
Do They Work? Here's The Truth About 7 Gender Prediction Tests

Pseudoscience, folklore, and old wives’ tales abound regarding how to predict or control important life events.


Guess how many children you’ll have by swinging a necklace in front of your face! Make someone propose to you by eating a hard-boiled egg filled with salt! Predict whether you’ll live in a mansion, an apartment, a shack, or a house by scribbling spirals on your paper tablecloth at a steakhouse chain with peanut shells on the floor!

You know, typical ancient wisdom.


Some of the most popular rituals are to test or influence babies’ genders, and boy are there some weird ideas about that. But is there proof that any of these is effective? Read on to learn eight ways to predict or control your baby’s gender, and whether they stand a scientific chance.

Peeing Into Stuff

Peeing into stuff, theory one: If a pregnant woman pees into Drano, the color will determine whether she’s having a boy or a girl. (There are multiple combinations of which colors supposedly correlate to which sex.)

Getty Images Entertainment / Stephen Lovekin

Peeing into stuff, theory two: If a pregnant woman pees into baking soda and it fizzes like soda it means the baby’s a boy, and if it’s flat it means the baby’s a girl.

Peeing into stuff, theory three: If a pregnant woman pees into the water drained off of boiled, chopped-up red cabbage, the color determines an unborn baby’s sex. (Red or pink means boy; violet means girl.)


Does it work? We’ll quote here the fact-checking site Snopes regarding the Drano Test, and we feel confident it applies to the others as well: “Mixing Drano with urine will not predict the sex of an unborn child any better than will hanging a dead chicken from the flagpole and watching to see which way the wind riffles it.”

How It Gets Done

Some believe that the way you conceive can determine the baby’s sex, and this notion goes back pretty far.

The ancient Greeks thought a man who was lying on his right side during the deed would increase their chances of having a male baby. Similarly, it was believed that if a pregnant woman’s right side of her chest swelled, it meant she was carrying a boy. And so on and so forth with the “right means boy” and “left means girl” anatomical preoccupations.

(This makes sense because the Greeks attributed symbolic significance to right and left, with right being superior; they weren’t really known for their high opinions of women.)


More recent iterations of this idea, according to health writer Jeremy Laurance in The Independent, are based on the theory that “male” sperm die sooner and are “small and fragile but quick” and “female” sperm live longer and are “larger and tougher but slow.”

So, conceiving in certain positions will bring you a girl because because the sperm will be farther from the cervix, meaning that it will have to tough it out through acidic secretions to get to the womb. On the other hand, baby making in other positions will bring you a boy because the agile male sperm will be more adept at swimming against gravity.

The theory was apparently popularized by Dr. Landrum B. Shettles in the 1960s, who published his findings in medical journals and in the book How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby .


Does it work? Nah. As Drs. Yvonne Bohn, Allison Hill, and Alane Park, authors of The Mommy Docs’ Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy and Birth tell NPR, “There is no [position] that will guarantee a desired gender. The gender of the baby is determined by […] either an X chromosome, producing a girl — or a Y chromosome, producing a boy.”

Anyway, cue the unsettling opening credits of Look Who’s Talking that will remain seared into our memory forever.

The Mother’s Diet

Plenty of theories make claims about a mother’s diet and the gender of baby she will produce or is carrying. For example, a woman who craves sweets is having a boy and a woman who craves sour foods is having a girl. Or a woman who eats a lot of spicy foods is carrying a boy.

Getty Images News / Sean Gallup

Laurance in The Independent writes about the Victorians’ suggestion “that would-be parents who wanted boys should go on a strict diet because the male was the ‘starved sex.'” And today there are websites devoted to altering your diet to influence your child’s gender.

Does it work? Surprisingly, it can—but not in the ways we’ve imagined. According to research from the University of Oxford and the University of Exeter published in 2008, women who don’t skip breakfast and who consume more calories around the time of conception, particularly bananas and breakfast cereal, are more likely to have boys.


This may be because, as Tara Parker-Pope points out in The New York Times, “male embryos are less viable in women who regularly limit food intake, such as skipping breakfast, which is known to depress glucose levels,” and “low glucose level may be interpreted by the body as indicating poor environmental conditions and low food availability.”

Position Of The Baby Bump

You know the deal! If you’re “carrying low” you’re having a boy, and if you’re “carrying high” you’re having a girl. Or is it the other way around?


Many swear that if a woman carries her baby high in the uterus and her stomach has a round appearance, the chances are excellent she is expecting a girl, Snopes reports. “Likewise, a boy is carried low and relatively more sideways. However, many swear by the exact opposite and believe boys are always carried high. Go figure.”

Does it work? Nope. Professor Steve Robson, Vice President of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, tells The Huffington Post:

Alicia Zinn

“It’s clear to say that a child’s genitals has nothing to do with how the woman’s body looks when she is pregnant. The way a woman carries a baby has more to do with the size of the baby — then the belly tends to pivot forward. If the baby is smaller, it is more likely to be lower in the pelvis. So a baby that is larger than average is more likely to be higher, a smaller baby will be lower. It has nothing to do with their genitals and everything to do with the way the baby is lying in the uterus.”

Numbers Games

Two popular ways to try and guess your baby’s gender involve crunching numbers. According to one method, using the Chinese Lunar Calendar, the baby’s sex is determined by the mother’s age at the time of conception and the month she conceived.


Another method is based on the Mayan (Maya?) system. It says that, if you take the age of the mother at the time of conception and the number representing the month of conception and both numbers are even, or if both numbers are odd, the baby is a girl; if one number is odd and the other is even, the baby is a boy.


Does it work? There’s a 50 percent chance. (Hint: there’s a 50 percent chance with all the others too, though.) As far as we know, no major scientific studies have evaluated the likelihood that either of these methods will predict the correct sex every time, but we’re going to go out on a limb and say that it’s not any more effective than peeing into Drano.

(That said, the whole using-your-fingers thing to determine multiples of nine absolutely blows our mind, so anything’s possible, right? Right?)

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Some people claim that women who gain the least weight during pregnancy are more likely to have a girl.


Does it work? As a correlation, not a cause.

By our analysis (we aren’t scientists), this theory would seem to fall in line with the research out of the University of Oxford and the University of Exeter, suggesting that women who consume high-calorie diets around the time of conception are more likely to give birth to boys.

However, it doesn’t seem to take into consideration that eating more calories around the time of conception doesn’t mean they continued to eat more calories throughout the remainder of the pregnancy. (Besides, eating more calories doesn’t necessarily mean weight gain, since different women have different basal metabolic rates.)


Cosmopolitan reports:

In a massive new [2014] observational study published in PLOS ONE that accounts for more than 68 million births over 23 years, researchers found that women who gained the least weight during pregnancy were more likely to give birth to girls. Fifty-one percent of babies born to moms who gained less than 20 pounds during pregnancy ended up being girls. … Researchers still can’t entirely explain the relationship between your weight gain and the likelihood that you’ll give birth to a boy or girl. But they did find that mothers who gained low amounts of weight and miscarried were more likely to lose a male fetus than a female fetus.”

