
This Company Designed Skincare For The Minimalist In Us All

Simplicity is key, especially now. In the post-’90s world of excess, we’re all aiming for that minimalist aesthetic, but it can be hard to achieve. As pop-punk queen Avril Lavigne once sang, “Why’d you have to go and make things so complicated?” Chances are Ms. Lavigne was singing about tortuous teen relationships, but this statement also directly applies to skincare.

The last thing you need is beauty regimen with an ingredients list miles-long with no end in sight. Plus, how can you trust any ingredient enough to put it on your face if you can’t even pronounce it?

Thankfully, there is a solution. Lark Skin Co. is a skincare company based in St. Louis, Missouri. Lisa Dolan founded the company based on the skincare needs that she, herself, had. When she was preparing to be a new mom, she scoured beauty stores for a regimen that was simple and natural. Plus, she wanted multifunctional products that used ingredients she could pronounce.

Now, four years later, Lisa works to share products from Lark Skin Co. that fulfill those very needs.

Minimalism is Key

Empty your shelves of exorbitantly priced products that satisfy only one need and make use of a minimalist way of life. Not only is having a million products splashed across your counter an eyesore, it also takes a ridiculous amount of time to complete your skincare routine when you have approximately fourteen different cremes and serums that all serve one purpose each.

Worry not—Lark Skin Co. makes a product specifically for the minimalist in you. The Beauty Balm is multifunctional in the sense that you can use it as a creamy cleanser, makeup remover, moisturizer, hair conditioner, or body balm.

Lark Skin Co.

That’s not even the best part! If you’re in a pinch and your hair or skin resembles the Sahara Desert, you can apply the balm to the ends of your hair as a conditioning treatment, or you can apply it to your skin as a deep penetrating moisturizer. This trick is perfect for long flights!

Maintaining Luscious Locks

Is there anything better than running your fingers through silky hair? The answer is no. No there is not.

Lark Skin Co. made their Hair Potion—sans-witchcraft!—which is designed to actually improve the texture and shine of your hair.


Not to mention that this potion protects your hair from heat styling. No more using a copious amount of different products to achieve the desired effect that this product has. Talk about a triple whammy!

Take a Bath; You Deserve it

Life is rough, and you deserve to treat yourself.

There is no better way to release your stress than by taking a bath. What’s more, with the New Moon Ritual Salts you can actually start anew during your soak.

By taking a bath with the luxurious New Moon Ritual Salts, which are infused with lavender and sage, you get the opportunity to set your intentions for the month while detoxing.


Not to mention, Lark has included Himalayan salts as one of the ingredients, which is the ultimate aid in detoxification. Whether you’re detoxing because of the New Moon or because you simply have a case of the Mondays, this is the perfect bath salt for you.

Treat Your Skin to Some Rest and Relaxation

Lark Skin Co. makes a Red Clay and Aloe Clay Mask and it’s exactly what you’ve been missing your entire life. The clay and aloe combine and work together to restore moisture to your skin while reducing any inflammation you may have. While the mask is geared toward those with sensitive and aging skin, anyone can use it. It’s never too young to be proactive about aging!

Lark Skin Co.

You work hard—your skin shouldn’t. Give your beautiful face the chance it deserves to be vibrant and hydrated. Take time for yourself throughout the week to give your skin some attention, rest, and relaxation.

Be Good to Yourself

Life is full of complications and compromises, but of all the things you should be compromising on, skincare is not one of them.

Your skin is only as vibrant as the time you put into it. Simplicity is key in all areas of your life, skincare included. Find a routine that checks all of your boxes while using the fewest number of products. If you’re looking to make your life easier, Lark Skin Co. is the brand for you. Give it a try; your skin is waiting!


8 Beauty Trends In America That Seem Weird To Other Cultures

In a number of ways it seems as though we’re broadening our horizons every day, but Americans tend to have preferred standards when it comes to beauty. As with so many other cultural norms, some people in other countries don’t understand them and actually think they’re just plain weird.
Each and every country has its own standards when it comes to beauty, and the United States is no different. In fact, it’s often one of the first things people from the States notice when visiting other countries—that those who live there don’t pay as much attention to things that we wouldn’t leave the house without doing.
Believe it or not, people from other countries not only don’t focus on these aspects of beauty, but they also think it’s pretty strange that we do. Here are some of the most common trends when it comes to American beauty standards that other countries just don’t understand.


