
Dry Shampoo Is Actually A Scam

When we first heard about dry shampoo, we thought our lives had changed forever.

National Museum of American History

We’re not exactly sure why washing our hair is so unappealing, but for the most part, it’s an obnoxious ritual. Dry shampoo seems like an excellent alternative; if you’re running late and you don’t have time to run through the shower, why not give your hair a quick spritz and be on your way?

Unfortunately, dry shampoo is problematic—from both scientific and functional standpoints.

These products work by soaking up grease and oil, but they’re not nearly as effective as soap and water. If you decide to forgo “wet washing” indefinitely, you’re going to run into a few issues right away.
To understand why, let’s consider the typical ingredients of popular dry shampoos. Most contain cornstarch, which binds to sebum, the oils created by your scalp.
To keep the cornstarch from caking together, many formulas also include magnesium stearate, along with a sizable dose of kaolin, a soft clay that reduces reflectivity. That makes your hair and scalp appear less shiny (and therefore less gross).
Most spray-on dry shampoos also include alcohol and petroleum, which propel the ingredients out of the bottle. The alcohol helps the mixture evaporate quickly.
Together these ingredients prevent oil from building up on your hair and keep your locks from looking greasy. But they don’t magically leave your head—they stick around, leaving a light residue on your scalp.

The good news is that the residue is fairly safe.

“Most shampoos today developed by major cosmetic houses are very safe, whether they’re wet or dry. They’re compounded so you can use them without problems,” said Wilma Bergfeld, MD, in an interview with Cleveland Clinic. “The question is whether it’s important to clean the scalp, and that answer is yes.”
The bad news? Dry shampoo certainly isn’t a substitute for wet shampoo.
“Your hair and scalp needs to be washed and rinsed intermittently to keep it clean,” Dr. Bergfeld said. “The scalp collects chemicals and pollutants both from the air and from cosmetic care products, and if you only use a dry shampoo, the cleansing is only minimal but it does freshen the hair by removing oils.”
Given enough time, your dry shampoo habit could make your hair more brittle, leading to damage and hair loss. It also doesn’t do much for your scalp, since it’s designed to improve your appearance, not to act as a complete cleanser.
Dry shampoo “deposits substances to coat the follicle that can build up,” L.A. dermatologist Sonia Batra told The Atlantic. “The resulting inflammation can weaken the follicles and increase shedding. These products can also cause hair follicles to stick together, so that a hair that would normally shed during brushing may take two or three strands along with it.”

If you’re going to use dry shampoo, make sure to use it correctly.

Dermatologists recommend spraying only the oily part of your hair, not the scalp. Don’t use dry shampoo for more than two days in a row, and if possible, opt for the non-spray shampoos, since they don’t contain alcohol or petroleum.
Finally, the most important—and disappointing—piece of advice: Don’t expect to see the same results you’d get from a typical cleaning.


4 Reasons You're Getting Wrinkles That Have Nothing To Do With Aging

Nobody likes seeing a new wrinkle.


Unfortunately, wrinkles are a part of aging—up to a point. Your habits can make your skin age prematurely, and the right approach can dramatically reduce the appearance of new wrinkles.

Here are a few things many of us are doing every day that can cause our skin to age more rapidly.

1. Not Using Sunscreen

If you only use sunscreen when you’re sitting in direct sunlight at the pool, you’re setting yourself up for some serious skin damage. Even just a few minutes of sun exposure leads to the breakdown of collagen within your skin. Collagen is the protein that gives your skin its strength and elasticity, so when that is damaged, wrinkles start to appear.


“We now have the scientific evidence to back the long-held assumption about the cosmetic value of sunscreen,” said Dr. Adele Green, lead author of a recent study that examined the effects of sunscreen on aging. “Regular sunscreen use by young and mid-aged adults under 55 brings cosmetic benefits and also decreases the risk of skin cancer.”

It’s a good idea to use sunscreen regularly, even on cloudy days, as UV rays simply aren’t great for your skin’s collagen. If you wear makeup, you can even look for brands with built-in SPF protection.

2. Picking at Your Skin

When you start to pick at a zit or ingrown hair, you’re going to do some damage. That’s especially true when you use your fingernails, which often introduce bacteria into the opening in your skin.


“When performed properly, extractions can clear certain types of pimples. However, bad techniques combined with attempts to pick non-pickable pimples can be a recipe for disaster,” said Joshua Zeichner, MD, director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, to Allure.

If you need to pick at something, try only using thin tweezers or safety pins, sanitized carefully before and after each use. Better yet, use a product with salicylic acid to treat pimples properly—and if you have a recurring skin issue, see a dermatologist.

3. A High-Sugar Diet

Eating a high sugar diet is terrible for your overall health and especially bad for your skin. The saying “you are what you eat” is actually somewhat true on a molecular level.


When you consume a lot of sugar, a process called glycation occurs; sugar molecules attach themselves to proteins in your skin, causing them to become rigid and disfigured. Collagen is one such protein.

A high-sugar diet can also cause inflammation, which is another cause of collagen breakdown. All of these factors can have a serious impact on the appearance of your skin.

4. Sleeping in Makeup

“During the day you accumulate a lot of oxidative stress,” New York dermatologist Dr. Erin Gilbert told HuffPost. “When you sleep in your makeup you are not giving your skin a chance to recover from those insults, which can lead to premature aging.”


Thicker products are often more problematic, but there’s no “safe” makeup to wear to bed. Don’t be lazy—if you’re headed for the bedroom, wash off your makeup before your head hits the pillow.


Soy Sauce Overdose Puts Teenager In Coma

It was the Bizarre Case of the Soy Sauce Overdose.
According to a report published in the Journal of Emergency Medicine, a 19-year-old man barely survived after drinking a quart of soy sauce.
The teenager’s friends had dared him to consume the sodium-rich liquid. Within minutes, the extreme amounts of salt prompted seizures, followed by complete unresponsiveness. The patient’s friends brought him to the emergency room of the University of Virginia Medical Center, where physicians began treatment.
“He didn’t respond to any of the stimuli that we gave him,” said Dr. David J. Carlberg, who treated the patient, in an interview with LiveScience.
“He had some clonus, which is just elevated reflexes. It’s a sign that basically the nervous system wasn’t working very well.”
Carlberg diagnosed the issue as hypernatremia, a condition that typically occurs in older people who don’t drink sufficient amounts of water. Hypernatremic patients have high levels of sodium ions in their blood supply, which prevent several body systems from functioning effectively. It’s also characterized by brain cell shrinkage, eventually leading to bleeding in or around the brain.
If left unchecked, hypernatremia can cause permanent brain damage, circulatory problems, or death. It’s most common in patients who have dementia or other mental conditions that impair judgment or prevent feelings of thirst. Needless to say, soy sauce consumption isn’t a common cause.