Morning Sickness Means Girl

Another well-worn idea is that women who have morning sickness are having a girl, and women who have no morning sickness are having a boy. One different version is that all moms-to-be have morning sickness, but moms-to-be carrying a girl have worse morning sickness than those carrying a boy.


And another says that only morning sickness during the first trimester is a determinant, with bad morning sickness indicating “girl” and no morning sickness indicating “boy.”

Does it work? Probably not…but maybe? “Morning sickness has nothing to do with gender. It just means some people are very prone to morning sickness the same way some people are prone to motion sickness,” Professor Robson tells The Huffington Post. “Also, morning sickness can be worse in one pregnancy than in another. But, again, it has no relationship to the gender of the baby and everything to do with hormones in pregnancy. Sometimes different hormone levels promote different levels of morning sickness.”

Getty Images Entertainment / WPA Pool

However, some studies have shown a connection between moms who suffer from a severe form of morning sickness called hyperemesis gravidarum and female births. Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, reportedly suffered from the condition during both of pregnancies—her first child a boy, George, but her second is a girl, Charlotte.

Dangling Metal Things Over Pregnant Women

This is a fun one. If you’re a woman, you’ve likely been instructed at some point in your life to loop a ring through with a piece of your hair or a necklace chain, and then dangle the ring over your stomach to determine the number of children you will one day have and their genders (because of course you will have children).


Another version is specifically for women who are already with child. They’re instructed to use their wedding rings (because of course they are married) and, if the suspended ring rotates counterclockwise, the baby is a boy, while a clockwise rotation indicates that the baby’s a girl.

Then there’s this one, described in Snopes : “A pin or needle affixed to a piece of thread is dangled over the expectant woman’s wrist. If the pin swings back and forth, it’s a boy. If it twirls in circles, it’s a girl. Some suggest using a nail instead of a pin. Some say the pin or nail should dangle over the mother’s stomach instead of her wrist.”


Does it work? We can’t imagine a reason why it would…unless, like, magnetic fields? But yeah, common sense points to “clearly not.”


7 Bizarre Ways The Human Body Is Used

You see a ball of hair clogging your drain and throw it away. Someone back in the day might see that as a tool they can use to add volume to their hair. As it turns out, there’s a lot we can do with what comes off our bodies instead of simply discarding it.
The human body is an incredible thing, and there are people out there who push theirs to new limits every day. From running faster to jumping higher and stretching to the point of contortion, there isn’t a feat that some of us can’t accomplish. Our other superpower, however?
Using our brains to come up with new ideas, inventions, and solutions all the time. While some are seeing what they can do with their bodies, others throughout history have been trying to figure out just how much they could do with what comes out and off of theirs. That’s right—people throughout the ages have figured out ways to use byproducts of the human body, and the results might actually surprise you.


Most of us probably try to get rid of our earwax as fast as possible—it can mess up your hearing, make your inner ears feel “off,” and heaven forbid that some gets stuck to one of your earbuds while you’re listening to music. When you think about it, though, different types of wax have a lot of different uses, and one of the most common ways we use wax today is to make candles.
So: Can you make a candle out of human earwax? Fortunately, the men of the show MythBusters decided to put that thought to the test, inspired by the scene in Shrek when the lovable ogre pulls a preformed earwax candle out of his skull.

You might be surprised to hear that MythBusters’ experiment actually succeeded, but they didn’t get anything like the Yankee Candles we’re used to. As it turns out, earwax is made of quite a few different substances, and they don’t all burn at the same rate. But, hey, should you ever need to make one, an emergency candle is just one wick—and a lot of earwax—away.


It might seem a little morbid to use something that once supported another living creature during their life, but we’ve actually been using bones in that way for quite a long time. After all, they are pretty much the strongest and longest-lasting part of the body.
Many cultures have traditionally used bones to make necklaces and ceremonial outfits, but they also have one other common use—musical instruments.

Jean-Pierre Dalbera/Creative Commons/Wikimedia

One well-known instrument that’s made with bone is the kangling, a type of flute that is traditionally made with a human femur bone. The instrument was commonly used in Tibet during Buddhist rituals.
Metropolitan Museum of Art

Another is this Central African lyre, which is actually made out of a human skull. Researchers believe that it wasn’t made for any specific ritual, though—it’s thought that the skull was found by someone who had the talent to craft it into the instrument and hoped to make a bit of extra cash through a trade.


Any woman with long hair knows that your brush collects enough loose strands to knit a sweater every week, but the normal thing to do is just throw it all away.
If you were a woman in Victorian England, however, you would’ve hung on to each and every strand as if they were gold threads.
Nowadays we have things like hairspray, teasing combs, and curlers to help give our hair the lift we’re looking for. Women back then, though, had none of that, so they had to improvise when it came to getting the look they wanted.

Victorian Nonsense

They’d take any wads of hair they could find within their brushes and then style it back into the hair on their heads, strategically placing it where they needed more lift.

The Placenta

We can practically hear you screaming at your computer about how gross this is, but there are some who claim that eating placenta is beneficial for women who’ve recently given birth. The placenta, in case you’re not familiar, is the organ that attaches to the inside of the uterus while a woman is pregnant. It provides the fetus with nourishment along with other essential functions to help it grow.
Why would anyone want to eat that? Some people assert that it’s good for you and your postpartum mental health. Before you get a gruesome mental image, know that most people don’t take the whole thing home in a bag and just…chow down. There are actually specialists who’ll dry and encapsulate the placenta for consumption. 
The placenta is full of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and iron, along with progesterone and estrogen, which are hormones that play a huge role in postpartum health. That doesn’t mean that ingesting placenta will actually help the body recover from the stress of pregnancy and delivery, though. Thus far there is no conclusive medical evidence that this practice is safe or useful—but some folks still swear by it.


We’re willing to bet that your parents saved your baby teeth at least once while you were a kid, but the reason why was never really clear. It seemed like they just kept them around for a few years only to throw them away while cleaning out an old dresser or bathroom drawer.
Our parents may have been onto something though, because using teeth in jewelry has actually been a big trend for a pretty long time. A lot of it is focused on jewelry for mothers, featuring their children’s baby teeth so they can hold on to a piece of their childhood forever. But some adults are now using their own teeth to get in on the trend too.

Carlee Alisan Unger

One man, Lucas Unger, had a wisdom tooth removed in the fall of 2015, and instead of throwing it away, he actually had it made as the center “stone” of an engagement ring for his fiancée. Say what you will, but the couple was happy with their situation, and they can definitely say that no one has the same ring she does.

Nail Clippings

If you’re ever able to actually keep track of the clippings from your fingernails and toenails, you could have a business on your hands—or feet.

Ripley’s Believe It or Not!

Mike Drake is an artist who keeps his clippings around to help him fill the paperweights he sells.
Rachel Betty Case

Another artist named Rachel Betty Case also uses the clippings to make small animal figurines in the shape of bugs and larger animals.