Some Americans wouldn’t even dream of leaving the house without some sort of color to their skin, and the thought of going to a big event without getting a tan first is basically unimaginable.
Although using a tanning bed has been deemed unsafe for many years, we’ve found our way around it with inventions like at-home tanning kits and spray tan salons. With something that is such a huge industry in the U.S., you might be surprised to hear that people in some other countries think artificially tanned skin is pretty strange.
In particular, many Japanese women find it weird that American women would actually want tan skin. Pay a visit to any Japanese beach and you’ll notice that women are often wearing long sleeves and hats, not to cover themselves up for modesty, but because they don’t want their skin touched by the sun.
The same standard of having creamy-looking light skin is also present in countries like Thailand and South Korea, where women also think tanning is basically insanity. In fact, you might be hard pressed to find skincare products that don’t have some kind of lightening agent in them.

White Teeth

There are a million different products out there to help with getting whiter teeth—from strips to gels, pastes, and even teeth-brightening devices.
If you use Instagram, you’ve also probably noticed that any Insta-famous person you follow will likely promote some type of whitening gadget every now and then because it’s something that’s become that important to us. Other countries, though? Not so much.
Americans often have preconceived and judgmental notions about British teeth. So it may come as no surprise that Brits also have their own thoughts about American teeth—mainly how straight and blindingly white they tend to be.
The American standard is obviously based completely on looks, because it’s actually been proven that teeth that are a bit yellow are actually stronger and healthier than super white teeth.

Extremely Thin Bodies

For as long as most anyone can remember, super thin has been the body type to strive for in America. Models are generally always waify, and it seems like almost the only celebrities who actually make it big are the ones who are very lean.
But this isn’t the standard of perfection everywhere. Beauty expert Michelle Phan has said that in certain countries, the obsession with being stick thin is unheard of.
In the African country of Mauritania, for instance, Phan she says that being a little bit overweight is actually preferred. It’s something that’s often associated with wealth and fertility, which makes it a more ideal body type in that culture.

Joost De Raeymaeker

We want t0 be clear that we’re not telling anyone what their body should or shouldn’t look like, but don’t think that being thin is the only way to live your happiest life.

Full Lips and Big Butts

In our Kardashian-obsessed culture, it’s not that surprising that lots of women are constantly working toward a bigger butt, smaller waist, and fuller lips.


It’s actually become somewhat normal to see even “regular” people adopt this type of aesthetic, because there are endless tips, products, and procedures to help us get this look. There are many cultures out there that aren’t into it, though.

South Korea is one country that just doesn’t understand the hype surrounding lush booties and full lips. There are even reaction videos in which Korean people look at images of the Kardashians, and they appear to be pretty shocked because it’s not at all what they’re used to seeing.

Heavy Makeup

There are many American women out there whose goal is to have makeup that’s done so flawlessly that it looks professionally airbrushed.
Although it’s not necessarily a bad look—or even a bad thing to want, other countries tend to go for a more natural look and find the obsession with daily glam makeup a little weird.
Laura Mercier, owner of the French skincare line of the same name, has seen the differences between makeup in France and America firsthand. “It really astonishes me the way American women wear so much makeup,” she said.
“French women are not flashy. They must be subtle. The message must not be, ‘I’m spending hours on my face to look beautiful.’”

Revealing Clothing

It’s no secret that there are many women in America—and around the world—who love to wear clothes that show off the goods.
We say flaunt it if you feel comfortable doing it, but there are some countries that don’t know how to react when someone dons something revealing.
In Japan, for example, if you run into an older man while you’re wearing a tank top, it’s likely that he won’t meet your eyes. Even a visible collarbone might be considered too sexual for some.

Overly Groomed Brows

There’s no doubt that your eyebrows really complete your face, and a bad shape can change your look for the worse.
Americans, however, seem to have taken their brow routine to the extreme, drawing on and carving out brows so sharp that you might be afraid they could cut you. This isn’t the style everywhere, though.
That’s not to say that women elsewhere don’t groom their brows at all, but they do tend to strive for a more natural look.
People in many other countries, such as South Korea, don’t go for an intensely arched brow, instead going for a brow that’s straighter. Thicker brows are still popular in places like Indonesia, but women tend to keep them more natural and dense looking.

