
Parents Fight To Leave Out Baby's Gender On Birth Certificate

A Canadian parent is fighting to prevent official records from declaring their child’s gender.
Kori Doty, who identifies as a non-binary trans person, has successfully lobbied the province of British Columbia to keep official documents from labeling the infant as “male” or “female,” but says that the fight isn’t over.

Kori Doty/Facebook

Doty, who prefers to use the pronoun “they,” is a parent to a child named Searyl Atli.
“I’m raising Searyl in such a way that until they have the sense of self and command of vocabulary to tell me who they are,” Doty said, “I’m recognizing them as a baby and trying to give them all the love and support to be the most whole person that they can be outside of the restrictions that come with the boy box and the girl box.”
Gender Free ID Coalition

The provincial government issued Searyl a birth certificate with the letter “U” in place of the typical “M” or “F” designation, indicating that the baby’s gender is unknown. However, Doty insists that the birth certificate shouldn’t name any gender at all.

Doty is a member of the Gender-Free ID Coalition, an organization that fights legislation it sees as discriminatory.

The coalition’s stated goal is to “remove all gender/sex designations from identity documents.”
“Everybody’s gendered identification starts with a birth certificate,” the organization’s website reads. “The state ascribes a sex/gender marker at birth, and then ‘certifies’ that gender. But no one knows a baby’s gender at birth since gender identity takes years to be known.”

Kori Doty/Facebook

“So the state is predictably wrong for trans people, whether they identify as the ‘other’ M/F gender or whether they are non-binary. And it may be wrong for intersex people. The state knows it is certifying as true something it cannot know to be true. Trans and intersex people bear the burden of gendered ID that doesn’t match their gender.”

Doty insists that the decision to declare a gender should be left to the individual—in this case, Searyl.

“It is up to Searyl to decide how they identify when they are old enough to develop their own gender identity,” Doty said in the statement. “I am not going to foreclose their choices based on an arbitrary assignment of gender at birth based on an inspection of their genitals.”
Transgender individuals are estimated to comprise 0.3 percent of the adult population in the United States, according to a page published by Harvard University. Several studies have shown that the brains of transgender people are more likely to structurally align with the gender they identify with, rather than the genders they were assigned at birth. Intersex individuals typically do not associate their gender identity with a single gender; in some cases, they feel that their gender changes over time.
The provinces of Ontario and Alberta are currently considering offering a non-binary gender category on official forms, according to The Telegraph. Several countries are also working on developing passports with non-binary gender classifications, including Canada, Pakistan, Australia, and Nepal.
For Doty, the issue is personal, and they don’t believe that gender should be determined in any official capacity.
“When I was born, doctors looked at my genitals and made assumptions about who I would be, and those assignments followed me and followed my identification throughout my life,” Doty said.


What Really Happens When You Fall Asleep With Makeup On

People like to point out the fact that it’s bad to go to sleep without removing your makeup. We don’t want to be just another judgy voice in the chorus, so we’re going to go the extra mile and tell you exactly what’s so bad about sleeping all dolled up.

When you go out for an amazing night on the town and stay up until you basically fall asleep on your feet, you probably aren’t going to feel like spending a few minutes at the bathroom sink repeatedly splashing your face with water.

We all slip up occasionally, but here’s the horrifying truth about what can happen when you regularly forget to remove your makeup before bed. Together, these insights create a pretty compelling argument in favor of cleaning your face at night.


1. You could stretch out your pores.

Makeup has a tendency to work its way deeper and deeper into pores as you sleep. Not only can old makeup clog pores, sparking a field of blackheads and zits, but it can also fill and actually push your pores further open. At that point, kiss those dreams of invisible pores goodbye.

“Makeup can actually stretch the pore and make it look bigger,” David Orentreich, a dermatologist with Clinique, told Cosmopolitan magazine. We feel like we’re in a constant battle with pore-size as it is. There’s no reason to help out the enemy.


2. Your complexion could take a hit.

Sleeping in makeup is as bad as they say. The proof? It can cause zits, sure, but it can also develop age lines in your face.

“Sleeping in your makeup can result in unnecessary exposure to the free radicals in the environment, which the makeup holds on to,” Eric Schweiger, a dermatologist with the Clear Clinic, told the Huffington Post. “Free radicals cause the breakdown of healthy collagen, which results in fine lines on the skin. Additionally, makeup can clog the pores while you sleep, resulting in the development of acne.”


