriend’s clothes, doing so likely gives you a sloppy appearance. If you like the idea of donning garments that have that boyfriend-type style, look for boyfriend-cut clothes. Despite the name, this type of clothing is cut for feminine figures, and looks amazing.

27. Showing up With Wet Hair

Nothing says “I overslept” like going out with wet hair. You get a pass if it’s raining, but otherwise, put that blow dryer to work. You want your look to be complete before you show up at an important work function or, God forbid, a hot date.


Wet hair sends the message that you were rushing to get out of the house, which suggests general sloppiness. We get it, though—you totally were rushing out of the house.

28. Leggings as Pants

This fashion faux pas has taken the nation by storm. We blame the rise of the yoga pant.


Leggings can be a key ingredient in a super cute outfit, but don’t mistake them for fully formed bottoms in themselves. Throw on a short skirt or wear a dress if your shirt is belly-grazing; the key is to keep your backside from hitting people in the face. That’s just sloppy (even if it’s incredibly comfortable).

Leggings can be paired with longer shirts or tunics for a more polished look if you’re not quite ready to say goodbye to the comfort factor of wearing leggings as pants. Just make sure your bum is covered.

29. Day-old Eye Makeup

It can be tempting to leave yesterday’s mascara and eyeliner on rather than going through the arduous process of removing and re-applying. Don’t give into temptation; people can totally tell, and you’re really not saving that much time in the long run.


On day two, mascara gets clumpy. Old eyeliner fades unevenly, leaving you looking like a Picasso painting. There’s only one way to keep your eye-makeup game going strong, and that’s to clean and re-apply daily. Sorry to break the bad news.

To make it easy on yourself, keep a pack of makeup removing wipes in your nightstand, so you never have an excuse to sleep in your eye makeup. That way, you won’t even be tempted to go to work the next morning in your day-old liner and mascara.

30. Smudges on Your Glasses

A cute pair of frames is great, but you’ll spoil the effect if you let lenses get smudged and greasy.


Keep a microfiber cloth handy at all times, and be sure to rub down your glasses before an important encounter. You definitely want to look your best if you’re getting close enough for someone to see your glasses in such detail.
Also, consider investing in a lens cleaning kit with spray and a cloth to get off tougher smudges—plus, it can be used on your phone and laptop screens, too.


Cole And Lili: Are They or Aren’t They?

Jughead and Betty may be #couplegoals on the hit drama Riverdale, but actors Cole Sprouse and Lili Reinhart are (or were) extremely private about their real-life romance. The couple reportedly got together in 2017, and fans fawned at their every move—but after Comic-Con 2019, rumors of their breakup started swirling. 
We’re taking a look back at their relationship—and trying to decode where their relationship stands today.

March 18, 2017

Fans were already shipping Cole and Lili from the moment Riverdale premiered in January 2017, but the real-life dating rumors started when Cole posted this photo of Lili in a field of flowers.

April 22, 2017

The next month, Cole posted another photo of Lili frolicking through a field of flowers, but this time the caption was much more telling. Fans quickly decided that it must be Cole’s admission of love.

June 12, 2017

Lili responded to a quirky photo of himself Cole shared on Twitter. Her response included the heart eyes emoji, the fire emoji, and…ahem…just take a look for yourself:

July 22, 2017

During an interview at Comic-Con 2017, fans spotted Cole and Lili sneakily caressing one another’s hands in an interview.

Lili was photographed wearing Cole’s jacket later that night.

August 4, 2017

Lili wrote a sweet birthday message to Cole in an Instagram post. 
To the man who has showed me more beautiful places in the past year than I have ever seen in my whole life. Happy birthday, Cole. Thank you for all the adventures and here’s to many more.” 

No big deal, right? Right?!

September 13, 2017

Cole and Lili held hands on the cover of Entertainment Weekly

Eric Ray Davidson/Entertainment Weekly

…But in the accompanying interview, Cole seemed to suggest that his relationship with Lili was all in fans’ heads.

Since the show began, people have wanted Lili and I to be together. People have wanted Lili and Camila to be together. People have wanted KJ and I to be together. People have wanted every actor on this show to be in a union that they could make real. Truthfully, it’s very pleasing that people talk about Lili and I in that way because it means that we’re resonating so strongly that people really want that to be true.

October 17, 2017

Cole shared another stunning photo of Lili to his Instagram. He captioned it “410,” which was mysterious to fans. Could it be referring to a date? Or an inside joke between the two? Either way, we were swooning.