Salons for Everything

It seems like any city in America truly does have a salon that’s dedicated to anything and everything you could want. From a salon that just does eyebrow threading to another that just does blowouts, the possibilities are endless when it comes to finding a professional to fulfill any grooming-related needs you have.
When it comes to something like a blowout, though, other countries aren’t on board. According to British writer Suzanne Jannese, Americans “seem to spend an unholy amount of time being groomed: blow-dry salons and making time in your day to get your nails done and hair coiffed. Why? You’re just gonna sleep on it and wake up with a bird’s nest the next morning.”
We can definitely understand it to some degree. Sometimes you just want to look bomb, but you don’t have the necessary hairstyling skills to do it yourself. For a special occasion, it can be worth spending more to save yourself the stress. Getting a blowout just to get one, though? Yeah. We’ll save our money for something that’ll last a little longer.


8 Things You Do Every Day That Are Bad For Your Health

No one starts the day intending to be unhealthy. For the most part the majority of us try to exercise, attempt to make good meal choices, and generally observe some cardinal rules of health. But sometimes as good as our intentions are, we unknowingly do things that can potentially harm our health.

Think you have everything in check? You might want to have a look at our list of things that many of us do every day that are bad for us.

Eat From the Salad Bar

You choose to eat from the salad bar for lunch because it has to be good for you with all of the nutritious lettuce, broccoli, and carrots, right?


In truth, although they may appear to offer you good choices, most salad bars also offer high fat food items like creamy potato salad and oily, marinated vegetables, causing the total meal to be worse for you than a burger.


For example, a Wendy’s Spicy Chicken Caesar Salad has 780 calories and 51 grams of fat, and a Pretzel Bacon Cheeseburger has 680 calories and 36 grams of fat. If you choose to eat a salad, make sure you check the caloric content (if available), and stay away from items that contain mayonnaise or a lot of oil.

Sit a Lot

Everyone knows that it’s important to exercise and that not exercising can put you at risk for certain health issues. But did you know just how bad sitting is for you? Recent studies have shown frequent sitting to be linked to increased risk of heart disease, decreased mental health, and other issues.


Surprisingly, even if you regularly exercise—but also sit a lot during the day—you’re still at risk! Experts refer to excessive sitting as “the new smoking,” because people who sit excessively are as unhealthy as those who puff on cigarettes. What should you do if your job requires you to sit a lot? Stand whenever you can!


Compared with sitting, standing burns an extra 20 calories per hour. Also, try to get up and move periodically or make it a point to move every hour or so. Sneak in movement whenever you can.


Pace while you’re on a conference call. Instead of scheduling a meeting over coffee, suggest a walk. Commit to walking during lunch or climbing a certain number of stairs per day.

Wear Skinny Jeans

Sure those tight pants look great on you, but are they worth the risk? An article in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry describes a case of a woman who experienced nerve damage from helping her friend move while wearing skinny jeans.


She was squatting throughout the day, and this caused compression of the area under the knee that houses a lot of nerves. The compression was severe enough to cause numbness in her lower legs that landed her in the hospital for a couple of days.

Doctors say that this condition is called “compartment syndrome.” It happens when the blood supply to the leg muscle is reduced because of tight-fitting pants. This in turn causes swelling of the muscles and compression of the nearby nerves.


What should you do? If you plan on doing a lot of squatting or sitting, don’t wear tight pants. If you don’t have a choice, make sure that you don’t bend down for extended periods.

Bite Your Nails

It may be a common temporary cure for the jitters, but biting your nails may not be worth the risks. The number and type of bacteria that live under your fingernails range from mild to pretty nasty.


Studies have found salmonella, E. coli, and other harmful pathogens.

If you bite your nails, basically wha
tever your fingers touch during the day ends up in your mouth. Even if you wash your hands regularly, most of us don’t get under the nails well, so bacteria festers there.


What can happen if you keep biting? You could end up with severe gastrointestinal issues or other unpleasant sickness.