3. Your skin could look dull and lifeless.

We all strive for bright, radiant skin. When you sleep in makeup, you spoil your chances of attaining this look. While you sleep, all the gross stuff in your pores, like old oils and dead skin cells, push to the outer layers and give your face a dull finish.

“Oils and dead skin cells on the outermost layers of the skin are matted up against the pillow all night, and natural turnover of this dull epidermal layer is diminished,” celebrity dermatologist Annie Chiu told Good Housekeeping. “Regular cleansing and exfoliation are integral to revealing healthy new skin cells and allowing the natural repair processes of the skin to occur.”


4. You can even get itchy, irritated skin on your face.

Even if you’re not allergic to the specific makeup you wear, the chemicals in these products might start to irritate your skin over time. Like, say, the six hours you’re asleep at night.

“The skin is good at tolerating a lot of things, but it can become reactive,” Orentreich said. “You don’t want to leave things on longer than you have to.”


So next time you’re tempted to collapse into bed with a fully made-up face, force yourself into the bathroom (or at the very least use a makeup remover towelette). Your skin will thank you!


Why Are So Many Kids Having Scary Reactions To Sunscreen? Experts Weigh In

The sun shone brightly in May of 2017.

A Canadian mom named Rebecca Cannon planned to take her 14-month old daughter, Kyla, out for a day in the sunshine. Like any good mother, she planned to protect her child’s sensitive skin from harsh UV rays. So she took out a can of an aerosol SPF-50 sunscreen and sprayed little Kyla down.

A few days later, Cannon shared frightening pictures of Kyla’s badly burned face on social media.

“It has been verified and confirmed 3 times now a 2nd-degree caustic burn (chemical burn)[sic],” Cannon wrote. In an interview with CBC News, Cannon went deeper into her terrifying experience.


“As the day went on, she got a little redder and redder and the next morning she woke up and was swollen, she was bright red, there were blisters starting to pop up,” Cannon said in that interview. “We immediately took her up to the doctors and found out she has second-degree burns.”

So what’s going on?

Did the sunscreen somehow magnify the strength of the UV rays hitting Kyla’s face? Was there some caustic chemical in the sunscreen that was injuring the poor little girl?

Parents magazine tasked writer Melissa Willets with finding out. So Willets did what journalists do: She talked to the experts.

Rachel Prete, a doctor of osteopathic medicine at Orlando’s Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children didn’t think there was anything special about the brand of sunscreen involved in this incident.


“To my knowledge there is no additional ingredient [this sunscreen] uses that their competitor sunscreens do not,” she told Parents. “Each child is different in the way they respond to sunscreen, especially on the face where the skin can be more sensitive.”

Prete suggests that Kyla may have had an allergic reaction to a substance called oxybenzone, which “is present in about 65 percent of chemical sunscreens on the market,” she said.

Willets had another question. Could it have been the fact that this sunscreen was packaged in an aerosol can that caused the injury? She asked dermatologist Janet Prystowsky of Livad Skin Care. Prystowsky couldn’t say for sure, but she did mention that she doesn’t recommend aerosol sunscreens for infants in the first place.

“The problem with [aerosol sunscreens] is that, with infants and toddlers, it can be tough to apply adequate coverage,” Prystowsky said. “You don’t want your child to inhale the sunscreen either, which is always a risk with aerosols. Plus, the child may rub it off almost immediately. It can be hard to tell for any parent.”


Unfortunately, the sad case of Kyla and the sunscreen remains a mystery.

However, there are steps parents can take to protect their children from a similar fate, whether it’s an allergic reaction or a harsh chemical. Start by choosing the right sunscreen to keep in your beach bag.

“I recommend broad-spectrum mineral-based sunscreens that come in a lotion or stick for the face,” Prystowsky said. “Choose a sunscreen that is age-appropriate. If you choose a high SPF of 50+, make sure that your active ingredients are zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. You’ll notice adds a white tint and doesn’t blend in fully. For small children, this can be an easy way to ensure that they are wearing sunscreen.”


In addition to sunscreen, use hats and clothing to cover your infant fully.

” I can’t stress enough how important clothing is for your child’s sun protection,” she said. “A bucket hat will protect their scalp, ears, and upper face.”

