
4 Light and Easy Lunches That Will Hold You Over

Looking for lunch ideas that will fill you up without filling you out? Try these light and easy fiber and protein-rich lunches that will keep you feeling satisfied without blowing your calorie budget.

Craving a gooey, cheesy, sandwich? No need to deprive yourself with this trimmed-down version of a classic Monte Cristo.

A Better Monte Cristo Sandwich

Reduced-fat swiss cheese, thinly sliced turkey or chicken breast (your choice), whole-wheat bread and trimmings are dipped in a savory egg batter and pan-fried for a delicious lunch that’s ready in only 15 minutes. This one is a real crowd-pleaser (kids love it, too) with a whopping 53 grams of protein, healthy fats, and 6 grams of fiber.

This hot sandwich only takes a couple more minutes to prepare than your every day cold sandwich, but man is it worth it! Heat in a nonstick skillet for about two and a half minutes per side and voila … melted cheese goodness that’s good for you, too.

The baby spinach is a good source of vitamins A, C, and folate, as well as minerals such as manganese, zinc, and iron. It is also a good source of fiber and even contributes a small amount of protein to the diet. Add as many extra leafy greens as you like for next-to-zero calories and even more filling fiber.

Running on empty? No problem! Power up with this salad featuring black beans as the star, whole kernel corn, and a tasty homemade dressing you can whip up in minutes.

Black-Bean Salad

It is often thought that vegetarians have a difficult time meeting their daily protein requirements, but consuming vegetables with protein (like beans) make it easy to stay on track. One half cup of black beans gives you 8 grams of protein and fiber with only 114 calories per serving.

Since this salad uses canned beans and corn, its a snap to put together. Combine all ingredients together in a big bowl, then let the marinade work its magic for about half an hour before you dig in.

Studies show that regular bean consumption is associated with lower body weight and smaller waist circumference. Frequently eating beans may also reduce your risk for heart disease.

Heart-healthy soy foods like tofu help decrease your risk of heart disease by lowering LDL cholesterol. Try this Peanut Tofu wrap made with store-bought Thai peanut sauce for a speedy, tasty lunch.  Opt for low-sodium sauce if you can find it.

Peanut Tofu Wrap

Tofu is a healthy protein source that contains all of the essential amino acids. Wraps are a great way to package a protein and veggie-packed lunch with fewer carbs than a traditional sandwich.

Spread a little peanut sauce on the tortilla, add tofu and veggies, roll up and you’re done! If making this ahead of time, wrap in foil for neater, easier eating later on.

To save on prep time, pick up a package of pre-marinated baked tofu in the produce section of most grocery stores. Throw this meal together in about 10 minutes for 19 grams of protein and 5 grams of satisfying fiber.

Looking for a new brain-food favorite? Omega-3-rich fish promotes healthy brain aging and aids in memory retention. A little healthy fat from the avocado plus nutrient-rich quinoa and broccoli make this hard to beat for a complete lunch.

Roasted Fish with Quinoa Salad

Research shows that eating steamed broccoli can provide even more cholesterol-lowering benefits than enjoying raw. Quinoa is high in both fiber and protein with loads of other nutrients making it a good carb choice for boosting energy levels.

If you’ve got 20 minutes, this flavorful bowl is well-balanced with a healthy dose of vitamin C to boot. Steam broccoli in the microwave for about three minutes. Line your pan with aluminum foil before roasting fish for fast and easy clean-up.


When I Stopped My Phone Affair I Got The Best Sleep I've Had In Years

I’ve always been a light sleeper. The tiniest speck of light, and I’d be done for. But a few years ago it became worse. Even with my eye-mask (yes I had resorted to an eye-mask), I was still tossing and turning. Melatonin helped, but it wasn’t something I wanted to rely on every evening.

I started to delve into possible contributors: stress, mood, and room temperature were a few of the very non-helpful reasons. However, I wasn’t buying it. I had burned lavender incense, started listening to tranquil new-age music, and created a perfect climate in my room. Nothing was helping, but then I stumbled upon a study that gave me pause.

In 2007, researchers from across the globe came together to study communication signals on self-reported symptoms and sleep. What they uncovered was troubling. Essentially, people who are exposed to wi-fi, cellphone waves, and any type of artificial energy have a more difficult time reaching their first cycle of sleep. In addition, participants in the study suffered from more self-reported symptoms, such as headaches, as well (Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium).