Hold in Sneezes

We know this one doesn’t come as a shock. Ever try to hold a sneeze in? It feels like your head is going to explode! Well, it kind of can. Sneezes move at a whopping 100 miles per hour and can cause some damage if they’re stopped in their tracks.


Incidents of fractures in nasal cartilage, nose bleeds, and even detached retinas have been reported. What should you do if you’re in a situation where you need to hold it? Just do your best and muffle it in your sleeve.

Stare at a Screen All Day

Your mom was right. If you stare at it long enough, you’ll go blind. Well, maybe not blind, but staring at your computer screen for extended periods can cause some serious eye issues. The most common one is computer vision syndrome (CVS), which is characterized by blurry vision, dry and red eyes, headaches, eye irritation, and neck or back pain.


As you get older (say over age 40), it gets tougher to work on a screen for prolonged periods because your eyes become less flexible, and you become more susceptible to CVS.

What can you do to combat it? A couple of things. Try reducing the surrounding glare on your computer by dimming lights and avoiding window glare. Also, move your computer so that it’s slightly below eye level and about 20 to 28 inches away from your face.


Lastly, follow the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes look away from your screen and at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Wear Contact Lenses Excessively

We know that wearing your glasses is a pain, and a lot of people don’t really dig the laser eye correction surgery. So wearing your contacts is your best option, but wearing them too often may be bad for you.


The mechanism by which the lens sits on your eye causes the tissue of your eye to be blocked from receiving oxygen. As you can imagine, this is not a good thing. Wearing contact lenses too often can cause pain and dryness as well as damage to the corneas.


Give your eyes a break by using your contacts a little less and wearing your glasses a little more. 

Not Clean Your Washing Machine

We wash our clothing in the washing machine—don’t the soap and bleach that we add clean the machine and our clothes at the same time? Apparently not!


Experts say that our washing machines are full of bacteria that get on the wet clothing and then on to our bodies. Microbiology experts explain that in a load of just underwear there can be about 100 million E. coli transmitted to the next load. And E.coli isn’t the only germ present in your wash.


Hepatitis A virus, norovirus, rotavirus, and salmonella can all be sharing the same living space in your washer as well. Want to get rid of these nasty germs? Wash your clothing with bleach and hot water (regular detergent doesn’t touch them).

Can’t use bleach? Use a product like Clorox 2 with peroxide. Also, periodically clean your washer by letting the machine go through its cycle empty with just bleach and water. Want to go the organic route? Experts say that the sun’s ultraviolet rays are as good at killing bacteria as bleach. As often as you can, dry your clothing in the sun.


5 Tricks To Help You Avoid Plastic Products

You likely use plastic so much, you don’t even notice it. This harsh reality is unfortunate because plastic is terrible for the environment. Since it’s non-biodegradable, plastic will just sit in landfills, waterways, or oceans forever. While some plastic can be recycled, the majority of plastic product waste will be around forever. In order to cut down on the waste of single-use plastics (one of the largest sources of waste in the United States), here are some tips you should follow that will help you break your dependence on plastic.

1. Get a reusable water bottle.

Bottled water is extremely convenient. It’s also very wasteful. Plastic bottles are so numerous that there’s actually a huge trash island of plastic bottles in the Pacific Ocean called “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.” This infamous island about the size of Texas and continues growing larger.


Plastic bottles are especially wasteful when we consider that we have clean drinking water all around us that is as pure as most bottled water options available. To break your plastic water bottle habit, simply carry around a reusable water bottle and refill it at drinking fountains.

2. Bring your own bags to the store.

People are now realizing just how wasteful plastic bags actually are. Some cities have completely banned them while others are charging customers to use plastic instead of paper bags. This is good because there are affordable alternative ways to transport your groceries.


Aside from selecting paper bags at checkout, another option is to bring reusable tote bags to the store. You can keep some stored in your car for those spontaneous after-work trips to the supermarket so that you will always have at least one or two at your disposal. Just one tote bag can potentially save you from taking three or four plastic bags and eventually disposing of them in your garbage can.

3. Bring metal cutlery to work.

We don’t think about it, but that plastic fork, knife, and spoon are all wasteful. The problem is, at work, some people don’t have any other options.