Finally, Prystowsky reminded us that infants shouldn’t be exposed to direct sunlight at all until they’re at least 6 months old. After that, parents should limit sun exposure. With these tips and the right kind of sunscreen, you should be able to avoid an ordeal like the one Kyla and her mother experienced.



Swimming Pools Are Exactly As Gross As You Think They Are

Nothing says summer like a quick dip in the pool.
Of course, if you’re at all concerned about your health, you might be better off staying poolside. Pools are breeding grounds for bacteria, and even with proper chlorination, they can present some substantial risks for swimmers.


Here are a few disgusting facts that might scare you away from pools for the foreseeable future.

1. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), public pools are responsible for 10 to 20 outbreaks per year.

Those outbreaks include bacterial diseases caused by organisms like E. coli and serious illnesses caused by parasites like Cryptosporidium.


Cryptosporidium (often abbreviated as “crypto”) is particularly problematic, as evidenced by the fact that the CDC affords the disease its own database. In 2016 alone, the CDC recorded crypto outbreaks in Arizona, Alabama, and Ohio.
Conditions are just about perfect for major crypto outbreaks in 2017, according to an alarming CDC report.

Fortunately, swimmers can avoid the parasite. Here’s how.
“Protect yourself from getting sick by not swallowing the water in which you swim,” said Michele Hlavsa, chief of the CDC’s Healthy Swimming Program.

Well, that’s really helpful. At least the vast majority of public pools are safe, right?

2. A shocking number of public pools aren’t safe.

Ideally, pools should have a free chlorine level of 1 to 3 mg/L and a pH of 7.2 to 7.8. At these levels, problematic bacteria have trouble surviving. Unfortunately, various contaminants can make chlorine less effective, and without rigorous maintenance, public pools quickly fall behind.


In 2010, the CDC reported that 1 in 8 public pools were shut down due to safety issues, based on 120,000 inspections carried out in 2008.
Granted, this wasn’t restricted to dirty water; some pools simply didn’t have the required staff or safety equipment (not exactly comforting).

“We definitely need to focus on improving pool operations,” said Hlavsa, once again providing profound insight.

3. That “clean” chlorine smell is actually something else.

Well, your local pool is different, right? After all, you can smell the chlorine from the moment you arrive. That must mean that the cleaning crew is doing their job.
“Many people think that when a pool smells of chlorine, that means that it’s clean,” said Mary Ostrowski, director of the Chlorine Issues at the American Chemistry Council, to Life’s Little Mysteries.
“But that smell is actually chloramines, a substance that results from a mix of chlorine and bacteria, urine and sweat.”
Ideally, a pool should be odorless, but this isn’t really possible at public pools.
If the chlorine smell is extremely strong, steer clear; there’s a good chance that the chloramines are powerful enough to cause skin irritation and other issues.


You can take your own testing strips to the pool, if you don’t mind looking paranoid. There’s more bad news, however: Some organisms, such as the aforementioned cryptosporidium parasites, are capable of living for days in chlorinated water.

4. Oh, and too much chlorine is also a bad thing.

Let’s say you manage to find a pool that consistently keeps its chlorine levels perfect. Plus, every swimmer is compelled to shower before getting into the water. You’re in the clear, right?


Not quite. Several studies have shown that chlorine can raise swimmers’ chances of asthma and allergies.
As it turns out, chlorine isn’t too great for our bodies, although you’re probably in the clear if you only visit the pool on occasion.
Oh, and this likely applies to outdoor pools as well, according to a 2008 study published in the European Respiratory Journal.

“Outdoor chlorinated swimming pool attendance is associated with higher risks of asthma, airways inflammation and some respiratory allergies,” the study’s authors wrote. “Hypochlorous acid [chlorine] generates a mixture of harmful breakdown products, which includes potent irritants, such as chloramines, haloacetic acids or haloacetonitriles.”
In other words, the chlorine in pools can effectively address some problems, but it can also create significant respiratory issues with prolonged exposure.

5. Yes, people pee in the pool.

We doubt that we’re surprising anyone with this revelation. However, the scale of the problem is pretty incredible; according to a survey from the Water Quality and Health Council, one in five Americans admits to the practice.


That’s just the people willing to confess. By one estimate, a typical pool has about eight gallons of urine. Many people might not see this as a major issue, but as mentioned above, contaminants like urine make chlorine less effective. While urine itself is mostly harmless, it can substantially affect pool maintenance efforts. Plus, eww.