Fortunately, the condition can usually be treated easily without any long-lasting effects.

Typically, doctors use intravenous fluids to restore balance to the bloodstream, limiting electrolyte levels and allowing the body to resume normal function. That was difficult in this case—severe self-induced hypernatremia is extremely rare.
“We were more aggressive than had been reported before in terms of bringing his sodium back down to a safer range,” Carlberg said.
The team at the University of Virginia Medical Center decided to use rapid free-water infusions to quickly rid the patient’s body of the excess sodium. In only 30 minutes, they pumped about 1.5 gallons of a water–sugar solution into the teen’s body. Within about five hours, they were able to restore the patient’s sodium levels to normal.
His symptoms didn’t immediately subside, however. The patient remained in a coma for three days, according to doctors, before waking up on his own. He displayed symptoms for an additional several days, likely due to the seizures he’d experienced at the onset of the hypernatremia.
Fortunately, these effects were temporary. Doctors told LiveScience that the 19-year-old is back at college and doing well; he doesn’t seem to have any permanent damage from the misadventure.
The patient was extremely lucky in this case, as physicians typically treat the rare condition with a slower process. Carlberg’s team elected to use rapid infusions due to the extent of the sodium imbalance, noting the severity of the patient’s condition.

How likely is a soy sauce (or any other type of salt) overdose?

Pretty unlikely. The patient in this case consumed about 0.35 pounds of sodium, an almost impossible amount. In most other cases of self-induced hypernatremia, patients vomit up the excess salt long before the most severe symptoms occur.
As the doctors noted in their report, legends claim that ancient Chinese would purposely ingest huge amounts of salt as a way of making atonement, choosing an honorable death as a result of the ensuing hypernatremia. That makes for a great story, but we couldn’t find any definitive sources documenting that practice.
Typically, excessive sodium works much more slowly to damage your health. Over time, sodium levels can cause high blood pressure, and they tend to cause calcium loss due to dehydration. There’s also some evidence that sodium negatively affects cognitive function, which certainly makes sense given what we know about extreme hypernatremia.
With that said, our bodies need some salt in order to function. Some health experts worry that reducing sodium to extremely low levels may be more dangerous.
Low levels of blood sodium—referred to as hyponatremia—can cause many of the same symptoms as hypernatremia, including headaches, confusion, weakness, and fatigue.
Typically, hyponatremia occurs when patients have severe gastrointestinal issues, which can cause dehydration. That’s why doctors often recommend electrolyte solutions (for instance, sports drinks) to patients who have diarrhea and vomiting.

The verdict: To stay healthy, it’s important to balance your salt intake.

And don’t partake in any soy sauce dares.
The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends a daily sodium intake of no more than 2,300 milligrams. Ideally, adults should limit intake to around 1,500 milligrams per day, although this is also the subject of some controversy. Several studies have demonstrated that diets with higher sodium levels can also be healthy, provided that they’re otherwise balanced.
Most soy sauces contain about 879 milligrams per tablespoon-sized serving. A quart of soy sauce contains 56,028 milligrams, which is about 24 times greater than the AHA’s max. Even if the patient had opted for low-sodium soy sauce, he’d have ingested at least 10 times the recommended maximum.
And before you start laughing at this teenager’s misfortune, think about the last time you took a stupid dare—and remind yourself that 90 percent of Americans eat too much salt.


Doctors Thought This Teen Was Pregnant, But She Actually Had A Rare Disease

Caly Bevier was just 15 years old when she developed a strange set of symptoms. She felt bloated and nauseated. At first, she just dismissed the illness. Then the discomfort came to a head at the end of a family vacation in Orlando, Florida. Caly could tell that something just wasn’t right.

Caly Bevier/Facebook

The Bowling Green, Ohio, girl went to her doctor, who arrived at the obvious conclusion: Caly was pregnant. That couldn’t be, Caly insisted.
“[The doctor] said the only other thing it could be is a tumor on your ovaries,” Caly told People. “And I said, ‘That’s what it has to be, then.'”
Sadly, Caly was right. Her doctor found a 5-pound tumor in her gut. Caly had ovarian cancer. By the time she sought treatment, she was already in stage 3.
Caly Bevier/Facebook

What followed will be familiar to anyone who’s faced cancer themselves or has seen a loved one through it: three months of chemotherapy, for a total of 21 exhausting treatments. She also had an ovary and a fallopian tube removed.

In the end, the treatments were worth any amount of discomfort. Caly was in remission.

During her months-long battle with ovarian cancer, Caly lost her hair, but not her fighting spirit. She met another young patient battling cancer in the hospital, and the aspiring entertainer sang a benefit concert for him.

Her dad filmed her singing “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten and the video went viral.
Next thing she knew, Caly was on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and America’s Got Talent, in which she proceeded all the way to the semi-final round. In a roundabout way, Caly’s cancer introduced her to her dream.

Caly Bevier/Facebook

“It made me realize I wanted to pursue a career in music,” Caly told People when she was 17.
She’s got a pretty good start. A few years after her cancer went into remission, Caly moved to L.A. to pursue her career. By January 2017, she had a manager and songwriters—some of whom have previously worked with big names like Jason Derulo and Katy Perry.

Caly is using her new platform as an entertainer to spread the word about the dangers of ovarian cancer.

Hers was a rare form of the illness, but she wants everyone to know that the disease can strike anywhere. If it can happen to a 15-year-old competitive cheerleader from the Midwest, it can happen to anyone.
“I had a lump growing in my stomach for a year and I just ignored it,” she said. “I didn’t really think anything of it because it wasn’t a problem.”