I’ve always felt uncomfortable standing near a running microwave and this latest tidbit confirmed the suspicion I had regarding those unnatural rays. However, I felt that it was a bit of a stretch to say that the waves from my cellphone were causing me to stay awake. I used to sleep with my phone under my pillow, but even by moving it to my dresser there was no perceivable difference.

It was an interesting theory, but could it possibly be true? Over 65% of Americans own a smartphone, so that couldn’t be a correct assumption, right  (Pew Research Center)?

In 2008, one of the first studies was published which confirmed that radiations emitted from mobile devices were giving consumers headaches and interrupting vital sleeping patterns. To say this was slightly disturbing would be an understatement. Studies before had been merging cell phones, internet, microwaves, and any other energy frequency into one group. But now research had been breaking them down into specifics. (The Economic Times ).

I had never had a headache after I talked for hours on my phone. I mean of course I’d get a slight twinge after I’d been on my laptop, but this was just because I’d been squinting my eyes. I may have trouble sitting still at work, but I can easily pass three hours online shopping or planning for my next vacation at home.  

I knew that there was zero chance I would give up my smartphone, so I disregarded it as a reason for my sleepless habits.

Flash forward a few years. It was still just as difficult to fall asleep. I was laying in bed, the blue light illuminating my room when I saw a Facebook post declaring cell phones to be the root of recent sleeping disorders. With a title like that of course I clicked.

A 2013 study performed by Dr. Charles Czeisler, a professor of sleep medicine at Harvard Medical Center School, revealed a problem that’s been associated with all phones – electric lighting.

Czeisler presents the idea that our eyes have two purposes: vision and sleep inducement. When light begins to slip away, at dusk, sleep-promoting neurons are activated. However, when we are staring at our phones at this hour chemicals are released that nullify the natural melatonin our body exudes when it’s time for sleep. All of these factors, when combined together, reduce sleepiness, increase awareness, and ultimately interfere with sleep (Charles Czeisler).

People that use smartphones after 9 pm, which would most definitely be me, have found that they receive a decreased sleep quantity and quality at night. This then transfers over to the next day at work. So you can guess what comes next, work productivity decreases and the cycle continues.

So I decided to test out this theory. I put my phone down around nine or nine-thirty. I didn’t necessarily go to bed, but I just engaged in a smartphone and television-free evening.

That evening I slept the best I had in weeks. It was a delightfully delicious slumber. I tried this for a few more days and from then on I have never turned back.

Electric lighting…who would have thought that was a real thing, but it makes sense.

So tonight, try sleeping without your phone. I know it’s a security blanket but trust me. A week from now you’ll be one of the perkiest people at your work, and your productivity will skyrocket.

Even if it doesn’t, your body will be thanking you.


Smart Palm Trees – When Will the US Catch Up?

Most of the headlines you see about Dubai probably focus on extravagant wealth and things that would seem insane in any other industrialized country (like the police driving Ferraris). However, the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates is installing one piece of technology that could be the wave of the future.
Smart palm trees.
The idea is to create a “smart city” by installing these self-sustaining features to provide connectivity, data, energy, and relief from the sun.  The city recently installed two trees, which stand about 20 feet and are constructed of stylized white metal. The trees have solar panels on the broad palm fronds that store energy to be used in the evening.
But they do so much more!
Aside from storing power, the trees and seating areas below them include several charging points for mobile devices. The company behind the tree, D Idea, claims the trees will charge a device twice a fast as a home charger. You can do more than charge your phone, though. You can also use the Internet. The tree includes a built-in WiFi hotspot that extends for about around 300 feet in every direction.
Additionally, D Idea included a “user friendly” touch screen where information about the city (in multiple languages!) is provided. The company also made safety a priority. Each tree has a 360-degree infrared camera, closed-circuit television camera and an emergency button.
Right now, D Idea has a contract with the city to put the trees in 103 locations.
Several cities in the U.S. have tried public solar charging stations, but nothing as ambitious as 103 locations. New York and San Francisco have both installed solar energy stations, but the rest of the country is still catching up.
Maybe the U.S. should start looking at the sun a bit more closely. You know, just not literally.


Permaculture: Healthy Soil for Healthy Living

While you’re savoring that sweet and succulent nectarine do you ever think about where it came from? What farm it grew and flourished on, who harvested it, and how long it took to grow? I’m sure we’re all at least vaguely aware of the GMO, organic, and pesticide discussion, and have at least a passing thought as to what exactly has happened to our food we’re indulging in.