So what can you do to make pools less disgusting?

While we’ve painted a grim picture in this article, most pools are relatively safe. Bacteria is everywhere, after all, and you’re not exactly diving into a sewer when you head down to the public pool.


To do your part, don’t bathe in the pool. By soaping up before you hit the pool, you’ll help to prevent pathogens from spreading. Don’t go swimming if you’ve been sick, and as Michele Hlavsa will tell you, don’t drink the water. Clean thoroughly after you leave the pool, and you should be fine.
Oh, and try not to think about the pee thing.


Why You Should Think Twice Before Ordering Coffee Or Tea On An Airplane

If you’ve ever taken a red-eye flight, you’ve probably had a few cups of airline coffee.
It’s not the best-tasting brew, but hey, it’s coffee—how bad could it be?
Pretty bad, apparently. Some airline crew members say that they wouldn’t ever consider drinking the coffee or tea that they serve to their passengers, according to a report from Business Insider.
“Flight attendants will not drink hot water on the plane,” a flight attendant allegedly told the website. “They will not drink plain coffee, and they will not drink plain tea.”
Their objections have nothing to do with the flavor of the java. Apparently, hot water comes directly from the planes’ taps, and those taps are downright disgusting.

Data from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) backs up that claim, to a degree.

In 2004, the EPA tested drinking water from 158 randomly selected passenger airplanes.
“Preliminary data released by EPA today shows that in the recent tests, most of the aircraft tested (87.4%) met EPA drinking water quality standards,” the agency wrote in a press release accompanying the revelations. “However, 12.6 percent of domestic and international passenger aircraft tested in the U.S. carried water that did not meet EPA standards.”
Those planes’ samples contain coliform, a broad class of bacteria that can potentially cause disease. Coliform often comes from human or animal feces (try not to think too hard about that).
Additionally, two planes’ tap water supply tested positive for E. coli, a common type of coliform bacterium that can cause severe fevers, gastric distress, and other medically significant symptoms.

Many planes didn’t meet the standards because they store their tap water in tanks that are rarely cleaned.

NBC reports that the coliform bacteria is probably present in delivery trucks. When the tanks are transferred to the planes, some of the bacteria goes with them and then develops into colonies over time.
“Passengers with compromised immune systems or others concerned may want to request canned or bottled beverages,” the EPA noted, adding that officials had been working with the Air Transport Association (ATA) since 2002 to reform water standards on planes. The press release also notes that the EPA would consider legal action if airlines weren’t able to agree on effective methods for improving their standards.

Years later, little had changed.

The EPA ran another test in 2012 and found that 12 percent of randomly selected planes tested positive for coliform, according to NBC 5. That wasn’t a significant improvement from the 2008 test.
Some of the tested planes also tested positive for E. coli, although again, this dangerous bacterium was only present in a small number of aircraft. Flight attendant organizations claim that they’ve been pushing for better standards for years.
“Water onboard is regulated under the Environmental Protection Agency to ensure safe drinking water on the aircraft,” the The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, told Business Insider.
“The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA pushed for this regulation over 15 years ago. The regulation gives broad discretion to airlines on how often they must test the water and flush the tanks. AFA does not believe this regulation goes far enough or is sufficiently enforced.”
The airlines, of course, disagreed. While most refused to comment directly, Airlines for America, a group that represents several major airlines, issued a statement.
“The safety of our passengers and crew remain the airlines’ primary focus, including the provision of clean drinking water,” the statement read.
“To meet customer preferences, airlines typically provide bottled water while also ensuring water available through the aircraft onboard water systems is safe. Airlines work closely with the Environmental Protection Agency to ensure that water received from municipalities for onboard systems is safe and to maintain that safety by following rigorous sampling and management requirements once received.”
Even so, the numbers don’t lie, and the EPA’s research doesn’t seem to support the idea that current regulations are effective. For the time being, that seems unlikely to change.

If you fly regularly, here’s what you need to know.