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October 25, 2017

On Live With Kelly and Ryan, Cole admitted that he doesn’t mind making out with Lili. “They’re contractually obliged to give me as many kiss scenes as possible this season,” he joked. “I wrote it into my contract.”

January 1, 2018

The pair spent New Years together in Hawaii! 

January 10, 2018

Lili refused to open up about her and Cole’s relationship to V Magazine
“People are just dying to know information about if I’m in a relationship or not. I understand the interest, but it’s called a private life for a reason. And it’s not something that I owe the world.”

March 25, 2018

While promoting their upcoming season, the cast of Riverdale attended Paley Fest 2018. When it came time for audience questions one fan (and Bughead hero) decided to ask the question everyone was dying to know: 
“Cole and Lili, there’s been a lot of rumors of you guys dating. …Are you dating?”
“No comment,” Cole whispered awkwardly into his mic.

April 2, 2018

Cole and Lili got caught kissing in public! During a press trip to Paris, France, paparazzi caught this photo: 


April 4, 2018

Two days after the Paris kiss, they basically confirmed their relationship. TMZ caught the pair at LAX airport and asked them if it was a big decision to go public with their relationship.
Lili’s response? “It’s obvious.”

April 17, 2018

The couple may have had a romantic getaway in Mexico. Although they never posted a photo together, some eagle-eyed fans spotted what looks to be Lili’s shadow in one of Cole’s vacation photos.


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May 7, 2018

Finally! Lili and Cole made their red carpet debut at the 2018 Met Gala.

Frazer Harrison/FilmMagic

July 2, 2018

During an interview with Harper’s BAZAAR, Lili talked about her struggles with talking about her relationship publicly.

Harper’s BAZAAR

I’m not okay talking about my relationship, I’m not going to tell you my love story. That’s just not appropriate right now.”

July 27, 2018

After filming the third season of Riverdale, the two got together to watch the blood moon lunar eclipse. Lili documented her night with Cole on her Instagram story.


August 4, 2018

On Cole’s twenty-sixth birthday, Lili posted an Instagram photo of Sprouse captioned: 
“It seems as if the world would still be a stranger to me, if not for you. I’m so thankful that our paths intertwined to form this beautiful adventure~Happy birthday, my love.”

August 12, 2018

Cole and Lili attended the 2018 Teen Choice Awards along with their Riverdale castmates. Although they did not win, Cole and Lili were nominated for Choice TV: Ship and Choice TV: Liplock.

Shutterstock (via Hollywood Life)

However, they very noticeably did not walk the red carpet together or pose for pictures together. A fan also captured a photo of the show’s seating arrangement which showed Cole and Lili sitting near each other, but with an empty seat between them.

August 30, 2018

While filming Riverdale season 3, Lili posted a photo of her and Cole posing in France.

September 10, 2018

Cole posted a photo of the pair almost kissing. Simply captioned “It’s pretty, pretty late”

September 13, 2018

For Lili’s twenty-second birthday, Cole posted a gorgeous photo of Lili. Along with the picture, Cole wrote, “Both the birthday and the gift. My little muse, happy birthday my love.”

October 1, 2018

In an interview with Who What Wear, Lili opened up about why keeping her relationship private is so important to her. 

I think it’s just that I’m so protective over it. It’s not something the world needs to know about, because if you give them anything, they are just going to want more. I’m not going to hide away from my relationship or hide away from what’s going on in my life, but what does happen in my relationship is so private, and I cherish it a lot. He does as well. A relationship is a very intimate thing, and I want it to be between me and him, not me, him, and the world.

October 13, 2018

Lili shared a sweet photo of Cole on a beach with the caption “I hope you don’t mind.” Cole hilariously commented back, “Are you guys dating”

November 10, 2018

After Idris Elba won People’s Sexiest Man Alive, Lili weighed in with her own thoughts in an Instagram story. She posted a photo of Cole with the caption “my 2018 sexiest man alive.”

November 22, 2018

Big step! Cole traveled to North Carolina to spend Thanksgiving with Lili’s family.

January 6, 2019

Rumors first started circulating about the couple breaking up when they didn’t go to the Golden Globes together, and it had been a noticeably long time since the couple had been seen together.
At the time, though, Cole was out of the country with Riverdale costar KJ Apa.

February 11, 2019

However, just in time for Valentine’s Day, Cole and Lili set the record straight about their relationship. Amid break up rumors, Cole posted a photo of Lili laying in the snow.