But let me ask you – have you ever thought about the soil? What type of soil your food grew in, what its condition is, and whether its health benefits are affecting the visibly perfect food you’re munching?

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has declared 2015 as the “Year of Soils” just so people like you and me can get the 411 on healthy soils.

The top points:

-Healthy soils are the foundation for healthy food

-Soils support our planet’s biodiversity; 1/4 of biodiversity to be exact

-Soils help to fight and adapt to climate change

-Soils store and filter water, improving our resilience to floods and droughts

-Soil is a NON-RENEWABLE resource; it’s preservation is essential for food security and our sustainable future

(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

A pressing issue that ecologists are discovering is the challenge to rebuild topsoil. Topsoil is a non-renewable resource so the more chemicals and pesticides we transmit the weaker and less efficient it becomes.

Let’s take an example. Say you color your hair every six weeks. You color it red, brown, blond, and any other color that strikes your fancy. After a certain period of time, your hair is going to become brittle, be riddled with split ends, and eventually break off. The beauty of hair is that typically it will grow back.

This is not the case with soil. The more fertilizers we add to perk up the dirt the more its natural elements are neutralized, and once this occurs it’s terribly hard to revive.

Soil is instrumental in carbon flow as that’s what plants live and breathe. Ever since we were little we’ve learned in science class how important it is to diversify where you plant your crops from year to year. However, even with crop rotations, farmers are starting to stumble upon soil that is unyielding no matter what method they try.

Dr. Christine Jones is a soil ecologist who has spent years studying the link between carbon and healthy topsoil. She explains that all of the fertilizer and pesticide use has interrupted the carbon cycle. Farmers start out with the best intentions, but all of these chemicals are breaking down the billions of microorganisms that are crucial to soil.

But there is an even bigger issue that’s resulting from man-made fertilizer; plants have easy access to food, and therefore they no longer need to exude carbon (Christine Jones).

So, now that we know the problems what can we do to fix it?

Permaculture – it’s the latest buzzword for preserving soil.

Permaculture is a creative design process based on whole-systems thinking using ethics and design principles. It helps us to mimic the patterns and relationships we can find in nature and can be applied to all aspects of human habitation, from agriculture to ecological building, from appropriate technology to education and even economics (Permaculture Principles).

I know we all love the earth and the wonderful things it has given us, but we just need to educate ourselves a little more about how we can efficiently take care of and restore the soil which produces so much for us.

The earth is such a precious gift, and we need to take advantage of it. Bring your concrete jungles to life with potted flowers and plants, take your children out into the wild, and experience the rain. First-hand experience will harvest a greater appreciation, in turn making you care more.

When using renewable resources remember its value, not only to us but to the entire ecosystem.

We’re not the only consumers of the environment. Look at the caterpillar or the apple orchard. Everything is interconnected, and one careless move causes a chain effect. Not only should you value the diversity of the environment, but you should also make a conscious effort to utilize all the moving parts. Whether it’s from utilizing an entire broccoli plant to leaving a slug in its habitat. Not everything is going to be aesthetically pleasing, but it’s important to consider more than your immediate comfort.

When you have healthy soil, you have healthy food. If you’re growing vegetation in polluted soil, the finished product is going to be tainted as well. Healthy soil equals healthy living, and of course we want this to be accessible for our future generations. So take time to think about what you’re digging into and how you’re nourishing it. Spread the word, and our world will reap the benefits.


Move Over, Blueberries – There's a New Super Fruit in Town

Do you ever get tired of seeing the superfood lists that keep popping up on your social media newsfeed or on news websites? I admit that I am sometimes tempted to hide those posts because they seem to show the same foods over and over.

Take avocados for example. Those green nubby things are on almost every superfood list I see.

For a long time, I hated (or thought I hated) avocados. So when I saw them on a superfood list, I rolled my eyes with a silent, “Yuck,” to myself. Fortunately, I matured and decided it might be a good idea to actually finally try them and see what the fuss was all about. To my surprise, they were actually pretty good. I liked them in guacamole, on salads, and in smoothies, but not in brownies. That one was just a little too far out there for me.

But do they really deserve to be on almost every single superfood list? After all, other superfoods are good too. Like almonds, chia seeds, and blueberries.