First of all, understand that there’s a limited risk for healthy individuals. While the idea of coliform in your drinking water is disgusting, the classification is broad enough that the mere presence of coliform bacteria doesn’t pose an immediate health risk. Obviously, this isn’t the case with E. coli, but that was limited to a very small percentage of planes.
The issue only affects water that comes directly out of the planes’ taps, so if you order cold water, you’re probably safe—you’ll typically get your drinking water from a bottle.
If your immune system is compromised, however, you may want to follow the EPA’s recommendations and specifically request bottled drinks. Although water is heated considerably to brew tea and coffee, the brewing process doesn’t do enough to eliminate microorganisms, according to experts.
Heating “might kill some of the organisms—the more susceptible ones—but it’s not going to kill the majority of them,” environmental scientist Brenda Wiles told NBC 5.
Mothers should also avoid filling babies’ bottles with airplane tap water. “That doesn’t sound like a very good idea,” Dr. Cedric Spak of the Baylor University Medical Center told NBC.
As for those red-eye flights, passengers should probably wait until they touch down before grabbing a cup of coffee. After all, every major airport has multiple coffee shops—and if you see a flight attendant at one of those shops, don’t be surprised.


Is It Normal To Get Gray Hair In Your 20s?

Nobody likes to find their first gray hairs.
Those hairs are a constant reminder that you’re getting older—but what if you’re not older when you start going gray?
Although most people won’t see a significant number of gray hairs until they reach their 30s or 40s, some begin noticing a change much earlier. This isn’t indicative of your overall health, so it’s nothing to worry about. Still, if you’re looking to retain your hair color for as long as possible, it’s a distressing development.
If you’ve ever wondered why you’re seeing the occasional white hair, we’ve got the answer. First, though, you’ll need to understand why hair changes color in the first place.

Hair coloration is caused by the presence of melanin (or lack thereof).

There are two types of melanin: light (pheomelanin) and dark (eumelanin). Your hair color is determined by how much of these melanins you have.
Melanin production ramps up shortly after birth, which is why many Caucasian babies are born with blonde hair and blue eyes only to have their eye and hair colors change as they grow older.
Cells called melanocytes create and control the melanin for each hair follicle.
Melanocytes stop triggering pigmentation when your hair follicle is about to fall out, which naturally occurs every 100 days or so. As we age, our melanocytes become exhausted, and they’re eventually unable to function normally. That causes hair to lose its coloration and turn white or gray.

Several factors determine how long melanocytes last before they’re too exhausted to inject melanin.

The most important factor, of course, is genetics. If your parents dealt with graying hair at a young age, there’s a pretty decent chance that you’ll have the same experience.
Hormones also play a role, so if you’re suddenly going gray, you may want to schedule a visit with a physician. This is especially important if you’re feeling fatigued or if you notice any other symptoms that could indicate a hormonal disorder. However, as dermatologist Laurence Meyer pointed out in a piece for Scientific American, graying hair usually isn’t a sign of any disease.

“Graying in a young adult is not itself a sign of any health problem,” Meyer writes.

Other factors that seem to be associated with melanin production include climate, chemical exposure, and nutrition. In one case, researchers successfully reversed premature graying by treating a patient’s vitamin B12 deficiency.
If you’re going gray in your 20s, however, you probably won’t find such a simple solution. Most grayness seems to be caused by a single gene, according to a paper published in Nature Communications. The good news is that scientists are looking for ways to alter this gene to restore pigmentation.
“We might have drugs that boost or stop the protein from acting and change the amount of melanin in hair follicles and change the hair internally,” said Kaustubh Adhikari, one of the authors of the study. “So once the hair comes out like the way you want, you don’t have go out and buy dyes.”


Experts Weigh In On "Breatharian" No-Food Diet

Married couple Akahi Ricardo and Camila Castello shot to fame after The Sun published an article with their startling claims about the “breatharian” lifestyle. The husband and wife said they have barely eaten in the last nine years and instead get energy from the sun and the universe.

News Dog Media

The story quickly went viral with little pushback against the couple’s claims. Now doctors are weighing in, calling the practice of abstaining from food and water dangerous.

Claims like this couple made are difficult to debunk without observing them in a closed setting.

What doctors can definitively say is that all known science points toward food and water being a necessity for all humans.

News Dog Media

“It depends on the climate, and how much exercise you’re taking, but if you’re lying in bed you would probably be just about all right for a week,” Dr. Charles Clarke told The Guardian.
“But towards the end of the first week, you’d become pretty gravely ill. Your blood would become thicker, your kidneys can’t cope; multiple organ failure follows, you get hypothermic and eventually you die.”

Ricardo and Castello claimed to only eat vegetable broth or a piece of fruit three times a week.