The Body Itself

We know it’s a sad thought, but the reality is that we’ll all die at some point in time. Have you ever considered what will happen to your body after you’re gone? For a long time, the answer was simple—either you get buried or you get cremated. However, you might be surprised to hear that there are many more options out there—and they’re pretty interesting.
Aside from donating your body or organs to research after you die, you can actually undergo plastination and become an exhibit. If you’ve never heard of the exhibit Body Worlds, it’s one that puts real human bodies on display, opening them up to give us a better look at how all of the pieces fit together.
If safety has always been a big concern of yours in life, you can also support its research in death by being a crash test cadaver. Sure, we have crash test dummies, but what better way to find out what’ll happen to a real human body during a crash than actually using one?
Oh, and don’t forget about becoming a skeleton. You can donate your body to New Mexico’s Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, where it’ll be stripped down to the bones so researchers can use your skeleton, just like one you saw in your high school classroom. Don’t worry, though—that one probably wasn’t real. We hope, at least.


The Mysterious Case Of Gloria Ramirez, AKA The "Toxic Lady"

On a winter night in 1994, one woman entered the hospital for what would be her last visit. Little did she know that the condition plaguing her would end up making 23 staff members ill as well.
The human body can be a strange thing, one that’s capable of so much but can also be taken down by so little. Would you believe that it could even make another person severely ill with just the slightest touch?
This sounds like something straight out of science fiction, but it’s actually a real-life mystery that still doesn’t have a truly definitive answer. It’s the story of Gloria Ramirez, who was dubbed the “Toxic Lady” after she managed to make multiple hospital workers sick just from being in her presence.
Ramirez’s story begins on Feb. 19, 1994, when she was admitted to the Riverside General Hospital in Riverside, California.
Although Ramirez was no stranger to the hospital at this point in her life—she had unfortunately been diagnosed with advanced cervical cancer previously—this visit proved to be much stranger than any she’d had before.
She was taken to the emergency room after complaining of alarming symptoms such as breathing difficulties, nausea, and a rapid pulse. Not only that, but nurses say she was incredibly confused when she was wheeled into the room.

It was then that her treatment began.

The nurses started going about their routine—they injected her with a few different sedatives in the hopes of calming her breathing and heart rate, but the medications did nothing.
When it was clear to all of them that Ramirez wasn’t responding to the medications, their next course of action was to defibrillate her heart.
However, just as the nurses were about to begin the procedure, they noticed what appeared to be oil pooling on Ramirez’s skin, and her body also seemed to be giving off an odor that smelled like an odd combination of fruit and garlic.
At this point, Susan Kane, one of her nurses, decided that they’d need to draw blood from Ramirez, but when she did, she noticed an incredibly powerful smell coming from the tube.
It reminded her of ammonia.
Kane then handed off the tube of blood to another nurse in the room, Julie Gorchynski, who noticed that there were very small, off-white particles floating around in the blood. Suddenly Kane fainted and was taken out of the room.

It wasn’t just her, either.

As if that weren’t already strange enough, Gorchynski began to feel nauseated shortly after Kane was taken out of the room. She left the room and went to sit at the nurses station, saying she was lightheaded. A coworker came over to her to ask if she was all right, but she fainted before she could get an answer out.
The respiratory therapist who had been in the room, Maureen Welch, would be the third person to faint after having contact with Ramirez.
It was then that the hospital staff realized how strange the whole thing was, and they ordered a mandatory evacuation for all patients in the emergency room so they could be moved to the hospital parking lot temporarily.
A total of 23 people who were in the emergency room that day became ill, and an additional five people had to be hospitalized after the strange events. Unfortunately, even with numerous attempts at CPR and defibrillation, after just 35 minutes at the hospital, Ramirez passed away due to kidney failure caused by her cervical cancer.

The investigation into her death began.

The investigation into what caused these strange occurrences had two scientists at the lead—Kirsten Waller and Maria Osorio. They interviewed all 34 of the crew members who had been working in the emergency room on Feb. 19 and used a simple questionnaire to ask them about the events of that day.
They paid special attention to those who had the most extreme reaction to being in Ramirez’s presence, like muscle spasms, breathing troubles, and fainting.
What they found surprised them, as it revealed that many of the people who were affected seemed to have some things in common.
Those who came within two feet of Ramirez all had the most extreme symptoms, and it was only women who had severe symptoms, even though some men were affected. Everyone who fell ill after the event also had normal blood tests afterward—no pale specks in their blood, no sign of contamination whatsoever.

So what happened?

After their investigation, Waller and Osorio came to the conclusion that all of the affected emergency room workers were simply suffering from mass hysteria. None of them were having that, though.
Gorchynski was adamant that something more was going on and tried to point to her own medical record to prove that she had never had a similar incident before.
Gorchynski actually developed hepatitis and avascular necrosis—what is essentially the death of bone tissue—in her knees and spent two weeks in the intensive care unit after Ramirez’s hospital stay.
The case was eventually passed on to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to see if scientists there could come up with a scenario that would explain what happened. Although the strange events surrounding Ramirez’s hospital stay and death were never officially declared, they thought they knew the answer.
After examining Ramirez’s body, the laboratory determined that she may have been using a substance known as dimethyl sulfoxide as an at-home treatment for her pain—why she thought this would work, we have no idea. It’s actually something you can find pretty easily at any hardware store. It’s an incredibly powerful degreaser that has a garlicky odor.
Because it’s often found as a gel, investigators think this might explain why Ramirez’s skin took on a greasy appearance.
Because of her kidney issues, it is thought that the dimethyl sulfoxide she was taking began to back up in her system, and this is what investigators think may have caused the kidney failure that ultimately brought her to the hospital on the day she died.
To add even more credibility to this theory, dimethyl sulfoxide converts to dimethyl sulfone when exposed to oxygen, and that substance actually crystallizes at room temperature—these crystals were later found in Ramirez’s blood, possibly formed as a result of shifting from body temperate while inside her body to room temperature in its container.
It gets even weirder from there, too. The lab determined that the shocks coming from the defibrillator may have converted the substance into dimethyl sulfate, an incredibly potent poisonous gas—potent enough, evidently, to make the majority of an emergency room staff sick in some way or another. 

Makes sense, right?

The Riverside Coroner’s Office ultimately ruled that it was the most likely cause of what happened to both Ramirez and the affected hospital workers based on the evidence they had to support the theory.
Her family publicly disagreed with the conclusion and even hired their own pathologist the tell them why she had died. They believed that the hospital was trying to cover up the actual cause of her death and filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Riverside County.
There’s some strange evidence that lends them some credibility, too—there had apparently been multiple gas-related incidents at the hospital before, and the lead investigator in Ramirez’s case, Stephanie Albright, committed suicide shortly into the investigation.
A colleague later admitted she was under a great deal of stress because of the case. Oh, and the blood that was taken from Ramirez? It managed to disappear at some point during the investigation.


Unfortunately, Ramirez’s family was unable to come to any conclusions because her heart was missing from her body, her other organs had suffered from cross-contamination, and her body was just too badly decomposed at the time to find out much. She was later buried in Olivewood Memorial Park in Riverside, and the mystery of her death remains without a definitive answer.