That’s easy to fix, however, all you need to do is bring some metal cutlery and keep it at your desk. At lunch, you can use it and wash it off in the break room. Plastic cutlery may not be a large source of waste, but over time, it adds up when thrown away daily.

4. Bring your lunch in reusable steel containers.

Sandwich bags are convenient, but they aren’t good for the environment. Fortunately, there’s an alternative that will keep your food fresh and can easily be washed and reused.


Stainless steel food containers are durable, simple to clean, and can be used again and again. You can also use plastic Tupperware, but stainless steel is a much better choice.

5. Cut down on your online shopping.

Shopping online is something that has become routine for most of us. If we need something, we just hop onto Amazon and have it delivered to our house within a week. While this is a win for those of us who value convenience, it’s becoming a major source of waste in our environment.


How many times have you bought something small only to have it arrive in a much larger box? And how many times have you bought multiple items, only to have them shipped in multiple boxes? All of that waste adds up. While cardboard can be recycled, it may be best to travel to your nearest brick-and-mortar store and avoid that unnecessary box altogether.


Here's What You Need To Know About The Dog Flu

In 2015, the city of Chicago faced a heartbreaking health crisis.

Not a single person ended up in the hospital due to this threat; no one missed work. Still, the suffering was unbearable.

This illness pulled a dirty trick. It went after man’s best friend.

The New York Times

The H3N2 flu virus doesn’t thrive in human bodies. It infects dogs and, more rarely, cats. The 2015 Chicago outbreak saw 1,000 pets brought low with fever, fatigue, and runny noses. In other words, this virus does to dogs pretty much exactly what the flu does to people.

Veterinarians were able to treat the flu victims in Chicago, and eventually, the epidemic passed. But the virus was only biding its time. In June 2017, the dog flu resurfaced, this time in the Sunshine State. As of this writing, 12 dogs have been diagnosed with canine influenza in Florida, and those numbers are almost certain to rise. Here’s what you need to know.


1. Is your dog at risk?

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), canine influenza is caused by a newer virus. As a result, dogs haven’t yet developed immunity.

“Almost all dogs, regardless of breed or age…, are susceptible to infection if exposed to the active virus,” the AVMA states on its website. “Virtually all dogs exposed to the virus become infected, and nearly 80 percent show clinical signs of the disease.”


2. How serious is dog flu?

The symptoms of canine influenza are similar to the flu we’re all familiar with. In its most common form, dog flu causes coughing, fever, lethargy, and runny nose. In rare cases, dog flu is accompanied by pneumonia and fevers of up to 106 degrees. That’s when the illness becomes truly dangerous.

3. Is the dog flu ever fatal?

Just like its human counterpart, canine influenza rarely leads to death. However, fatalities are not unheard of. The AVMA places the fatality rate of dog flu at less than 10 percent.


4. How long does dog flu last?

The vast majority of infected animals get over the illness in two or three weeks.

5. This latest outbreak is in Florida. Are dogs in other states at risk?

The short answer is “yes.” Since its U.S. debut in 2004, canine influenza has popped up in at least 40 states. The risk of infection rises considerably when dogs have contact with each other, as in kennels, dog parks, and animal shelters.


6. What can we do to protect our pets from the dog flu?

The best way to prevent infection is to prevent contact with a sick animal. The virus spreads through nose-to-nose contact between dogs, said Keith Poulsen, a veterinarian who teaches at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

However, Dr. Cynda Crawford of the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine said in a news conference that the virus “is also spread very effectively and efficiently with contact through contaminated clothing, contaminated hands, contaminated objects in the environment.”


Talk to your veterinarian. If dog flu has been a problem in your area, your vet might recommend vaccinating your pet.

“The more dogs in a community that we can vaccinate to build up community immunity, the better chance we have of keeping that virus out,” Crawford said.


This Is What You Should Eat If You Suffer From Seasonal Allergies

When T.S. Eliot wrote that “April is the cruellest month,” he must have been talking about allergies.