According to The Sun, Castello even claimed to have gone through her pregnancy without eating anything.

News Dog Media

The article went on to say that living “food free” has led to a number of health benefits and improved mental well-being. They say the money they save on food is put toward travel.

The article was shared and taken up by various newspapers and tabloids.

After about a week, the story grew large enough to attract the attention of more reputable sources.
Oliver Darcy from CNN published a highly critical story about the lack of fact-checking by other media groups. He pointed out that the couple was selling a program that promised to help people go food free (for just one easy payment).
The Guardian published an article critical of breatharians almost 20 years ago. In it, the author details various breatharians having their claims debunked in unceremonious ways.

Light Documentary

An Australian woman named Jasmuheen attracted many followers in the ’90s when she claimed she went months without eating. She invited reporters to follow her around on her daily routine. When a journalist opened her refrigerator and found it stocked with food, Jasmuheen claimed it was for her husband and daughter.

The Australian production of “60 Minutes” also followed Jasmuheen for a week so she could prove her claims.

After just several days, she began to get seriously ill. Jasmuheen claimed that her adverse reaction was because she wasn’t getting enough fresh air, which is what gave her energy. The producers called off the experiment when they became worried that Jasmuheen would suffer permanent injuries as a result.
Although many view breatharians as harmless exaggerators, there are real risks involved in these claims. At least three people have died from attempting to live a breatharian lifestyle, including Verity Linn, a woman in Scotland who died after fasting for an unknown amount of time.

NY Times

Tanya Zuckerbrot, a registered dietitian, told The New York Post her opinion of breatharian claims. She pointedly said, “You wouldn’t have muscle mass and you’d waste away. It doesn’t make sense; it defies all common knowledge of what our bodies need to survive. People would starve to death—you can’t live.”


Here's How To Remove A Gel Manicure At Home Without Destroying Your Fingernails

Gel manicures last longer, they dry faster, and you just can’t get a shine like that from traditional polish. But when that mani finally starts to fade, it’s a lot harder to get rid of a disintegrating gel polish than the old-school enamel variety.
You might be tempted to simply scrape the gel polish off your nails when you’re sick of the look. That does seem to work—but only if you like trashing your natural nails in the process. To safely remove gel polish by yourself without damaging your nails, just follow these four simple steps.

Business Insider

1. Buff off the shiny surface of your manicure.

The very thing we love about gel polish is the thing that makes it so hard to remove. The gel manicure has a shiny top layer. This stuff is a beast to remove with chemicals alone. So we suggest you blast it off the old-fashioned way.

Into the Gloss

Take your finest nail file and sand that layer of gel right off. You’ll know you’ve gone deep enough when your manicure stops reflecting the light. Once you’ve got a soft matte layer of color, stop buffing. You don’t want to sand down to your actual nails. That’s how they get damaged.

2. Soak your nails in acetone nail polish remover.

Note that we didn’t say “soak your fingertips.” You really don’t want your skin to contact acetone for very long. To keep this chemical polish remover against your nail without dipping your whole hand in a vat of the stuff, grab some cotton balls and pull them apart into little nail-sized chunks.
Soak a bit of cotton in acetone and place it on your fingernail. Then hold it in place with a layer of foil. Even better, stick it in place with masking tape. Repeat for all of your other fingers.

Into the Gloss

Here’s a word of warning: Don’t wrap your fingertips up too tight. You don’t want to cut off the circulation, right? Of course you don’t. So wrap up that polish-destroying cotton just tight enough to hold it firmly in place. Then wait 15 minutes while the acetone does its destructive magic.

3. Slide off the weakened gel with a wooden cuticle stick.

After 15 minutes, unwrap your fingertips and grab the nearest wooden cuticle stick. If you’re thrifty, a popsicle stick will work almost as well. Gently slough away the gel.

Hire Rush

Although 15 minutes in the acetone chamber should be enough to take the fight out of most gel polishes, you might find yourself with a stubborn hanger-on. Do not try to take it by force! Instead, reapply the polish-remover–soaked cotton, wrap again, and wait another five or 10 minutes. Then try again.

4. Use cuticle oil to replenish your nails after the ordeal.

Acetone polish remover is some toxic stuff. It melts away nail polish, but it also pulls all of the moisture out of your fingernails. That’s why it’s important to moisturize when you’re done removing that old gel mani.