Caly Bevier/Facebook

Caly isn’t alone in missing the signs of her disease. Dagmar Stein, Director of Pediatric Hematology Oncology at ProMedica Toledo Children’s Hospital, was in charge of Caly’s treatment. Stein told People why it’s so hard to spot the symptoms early.
“Caly’s is a very rare form of ovarian cancer. There are some symptoms—pain in the back and abdomen, burning urination, and some constipation…but the symptoms are very nonspecific and that’s why ovarian cancer is very difficult to pick up. You won’t feel anything until the cancer is large and that’s why it can be so deadly for women.”
Caly has been cancer free for two years, but she’ll never forget the battle for her life. She’s devoted to raising awareness about ovarian cancer, particularly in young women.

To that end, she recently performed at a fundraising event called Catwalk for a Cause.

NASCAR driver Martin Truex sponsored the event through his charitable organization, the Martin Truex Junior Foundation. Truex organized the first Catwalk for a Cause in 2009 with the goal of raising funds to combat pediatric cancer.

Caly Bevier/Twitter

The yearly event took on even more special significance three years ago, when Truex’s girlfriend, Sherry Pollex, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Since then, the Catwalk for a Cause has raised money for both pediatric cancer and ovarian cancer—and Caly had both.
“She’s unbelievable and it’s cool for me [to have her perform] because she’s an ovarian cancer survivor,” Pollex told People. “We were both Stage 3. But now we’re both survivors and even our hair is about the same length. She’s just amazing.”
Adam Bevier/Twitter

Caly was just as pleased to play the fundraiser.
“I want to make people aware of cancer through my music,” Caly said. “I tell my story to inspire other people to want to keep fighting and live their life to fullest.”

If you have a family history of ovarian cancer, ask your doctor if there’s anything you can do to decrease the risk.

Your doctor might prescribe birth control pills, which can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by 50 percent after five years of treatment. As with any health care decision, start by talking to your doctor about the risks.
Be on the lookout for symptoms. They’re subtle, but if you have abdominal discomfort, changes in appetite or bowel movements, bloating, unexplained weight loss, or nausea, it’s a good idea to tell your doctor.
To support the Martin Truex Junior Foundation in their mission to fund research on childhood and ovarian cancer, as well as family support programs, visit their website here.


Can Coffee Really Stunt Your Growth?

According to conventional wisdom, coffee is solely a drink for adults.
Kids rarely complain—after all, it’s an acquired taste, and a bitter cup of java isn’t exactly irresistible to a young child’s palate.
But the idea that kids can’t have coffee has nothing to do with taste; it’s based on the well-known assertion that coffee stunts growth. It sounds plausible, for some reason, but is it really based in science?
Possibly, but the effect is likely overstated. At one point, scientists believed that caffeine affects calcium absorption, preventing the body from using the mineral effectively. Heavy caffeine consumption was even thought to be a risk factor for osteoporosis. More recent studies have prompted a reversal on this position, however.
Caffeine doesn’t seem to meaningfully affect calcium absorption, according to a 1992 study published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.
“High caffeine consumption has been proposed as a risk factor for osteoporotic fracture, but the evidence associating high caffeine intake with low bone density is inconsistent,” wrote the study’s authors, noting that caffeine intake doesn’t seem to be an important osteoporosis risk factor.

A cup of coffee probably won’t stop a growing body from growing.

But that doesn’t make caffeine a good dietary addition for younger kids.
“There are lots of things we can’t do because we’re not old enough or mature enough,” said Kevin Shannon, MD, a professor of pediatric cardiology and director of pediatric arrhythmia at the Mattel Children’s Hospital of the University of California, Los Angeles, in an interview with TODAY. “Caffeine should probably be added to that list.”
That’s not because of the stimulant’s purported growth-stunting capabilities but its effect on the cardiovascular system. A 2014 study from the University of Buffalo’s School of Public Health and Health Professions showed that a moderate amount of caffeine can increase blood pressure and slow heart rates in young children.
The slow heart rates occur because the heart is forced to compensate for rising blood pressure. The effect is reversed at high caffeine dosages.
Caffeine can also contribute to insomnia and other sleep disorders, which may actually have an effect on growth. It’s a diuretic, so it can cause dehydration in large amounts, and it can cause jitters, headaches, gastrointestinal distress, and withdrawal symptoms.
These symptoms are often more pronounced in kids, since a relatively small amount of caffeine has a greater effect on a smaller body.
“Caffeine is absorbed in every body tissue,” wrote Marcie Schneider, MD, adolescent medicine physician and a former member of the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition, for Live Science. “It increases your heart rate and it increases your blood pressure. Caffeine changes your body temperature and your gastric juices. It changes how attentive you are, and can really cause trouble in terms of sleep.”

Schneider also provided an alternate hypothesis for the “coffee stunts your growth” belief.

“Caffeine is a stimulant, and therefore it may change their appetite,” she wrote. “Adolescents gain half of their adult weight in their teenage years. If caffeine curbs their appetite in some way it could affect their growth.”
While that sounds completely plausible, we should note that we couldn’t find direct evidence to back up that assertion.
Unfortunately, kids are drinking quite a bit of caffeine, although they rarely get their fix from coffee. A 2010 study published in the journal Pediatrics found that 75 percent of children consume caffeine on a daily basis. Most of that comes from sodas, chocolate, and energy drinks.
Parents also frequently mistake energy drinks for sports drinks, which is problematic; many energy drinks have much more caffeine per serving than coffee or soda. Some also contain taurine, which neutralizes some of the negative effects of caffeine, potentially allowing children to consume even more of the drinks.
Sodas, energy drinks, and blended coffee drinks also have high amounts of sugar. High-sugar diets are linked to obesity and malnutrition in kids, so parents should certainly try to cut out unnecessary sugars wherever possible.

Some doctors say that ideally, children shouldn’t consume any caffeine.

“I think there is no place for caffeine in a child’s diet until they become young adults, at age 18,” said Jessica Lieb, registered dietitian at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. “And even in adults, it’s important to be really careful. As in all things, caffeine should be consumed in moderation.”
For some families, a “no caffeine” rule is impractical, but most experts say that parents should establish some limits.
The Canadian government suggests a maximum recommended intake of 45 milligrams per day for children aged 4 to 6. For reference, a 12-ounce diet cola contains roughly 45 milligrams, and a typical cup of coffee contains about 95 milligrams.
The bottom line: Young kids shouldn’t have coffee. Older teenagers can probably gradually add caffeine to their diets with few ill effects. Provided that they couple their coffee with a balanced breakfast after a good night’s sleep, their bodies should grow just fine.