Foods That Americans Think Are Healthy But Nutritionists Disagree

Sushi, granola, gluten free muffins…we often think that we’re eating healthfully when we consume these, but unfortunately we may be doing more harm than good.


Sure we know that apples, brown rice, and lean meats are good for us and that chocolate chip cookies, fried dough, and milkshakes are bad for us—but sometimes we get a little confused and end up choosing the wrong things for a healthy body. 


It’s not really our fault, though. There is so much misinformation, marketing hype, and conflicting content that it’s no wonder we’re confused.

Worried that you may be making the wrong choices? Let us help! Here are the most common foods that we choose for their healthy nutritional content but are actually bad for us.

Energy/Protein Bars

The marketing companies do a great job of boasting about the supposed benefits of energy and protein bars, but take a closer look at the nutrition labels and you’ll see that many of these products resemble candy bars and other unhealthy foods.

Many of these bars contain an exorbitant amount of sugar (as much as candy), fat (as much as a cheeseburger), and sodium (a full day’s worth!)


To make matters worse, manufacturers want the bars to taste great and last a long time, so they use artificial flavorings and processed ingredients to aid in that. It’s important to note that not all bars are created equal, so be sure to compare ingredients when you’re choosing the right one for you.

Instant Oatmeal

Your doctor says that oatmeal is good for you! It lowers cholesterol, it’s low in fat, and keeps your energy up all day. So why wouldn’t instant oatmeal be just as good as the regular kind? The answer is: because of the processing. The flavored, single-serving oatmeal packets options are packed with sugar (which adds too many unnecessary calories) and artificial flavors and colors.


Additionally the oats in instant oatmeal are processed to make them cook faster, so much of their fiber is stripped. This means you no longer benefit from traditional oatmeal’s blood sugar–stabilizing abilities.


Love oatmeal? It’s best to stick with the traditional kind (it only takes 5 minutes longer to cook) and add your own ingredients like fruit, honey, or spices. Got 20 minutes on your hands? Steel-cut oats are the best for you because they have a lower glycemic index.

Bran Muffins

You hear the word “bran” and you automatically think to yourself, “Bran is so boring and tasteless…any food that contains it must be healthy!” On its own, bran is a power food. It contains lots of fiber, protein and vitamins—and is also a super low-glycemic food. The problem with bran is that nobody really likes the taste of it on its own, so they add things to make it more appealing.


Take bran muffins as an example. The store-bought varieties are typically overfilled with sodium, sugar, and fat to make them moist and yummy. Don’t believe us? Let’s do a comparison.


A honey bran raisin muffin from Dunkin’ Donuts has 40 grams of sugar, 410 milligrams of sodium, and 120 calories. A chocolate frosted cake donut has 20 grams of sugar, 340 milligrams of sodium, and 170 calories. Which would you prefer?


The tortillas used for wraps are thinner than
bread and buns, and they’re made out of vegetables like spinach and sun-dried tomato so they’ve got to be a nutritious lunch option, right? Unfortunately, they’re not. Most restaurants pack the wrap fixings into a 12-inch tortilla, which can have up to twice the amount of calories as plain bread.

Furthermore, the vegetable ingredients in the tortilla aren’t as plentiful as you think—most companies try to make them look like they contain vegetables by adding coloring and flavoring.


Additionally, less nutritious ingredients can be hidden within the wrap, making it an even worse choice than you might think. Things like bacon, blue cheese, and creamy dressings covertly increase the calories and fat content of the entire meal.

Dried Fruit

Dried fruit seems nutritious and benign because it’s fruit. But what appears to be an innocent snack is actually quite unhealthy. Dried fruit manufacturers use chemicals like sulfur dioxide to preserve freshness and add sugar to sweeten the fruit even more.


Cranberries and pineapple are among the worst offenders, with nutritional contents looking more like candy than fruit.

Sports Drinks

Sports drinks sound good on paper (or on the label) but the truth is they’re much more like a sugary fruit punch drink than sports replenishment aid. They claim to refuel the body with electrolytes and micronutrients, but natural foods such as coconut water and bananas do a much better job—with fewer calories, less sugar, and no artificial additives.


Interestingly, a study published in the Journal of Obesity found that people who drink one or more sports drinks daily gained more weight over a three-year span than those who didn’t.

Skim/Low-fat Milk

“Whole milk has too much fat! Drink skim milk for your health!” Although skim milk has less fat than whole milk, during processing unfortunately some essential vitamins (along with texture and flavor) get stripped away too.


To compensate for this, the dairy industry fortifies the milk with synthetic vitamins and calcium, but this is a case of too little too late. When it comes to dairy products, the less processed product is best.


“Butter is bad and margarine is good!” was the cry of doctors and healthcare advocates in the 1960s. Margarine is made from vegetable oil (not animal fat) and has less saturated fat than butter, so it seemed to be a good substitute.


However, the processing of margarine ultimately makes it a less healthful product. During the process, vegetable oil is extracted from corn, soybeans, or safflower seeds; steamed to remove impurities (vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are removed as well); hydrogenated into a semi-solid state; emulsified to remove lumps; bleached to brighten it; steamed again to remove odors; and finally synthetic vitamins and artificial colors are added.

Still thinking that it’s better for you than butter?

Fruit Juice

We want fruit juice to be good for us, because what’s better than slurping a whole day’s supply of fruits and vegetables in a single glass? Alas, that’s not how it works.


When juice is made, fruit is processed so that all of the healthy fiber in the flesh is removed along with the vitamins and nutrients from the skin. What you’re left with is basically a glass of sugar water that often gets even more sugar to improve the taste.

Flavored Yogurt

Even though yogurt packs a healthy dose of calcium, vitamin D, and probiotics, conventional yogurt is normally laden with sugar—with most brands containing as much as 15 grams per 6 ounce serving!


This sugar, without fiber and ample protein, skyrockets your blood sugar levels, leaving you hungry and irritable after an hour. Want to enjoy yogurt in a healthy way? Opt for plain Greek yogurt and add your own fruits, nuts, and honey.

Canned Soup

Soup heals the heart and the soul, right? Homemade soup may do that well, but easy-to-eat and easy-to-make canned soup is a completely different beast.


Manufacturers load canned soup with sodium (some have as much as 400 milligrams per cup) and often store the soup in cans that are lined with BPA plastic (which some research shows could affect the functioning of your body).


Want to enjoy a healthy cup of soup? It’s better to set aside time to make a big batch at home and freeze some for later use.


Ways To Spot Dehydration And When It's Time To Be Concerned

Think you’re getting enough water? Chances are that you’re not. Studies show that three-quarters of Americans don’t drink enough fluids to keep their bodies healthy and running well.


Your body is made up of 60 percent water, and being properly hydrated helps your muscles, liver, and kidneys function. It’s also important for the general health of your hair, skin, nails, and immune system. If you don’t get enough water, your body becomes dehydrated.


People who work out hard, very young kids, older adults, people on certain medications like diuretics and blood pressure medications, and those who have been ill from a stomach virus or fever are more vulnerable to becoming dehydrated. Additionally, as the summer months roll in, the increasing heat and humidity compound any underlying hydration complications.