March 7, 2019

Lili supported cole at his movie premiere for Five Feet Apart. The couple posed together on the red carpet, holding each other close.

Hollywood Life

April 29, 2019

Lili shared a video of Cole getting licked in the face by a cute pup. Someone in the background says “She thinks that you’re Dylan,” referring to Cole’s twin brother. “She does the same thing to Dylan.”

July 22, 2019

Rumors began swirling that Sprousehart was over. This time, it seemed real. Multiple sources reported that the couple called it quits after 2 years together, though the pair held off on addressing the public.
According to Us Weekly, “The Riverdale co-stars were spotted keeping their distance from each other at the Entertainment Weekly Comic-Con party in San Diego on Saturday, July 21. They both mingled with Riverdale castmates at different times, but were rarely seen together.” 
Cole told a friend that they broke up, the site reported, and he ended up going home with costars Apa and Camila Mendes.
Sources close to the couple also said that the two won’t be living together while filming the next season of Riverdale, reported E! News.

Pop Culture

Despite their alleged split, the costars seemed cordial when they sat next to each other during the show’s panel on July 21. Lili even later joked about her ex and Apa goofing off. “Please don’t put me between these two ever again” she joked in an Instagram caption of the trio.
Fans, needless to say, were having a hard time coping with the thought of the real-life couple splitting. 

But wait…after a “very messy breakup” earlier in the summer, they’re “currently on much better terms,” a source told E! News.

July 25, 2019

And then, well, there’s this, posted by Lili:
What do we know?

August 4, 2019

Lili took to Instagram to wish Cole a happy birthday with a romantic poem.
So, we might never know the truth about this intensely private couple. Sometimes they sit together, sometimes they don’t; sometimes they let the public in, and sometimes they don’t. No matter what, what we’ll always be Bughead stans.

Mindful Parenting

They Don’t Look Obvious: What Everyone Should Know About Child Abductions

When Becky Beach saw a five-year-old girl sitting in a hot car outside a store in Arlington, Texas, she knew that something wasn’t right. Her first concern was for the child’s immediate safety—the temperature was rising, and the windows of the vehicle were up. 
But something else seemed odd. The child seemed distracted and uncomfortable, so Beach decided to call the police.
“I knew I couldn’t stay there for long—I had my own family to get back to—but I felt like I needed to do something,” Beach tells HealthyWay. 


She decided to stick around until the authorities arrived. As the cops opened the vehicle and spoke with the child, a man came out of the nearby grocery store.
“He saw the police, and he had a look of shock,” Beach says. “His eyes popped out of his head and he started running away. I thought, you know, that guy might be up to something.”
Beach told police what she’d seen, and they quickly tracked down the man. He was the child’s father, but he didn’t have custody—and there was an Amber Alert out for the young girl. 
“He had snatched her away from school,” Beach says. 
iStock/Steve Debenport

Beach, who writes a blog on motherhood, says she typically wouldn’t have called the police right away. Something felt off, although there was nothing specific about the girl’s behavior that raised red flags. In retrospect, she’s glad she made the call.
“If you see something suspicious like this, then always take action,” she says. “A child’s life could be in danger.”
Beach’s story shows one of the uncomfortable realities of child abduction: It rarely looks dramatic. 

Abductions don’t look like you’d expect them to look.

According to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), U.S. law enforcement recorded 424,066 reports of missing children in 2018. In cases where NCEMC aided law enforcement, less than 1 percent were non-family abductions.
These are the types of cases you’re likely to hear about on the news; a child is snatched off the street or lured into a vehicle. While they’re certainly serious situations, they’re extremely rare. 


“What is very tricky is that most abductions and trafficking isn’t ‘stranger danger,’” Matt C. Pinsker, adjunct professor of criminal justice at Virginia Commonwealth University, tells HealthyWay
In many cases, the abductor is someone the child knows and trusts. Often, the abductor tries to keep the child calm—and as a result, passersby don’t realize that anything’s wrong. 

“Something I teach my law enforcement to look for in cases of human trafficking or abduction is how the child interacts with the supposed parent,” Pinsker says. “Because of threats and coercion, when we spotted and rescued children, they were almost never screaming, crying, or fighting. Instead, the child will be silent or, if saying anything, will say nothing more than carefully coached lines.”
So, what can people look for? If abductions don’t look like what we expect, how can we recognize them?