6 Secrets Nurses Wish They Could Tell You

My brother once spent a month in the intensive care unit (ICU) after a car accident. During that time, his doctors would breeze in the room, look at his chart, and spend a few moments discussing his care before popping back out.


His nurses, however, were there 24 hours a day. They changed his bandages, washed his hair when he started to smell, and didn’t flinch when he made some very inappropriate comments after a bad interaction with some of his medication.

The women and men who care for others as nurses are professionals. Never “just a nurse.” Nurses are equal parts healthcare providers, patient advocates, therapists, and superheroes. Most of us though, don’t realize just how vital nurses are in day-to-day hospital operations.


We asked nurses to weigh in on what they wish patients knew about their job. What they shared with us just might surprise you.

1. “One of the things that annoy nurses the most is when people say, ‘I think I have this diagnosis because I looked it up on Google.'”

Thanks to Dr. Google, people can look up aches and pains online. In moderation, googling symptoms isn’t so bad, but it’s easy to fall down the rabbit hole of cyberchondria. It starts by looking up that niggling pain in your stomach.


Before you know it, you’ve diagnosed yourself with one of the rarest incurable diseases in the world.

Among people who used online symptom checkers, 67 percent later sought unnecessary medical treatment. Excessive visits to the emergency room or doctor’s office place a greater strain on nurses who already have a full patient load.


Because people seek unnecessary treatment as a result of online research, nurses have less time to spend caring for patients who are in need of medical treatment.

What’s more, nurses and doctors say, is that cyberchondria often leads patients to try to treat their symptoms on their own, which can land you in the emergency room even if you were perfectly fine before.


Instead, nurses and doctors recommend that if you feel sick or are in pain, it’s always best to simply call your healthcare provider to see if you need to come in to be seen.

2. “In the ICU, it’s frustrating when patients say we’re neglecting or ignoring them…when in reality if I’m not sitting outside my patient’s room then I’m in another room helping with a patient who is crashing or coding.”

In critical care units, nurses are trained to deal with life-threatening medical conditions.

Although ICU nurses often have a much smaller patient load—typically one to two patients at a time, emergency patient situations often arise that demand a nurse’s full attention until a patient is stabilized.


According to one ICU nurse, “It took me a few years to not hate my job, and that was when I realized you’re not going to have a quick fix with all of your patients.”

3. “We need lunch breaks and bathroom breaks too!”

Although restroom and lunch breaks are figured into the salaries of many nursing professionals, most rarely get to take a break during shifts that can be as long as 12 to 24 hours.

That’s because most nurses are supposed to take breaks using a buddy system, in which a nurse covers the patients of a nurse who’s on break.


However, according to research done by NPR, one “nurse says she rarely stops. Not for 12 hours. She’s an emergency room nurse in a busy urban hospital. The ideal, she says, would be one nurse for every three patients in her ER. But she typically cares for five patients or more—often eight, if she’s covering for a colleague taking a lunch break. She says there are times when she can’t leave patients’ bedsides.”

The inability to take a break is one of the biggest reasons for nurse burnout on the job. In fact, the majority of nurses feel “stressed, overworked, underappreciated, and underutilized.”


Ultimately, this affects a nurse’s ability to provide the best patient care. In some states, nurses have taken action, winning legal battles to take appropriate breaks. When they get those breaks, nurses are happier, and patients receive better care.

4. “Could you please stop talking while I am trying to listen to your heart/lungs?”

While you’re busy explaining your symptoms in great detail, your nurse is busy trying to assess your vital signs. A patient’s blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and respiratory rate determine the next steps in their care, which is why it’s extremely important to stay silent during this examination.


Vital signs ought to be the most reliable pieces of information in a patient’s file, but when a nurse is distracted at the time of examination, the results are often incorrect. This can have serious consequences for a patient’s health.

For example, a patient might receive an inaccurate diagnosis based on the vital signs that were recorded.


So don’t take it personally if a nurse cuts your conversation short. Although chatting with your nurse might make you feel more at ease, your nurse is simply trying to stay focused on providing the best medical care.

5. “I understand you are sick, and I am here to care for you. But I am not your maid, and this is not a hotel, it is a hospital.”

Hospitals have started offering more amenities to patients, in part because insurance reimbursements are now directly tied to patient satisfaction. In one survey, patients were asked to rate how quickly they received help after pressing the nurse call button without indicating if the help requested was medical in nature.


“Patients have complained on the survey…about everything from ‘My roommate was dying all night and his breathing was very noisy’ to ‘The hospital doesn’t have Splenda.’ A nurse at the New Jersey hospital lacking Splenda said, ‘This somehow became the fault of the nurse and ended up being placed in her personnel file. …Many patients have unrealistic expectations for their care and their outcomes,’ the nurse said.”

Both hospitals and hotels often have cable television, but that’s really where the similarities end.


A nurse’s main focus is on overall patient care. If an immobile patient asks for more water, a nurse is more than happy to accommodate that request. However, if you’re perfectly capable of fluffing your own pillow or changing your television station, think twice before pressing the call button.

6. “You know that you are having surgery, that we are operating on you, and that you are going to be naked on an operating table. Please, for the love of all things, wash yourself and clean your belly button!”

Nurses, like most people, appreciate general good hygiene in others.


Bathing immobile patients is part of the job, but most nurses draw the line at patients who show up for scheduled surgery smelling less than fresh.

It’s not just because nurses have delicate noses. Bathing before scheduled surgery is recommended in most medical offices to help prevent post-op infections.


Please note that although nurses want you to be clean for surgery, they do advise skipping perfumes, deodorants, and lotions that could contaminate the surgical site.

Nurses have touched millions of lives and looked after countless numbers of people in need. Let’s do our best to show them the same care they’ve shown all of us.


The Science Of Attraction: Men Are Subconsciously Looking For These 8 Things In A Woman

Your heart races. You get sweatier. You keep swallowing, and it’s hard to focus on the words you’re stringing together to form a sentence because your head is buzzing with a concoction of feel-good chemicals.
Those initial waves of attraction can knock you off your feet. More often than not, the first powerful feelings you experience for someone you’re attracted to seem inexplicable and maybe even nonsensical.
Why do we latch on to some people the way we do and not others? Is it just some ineffable, spiritual connection?
The truth is, attraction isn’t random. Science can explain a lot of why we feel what we feel for a person who catches our eye.
As it turns out, even when he isn’t aware of it, a man often gets romantically involved with a woman he sees has certain qualities that are biologically coded to mean “healthy” and, by extension, “fertile.”
He may think he is simply on the hunt for his next date, but thanks to evolution, he is also subconsciously looking for a partner for his role in the survival of the human race.
This innate drive to recreate can explain these eight things men are hardwired to look for in a potential lover.