Beauty Heaven

Pick your favorite cuticle oil and give your nails a generous coating. Then you’re ready to go natural or plan your next manicure, whatever you want. Your fingernails are a blank slate; go write your story!


10 Traits Of Highly Intelligent Individuals

Intelligence is independent of socioeconomic status, race, and gender. Albert Einstein. Henrietta Swan LeavittMozart—the world’s greatest minds have come from all walks of life.
But studies have shown that intelligent people do share certain [linkbuilder id=”6521″ text=”personality traits”]. If you’ve always thought you were smarter than the average bear, you might find yourself identifying with some of these 10 characteristics.

1. Intelligent people stay up late.

Do you stay up all night or rise and shine with the sun? Some studies show that more intelligent children grow up to be nocturnal as adults.
There’s a neat bit of science behind this theory. Almost every living organism is governed by circadian rhythm, the internal clock that sets sleep/wake cycles. Humans, however, can actually alter their individual clock, which is why some people stay up late and others rise early.
Until fairly recently, humans tended to sleep as soon as the sun set and rise again with the light. The theory is that more intelligent individuals evolved to actually manipulate their sleep cycles, thus adapting more successfully to modern life.

2. Birth order has an impact on intelligence.

Are you the oldest sibling in your family? If so, you might just be the smartest one too. Older siblings may be more intelligent because they receive more mental stimulation during critical stages of development.
If you weren’t lucky enough to be born first in your family, though, don’t despair. Research also shows that while older siblings may be more intelligent, younger siblings are actually more likely to be successful in life.

3. Cat people are smarter.

Dogs may be man’s most loyal companions, but research claims that cat lovers may be more intelligent.
Carroll University conducted a study that measured personality traits, including intelligence among self-described cat lovers and dog lovers. The study found that dog lovers’ social skills are more advanced, but cat lovers scored higher on intelligence markers.
Owning a cat is probably not the sole reason for increased intelligence but a hallmark of your underlying personality. Dog owners tend to be extroverted and seek companionship.
Cat owners, on the other hand, are usually more introverted, which gives them ample time to focus on reading, thinking, and accumulating information.

4. People with a high IQ are messy and disorganized.

Mom always told you to clean your room, but if your space looks like a Category 4 hurricane just swept through, it may be indicative of high IQ. According to a study from the University of Minnesota, a messy space spurs creative thought.
In the study, participants who were placed in a tidy space made traditionally “good” choices, like choosing an apple over chocolate.
But when asked to come up with new uses for ping pong balls, the messy-room participants overwhelming came up with creative and novel ideas.
The study suggests that tidy people make safer choices, but notoriously messy people (like Albert Einstein, for instance) tend to have creative thoughts that lead to innovation.

5. Breast-fed babies grow up to be more intelligent adults.

Breast milk is the original superfood. In the first months of life, it contains all the key nutrients babies need to thrive. However, synthetic formula also contains many nutrients and is a great alternative to breast milk. So what makes breast-fed babies smarter?
According to Betty Vohr, a professor at Brown University, “The benefit is likely due to long-chain fatty acids found in breast milk.” Long-chain fatty acids, like DHA, aid infants in association and memory development, which may help them develop a higher IQ.
If you bottle feed, there’s no need to worry. Just make sure your formula includes DHA, and your little one will probably be at the top of their class in a few years.

6. More intelligent people engage in one-sided conversation.

Benedict Cumberbatch’s Sherlock Holmes often carries on a conversation with himself, talking almost as fast as he solves cases. Sherlock, a brilliant (but fictional) detective, may be onto something. Studies show that talking to yourself could be a sign of advanced intelligence.
Problem-solving out loud can help organize thoughts and actions. In addition, talking to yourself can help you focus and complete specific tasks faster. So the next time you get shushed in the library for muttering to yourself, let the librarian know you’re just trying to improve your brainpower!

7. Curiosity leads to higher intelligence.

There are three markers that determine a person’s ability to mentally manage complexity.
Intelligence quotient (IQ) is traditionally thought of as the most important indicator of intelligence and is difficult to improve significantly as you age.
The other two indicators, emotional quotient (EQ) and curiosity quotient (CQ), however, can be improved over time and may play a much larger role in the ability to improve cognitive function.
In particular, individuals with a higher CQ are more accepting of the unknown, preferring to ask questions and form their own hypotheses. Individuals who cultivate a higher CQ tend to have a higher intellectual investment over time, leading to increased intelligence.