Experts recommend watching for indications that a child is uncomfortable with their caregiver.

When law enforcement officials believe a child is in danger, they gather information, then look for subtle clues that could help them understand the situation.

“What we would look for is the body language of the child,” Pinsker explains. “For example, does the child hang back from the ‘parent’ or act fearful in the person’s presence? Children typically go to and latch onto a parent for comfort, especially in a stressful situation. When a child has been abducted, instead, the child will appear fearful of the adult and hang back.”


“When we spot this, we separate the child from the parent for a brief period and see if there is a change in the child’s demeanor. We will try to put the child at ease to relax and trust us, and get him or her to talk to us and hopefully be truthful.”
Obviously, Pinsker doesn’t recommend this approach for strangers; you can’t realistically separate a child from their apparent caregiver, even if you’re sure something’s wrong. Still, if a child seems uncomfortable and remains distant from the adult they’re with, consider telling the police. 

Another sign that something’s wrong: The “parent” doesn’t seem to be parenting.

“There can be other signs, such as if an adult who is supposedly a caregiver is ill-prepared to care for a child,” Pinsker says. “For example, a lack of children’s toys [or] no car seat.”
Beach says her experience reinforced the importance of trusting instincts. While she didn’t have any clear indication that the girl in the car was in danger, she asked herself why a parent would take a risk by leaving a child in a hot car.

caucasian little girl bored

“It didn’t seem right,” she tells us. “That’s why I felt like I needed to get the authorities involved.” 
Granted, in some situations, strangers won’t be able to tell whether a caregiver is properly equipped to handle a child, so take the entire situation into account before reacting. If, however, you see signs that a child is in danger—as was the case in Beach’s story—call the authorities immediately.  

While non-family abductions are rare, people should know the signs.

Non-family abductions aren’t common, but they certainly occur, as one mother’s shocking story demonstrates.


Diandra Toyos was browsing IKEA for a new couch when she noticed a man circling the area. He kept getting closer to her 1-year-old son and 4-year-old daughter.
“My mom noticed as well and mentioned that we needed to keep an eye on him,” Toyos wrote on social media. “We moved on…and so did he. Closely.”
Her mother noticed another man circling the area and staring at the children, so she made strong eye contact with them to let them know she thought they were up to something. After that, the men disappeared, but Toyos also reported the men at IKEA’s security desk.

“I am almost sure that we were the targets of human trafficking,” she wrote. “This is happening all over. Including the United States. It’s in our backyards. I’m reading more and more about these experiences and it’s terrifying. If not that, something else shady was obviously going on. Either way, as parents, we NEED to be aware.”

Look for suspicious behavior, and make sure they know you’re watching.

According to the experts we contacted, Toyos did everything right: She trusted her instincts, stayed on top of the situation, and told a security guard as soon as possible. Perhaps most importantly, she showed the potential abductors that she was watching them.
“You can spot a possible dangerous situation when you see red flags, such as a man trying to lure a reluctant child into a vehicle, or a man sitting on a park bench alone or in a playground, offering candy to kids,” forensic psychiatrist Carole Lieberman, MD, tells HealthyWay. Lieberman has served as an expert witness in child abduction cases.


Granted, some “red flags” look similar to a typical tantrum, and nobody wants to interfere in another person’s parenting. Lieberman suggests trusting your instincts but taking appropriate actions to distinguish between dangerous situations and typical kid behavior.
“When you see a child screaming, crying, or fighting against someone who might be their parent or a predator, look at the expressions on their faces and their body language,” she says. “For example, a predator would be looking around to see if anyone is noticing the struggle, whereas a parent would be more focused on his child. A child would be more scared if they think they are being kidnapped, whereas they would be more angry at their parent.”
In some cases, simply showing an interest in the situation will be enough to scare the would-be abductor away. 

Parents should teach children what to do in an emergency.

Abductors will try to separate kids from their parents, so every child should be coached on how to respond to potentially dangerous situations.
“Of course, the standard practice of teaching children not to talk to strangers, or go anywhere a stranger has asked them to go to,” says John DeGarmo, PhD, director of the Foster Care Institute and author of several books about child welfare issues.