Just as the sun finally peeks out to warm our chilled bones, the air fills with pollen, dust, and a devil’s brew of allergens designed to make those of us who suffer from seasonal allergies want to go back to bed for a few months.
You can stuff pills down your gullet. You can walk around in a gas mask. But why do that when you can make a few simple changes to your diet for an allergy-free season? This summer, eat these foods to enjoy the sunshine without choking and dripping and being generally miserable.

1. Local Honey

Angels are real, and they are called bees. Not only do our buzzing buddies pollinate our crops for us, free of charge, they manufacture the world’s finest defense against seasonal allergies (maybe—more on that later).
The reasoning is pretty tidy. Local honey is made from local pollen. Local pollen is a serious allergen. Therefore, if you get your system used to the stuff by sampling bits of local honey early in the season, you won’t get all scratchy-voiced and stuffed up.
But does it really work? Maybe, says a doctor named Lawrence Rosen, who consulted with WebMD about foods that treat allergies.
“If you take small doses of honey early in the season, you may develop a tolerance toward pollen in your area,” Rosen said. The key word here is “may.” The jury’s still out, but it’s worth a try. Besides, honey is delicious.

2. Pineapples

Pineapples aren’t just kitschy cups for tropical beverages anymore. The fruit might also help keep your nasal passages clear during allergy season.
The fruit contains this stuff called bromelain, which is an enzyme that can sooth irritation caused by allergies. It might even help with asthma, Rosen told WebMD. Just don’t try to eat the spiny skin. They may be called “pineapples,” but you can’t bite into them like a non-pine apple.

3. Salmon and Tuna

You might recognize these fishes from the semi-recent national obsession with Omega-3 fatty acids. Well, the “good” fats found in tuna, salmon, and certain other ocean residents is also good for toning down the effects of allergies.
It’s all about reducing inflammation, which Omega-3s do quite nicely, thank you.

4. Broccoli (Sorry)

Your mom was right. You should eat your broccoli. That goes double if you suffer from seasonal allergies. Broccoli contains a flavenoid called quercetin that can help to reduce histamine levels.
Histamines are the shock troops of the allergic response. They’re natural chemicals that your body releases when it senses allergens sneaking into your system. They make your eyes water, your nose run, and your skin itch, which is basically the trifecta of seasonal allergies.

5. Hot Peppers

If you thought broccoli was loaded with the histamine-busting flavenoid quercetin, you’ve got to try ancho peppers. These dried poblanos contain like 9 times the amount of quercetin that broccoli can boast. Jalapenos and serrano peppers are also rich in quercetin, so get that hot sauce brewing!


Putting These Plants And Flowers In Your Bedroom Could Help You Sleep Better

Having a comfortable bedroom is essential. Not only is it the place you relax after a long day at work, but a comfortable bedroom can ultimately lead to a better night’s sleep. It’s no secret that getting a good night’s sleep helps us wake up refreshed, allows us to be more productive throughout the day, and aids with overall mental and physical health. If you’re struggling to catch those ZZZs, here are some indoor plants and flowers you should consider putting in your bedroom.

1. Snake Plant

Fresh oxygen will help make your room feel more comfortable and support a good night’s sleep. The charming snake plant will pump oxygen into the room day and night, keeping the oxygen circulating and ensuring you stay asleep all night.
The best part of all? The snake plant is very resilient and easy to care for. They are hearty and can live in just about any light, making them suitable for any room. They also only need to be watered about once every two weeks, which makes them great for people without a green thumb.

2. Peace Lily

This plant acts as a natural air purifier, removing toxins, dust, and other debris from the air in your bedroom. This will help keep your allergies at bay and enable you to breathe easier as you’re sleeping.
The peace lily is a good low light plant, meaning it can be hung just about anywhere in the bedroom. It only needs to be watered once a week, but if it’s near a window or your room is especially warm, you may want to water it twice per week.

3. Pink Jasmine

Pink Jasmine not only looks beautiful and makes the room more inviting, it also produces a pleasant scent. This scent serves as a natural relaxer, making it easier to [linkbuilder id=”6673″ text=”fall asleep”] when you climb into bed.
However, this pretty plant requires a little more care than others on this list. It does well in a sunny spot and should not be overwatered. It’s also best to buy it already potted. Fortunately, pink jasmine is relatively easy to find at most garden stores.