Dehydration can be treated quickly and effectively, but the key is to know the signs. Mild dehydration can start as a dull and benign headache, but if you let it go too far, things can become super serious—and even life threatening—fast.

Here are the ways that you can tell if you’re dehydrated—and at what point you should be concerned.

Your urine is dark yellow.

The color of your urine is a good way to judge your hydration levels. If you’re well hydrated, it should look watered down and slightly yellow.


The darker it appears, the more dehydrated you are. If it starts looking like the color of apple juice (with a little brownish tint), that’s not a good sign. 

You feel dizzy.

Dark urine is a sure sign of mild to moderate dehydration, but if you also start feeling faint or dizzy (like you can’t stand or walk properly) you probably have passed the mild stage and are moving toward a more serious issue.


Low blood pressure and increased heart rate combined with decreased blood flow to the brain can make you feel woozy. It can also make you feel foggy headed and unable to concentrate.

It’s been a long time since you’ve urinated.

Can you think back and remember the last time that you went to the bathroom? If you can’t recall or if it’s been several hours, that’s a sign that your body is trying to retain as much water as possible in fear that it won’t be getting more any time soon.


That’s your body’s natural defenses kicking in, and it will continue to hold on to that water until you start drinking.

You’re mouth is pasty and you’re thirsty.

When your body is dehydrated, your mouth can’t make enough saliva, which results in a dry, parched mouth and intense thirst.


This is usually one of the first indicators of dehydration, but it can’t be totally relied on because some people—especially older adults—don’t feel thirsty until they’re already well into being dehydrated.

You have bad breath.

If you aren’t making enough saliva, it’s going to be problematic for your mouth. Saliva has antibacterial properties that keep bacteria, viruses, and other nasties from invading your oral space.


This can cause bad breath and a host of other mouth concerns, including sores and excessive wear and tear on tooth enamel.

Your skin is dry.

Many people think that it’s the sweaty ones who get dehydrated (because they’ve lost so much fluid), but the opposite is actually true. As you become increasingly more dehydrated there’s not enough water in your body to hydrate your skin so it becomes dry and parched—much like your mouth.


If it’s hot out and your skin is dry and not evaporating sweat to keep you cool, you can become pink and flushed, especially in the face. It’s important also to note that if your skin’s elasticity has changed (when you pinch your skin it takes a weirdly long time to go back to its original position), it’s time to be concerned.

Your heart is racing.

Water adds to the fluid in the blood and keeps your circulation normal. When there’s not enough fluid in your blood, your heart rate will speed up to compensate for the lack of blood getting to your brain.


Your blood pressure will usually return to normal when you rehydrate.

Your head hurts.

Your brain is housed within a sac called the dura mater that helps to hold in fluid to keep your brain cushioned and prevent it from bumping into your skull. But these protective functions are dependent on hydration levels to stay normal. 


If your body’s water levels are running low because you’re dehydrated, your brain can become less cushioned, which can cause it to push up against your skull and give you a headache. Additionally, low levels of water can also decrease the amount of serotonin in your body, leading your head to ache even more.

You have fever and chills.

As your body becomes increasingly more dehydrated, it starts to conserve the water for the most important bodily functions and limits blood flow to the skin—causing you to get the chills. Additionally, the water in your body also holds the heat in your body.


If you’re not holding on to heat properly, your body will have trouble regulating its temperature. You may experience not only chills but also fever in response. Fever can be dangerous, so it’s important to seek medical attention if you have the other signs of dehydration along with a fever of 101 degrees or more.

Your muscles start cramping.

As you get hotter, your muscles work harder and require more blood. If you’re dehydrated, your body sends the important fluids to vital organs—and away from muscles (which are not as important in this case).


This can cause them to cramp. Additionally, as you sweat more it causes a change in sodium and potassium levels. If you’re not replacing these micronutrients through proper fluid intake, your muscles can cramp even more.

You’re feeling low in energy.

When your heart rate rises and your blood pressure lowers, your body starts protecting itself by forcing you to rest. The way it does this is by making you tired. Studies show that even mild dehydration can affect your energy level.


Researchers tested athletic performance in people who were just 2 percent dehydrated and found a surprising 10 percent decrease in athletic performance. They also found that the more dehydrated a person became, the worse they performed athletic

You’re craving sweet foods.

When you don’t have enough water in your system it is hard for nutrients and your liver to release glycogens and other components that give you energy. This can cause your body to seek other sources of energy and make you crave food—mostly in the form of sweets.


When you exercise even in a mildly dehydrated state, you use more stored carbohydrates and at a faster rate. This will cause you to crave carbs after your workout to replace the stores. So what you’re essentially doing is eating more calories when really all you needed was water.

You’re having seizures and confusion and you can’t remember when you last urinated.

If this is happening to you, this is a medical emergency, and you must find a way to get to the emergency room as soon as possible. These are symptoms of critically serious dehydration and they can be life threatening.


Under no circumstances should you drive yourself in this condition. If you don’t have a friend or family member available to drive you, call 911.


23 Lazy Girl Beauty Savers To Use Right Now

There’s a difference between wanting to look your best and wanting to take literally hours to look your best. You shouldn’t have to spend all day trying to perfect your eyeliner. So take a look at these tips, meant for you ladies who want to look great, but save time and effort doing it.

Fix Too Dark Foundation

You know that feeling when you’re caught between two foundations? They’re the same brand, and maybe, to the naked eye, they’re even the same color. There’s a slight difference between the way each blends on your skin, though, with one looking a bit more subtle than the other.

Style Craze

You take it home and put it on, only to realize that, alas, it’s still too dark. Don’t panic, you don’t have to go around looking like you have a less-than-perfect spray tan. If you just combine a little moisturizer with your foundation, that can actually make it a bit lighter!

Three is the Magic Number

With contouring, there’s a ton of tips and tricks out there for how to make sure your face is perfectly on point. If you’re in a rush though, just trace from above your brow, to underneath your eye, and along your jawline, in the shape of the number three.

The Pool

Line Using Your Curler

Your curler doesn’t have to be used just for your lashes. Try using your eyeliner to draw a line along the part that will crimp the top of your lashes. This way, the liner will transfer from the curler to your eyelid.

Life Hack

Cards for All

You’ve probably heard that you can use business or ID cards to help with evening your eyeshadow distribution or even to help ensure a straight line with your liner. Did you know that you can also use it for mascara?
Place the card behind your lashes and swipe up against it so the excess mascara lands on the card, not your lids.


Glitter Cover-Ups

If your bottom cuticle is ruining the aesthetic of your manicure, you can cover it up with some glitter polish. Ombre is still in, so Cosmopolitan suggests going for that sort of vibe. The same is true when your tips might be flaking away, just add some glitter and make it look like you were aiming for a revamped French all along.

Warm Up Your Mascara

Mascara works better when it’s warmed up, and a quick way to do this is to let it rest in your bra for a bit before you go ahead and use it, because, you know, body heat.