Kids should know that adults never need help from children, so if a stranger is asking them to help find a puppy, take groceries to a car, or do anything else, they should refuse. DeGarmo says that children should be ready to make noise and seek out a trusted adult as soon as a problematic situation arises.
“If approached by a stranger, remind the child to run away, screaming for help,” he says. “Let the child know that it is okay to say ‘no’ to someone who asks them to do something you have told them they may not, or something the child finds uncomfortable. …Encourage your child to report any strangers reaching out to them, either in person or online, to you.”
Kids should also learn techniques for avoiding danger, such as the “Velcro technique.” If someone tries to grab them, they should grab a tree, stop sign post, or other object and refuse to let go. Tell kids to make plenty of noise. Consider getting whistles or other loud noisemakers for older children (young children will, of course, blow these noisemakers constantly).

Don’t forget about the dangers of the internet.

DeGarmo notes that many abductors work on the internet, so parents should be vigilant about monitoring kids’ internet behavior. He recommends making sure that the kids understand you’ll be watching them; while you’re likely to meet some resistance, kids are less likely to interact with strangers online if they understand that their parents are monitoring them.


Experts also recommend paying attention to sudden changes in online activity. If kids spend long hours online at night or if they suddenly turn off the computer when you come into the room, talk to them. One in eleven children aged 10 to 17 receive unwanted solicitations online, but by establishing clear boundaries and keeping open lines of communication, parents can reduce the risks.
If you’re concerned about a possible family abduction, take additional precautions and make sure that your child has a set course of action.
“If you’re in a high-conflict family law situation, make sure your kids know all of the ways to contact you,” says family law attorney Julian Fox. “When the kids are not in your custody, insist on frequent phone calls. This will give you the peace of mind that your kids are safe. Finally, if you’re worried that the other parent might take the kids to another country, make sure that you have their passports.”

If you see something, take action, but let the authorities confront the potential abductor.

Let’s say you’re out in public and you see a child acting uncomfortable around an adult. What should you do?


“If you feel a situation is dangerous or wrong, you can approach to a safe distance and ask if you can help,” Lieberman says. “You will know right away whether this is a kidnapping in progress or a family dispute.”
Once again, Lieberman says that the key is to pay attention to small details that might reveal whether or not the child is actually in trouble, particularly if you decide to approach the potential abductor.
“If a predator claims that he’s the dad, the child’s reaction will show you he’s lying,” she says. “If it is the dad, he will likely be embarrassed as he declines your help.”
Lieberman also suggests tracking details that might be helpful later.

“Before you approach, note any identifying features, such as the [abductor’s] face, clothes, height, weight, and license plate, so you can give it to the 911 operator when you call.” 
Above all else, trust your instincts. If something seems wrong, contact the authorities—and pay close attention to the signs that could indicate danger for a child. Beach says this last point is especially important.
“Everyone’s in their own little world on their phones,” she says. “Just pay attention. You never know.”


The Dark Side of DNA: How Genetic Tests Expose Family Secrets (And Why They're Not Perfect)

If you’re curious about your heritage, you can always take one of those trendy DNA tests. Sites like 23andMe and AncestryDNA offer users the opportunity to take a closer look at their genetics, and by all accounts, they’re largely accurate. There’s no easier way to find out if you truly have Scandinavian heritage, or if you’re Irish enough to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day guilt free. 
In 2017 alone, about 12 million Americans purchased genetic genealogy tests. That means around 1 out of every 25 American adults have access to detailed genetic information—and, by all accounts, that number is going up. 
However, there’s a dark side to online genetic tests: They occasionally unearth uncomfortable information. In fact, the major DNA testing sites explicitly warn their users about that possibility.


“You may discover unexpected facts about yourself or your family when using our services,”’s privacy page warns. “Once discoveries are made, we can’t undo them.”
Granted, these situations are rare, but when they occur, they have life-altering consequences. We looked into a few cases where people received results they weren’t expecting (and what happened next).