4. Gardenia

Like the peace lily, this plant also produces a lovely scent, making your bedroom smell clean and fresh. The aroma also has a sedative-like effect, helping you feel naturally tired as you unwind in bed. If you’re someone who tosses and turns, this plant can be a miracle worker.
The only negative aspect of the gardenia is that it may be difficult for some people to keep alive. The gardenia requires bright, indirect light. If it gets too much direct light, the leaves can burn. If your room doesn’t have a spot like the one previously described, the gardenia may not be the best option for you.

5. Lavender

Lavender has been shown to have a naturally relaxing aroma. This is why you’ll find many laundry detergents, scented candles, and air fresheners with this incredible scent. While dried lavender is effective, live lavender gives off a much stronger fragrance.
This plant does well in direct sunlight, so find a spot on a windowsill where it can bask in the sun all day long. You can water as needed. Sweet dreams!


4 Medical Secrets Doctors Don't Tell Their Patients

Your doctor will try to be completely honest with you when it comes to your health, medications you may be taking, and other facts about your overall well-being. There are some health-related issues, however, that your doctor may not tell you. Here are some facts that your doctor could be concealing from you.

1. Your doctor likely knows little about health insurance or the cost of treatment.

It’s no secret that doctors are experts in medicine and the physiology of the body. While they might have some idea about the billing aspect of health care, they likely know little more than you do.


There are entire programs dedicated to teaching students about proper medical coding and billing because determining the cost of treatment can become very complicated. Combine that with the fact that your insurance company never pays full price for treatment and instead has worked out agreements with health care organizations in your state for various costs, and the whole thing becomes almost impossible to decipher.

2. About one in 20 cancer diagnoses made by a primary care doctor are incorrect.

Primary care doctors have an incredibly difficult job. Instead of specializing in just one part of the body, they focus on the entire thing. They also see an incredibly large volume of patients every day. This makes errors relatively common, even among the most dedicated primary care physicians.


Because they are under pressure to see so many patients, primary care doctors can fall victim to heuristics or the act of making mental shortcuts in a rushed situation. They have to make important decisions based on probabilities and likely outcomes.

While they are often correct, these doctors are still human beings who can also make mistakes by rushing through an exam. Experts suggest asking questions like, “If it’s not cancer, what could it otherwise be?” This will force your doctor to slow down and think critically.


3. Emergency rooms make more mistakes on the weekends.

If you have to go to the emergency room on the weekend, you are more likely to run into complications or problems, especially if you have a chronic condition. That’s not because the volume of patients is higher, it’s because the number of health care workers is lower.

Doctors and nurses are just like the rest of us: they want weekends off to spend time with their family members and friends. The more experienced staff gets to pick their hours and often chooses to be off on the weekends. This results in less experienced workers seeing patients on the weekends, and lower numbers overall. This inexperience makes it more likely that they will overlook something important when it comes to your condition.


4. There are safer times to get elective surgeries.

If you feel the need to undergo elective surgery, you should try to avoid scheduling it on the weekend. Just like the emergency room, the more experienced surgeons tend to have the weekends off. This results in a two percent higher mortality rate in patients going under the knife on the weekend.

If you are undergoing elective surgery, talk to your doctor about his or her preferred time to perform the surgery. This can ensure you’re getting the experienced hand you trust and not some other doctor that you’ve never met.