1. It’s in her hips.

Biology is often to blame for why we do many of the things we do. Check out the video below to find out why most men look at body shape when searching for a significant other.

One 2017 study found a correlation between the number of children a woman had and her waist-to-hip ratio (WHR). The study looked at nearly 1,000 women from seven non-industrial societies in Sub-Saharan Africa, Western Siberia, South America, and South Asia; of this group, the women who had borne more children had higher WHRs on average.
These findings suggested that this preference for a lower WHR—the sweet spot seems to be around 0.7—may be because it is a biological indicator that a woman has not borne many (if any) children, meaning she’s got, in theory, the best of her baby-making days ahead of her.
So, contrary to the popular notion that low WHR equals high fertility, and that this quality alone is what’s prized by dudes on a subconscious level, it seems to be that low WHR indicates a limited number of previous pregnancies. The study’s authors offer a number of explanations for why this would be appealing, including that men aren’t typically thrilled about parenting another man’s kid: “from an evolutionary point of view, a male investing in another man’s children is synonymous to a man supporting his opponent’s reproductive success.”
Heartwarming, really.

2. It’s all about symmetry.

Although you probably learned all about it in art class or geometry, men’s biology seems to be fixated on symmetry. Symmetry is the idea that—when divided in half—each side of an object, person, or image mirrors the other.
Of course, men aren’t simply attracted to any symmetry they see. (Unless they’re one of those 19th-century male nature writers who was aroused by plants.) We are all specifically wired to look for this characteristic in other human beings and use it as a subconscious tool for rating attractiveness, according to the journal Symmetry.
There are a few different theories about why this is the case. Some researchers think symmetry is believed to be an indication of overall health.
There are others who believe that because symmetrical images are easier to process visually, our brain is wired to show preference for this characteristic.

3. Let your hair down.

If you have ever suspected that men prefer women with longer hair, you were totally onto something.
The way a woman wears her hair does influence how the opposite sex sees her, according to a 2004 study in the journal Human Nature. This survey found that women with longer hair were rated by male participants as appearing healthier and more attractive.
Admittedly, hairstyle seems to have a very small influence on the attractiveness of women. In fact, if a woman was already viewed as attractive, her hair length didn’t really influence how men viewed her in a study by the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology.
It was women who were rated as plain who were deemed more attractive when shown with long hair.

4. Throw on some red lipstick.

Women have long painted their lips red or added blush to their cheeks to make themselves more appealing to men, but it wasn’t until 2008 that we started to see some published research on the effects of wearing red on human attraction.
As it turns out, showing a preference for the color red is a behavior exhibited in males throughout the animal kingdom, specifically primates. Homo sapiens, at least according to the findings in this landmark study, were simply following suit, being the animals that they are. (Looks like that charming “you and me baby ain’t nothing but mammals” song that your parents didn’t want you to listen to in middle school was onto something.)
This attraction to the color red appears to be linked to the female cycle, according to the journal Personality and Social Psychology. Researchers observed that female monkeys actually reddened while ovulating and their mates responded to that change.
Additionally, the same attraction was observed when men were presented with pictures of women wearing red lipstick or a red shirt.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Follow-up research using larger samples has challenged these findings—which honestly makes sense, because when something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Although it would be wonderful to be able to secure your future with a dreamy guy by throwing on a red dress before you “accidentally” run into him at the library again, this factor alone is unlikely to stir his feelings.
Several more recent studies, like this one published in the journal Social Psychology, closely replicated the 2008 experiment and found that “the red effect” wasn’t actually a thing. Sorry, ladies in red.

5. The Way You Smell

As bizarre as this may sound, men may be attracted to you because of the way you smell. Even though a lot of people know that pheromones are a hormone with a very specific scent, the science behind the attraction isn’t common knowledge.
Research has found that a woman’s cycle directly influences the pheromones she emits. Depending on where you are in your cycle, men may find you more attractive simply because of the smell of the pheromones you are giving off.

6. Bright and Healthy Eyes

When you ask any man what he finds attractive about a woman, it is almost expected for him to comment on her eyes.
There is a real reason we place so much emphasis on the eyes of people we’re attracted to, and it isn’t because the eyes are the window to the soul.
Men are more attracted to women with clear, bright eyes, according to The Harvard Brain. It isn’t necessarily about color, either. It is the overall brightness of the entire eye that matters. This is believed to be all about evolution since bright eyes are viewed as healthier, whereas dull or dry eyes are associated with aging.

7. Those Luscious Lips

As silly as it may sound, all those teenagers posting duckface selfies on social media might be onto something, since fuller lips are seen as an attractive trait on women.
We already know the color of a woman’s lips matters, but that isn’t the only thing that men are looking for in the mouths of a potential love interest.
One Manchester University study found that after meeting a new woman, men spend about half of the interaction looking at their lips. And when it came to the attractiveness of the women they met, men rated women with fuller lips as more attractive.
The science behind this attraction follows the theme we have been seeing so far—men are attracted to the appearance of health, and full lips are viewed as a physical characteristic of a healthy woman.

8. You sound good to me.

It isn’t all about the way you look. A man’s ears also play a role in determining just how attracted he is to a woman. Just like with males, females’ voices change as they age.
As their estrogen levels decrease, their tone lowers and deepens. Men are more attracted to women with a higher tone to their voice, according to Smithsonian Magazine. This preference is all about youth, because younger women tend to have higher-pitched voices, and the perception is that a younger woman is healthier (and likely more fertile, with a lower waist-to-hip ratio and fewer pregnancies under her belt).
Of course, men aren’t exclusively dumb animals. Don’t be too quick to assume that any of these physical traits will usher you into eternal romantic bliss or lock you into a life of miserable singledom.
The way you look, smell, and sound are just a few pieces of the puzzle. The rest of a relationship is just about a couple of bumbling human spirits trying to make sense of this strange world together.


Professional Housekeepers Share Must-Know Cleaning Hacks

If you could see my room right now, you would judge me.