1. A woman learns that she has more in common with her husband than she’d anticipated.

Liane Kupferberg Carter met her husband Marc during a vacation in Nassau. It was a storybook romance—or, as she described it in a piece for The Cut, “rom-com cute.”
“I was 25; he was two years older,” she wrote. “Initially, he was chasing my roommate. We struck up an intense conversation on the plane home, and by the time we landed at JFK, I had the unbidden thought, ‘I could marry a guy like this.’”
Spoiler alert: She married him. After arriving home, Liane discovered that Marc lived one block away from her Manhattan apartment. Flash forward a few years, and they were planning their lives together. They tied the knot, and everyone lived happily ever after.
Well, sort of. 38 years later, Liane signed up for 23andMe, and one day, she received an email: “You have new DNA relatives.”
The relative in question was her husband, Marc. He was her third cousin.
Before you get all creeped out, it’s important to know that third cousins don’t have a significantly higher risk of birth abnormalities than totally unrelated people. In fact, one Icelandic study showed that third- or fourth-cousin couples tend to be well suited biologically and typically have more kids than other couples.
There’s even some research suggesting that first cousins’ risks are only a few percentage points higher than other couples (and cousin marriage was fairly common throughout history—Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, and Edgar Allan Poe all married their cousins, and we certainly don’t look at them like they’re rogue Game of Thrones characters).
One of Carter’s children has an epileptic disorder and autism, but there’s no clear link between the couple’s genetic similarity and the boy’s conditions.
While Liane admits that her unexpected genealogical revelation gave her some pause, she never doubted that her husband was the right man for her.
“I don’t need the imprimatur of 23andMe to tell me what I already know with bone-deep certainty: our connection is a decades’ long conversation that continues to nurture and sustain us both,” she wrote.
In other words, she’s, uh, glad she married her cousin. 

2. A woman gets a DNA test for Christmas (and loses her sense of identity).

Linda Ketchum of Glendale, California received an AncestryDNA test from her husband as a Christmas present. Per a report in The New York Post, she wasn’t expecting much; she simply wanted to trace back her heritage.
“My dad was German, and my mother was Scottish-English,” she told the paper. “I thought it’d be fun to learn a little about my genetic ethnicity, to trace how all the pieces came together.”


Unfortunately, the results were fairly dramatic. Ketchum discovered that she had no biological link to her father whatsoever. Instead, she had numerous connections to Hispanic people in the site’s database.
 “At first I didn’t believe it,” she said. “But then I kept re-checking it, and I realized, ‘Oh my God, does this mean I’m…I’m Hispanic!’”

Her real biological father was a man of Hispanic descent. As both of her parents were deceased, she had nowhere to turn for answers.
“All these years I thought I was German on my dad’s side, but all of a sudden it was dawning on me that my dad wasn’t my real dad and I had an entirely different ethnicity.”
Ketchum told the paper that she was fairly traumatized. She lost her identity, and she began wondering whether she was related to random Hispanic people she saw on the street. She eventually tracked down her real biological father, Bill Chavez, who lived in New Mexico. He had also passed away, so she wasn’t able to connect with him.
iStock/William Barton

Ketchum’s story doesn’t have a happy ending, per se, but she’s at peace with the discovery. Still, she frequently thinks about the family she never met.
“I still wonder sometimes, would my life have been different if I’d known this earlier?” she said. “My real father, my actual grandparents, they all spoke fluent Spanish. I can’t even speak a word of it!”

3. A CNBC anchor receives shocking information (and ends up writing a book).

Journalist Bill Griffeth took a DNA test in 2012, hoping to learn more about his European ancestors. He’d had an ongoing interest in genealogy—he’s on the board of Boston’s New England Historic Genealogical Society—and he had even written a book about his ancestors’ journey to the United States. Griffeth was extremely proud of his family, and when his cousin asked him to participate in genetic testing to get more information about their family origins, he happily agreed.

Hey, he’s part of this article, so you probably know where this is going. The test showed that Griffeth had no biological relation to his late father. When he received word via email, he was crushed.
“My body responded before my brain could,” Griffeth wrote in his memoir The Stranger in My Genes. “I experienced a strange sensation of floating, and I could no longer feel the chair I was sitting in or the Blackberry I was holding. My breathing became labored and shallow and I heard a roaring in my ears like ocean waves crashing off in the distance.”
Initially, Griffeth denied the results, insisting that the company that tested his DNA had made some mistake. He actually went on the air on CNBC within hours of receiving the news and acted as though nothing had happened. For months, he refused to accept reality.
Eventually, the truth set in: His mother had had an affair, which she’d hidden from her family for decades. He eventually decided to confront her with the information.