Business Insider 

Tee vs. Towel

Towel-drying your hair might seem like a time saver, but really, it’s a time drainer. Use a t-shirt instead for significantly better absorption.

Match Foundation to Your Tan

If a darker foundation is exactly what you were looking for, because you’ve spent all month lying in the sun, just mix it with some bronzing powder.

Makeup By Krystle

Eyeshadow Works for Hair Too

Are you showing more of your scalp and not enough of your lustrous locks? Don’t worry, take some eye shadow that matches the color of your hair and brush it along your part to create the perfect illusion.

Band-Aids Can Help Your Nails Too

If you have some of those classic Band-Aids laying around with the tiny holes in them, try putting them over your already dry nails, and paint over the holes for a polka-dot look.

White Goes Pop

Did you know that white eyeliner can be used for more than just making your eyes look bigger or helping them to pop a bit? (That works by putting it on your waterline, for the record.)
It can also help to make your lips look a bit fuller, which we all know is a big concern amongst today’s women. Just put some light liner—you can probably stick to pencil liner for this—in the center of that pout you’ve got, and it will create the illusion that there’s more to your lips.


Bonus: swiping some white liner on your eyes (either the entire lid or just where you line it) can help any shadows or other liners you use to really make an impression.

Low on Sleep? Stock up on Highlighter

Apply your highlighter to the right places (the center of your forehead, the top of your nose, and the apples of your cheeks) so that you can look ready to go, no matter how little sleep you got the night before.

Salon Guru India

Hide Split-Ends

If you’re saving your money, and not ready to get another cut just yet, but you can’t help but cringe at your split-ends, hair oil might be your answer, according to Cosmopolitan. It can hide your split-ends from the judgmental eyes of others.


Master the Smokey Eye

Was there ever a time when the smoky eye was not regarded as the ultimate makeup look? Well, probably not since the 21st century got underway at least. Funnily enough though, there are still so many of us who have trouble perfecting this signature look.
That stops here! Just take “an eye crayon … and draw on a couple of criss-cross lines over the outer corner of your eyes.” Blend it with a brush meant for eyeshadow, and you’re done.

fFix Mascara

Is your mascara less than fabulous right now? Well, just take some contact solution, put a few drops in your mascara bottle, and mix it.

Live and Learn

Highlight Differently

You don’t have to always use a typical makeup highlighter. Instead, you can go natural, and use an oil, like jojoba, according to Cali of DePasquale The Spa. Just put it on the same spots where you would your traditional highlighter and you should be all set.

Gossip Katta 

Make Your Hair Smell Great

Is the perfume you spray on your body just not cutting it? Well if you want to stand out, then maybe add a little something extra to your hair.
You can just take a brush, spray some perfume on there, and the sweet scent will transfer onto your locks. Be sure that you don’t spray it right onto your hair though, because “the alcohol in the formula can dry [it] out.”


Easy Clean

Rather than choosing not to clean off all your makeup because you’re feeling exhausted or lazy after it’s been one of those days, just keep some makeup-removing wipes next to your bed.

Dry Shampoo Reliance

If you have a full schedule and even a shower is too much to squeeze in for the day, you your appearance doesn’t have to reflect your exhaustion.


Just use some dry shampoo; it’s an incredibly quick way to make your hair look presentable, at least until you have time to give your hair a really thorough scrub.

Cope with Less than Perfect Bangs

Do you spend half your time loving your bangs and the other half of the time wanting to chop them off? Well if they’re being incredibly stubborn, refusing to work for you, and you’re not in the mood to deal with the annoyance, there is a solution.


You can use them to your advantage by “[working] them into a style, like a headband braid or a boho twist.” It’s easier to achieve some sense of flair this way too, rather than just settling for putting some bobby pins in to keep them out of your face.

Double Up on Shower Caps

Did you know that if your hair is prone to frizzing in humid conditions, showering with two shower caps could actually help keep the effects of the humidity at bay?

Fastco Design

Ice Water

Before your next D.I.Y. manicure, set out some ice water. If you’re in a rush (or you’re just really impatient when it comes to waiting for your nails to dry, because you have things that need to get done), you’ll only need to let the polish dry for a couple of minutes. Then just place your fingers in the water and it will help to “harden your polish the rest of the way.”

Back Roads Beauty

Turn Glossy Polish Matte

Have you ever wondered if there was a way that you could change your glossy, clear polish to matte? Well there is a way. All it takes is the addition of some corn starch. If you add it to your clear polish, the result should be closer to matte.


8 Signs Of Infertility That Most Women Ignore

We all know that every woman’s body is different, but there are certain things that should never be left unquestioned. If you’re trying to conceive and haven’t been able to, these strange symptoms may be the key to why.


Fertility is often something women don’t think about until they’re actively trying to have children, maybe even after they’ve started having trouble conceiving. Most of us know by now that fertility challenges are incredibly common, with an estimated 6.7 million women in the United States alone who are unable to conceive.
It’s even estimated that 7.5 percent of American men under age 45 have discussed fertility issues with their doctors.

Overall, 10 percent of all American couples are affected by infertility in some way, and some of them never even find out why. Although there are many different reasons that both men and women may be dealing with infertility, here are some of the signs that can often point to infertility issues.

Your period is absent.

Whether you’ve never had a period at all or noticed at some point that your flow naturally started to fade, both can be a sign that you may have problems with fertility.


Either can mean that you’re not ovulating as you should, and ovulation is obviously a crucial aspect of pregnancy. Of course, there are other reasons that women stop getting periods, so it’s important to see a doctor if yours stops coming.

You suddenly break out…a lot.

If you start to experience sudden and strong bouts of acne as an adult, it can be a big sign that your hormones are out of whack. It could also indicate that you’re being affected by polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a hormone-related disorder that causes small cysts to form on the outside of the ovaries.


It’s estimated that up to 10 percent of all childbearing women in the United States have the condition, which occurs when women have an excess of “male hormones” (also known as androgens).
PCOS can either throw your ovulation off or cause it not to occur at all, resulting in infertility.

This imbalance of hormones can also cause an increase in acne, so it’s important to see a doctor if you have any combination of these symptoms. Fortunately, acne production and fertility aren’t always linked, but it’s worth talking to your doctor about a solution, regardless.

Your flow changes.

Whether your period flow starts becoming stronger or weaker, either can be a sign that something is off within your body. Heavy bleeding, which is also called menorrhagia, usually isn’t a cause of infertility on its own, but can sometimes be a symptom of health problems that are.


In fact, the most common reason the condition occurs is a hormonal imbalance that can affect your ovulation and fertility. Normally, when the ovaries release an egg it prompts the body to release progesterone, the hormone that keeps your periods regular.
When ovulation doesn’t occur to trigger this, however, it can result in a super heavy flow. This heavy bleeding can also be caused by using intrauterine devices (IUDs), taking certain medications, or pregnancy complications.

Even if you’re not trying to get pregnant, you should still talk to your doctor about any sudden changes to your period or flow. Infertility is just one possible reason it might be out of whack, and there could be a severe health issue behind it, such as a bleeding disorder.

Your period is irregular.