It’s almost 10 p.m., and I’m sitting on an unmade bed surrounded by four notebooks, two cups, chocolate truffles, various paper scraps (why?), and a package of smoked sausages.

On every surface or corner, there are clothes: clean clothes drying on a rack, dirty clothes that I hope(d) to re-wear thrown on the floor and over chairs, clothes that are still sandy from the beach hanging limp from wooden knobs, clothes piled on other clothes so I’m not sure what they are.


There’s an ironing board, boxes, a trash bag full of clothes I meant to give away when I started (but never finished) spring cleaning in May. There are boxes of unopened toothpaste, books, some old posters I got for free at a museum exhibit maybe a year ago, bags, binders, makeup, lotions, all of the dust. Crumbs. Tiny insects.

And the receipts. Oh sweet Lord, the receipts. How are there so many?

Imagine taking the contents of a big wooden office desk (the kind filled with file folders and little trinkets like paper clips, erasers from the 1990s, and sticky tack) and just dumping it all out into a pile. There. That’s my room.


Maybe this sounds romantic to you, as you read this from far away, perhaps in an organized space that seems to you predictable and anesthetized. I assure you that it is not.

It’s true that there is some evidence suggesting


Since we know that habits are the basis of change and that one change can have a domino effect setting off other similar changes, let’s try, together, to get this one thing right: cleaning.

We both know I need this more than you do. But imagine if you could stop wasting time with bogus life hacks and instead get insider tips from the professionals. Who better to teach us (me) about cleaning than the people who do it for a living?

Join me in learning about these seven truly astounding housekeeping hacks, as shared by the pros.

Clean with your socks.

The problem: Your tile and hardwood floors are always a dusty mess.


The solution: Wear microfiber socks, which capture dirt and dust, around the house. Sonya Joseph, owner of Solutions by Sonya, tells Glamour that she wears them whenever she’s walking around her home.

She has multiple pairs so that she can switch them out when she needs to.


“I might only wear them for a couple hours, but all the dust in the house sticks to my socks and I just toss them in the laundry,” she explains. “And my floors feel clean and tidy all week long.”

Fix stuff with mayonnaise.

The problem: Your bedside table has water rings, or there’s a sticker on something that won’t come off.


The solution: Meg Roberts, president of Molly Maid, tells Refinery29 that mayonnaise can remove marks and water rings on wooden surfaces.

All you need to do is to put a quarter-size dollop of the creamy condiment on a clean cloth, which you’ll use to buff the surface until the stains are gone.


As for the stickers, Debra Johnson from Merry Maids tells Refinery29 has another useful tip.

The key to their removal is to take a half a cup of Hellmann’s (or whatever), slather it over the sticker completely, and let the thing sit overnight.


In the morning, the sticker will peel away easily and you can wash the item. (But wouldn’t that be funny if you just left it covered in mayo?)

Wash your blender by…blending.

The problem: Hand-washing blender blades is tedious and kind of dangerous.


The solution: HomeZadaRosy Blu

cofounder Elizabeth Dodson tells Glamour about a safe, efficient method for cleaning your blender: Use it.

“Put a little soap and water into your blender and with the lid on, turn the blender on,” she says. 


“You will see the blender clean in front of your eyes. Now rinse and let your blender pieces dry. No cuts!”

Use your morning tea to make your bathroom mirror sparkle.

The problem: Your bathroom mirror looks like it’s had tiny particles of food and spit hurled its way on the regular. Because it has.


The solution: Let the last couple swallows of your English Breakfast do some shining action.

“Black tea and the tannin acid in it are your best friends when it comes to cleaning your bathroom mirror,” Go Cleaners London housekeeper Harriet Jones tells Glamour.


“Brew a pot and use a clean cloth to wipe it over mirror and you are done.”

Hide dust with books.

The problem: Dusting, like life, can be boring and hard and often feel pointless.


The solution: Don’t do it (dusting, that is)!

Certified professional organizer Amy Trager tells Glamour that putting books on the edge of your shelves will cut down on the amount of dusting you have to do.


“Not only does it look great, but this style doesn’t allow dust to accumulate on the shelves in front of the books,” she says. “It settles behind the books, but no one ever sees that. Less dusting!”

Clean your toilet bowl with denture tablets.

The problem: Toilet bowls are friggin’ disgusting.

The solution: Denture tablets (!!!) Who knew? (Apparently a lot of people, but whatever.) There are a couple of variations on this trick.


Option one is that you take a single denture tablet, plop it in the bowl, and let it do its fizzy thing before you flush the toilet. No scrubbing necessary.

Option two requires you to hold your bladder through the night. Before going to bed, put a denture tablet and one cup of white vinegar in the toilet bowl, allowing the mixture to sit overnight before you scrub and flush.

Which option you choose will likely depend a lot on how dirty your toilet bowl is. Maybe you can have a cleaning kickoff with option two, then maintenance with option one.

We’re ready to get it together with these simple tips. How about you?


Is It Ever Okay To Propose At Someone Else's Wedding?

“The entire atmosphere [of the wedding] felt moving. So moving in fact that John stopped midceremony to propose to his longtime girlfriend, ‘Jane,’ and reveal her pregnancy.”
If this sounds like a situation straight out of a wedding nightmare, it gets worse—because it actually did happen to one woman who shared her experience in a letter to the advice column “Dear Prudence.”


The newlyweds continued to be upstaged by John and Jane at their reception, when John used his platform as best man to talk about his relationship with Jane, even requesting a special dance for the two of them in celebration of their engagement.
The woman ends her letter by asking, “Do you think John’s behavior warrants the end of a long-term friendship, or are we angry over nothing?”

Was this as rude as it sounds?

Almost all wedding etiquette experts agree universally that upstaging the marrying couple on their wedding day is never okay. Proposals and other big announcements, like a pregnancy, should be avoided at weddings.
There is one small exception to this rule: If you are determined to propose during a wedding, you must have the couple’s express blessing to proceed, as was the case when bride Jess Nakrayko helped plan a surprise proposal during her wedding.
When you ask the couple for their blessing to propose at their own nuptials, look for forced smiles and barely suppressed rage that you would even suggest such a thing.
If you see genuine enthusiasm, feel free to go ahead with the proposal, but do so in the most low-key way possible. Even if the couple gives their blessing, you should still respect that the wedding is their day, and the focus should ultimately be on them.
Viral wedding reception proposals are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to defining modern wedding etiquette.
Wondering what other traditional wedding etiquette may have changed? Experts weigh in on some of the top wedding etiquette questions to keep you faux-pas free this wedding season.