“There was a time when I said, ‘I don’t want to pursue this any further, I don’t want to trouble Mom with it,’” Griffeth told the Extreme Genes podcast. “But as my brother said, ‘What if you want answers eventually and she’s gone, what are you going to do? And what about your children, they’re going to need answers down the road?’”
“We really needed to know the truth, so I presented her with the DNA evidence, and she took it like a champ. She admitted that she had made a mistake when she was younger, and that was that.”
These days, Griffeth is at peace with his family history. He doesn’t discuss the matter with his mother, but when he decided to write a book about his experience, she gave him her blessing.
“We don’t talk about it anymore,” he said. “…She’s of a different generation, a different time.”
Since going public with his story, Griffeth has heard from dozens of people about their own DNA testing mishaps. He says his perspective has gradually changed; he knows if his mother hadn’t made her “mistake,” he wouldn’t be here, and he takes comfort in knowing his situation isn’t unique.
“The only takeaway I can have from this is to be grateful about it,” he said. “…I encourage anybody, if you’re going through this, reach out. It’ll be a difficult first step, but you gotta be able to tell somebody.”
“I just think that DNA testing is going to have a profound impact, not only on biotechnology and medicine—it’s already having an impact there—but I think it’s going to have a profound impact on our social culture.”  

4. A woman gets a doctor-ordered DNA test, with tragic results.

While many people get DNA tests to learn about their hereditary history, some choose to get tested for medical reasons. Certain hereditary conditions have genetic markers that can help doctors diagnose, prevent, and even cure diseases before they become life threatening. In fact, many direct-to-consumer DNA testing services like 23andMe offer specialized tests for these genetic markers—but they warn that people shouldn’t make medical decisions based on their screenings.
Maureen Boesen has a family history of cancer, and she and her two sisters entered a university study to determine whether or not they had a BRCA gene mutation that would raise her risk of developing the disease.
Boesen tested positive.

“It was just devastating because I knew what breast cancer and ovarian cancer can do to a family,” she told KSHB in Kansas City. “The first question out of my mouth was, ‘Is there any chance this could be wrong?’ And the researcher said ‘No.’”
To limit her chances of developing cancer, Boesen underwent a preventive double mastectomy at 23. Years later, she also decided to undergo a complete hysterectomy, but prior to that procedure, doctors performed another test.

“I was at work, and the first thing [the doctor] said was, ‘We need to talk,’” she recalled. “And my heart just sank. And she said, ‘You’re negative!’ and I just started bawling. I was angry. I was regretful. I was happy. I was sad.”
According to the U.S. Preventive Service Task Force’s recommendations for BRCA testing, doctors should screen some women with cancer in their family histories, but false positives occur occasionally. It’s unclear why Boesen’s physicians didn’t re-test her before carrying out her double mastectomy, but her story is a good indication of how genetic tests can be misleading—and why a second opinion is always helpful when making serious medical decisions. 
“I wish what I had been told was, ‘If you don’t trust it, get another test,’” Boesen said. “But that’s not what I was told, and my life could have been so different.”

5. A woman finds out a secret about her family…but decides to do some investigating.

Kristen Brown received a shock when her aunt sent off for a commercial DNA test: According to the results, Brown’s grandfather wasn’t a full-blooded Syrian. That led to a small family scandal.
“If we weren’t who we thought we were, well, then, who were we?” Brown wrote for Gizmodo.


But to Brown, something didn’t seem right. She suspected that the test was inaccurate, so she mailed DNA samples to three major commercial DNA testers…and received extremely different results from each.
She’s not the only one. In 2018, reporter Rafi Letzler took nine DNA tests from three companies and received six distinctly different results. Even when a single company performs a test multiple times, the results can change dramatically.
How could that happen? For starters, those heritage estimates (think “you’re 9 percent Scandinavian” and other such results) are just that—estimates—and they’re not as accurate as you might assume. 
To determine users’ heritage, sites compare the DNA of all of the people who’ve already taken the test. If a person’s genetic makeup is more similar to, say, the DNA of Scandinavian users, the service will conclude that the user has some Scandinavian heritage.

However, the services can only work with whatever data is available. Heritage estimates will vary from one site to the next—if the site has a lot of Italian users, it’s more likely to provide accurate heritage estimates for people with Italian backgrounds, and conversely, if the site’s database doesn’t have many Middle Eastern samples to use as a comparison point, it will have trouble accurately determining the heritage of a person with a Middle Eastern background.
“Your DNA is only part of what determines who you are, even if the analysis of it is correct,” Brown wrote. “…If the messaging of consumer DNA companies more accurately reflected the science, though, it might be a lot less compelling: Spit in a tube and find out where on the planet it’s statistically probable that you share ancestry with today.”
That’s not to say that commercial genetic tests are worthless; they can provide some useful information about heritage, and they can accurately determine relationships between different users.
But if you assume that the tests are perfect, the results are in: You’re 99 percent naive.