8. Playing an instrument makes you smarter.

Now might be the time to call up your kindergarten teacher and thank them for making you learn “Hot Cross Buns” on the recorder.
Studies show that children who play an instrument “develop ‘neurophysiological distinction’ between certain sounds that can aid in literacy, which can translate into improved academic results for kids.”
Some scientists disagree, instead positing that children who take music lessons “tend to have better-educated, higher-earning parents, and to do more extra-curricular activities than other children their age.”
Whether or not playing an instrument actually improves brain function, all scientists can agree that encouraging children to participate in arts programs is never a bad thing. Kids who interact with the arts tend to have a broader worldview, which also increases intelligence.

9. A sense of humor indicates intelligence.

If you’ve ever seen the classic comedy Dumb and Dumber, you might disagree with the theory that a sense of humor indicates above-average intelligence. In one study, students were asked to come up with captions for New Yorker cartoons. The captions that students found funniest were overwhelmingly written by those who performed higher on IQ tests.
People who are considered to have a high IQ don’t find just anything humorous, however. According to Reader’s Digest, people who appreciate dark jokes are more intelligent. One reason for this is that it takes a greater mental capacity to process a dark or complicated joke as opposed to the simplicity of a knock-knock joke.

10. Intelligent people are more humble.

Everyone knows one person at work who brags about being the best when their performance is really mediocre on a good day.
The Dunning-Kruger Effect explains how this happens.
Basically, the Dunning-Kruger Effect is a cognitive bias whereby incompetent people (like that coworker) can’t recognize their own incompetence, and what’s more, they tend to believe the opposite about themselves.
On the flip side, people who are highly skilled and considered to be more intelligent rarely brag about their accomplishments and are more likely to doubt their abilities.


The Invisible Workload That Drags Women Down

In any household, parity is important.
That’s especially true when it comes to household chores. In order for a household to function effectively, each person must handle a fair share of the burden.
Unfortunately, women still perform the majority of the household chores, according to several recent studies. The National Science Foundation reports that on average, husbands create an extra seven hours of housework per week for their wives. Wives, on the other hand, save their husbands from performing about an hour of housework each week.
That’s a massive disparity, and although the household gender gap has diminished somewhat over the past several decades, it’s still a substantial issue. Here’s what we know.

Couples who share housework responsibilities are often happier.

In a review of household labor practices, researcher Scott Coltrane wrote that “More balanced divisions of housework are associated with women perceiving fairness, experiencing less depression, and enjoying higher marital satisfaction.”
In other words, women tend to be happier when the household chores are distributed evenly. They also tend to be more satisfied with their relationships (something that their husbands should probably keep in mind when the floors need mopping).

However, some household tasks can actually decrease stress levels.

A study conducted by Florida State University found that washing dishes could promote mindfulness, essentially acting as a form of meditation. In fact, the chore could decrease stress and promote relaxation in the right circumstances.
According to the research, when people focused on “the smell of the soap, the warmth of the water, [and] the feel of the dishes” while doing this task, they were able to decrease nervousness by 27 percent. These individuals also experienced a 25 percent improvement in “mental inspiration.”
This effect, of course, varies greatly from one household to the next. Although dishwashing might be a mindful practice for some, it’s a terrible experience for others. Still, many women say that they handle additional chores out of love for their families rather than a simple sense of obligation.

Recently, blogger Ellen Seidman of Love That Max wrote a piece about the mental burdens that mothers feel compelled to bear.

“I am the person who observes, right before bedtime, that various iDevices are lying around uncharged,” Seidman wrote. “I am the person who finds the bag of clothing on the floor of the car that was supposed to be returned to the store three weeks ago. I am the person who foresees needing gifts for the birthday party, graduation party, anniversary party, every party…”
“…I rarely get credit for my observational talents. I see, I do and I conquer, tirelessly and without complaint. Er, mostly without complaint. OK, I complain. But has our family ever had a t.p. crisis? Nope. It doesn’t take a village—it takes me. Because I am that person who notices we are running out of toilet paper. And therefore, I rock.”
Ultimately, we’d love to see the household gender gap disappear entirely. However, there’s certainly nothing wrong with taking pride in the way that you support your family, either; check out Seidman’s full essay here.