If your period sometimes starts a day earlier or later than you thought it would, that’s really not a huge deal. But if you find yourself with a full-blown period in what should be the middle of your cycle or you spot for an entire month straight, there’s definitely something going on.


An irregular period is often a sign that a woman isn’t ovulating or that she has irregular ovulation.
Also known as anovulation, irregular ovulation is said to account for 30 to 40 percent of all cases related to female infertility. Anovulation definitely isn’t the only reason why your cycle might be off, but fortunately there are treatments for it.

Ovulation issues may not be the reason a woman has irregular periods—some of the other common causes can include a stressful lifestyle, thyroid conditions, poor diet, and hormonal imbalances.

Your periods hurt.

We’re not talking about the average cramps that many women get during their cycles. We’re talking about pain so severe that you have to double over, hold your breath, or even vomit to try to ease the hurt you’re experiencing. While painful periods in and of themselves don’t automatically mean that a woman is having fertility issues, it can be a sign of them when coupled with other symptoms.


For example, pain during intercourse, irregular periods, and bloody urine or bowel movements along with severely painful periods can all be signs that a woman has endometriosis, a condition that causes uterine tissue to grow outside of the uterus.
It’s a condition that affects more than 7 million American women and one that’s also present in approximately 20 to 40 percent of women who struggle with infertility.

If you regularly experience any of the symptoms above and can’t conceive, be sure to speak with your doctor.

You’re getting hairy.

We only wish we meant that there was an increase of hair on your head. Because PCOS causes the body to produce an excess of male hormones, it can also cause you to sprout extra hair in a few different unwanted areas, including your face, arms, legs, abdomen, and back.


If you start noticing hair where you’ve never really had it before, it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor, as you could be dealing with PCOS that’s just been undiagnosed.
Like we said before, PCOS can lead to problems with infertility, although it is usually a treatable condition. With the right medication, those who have it often go on to have children, and it doesn’t always mean you’ll be infertile, anyway.

It can cause a lot of strange and annoying symptoms, however, so treatment can greatly improve your quality of life, even if you don’t want kids.

Or maybe you’re getting less hairy.

Yes, unfortunately, this time we are talking about the hair on your head. Just like strange hair growth is a sign that you may have PCOS, your hair becoming thinner or falling out can also be a symptom. That said, there are a lot of other conditions that can lead to hair loss or thinning hair in women, including anemia, thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, and even being pregnant.


No matter what the cause, though, losing hair is never an enjoyable experience, so it’ll only benefit you to figure out what’s causing it. If it turns out to be PCOS, medications can not only help your hair growth return to normal, but also regulate your cycle and have a positive effect on your fertility.

You’ve gained weight.

By now, we’re sure you’ve realized that PCOS is a condition that essentially comes with every symptom that no woman ever wants to experience, including unexpected weight gain.


The condition causes women to develop a resistance to insulin, which can then lead to gaining weight, even if there hasn’t been any change to the person’s activity levels or eating habits. This should be especially concerning if gaining weight unexpectedly has never really been an issue for you in the past.
Although women who experience any of these symptoms may not be infertile, it’s well worth speaking with your doctor to determine what is causing them.

Whether you’re trying to get pregnant or just looking for some relief, make an appointment sooner rather than later.


8 Untrue "Facts" About The Human Body That Everyone Still Believes

There are certain things about the [linkbuilder id=”6709″ text=”human body”] that we all think of as fact—but have we ever questioned them? It’s time we do, because it turns out they’re not actually true at all.
We often hear people say that they know their own bodies, mostly when it comes to how something makes them feel.
It’s true, for the most part—we all know what makes us feel good, what makes us feel bad, and everything in between. However, although you might know your body’s preferences, you might not know that much about how the body works in general.
For a long time, we’ve heard many “facts” about the human body that we’ve accepted and stored away somewhere in the 10 percent of our brain that we actually use (more on that later). Here are some of the most common myths about the human body that you might still think are true.

Eat late and you’ll gain weight.

Anyone who’s ever tried to lose weight has probably repeated this myth to themselves at some point, especially at night as they hunt for a snack before bed. It’s not entirely untrue—studies do show that people who tend to eat more at night often weigh more than those who have consistent meals throughout the day. But the trouble lies not with when they’re eating—the problem is what they tend to eat.
Think about it—what do you typically search for when making yourself a midnight snack? We can almost guarantee the answer isn’t going to be a tiny cup of yogurt. “I think this is the real crux of the issue,” says Dr. Caroline Cederquist, a bariatric physician.
“At midnight, people will rarely make chicken and salad. They will eat ice cream or chips, the high-fat or high-sugar foods that our bodies store so effectively as fat.”
The bottom line? If you truly are hungry at night, go ahead and eat something. Just make sure it’s not junk. If you’re snacking for the sake of snacking, though, it’s best to fight the urge.

We use 10 percent of our brains.

This is an assertion that has baffled us all for years—that despite the intellectual capacity of humans, we can only gain access to a measly 10 percent of our brains. You’ll be pleased to hear that scientists find this “fact” laughable.
Sure, at certain moments we might only be using 10 percent of our brains, but that isn’t a constant. Most of the brain is still active all the time, but only certain portions of it may be actively used depending on what we’re doing. Brain damage can definitely take a toll on the brain’s ability to function properly, but it can often make do even then.
“There are people who have injured their brains or had parts of it removed who still live fairly normal lives, but that is because the brain has a way of compensating and making sure that what’s left takes over the activity,” says Mayo Clinic neurologist John Henley.

Urine is sterile.

Most of us have clung on to this myth for a time, particularly when we happen to be stuck in a desert with nothing else to drink or maybe when we’ve been stung by a jellyfish and we want a friend to pee on our leg (that doesn’t work, by the way).
There’s bad news, though, because your urine is definitely not sterile, even when it’s still inside your bladder.
A bacterial overgrowth anywhere within the urinary tract is undoubtedly bad, but there are low levels of bacteria within your bladder at all times, and that’s completely normal.
In fact, there really isn’t one place within your body that’s completely free from bacteria, but you have to remember that good bacteria also exist. Overgrowths and infections, though? Not okay.

Blood is really blue.

You might be looking down at your wrist right now proclaiming what idiots we must be because your veins are clearly blue. But they’re really not.
Your blood is actually red all the time, and you can thank light for the color change. Red and blue light sit at different wavelengths, and they penetrate your skin at different depths.
The colors that we end up seeing have to do with the wavelengths that are reflected back to us. Our veins look blue to us because that’s the wavelength color that is reflected instead of red.

Shaving causes thicker hair growth.

It’s a theory that’s the worst nightmare of women who shave their legs and maybe even parts of their face—that shaving hair makes it grow back much, much thicker.
You’ll be thankful to hear that this myth was actually debunked a long time ago, but it has somehow still persisted to this day. Why?
Although shaved hair won’t grow back thicker, it is often darker because it hasn’t yet been exposed to light. This darker hair makes it look thicker, which is likely why people still believe the hype.
Things like waxing will definitely help keep hair growth at bay longer than shaving does, but don’t worry about growing your own personal hair jungle if you pick up a razor now and then.