Turns out, avocados really might be the new “super” superfood. They are more than just a green food to mush up and serve with Mexican food. They are actually extremely healthy for you, good for weight loss, and versatile to boot.

In doing some research, I found out that avocados are actually a berry and not a vegetable as you might assume. I would understand if you thought they were a vegetable because they are green. Not that it matters in terms of nutrition, but it is always good to have your facts straight.

Nutritional Superstar

When I was losing weight, I learned that eating foods packed with healthy nutrients made me feel better and were good for my weight loss. Avocados certainly fit that category. The World’s Best Foods website says, “There are very few Daily Recommended Intake (DRI) vitamins or minerals not found in avocados.”

Of particular interest to me as someone interested in weight loss is the low sugar and high fiber makeup of these healthy fruits. Half an avocado has almost 6 g of fiber and less than a gram of sugar. As someone who loves sugary foods, eating something with low sugar helps me control my cravings for brownies or other junky foods.

The nutrients in avocados help control your blood sugar and the fats have been shown to be beneficial for your heart’s health. When you eat avocados with lower fat, yet healthy foods such as salads, your body is better able to absorb important carotenoids. Carotenoids, in case you didn’t know, are plant pigments your body uses for immune function and disease prevention.

I know it is complicated, but it does help you see why avocados surely belong on the list of “super” superfoods.

The Calories and Fats Work for You

Calories are a concern when trying to lose weight.

The avocado has calories just like any other food, but the calories can work for weight loss.

·      A whole avocado without the seed has 322 calories and 29.5 g of fat.

·      A single cup of avocado slices has 234 calories and 21.4 g of fat.

·      Avocados have 13.5 g of fiber in a whole avocado and 9.8 g in a cup of slices.

If you are like me, you probably will not eat an entire avocado. Half an avocado has about 161 calories, which is a fraction of your overall calories for the day. The fat in the avocado is mostly healthy monounsaturated fat, which helps keep you full.  It’s a win-win all around.  

Thinking Beyond Guacamole

Guacamole is the most obvious use for avocados, but there are numerous options beyond guacamole. We like them in fruit smoothies, on a green salad, in homemade salad dressings, and as a way to add creaminess to soups. I tried grilling them once but that did not work out very well. I probably did something wrong that you wouldn’t do.

Avocados really do belong on the superfoods list. I promise not to roll my eyes the next time I see this familiar food on the inevitable superfoods posts that will surely scroll across my news feed today or tomorrow.


Why Staying In A Dead-End Relationship Is The Best Thing You Can Do At Any Age

Relationships. Relationships are sticky and can end with joy or bitterness; sometimes both. You know what’s worse than your typical relationship? One that’s doomed for failure. Have you ever fallen victim to the dreaded dead-end relationship? You couldn’t imagine life with him, but you couldn’t imagine it without him either. It just seemed easier and, quite frankly, it was comfortable to stay on the path you were going. Routines are nice, but little did you realize how your happiness was slowly bleeding away.

But finally, enough is enough.

When you finally escape from that downward spiral you can take a breath of fresh air. Everything has a rosy hue. No longer do you have to stress about what you’re going to wear, how long you’ll be out with friends, or if you’re just in a bad mood. Life instantly becomes better and easier. Of course, you’re going to miss the comfort of knowing someone’s there and invested, but you’ll feel like you’re getting a new chance at life. Three months to three years…it’s a LONG time to be in something that you know is going to end.

Now’s the time to rediscover yourself. If you’re honest, you’ll admit that you had morphed into his identity. Once it was ‘DanAndAmy,’ and now it’s just Amy. You’re no longer identified by your partner; you’re identified as yourself. 

Did you REALLY want to go to P.F. Chang’s, or would you rather have ordered Dominos and stayed home with your friends drinking wine? Should you keep your long hair or chop it off? Are you REALLY an outdoor person? All of a sudden you’re  faced with an identity crisis, but it is the sweetest crisis yet.

How many of us get the opportunity to rediscover ourselves? You’re about to pass  on that ice cream cone but then realize you don’t care if you aren’t a size four. You realize you’re not satisfied staying at home during the week and decide to go out every day, or you may realize that you’d rather lay in bed binge watching House of Cards. So skip the camping trip and go on the yoga retreat. It feels good trying new things and being honest whether you enjoy them or not. You have no one to impress but yourself.