Study Reveals Scary Link Between Breast Cancer And This Daily Habit

Many women enjoy a glass of wine in the evening with dinner or before bed. It can assist with relaxation and helps people unwind after a long day at work. Many women also think that wine helps with heart health, a nice added bonus.
Unfortunately, recent studies have found that there may actually be a risk for women who indulge in a glass of wine on a daily basis. It’s causing women everywhere to reconsider what was once seen as a healthy habit.
Researchers have known for some time that heavy alcohol use and breast cancer were related. The more alcohol a woman drank, the more likely she was to develop this terrible disease. That’s why, for years, doctors recommended that women (and men, too) drink alcohol only in moderation.
The previous recommendation was that women should drink no more than five ounces a day. The benefits included a healthier heart, better skin, and even help in preventing hearing loss. This was welcome news to women everywhere and an invitation to drink for their health.
A recent study, however, is questioning whether any amount of alcohol is actually good for women. It followed 119 women worldwide and examined their alcohol intake and their risk for breast cancer. It examined both premenopausal and postmenopausal women. The results were pretty stark.
Drinking just ten grams of alcohol per day (equivalent to a small glass of wine, eight ounces of beer, or one ounce of hard liquor) increased the risk of breast cancer by five percent in premenopausal women and nine percent in postmenopausal women. Naturally, women everywhere were alarmed by these results.
The news wasn’t all bad, however. The researchers also found that increased daily activity led to a decreased risk of breast cancer. This might mean that getting enough exercise could cancel out the health problems caused by drinking wine daily. That’s far from certain, however, so if women want to be as healthy as possible, they may want to cut out alcohol out of their diet altogether while still getting daily exercise.
Critics of the study have argued that the sample size is too small to draw any firm conclusions. With only 119 women studied, more research will be needed before we really know what connection, if any, there is between small amounts of alcohol and breast cancer. This initial study does point to a connection, even if it’s not conclusive.
For women who have a family history of breast cancer, giving up alcohol completely may be the best course of action. If you are a woman who drinks wine for the health benefits, you can simply drink organic grape juice instead of wine. Grape juice contains all of the health benefits of wine without the risk. Just make sure the grape juice you’re drinking doesn’t have added sugar, or it could lead to weight gain.
While more research is needed, women who are extremely concerned about breast cancer should give up alcohol until more research has been done. This way, a woman can be sure she’s doing everything possible to avoid this terrible health condition.


How To View The Upcoming Solar Eclipse Without Damaging Your Eyes

On August 21, the United States will be directly in the path of a total solar eclipse. While total solar eclipses have touched portions of the country, the last time a total eclipse crossed the entire country was in 1918. Needless to say, stargazers are extremely excited.

While the whole country will catch a glimpse of the eclipse, some areas will experience total darkness for almost three full minutes. If you’re in that path, you’ll see a true wonder of nature.


Before you go out and observe this eclipse, scientists offer some words of warning so you don’t damage your eyesight. There are some rules that you and your family should follow when viewing this incredible phenomenon.

The path for best viewing will begin just south of Portland, Oregon. From there, the path travels through southern Idaho into the Boise area. It will then travel to Wyoming, go over Nebraska, then travel southeast. It will pass over Kansas City and St. Louis, with the greatest duration of total eclipse (two minutes, 40 seconds) just a few miles southeast of St. Louis in rural Illinois. It will then pass through Tennessee and into South Carolina. If you’re looking to get the best glimpse of the eclipse, travel to any of those places for a great view.


If you do plan on viewing this eclipse, the most important rule, scientists say, is to never stare directly at a partial eclipse. If any part of the sun is visible, you are damaging your eyes just as if you were staring directly at the sun. When the total eclipse is occurring, you can look directly at it. Once the moon begins moving and part of the sun is visible again, look away.

To view the eclipse safely, scientists recommend wearing eclipse glasses. The glasses have extremely powerful filters that are magnitudes darker than your typical sunglasses. This will protect your eyes, giving you a full glimpse of nature’s majesty.


For those who plan to bring binoculars or a camera, it’s important to note that these lenses won’t protect your eyes. You’ll need special filters specifically made for your piece of equipment. Using eclipse sunglasses with a pair of binoculars, a telescope, camera, etc., will ultimately result in eye damage. It is recommended that you speak with an astronomer or safety expert before purchasing a filter for your equipment to ensure safety.

If you don’t want to buy sunglasses to view the eclipse, you can look at it indirectly with a pinhole camera. This is a small hole that is pointed at the sun and reflected on a blank piece of cardboard. You can view the path of the moon over the sun via the reflection against the cardboard, then look at the sun when the reflection is completely blocked. For those who want to see the eclipse directly, the pinhole camera won’t work. You’ll need solar eclipse glasses.


When buying these glasses, make sure they are new glasses that meet the current safety standards of ISO 12312-2. Some older glasses may have different standards that were acceptable at the time they were created but aren’t today. For your safety, be certain that any glasses you buy meet this important standard.

Once you have your glasses, travel to the path of totality mentioned above and enjoy the brilliant spectacle! There won’t be another quite like it for about 100 years.