We all need eight cups of water daily.

For decades, the standard advice on water consumption has been that everyone needs a solid eight cups of the stuff each day. It’s a good goal to strive for—after all, water is super important for our health and way better for us than juices and sodas.
This really shouldn’t be considered a universal recommendation, though. How much water you actually need in a day depends on who you are and what you do each day. The person sitting at a desk for eight hours does not need as much water as the person working at a construction site in 90-degree heat.
For the average person, the current recommendation is about a liter each day to start with and then more as needed. One girl tried drinking a gallon of water, every day, for five days and finished with some very interesting results.

Gum takes seven years to digest.

We’d be willing to bet that at some point during your childhood, one of your parents told you that swallowing a piece of gum meant it would stay in your stomach for a full seven years. We all took it very seriously, of course, imagining that doing so must have pretty serious consequences if our parents warned us about it so much.
The myth isn’t entirely untrue, because there are certain ingredients in gum that our bodies can’t digest. But that doesn’t mean that they’ll stay in our bodies for long, especially not for years. Even the fiber from things like seeds and popcorn kernels can’t be fully digested in our stomachs.
Although gum isn’t exactly nutritious, it’ll be excreted just like anything else you eat if you accidentally swallow it.

Got oily Skin? Dry it out.

It makes sense in theory: If your skin is super oily, you’d want to do something that will dry it out, right? It’s true that you shouldn’t be adding products that contain oil to already oily skin, but using products that will actively dry your skin out isn’t the way to go, either.
When your skin is dry, your body thinks it needs to produce more oil to hydrate your skin. Yes, drying out your oily skin will only make it even more oily. Stop skipping the moisturizer and find one that has an oil-free formula instead.


6 Strange Things That You Never Knew Could Happen To Your Eyes

The eyes are undoubtedly one of the most important organs in the human body. Without our vision, we could not interpret the beautiful world around us through the sense of sight. Therefore, it’s important to know about the specific (and sometimes terrifying) conditions that can impact the eyes. The following are some strange eye issues that can completely ruin your vision.

1. Eye Paralysis

This condition occurs when your eye loses all sensory and motor functionality. Eye paralysis is often caused by an underlying medical condition that eventually impacts vision.
Some conditions that can cause eye paralysis include diabetes, peripheral artery disease, a tumor in the pituitary gland, or a cardiovascular problem. Thankfully, if the underlying conditions are effectively treated, the vision problems can also be cured.


2. Cat Eye Syndrome

Cat eye syndrome is a very rare chromosomal problem that affects people at birth and impacts them for the rest of their lives. It gets its name because this condition is caused by the absence of tissue in the eye, which causes the pupil to narrow and push itself into the iris.
Cat eye syndrome is often accompanied by a variety of other health issues, including problems with the kidneys, heart, ears, and skeletal system. As for the vision issues, they can be aided through the use of glasses. Unfortunately, this condition is incurable.

Boston Children’s Hospital

3. Eye Tumors

Most eye tumors appear behind the eyes, but in rare cases, they can actually appear on the eye itself. While they look somewhat frightening, they actually don’t impact vision in most cases.
Because eye tumors are so rare and don’t cause significant vision problems, doctors generally don’t recommend any treatment at all. Unless they start causing discomfort, most people can adapt and live with them.

4. Stars In The Eyes

A man in Australia went to the doctor after being punched in the eye, stating he was having vision problems. What the doctor found was the man had developed a cataract after being hit, which is not uncommon. What was uncommon, however, was the fact that his cataract was perfectly star-shaped.
It’s very rare, but cataracts can form in different shapes on the eyes, including stars. In most cases, these can be broken apart with a procedure and a person won’t suffer any long-term vision problems.

5. Heterochromia

While the vast majority of us are born with a single eye color, some of us are actually born with two different colored eyes. The condition is called heterochromia, and while it looks rather strange, a person’s vision is generally unimpacted.
There are actually different levels of heterochromia. In some cases, a person can have different shades of the same color in either eye. In extreme cases, a person can have two completely different colored eyes.

6. Haemolacria

Haemolacria is one of the strangest conditions involving the eyes, and it sounds like something straight out of a horror movie. In case you aren’t familiar, Haemolacria occurs when a person literally cries blood.
It’s an extremely rare condition, with only six documented cases worldwide. The underlying cause of this condition is generally another disease, such as a tumor in the lacrimal apparatus, injury, or bacterial conjunctivitis.


4 Fascinating Things That Happen To You When You Sleep

It sounds like a simple question: Why do we sleep?

But the answer is surprisingly complex. To many researchers, sleep is a bit of a mystery; we know that we need it to function, but we’re not sure why it’s totally necessary from an evolutionary perspective.
If you live a normal life, you’ll sleep for about a quarter of a century—25 full years. What’s happening to your body during all of that time?

1. First, your body temperature drops.

This occurs during the first stage of sleep. Your body temperature slowly drops, allowing you to access the deeper stages of sleep; if you’re in a cool room, the process is easier, which is why sleep experts sometimes recommend lowering your thermostat if you’re suffering from insomnia.
You’ll also gradually become disengaged from your surroundings. However, your breathing will remain normal until you reach the deeper stages of sleep.

2. You dream, and your brain might begin to practice different scenarios.

Some scientists believe that during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, your brain runs through various situations in order to practice its responses. Unless you have a sleep disorder, your body is temporarily paralyzed while this occurs; you’re therefore allowed to dream without physically acting out those responses.
This isn’t a universally accepted theory, however. Some scientists believe that the brain uses REM to “reorganize” itself, discarding unnecessary memories to allow for most efficient functionality. In any case, you’ll dream about 3 to 5 times per night, although you won’t remember most of your dreams.

3. As you go into deeper sleep, you stop dreaming.

The deepest stages of sleep are restorative to your muscles and other tissues. At this point, your blood pressure drops significantly, and you breathe much more slowly. Your muscles benefit from increased blood flow, and they relax completely.
Your body also releases hormones to repair muscle tissue and promote growth. If you exercise, these sleep stages are absolutely vital, as without them, your body will be unable to effectively build new muscle.

4. The cycle resets.

While you might need that deep, restorative sleep more than light REM sleep, you won’t get it right away—your body cycles through the different stages of sleep, and you’ll spend the majority of your slumber in one of the lighter stages.
So, why doesn’t your body let you sleep deeply if that’s what you need? You may need to wake suddenly to respond to a threat, and because sleep induces a temporary paralysis at the deeper stages, your body wants to keep you relatively in the moment.
In the early hours of the morning, you’ll spend more and more time in the “lighter” stages of sleep. That’s why your alarm should wake you up fairly effectively—and why you’ll often wake up after a strange dream. REM sleep might also help you wake up, although researchers are still looking into that.
Most people should get about 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night, although this number can vary with your individual biology. The main takeaway, however, is clear: If you’re not getting enough sleep, your entire day suffers.
Make sure you’re able to wake up feeling rested and ready to go—otherwise, your head might need to hit the pillow a bit earlier.