No only do you get to become reacquainted with yourself, but you can be unabashedly selfish. If you want to move across the country for your job you can without it being ‘a thing.’ You don’t have to budget your paycheck so you can go visit his family, and you don’t have to plan your next vacation around anyone but yourself. And you know what else? You can go ahead and eat that last slice of cake.

P.S. You’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t really just enjoy every last bite.

But most importantly, your newfound freedom teaches you how to be alone. It’s scary to rely on yourself when you’ve gotten into such a habit of having a co-pilot. It’s even scarier to realize you’re not going to have those cozy date nights for a while. We’re creatures of habit and when our world gets rocked anything but the norm is going to scare us.

Although there is so much to be gained  you’re not going to get off without feeling some sort of sadness and regret. When time has set in you’ll began to cringe at your ignorance and lack of backbone. It’s inevitable. It’s happened to all of us at one time or another.

So what happens?

You’ll begin to play the ‘what if’ game. What if you had ended it sooner? Where would you be today? Why did you let him hold you back for SO LONG?

Fortunately, I’m writing to you. I’m about to talk some sense into you – Stop running away from the miserable memories and delve back to the good parts.

It worked, didn’t it? If not it’ll take time, but you have to keep trying. 

Look at it this way – You’d never have traveled across the country like you did, vacationed overseas, tried white water rafting, or even appreciated the little things like a starry night. You may have even formed some meaningful relationships through him, a few which you could quite possibly still maintain to this day.

It can be almost painful to admit that there were some good times. Of course, there will have been so much hurt and anger that negate the good times. If there wasn’t these negative emotions you’d still be together.  

Dysfunctional relationships are incredibly eye-opening. They help you rediscover yourself and grow. You end up becoming reborn into a better version of yourself. You become more confident, know what you will and won’t tolerate, and, next time, you won’t be afraid to say goodbye.


11 Lessons on Living Mindfully Like Warren Buffett

Warren Buffet is known as the “Oracle of Omaha” for his expertise in business and investing. Buffet, the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, is now a self-made billionaire thanks to the choices he’s made over the years. When a self-made billionaire give you advice, you better take it!

1. Focus On You

Buffet has said, “investing in yourself is the best thing you can do.” An investment in yourself is an investment of which you have total control. You need to trust yourself and know where your talents lie. Once you know that, double down and do everything you can to improve those talents. Even if it doesn’t seem like it at the time, it will pay off down the road. 

2. Breaking Bad…Habits

Recognizing bad habits or weaknesses in you is tough for everyone. However, it’s even tougher to recognize a bad habit and make a change. The younger you recognize destructive behavior, the better. Buffet said it’s one of main things that hold people back. But you can decide to make a change before it becomes ingrained. Buffett told the students at University of Florida: “You can get rid of it a lot easier at your age than at my age, because most behaviors are habitual. The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.”

3. Strengths and Weaknesses

The previous entries add up to this: Know your strengths and weaknesses. Not everyone is Superman. Be realistic and know your limits. It’s to your advantage to not to get in over your head. In 2001, Buffet told Georgia State University students, “You don’t have to be an expert on everything, but knowing where the perimeter of that circle of what you know and what you don’t know is, and staying inside of it is all important.”

4. Think About The Risks You’re Taking

There’s nothing wrong with taking a risk every once and while, but think about why you’re doing it. Buffet said he’s seen many individuals fall prey to greed and take risks for something they didn’t need, or even really want. Essentially, never risk something you need to get something you don’t need. 

5. Love What You Do

Buffet’s advice is to try to find a job that lets you do something you would do if you didn’t have to worry about money. You’ll be ready to learn and excited to work each day. It’s hard to put a price on that sort of thing. “I get to work in a job that I love, but I have always worked at a job that I loved.” Buffett said. “I loved it just as much when I thought it was a big deal to make $1,000.”

6. The Golden Rule

This is pretty simple; treat others how you would like to be treated. Or as Buffet put it, “It’s so simple that it’s almost too obvious to notice. Look around at the people you like. Isn’t it a logical assumption that if you like traits in other people, then other people would like you if you developed those same traits?”

7. Think of Time As a Resource

Now, you’re probably not a billionaire like Buffet, but your time is still valuable. You only get 24 hours in each day, so use them wisely. Don’t fill up your day with appointments and functions that provide no value or educational opportunities to you. 