Dress Code Etiquette for Newlyweds and Guests

Nontraditional wedding dress codes are becoming the norm as couples look to make their wedding stand out, but this can be confusing, especially for older guests who may wonder if their traditional blue suit is appropriate for a “fancy ranch” wedding.
Ariel Stallings, a writer for Offbeat Bride, recommends that couples who want their dress code to stand out give guests as much specific information about the dress code as they can so there is no confusion.
You can put this information directly on your invitation, but since space might be limited, Stallings suggests using your wedding website to elaborate on dress code instead.
If you have a very specific dress code in mind, include pictures or links to outfits that would be appropriate.
As for guests, traditional wedding etiquette still holds true: You should always abide by the dress code.

But what does “steampunk chic” even mean?

If you’re not quite sure what the dress code is, check the wedding website for more information, or do some google research.
If you still don’t have a clear idea of what to wear, don’t hesitate to reach out to a member of the wedding party for clarification. When the couple has a specific wedding theme in mind, they’ll be happy to share examples of appropriate clothing that fits the dress code.

Répondez s’il vous plaît.

RSVPs are almost universally guaranteed to give the wedding couple stress-induced ulcers before their big day. Much to the couple’s chagrin, however, most RSVPs end up tossed aside on kitchen counters for weeks before being returned right before the deadline.
Don’t be that wedding guest.
Wedding etiquette expert Tessa Brand says wedding guests should follow a few cardinal rules when sending back an RSVP.
First, make sure you only RSVP for guests included on the invitation. If you were not given a plus one, under no circumstances are you to include a guest in your RSVP.
But it shouldn’t matter if I just want to bring one person along, right?
The couple has budgeted for a specific number of guests. You may think, “It’s just one person, what’s the big deal?” But those costs do add up and can leave newlyweds scrambling to accommodate your wedding crasher instead of focusing on their big day.
Second, actually write your name on the RSVP card. If there is a meal option and you are including more than one guest in your RSVP, always make sure to specify which guest gets which meal.
Third, send the RSVP back in a timely manner. It doesn’t matter if you are the maid of honor and are obviously attending the wedding. The moment couples send out invitations, they start anxiously awaiting RSVPs. They’re usually pre-stamped, so there should be no reason to delay responding quickly.
Don’t just text the bride or groom to let them know you are attending—unless of course, that is what the invitation says to do.

Giving and Receiving Gifts: What’s the Protocol?

Many couples feel uncomfortable with the idea of having a traditional wedding registry but have been told that registries are a wedding must.
Although nothing about a wedding is an absolute must, it is a nice idea to have a registry, says wedding guru Liz Moorhead of A Practical Wedding. Even if you have everything you need, wedding guests will still want to give you gifts.
What if we want to do a nontraditional registry, like a honeyfund?
That’s totally fine, but just be aware that while many guests will contribute, some consider cash-based registries a little crass.
Creating a small registry of physical gift items will help ensure you get items you’ll actually use. (But it’s inevitable that some guests will go rogue and gift you something totally bizarre.)
As for guests: No longer do you have to abide by the traditional “pay for your plate” rule, say the wedding experts over at the Knot. If you’re unfamiliar with this piece of wedding etiquette, the usual rule has been that guests should purchase a gift of roughly the same monetary value as the wedding meal.
Naturally, this can lead to some awkward conversations. Of course, it’s in poor taste for a couple to reveal how much is being spent on the wedding—and it’s equally uncouth for guests to reveal how much they are willing to spend for a gift.
Guests can avoid the confusion altogether by simply consulting the gift registry, which should have a range of items in every budget. Not sure how much to spend? For close family and friends, you should expect to spend between $100 and $150. For coworkers and casual friends, between $50 and $100 is an appropriate amount.
What if I can’t afford a gift in that price range?
If you can’t afford a gift in the suggested price range, don’t worry. Choose an inexpensive item on the registry that you can afford, and consider pairing it with a thoughtful handmade gift.
The newlyweds will appreciate that you both stuck to the registry and gifted them something unique.

When in doubt, just ask.

Although it’s almost universally acknowledged that there are some things you should just never do at weddings, there are exceptions to every rule.
Whether you’re newly engaged or you just received (another) save-the-date in the mail, when in doubt about wedding etiquette, never be afraid to ask for clarification. When you nail that “steampunk chic” dress code, you’ll be glad you did.


DNA Test Differences Surprise Identical Triplets, Uncover Misconceptions

Meet the Dahm triplets.
Nicole, Erica, and Jaclyn Dahm are indistinguishable from one another.
HealthyWayThe identical triplets are so similar that Erica has no trouble getting into Nicole’s fingerprint-lock safe. Even the whorls of their fingertips are the same.
That shouldn’t be surprising when considering the way identical twins (and by extension, triplets, quadruplets, and so on) are formed in the first place. A single fertilized egg spontaneously splits in two—or, in this case, three. Each of these embryos then develops into a full fetus.
Because triplets like the Dahms share identical genetic information, common knowledge dictates that their DNA should match. Although environmental factors can switch certain genes on and off throughout a twin’s lifetime, the DNA itself shouldn’t differ among the sisters at all.


At least that’s what the science textbooks said about monozygotic twinning when we were in high school.
So what was the deal with the at-home DNA kit that the Dahm triplets sat discussing on 2017 episode of The Doctors?
“How would you feel if your ancestry was different?” Travis Stork, MD, host of The Doctors, asked the Dahm triplets.
“I don’t know how that could happen,” said Nicole. “We’re one egg that split, and we all came out of our mother, so maybe a little different DNA, but we still have the same ancestry, right?”
YouTube/The Doctors

Note that Nicole expects to find slight differences in DNA among her and her sisters. She could be referring to the environmental effect on genetic expression—what doctors call “epigenetic factors”—or she might mean something deeper. Either way, the sisters seem willing to bet anything that they’ll share the same ancestral background.