8. Find Those You Admire

Mentorship is an important aspect of any job or education. Buffet has been very open about the importance of his mentor Benjamin Graham, his professor at Columbia University, to his education and investment career. Graham helped Buffet build an investment philosophy responsible for his empire. Of his mentor, Buffet said, “He was a generous man.”

9. Fear Factor

It’s important to face your fears. If you don’t, you’ll only regret the opportunities you missed because you were afraid. Buffet himself was very afraid of public speaking. However, at some point in his career, he realized he would be required to do it. He decided to take the Dale Carnegie public speaking course. Now, because of his proactive approach, he’s one of the most highly regarded public speakers in the country. 

10. Recognize Opportunity

While addressing students at Georgia State, Buffet said, “We don’t do very many things, but when we get the chance to do something that’s right and big, we’ve got to do it. And even to do it in a small scale is just as big a mistake almost as not doing it at all.” He continued, “You’ve really got to grab them when they come, because you’re not going to get 500 great opportunities.”

11. Body and Mind

Last but not least, make sure you’re taking care of your body and mind. It sounds simple, but it’s something a lot of people ignore. Buffet illustrated the importance with a hypothetical situation. He said to imagine a genie came to you at the age of 16 and said you can have your dream car, any car you want. However, the catch is, it’s the only car you’ll own for your entire life. Buffet said if that were the case, he would read the manual over and over, garage it whenever he could and fix any scratch, dent or problem immediately. Buffet said, “That’s exactly the position you are in concerning your mind and body. You only get one mind and one body. And it’s got to last a lifetime. Now, it’s very easy to let them ride for many years. But if you don’t take care of that mind and that body, they’ll be a wreck 40 years later, just like the car would be.”

Now that Warren Buffet has set you straight, go seize the day!


Run Your Way To A Better Sex Life

And now for a topic you don’t see very often on the pages of running magazines or in the posts of your preferred online running forums:
Running and sex.
If you haven’t heard by now, numerous studies have proven time and time again that regular exercise can have positive effects on sex drive for both men and women. Obviously, running is no exception. But how will a regular training schedule improve performance both on your next race and between the sheets? Let’s check it out:


I’m listing this one first, because in my humble opinion, it is the most important. The saying “you must love yourself before you can love others” rings true in this case. Admit it: it’s hard to enjoy sex when you aren’t comfortable or confident in your own body.
But the good news is that regular exercise, like running, has been proven over and over to have a positive effect on self esteem and an improved perception of body image. How many times have you started a run in a bad mood, then at the end of the run felt like you could conquer the world? I know I’m not the only one who feels that way.
Running makes you feel good about yourself.  Feeling good about yourself can result in a more relaxed, more enjoyable sexual experiences.  And let’s face it, the more enjoyable sexual experiences you have, the more likely you are to want MORE of those in the future. Increased sex drive for the win!

Increased Endurance

There’s no denying that sex is (or at least can be) a vigorous, physical activity. And like any vigorous, physical activity, it’s not nearly as easy…nor fun…if you aren’t in shape. The more you run, the greater your cardiovascular capacity and muscular strength become, and the longer you are able to endure vigorous, physical, activity before fatiguing.
I’ll let you use your imagination as to how this may carry over into bedroom activities.
Bonus: the increased endurance also results in an increased blood flow to all parts of your body…including the genitals. And that increased blood flow can cause an overall feeling of increased arousal for both men and women.

Testosterone, Endorphins, and Adrenaline

Regular exercise promotes the release of testosterone in both men and women. Increased testosterone in women, leads to the desire for more frequent sex, heightened sexual arousal, elevated moods (see “self esteem” above), greater muscle and bone density (see “increased endurance”) and higher energy levels . For men, increased testosterone levels can result in more frequent erections, increased sexual urges, and greater muscle and bone density.
For both men and women, increased testosterone levels reduce depression and chronic fatigue, which can both be mood killers in the bedroom.
Now, we’ve all heard of the “Runners High”; after prolonged exercise, our body releases the chemicals endorphins and adrenaline, which leave us feeling happy and on top of the world. But did you know the runner’s high isn’t the only positive outcome of endorphins and adrenaline? The release of endorphins has been shown to increase sexual arousal or even orgasm, as well as reduce stress levels.
In short, happy people have more sex, and people who have more sex are happier…and healthier.

But, as with anything good in life, too much can be a bad thing.