The Results of the DNA Test

Investigative reporter Lisa Guerrero of Inside Edition arranged a little experiment with the Dahm triplets. She gave each of them two home DNA tests and then analyzed the results. She shared the news with the triplets on the set of The Doctors, and what she discovered left the triplets confused and even shocked.
The first test was no surprise. It verified that the Dahms are, in fact, identical triplets. But as Guerrero delved deeper into the second test, things started to get surprising.

Daily Mail

“Nicole, you’re 18 percent British and Irish,” Guerrero told the stunned sisters. “Erica, you’re 15 percent British and Irish. But Jaclyn, you’re almost 19 percent British and Irish.”
The differences kept on coming. The test found that Nicole was 11 percent French and German, whereas her sister Erica had more than twice the Germano–Gallic blood that Nicole has. The test said Erica was 23 percent French and German.
“I am surprised, though, because we came from the same egg,” said Nicole. “And we have the same DNA.”
Do they though?
To get to the bottom of this, we reached out to 23andMe, the service that interpreted the genetic test for the Dahm sisters.

“It’s a misleading story,” a spokesperson told us via email. “Our Ancestry Composition feature allows you to select varying confidence levels, between 50 and 90 percent.”
“In this case I believe they were changing their confidence levels and making comparisons,” continues their spokesperson. “If you drop to the ‘speculative’ selection, which has a confidence level of 50 percent you are going throw off the comparisons. Even when they did that, there wasn’t that great of a difference.”
[pullquote align=”center”]“We’re not to a place yet where you can just spit in a cup and have every single answer that you’re looking for.
—Travis Stork, MD[/pullquote]
“But the higher levels are extremely precise,” they continued. “Any result at the 90 percent level signifies we are highly confident in its accuracy. The lower confidence levels allow you to take a more speculative look at your ancestry breakdown, [meaning] the comparisons at that level didn’t produce much of a difference.”
In other words, the ancestry reports can change depending on the user’s selected confidence level, but the triplets’ data would have been largely the same. We asked about the accuracy of the site’s ancestry data.
“We’ve done a comprehensive evaluation of our algorithm and reference datasets, and are confident in the accuracy of the results we report for customers,” the spokesperson wrote. “If we say that a section of DNA is most likely Japanese or Chinese or Korean at one of our higher confidence thresholds, we stand behind it. If we weren’t sure that we could make the distinction, we’d go up a level and say that that DNA reflected ‘East Asian’ ancestry. The information would not be incorrect, simply less specific.”
That settles it, right? After all, it’s not like identical siblings really have different DNA.
Well, keep reading.

The Truth About Identical Twins and DNA

High school biology classes were very clear on this fact in the 1990s: At birth, identical twins have the exact same DNA. It was the accepted wisdom at the time, and it makes sense biologically. Over time, siblings’ DNA changes due to the epigenetic factors we mentioned earlier, but the DNA starts out identical.


In 2008, however, researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, along with universities in the Netherlands and Sweden, conducted a new round of studies on monozygotic twins. The researchers expected to find epigenetic differences. What they actually found went much deeper.
“What we found are changes on the genetic level, the DNA sequence itself,” Jan Dumanksi, a genetics professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and an author of the paper, told The New York Times shortly after the research was published in The American Journal of Human Genetics. The study showed that twins had more genetic variation than scientists had previously thought.
The research team found several copy number variations—in which genes occur multiple times within one individual, or in which certain DNA coding letters are missing—between pairs of twins they expected to have identical genetic profiles.

Scientists don’t know whether these slight variations were present in the womb or if they develop as the twins age. All they know is that the textbooks were wrong. Identical twins don’t necessarily have the same DNA, and that also holds for triplets.

Explaining the Differences Among the Dahm Triplets

After breaking the odd news to the Dahm triplets, Guerrero turned to Stork for answers.
“So, we found a few discrepancies,” Guerrero said that day on the set of The Doctors. “Dr. Travis, what does that say to you? When you look at the fact that they’re identical triplets, what is your takeaway from these tests?”
Ever the diplomat, Stork equivocated for a moment.

YouTube/The Doctors

“I’m not a geneticist,” he said. “But I love the idea of these at-home tests for fun.”

What We Can Learn From Home Genetic Tests

Later, Stork told his audience that “we’re not to a place yet where you can just spit in a cup and have every single answer that you’re looking for.”
Perhaps not, but at-home testing services claim that their services are extremely accurate. 23andMe even offers reports that are authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which can provide customers with valuable data.
“We offer genetic health risk reports and carrier status reports that are authorized by the FDA,” the company’s spokesperson wrote. “If you choose, you can learn about how your genetics influences your risk for certain diseases and/or whether you are a carrier for certain inherited conditions.”
[pullquote align=”center”]“It is important that people understand that genetic risk is just one piece of the bigger puzzle.”
—Jeffrey Shuren, MD[/pullquote]
Those conditions include late-onset Alzheimer’s, celiac disease, Parkinson’s disease, early-onset primary dystonia, Gaucher disease, and a lung and liver disorder called Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, among others.
In April 2017, the FDA issued a press release announcing its approval of 23andMe’s Personal Genome Service genetic Health Risk (GHR) test.
“Consumers can now have direct access to certain genetic risk information,” said Jeffrey Shuren, MD, director of the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health, in the release. “But it is important that people understand that genetic risk is just one piece of the bigger puzzle, it does not mean they will or won’t ultimately develop a disease.”
Many at-home genetic testing companies also collect data for valuable medical research into new treatments and diagnostic tools. That data collection is an optional part of the DNA testing process.
“We offer customers a choice to participate in research if they wish,” the 23andMe spokesperson wrote. “Opting out of research doesn’t affect your experience, but about 85 percent of our customers opt in to the research program, a number that’s been consistent over time.”
The data is handled carefully, according to 23andMe, to prevent private information from becoming publicly accessible. “We use the de-identified, aggregated data for our research,” they wrote. “That means we decouple personally identifiable information from genetic information and store them in separate computing environments.”

dahm triplets
Getty Images

That’s also why we couldn’t get direct access to the Dahm triplets’ results: They’re private. As such, it’s difficult to say definitively whether their tests showed any errors—but given the considerable complexity of genetics, we don’t think that a simple on-camera test of a single set of triplets can provide any sweeping insights.
For now, most people see at-home genetic tests as a bit of fun. Those tests, however, are rapidly becoming a useful tool for evaluating medical risks. They’re also showing that we don’t know as much as we think about genetics—even when it comes to identical siblings.