Over exercising and over training can not only cause a fatigue and injury, both of which can negatively affect your sex life, but the body may respond to overtraining by limiting production of the hormones related to sex.
So, as always, moderation is key. Respect your body with a balance of regular exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep and recovery, to ensure you’ll be showing up with your “A game” to your next run and your next romp in the sack.


The Importance of Having Body-Image Girl Crushes

It seems everybody is trying to put women into boxes again, especially athletes, with a resurgence of female sports hitting the airwaves and press this summer in the aftermath of the World Cup and Wimbledon.

The New York Times ran a piece this month about women’s tennis players, and how they can balance their strength with femininity. When victor Serena Williams wore a ballet-pink ball gown to the Wimbledon Champions dinner, people expressed shock that she’d depart from her usually-dominant persona.

And that’s not all. The Guardian quoted the head of coordination for women’s soccer in Brazil, where he indicates there’s been a resurgence in the game because ladies are concerned with getting prettier for games, putting on make-up, doing their hair and wearing shorter shorts. In fact, the FIFA president seemed to echo this sentiment when he insinuated the girls’ shorts simply weren’t tight enough — they might be better volleyball tight. Because that’s a more “female aesthetic.” Apparently.

Of course, we also know actresses and models have long been scrutinized for their weight. Academy Award winner Jennifer Lawrence was told back in her teenage years that if she didn’t lose weight, she’d lose roles. Models like Ashley Graham, Robyn Lawley, Lara Stone and Kate Upton have all fought back against haters, who’ve labeled them fat, plus-size and/or un-bookable.

Confession: I pick apart my own body sometimes. I mean, I look at it in the mirror everyday, as I’m sure you do yours. I don’t like my broad shoulders very much; whether it’s an illusion or not, I feel like anything other than a halter cut or a t-shirt doesn’t sit right. I’d love to have more an hourglass figure, or more of a straight shape — it’s like my body falls somewhere in between, which feels weirdly impossible, yet apparently possible. And like 90 percent of the female population, I’d also kill to have flatter abs. (I mean, come on.)

But I also have a healthy realization that we all have different body hang-ups, we all have different body types, and some self-criticism is normal. Keeping that inner-voice of doubt in check, and the outer-voices that seek to reinforce it, is what’s key.

And ultimately, I take offense to people, especially men or the media, insinuating that feminine beauty comes in one size, one shape and one package — which includes short-shorts and glitter hair accessories on athletes, and a size 0 on actresses. Haven’t we come farther than that as a society yet?

If only the media could see that when they comment negatively or back-handedly on a female body type, they’re essentially critiquing a million other women and girls, too. That’s toxic.

From a personal perspective, I get it. It’s impossible to look at celebrities, athletes and other high-profile women and not make comparisons from your body to theirs on some levels. What I’d challenge you to do is to look a layer beyond the surface judgment. Every time the media shouts out a new celebrity name to comment on her body, look for something that rocks about her figure — and emulate the women with positive body images that you grow to love, and who have frames and styles similar to yours.

My current body-image girl crushes? Serena Williams for defying stereotypes. Kate Upton for embracing her curves. Jane the Virgin actress Gina Rodriguez for celebrating differences and natural beauty. Margot Robbie for admitting she doesn’t have the dieting skills of a saint (and eating the damn cheeseburger). J.Law for her confidence, and Sophia Bush for her candor.

Why I love them all? For a couple reasons. First, they have body types more similar to my own than the average celebrity prototype, and I often look to them to 1) remember that my figure is healthy and beautiful, just the way it is; and 2) get inspiration on how to dress my frame. (They have stylists, so why not?)

And finally, I love these ladies because they all express one thing: it’s best to find happiness, not obsess over fitting the media’s cookie-cutter box of what’s beautiful.

“I’m not going to starve just to be thin. I want to enjoy life, and I can’t do that if I’m not eating and miserable,” Kate Upton once uttered.

“The world has this idea that if you don’t look like an airbrushed perfect model… you have to see past it. You look how you look, you have to be comfortable,” Jennifer Lawrence has said.

“Do not tell me that I am not pretty enough, skinny enough, tall enough, this enough to be on the cover of anything or to accomplish the lead in a show or to be anybody I want to be — because those are limitations we’ve created,” Gina Rodriguez once said.

Don’t limit yourself to silly ideas of what’s in style, who’s pretty and what bodies are acceptable — whether you’re an athlete or an actress, a writer or absolutely anyone else. Find beauty everywhere instead.


4 Ways Your Exercise Routine Is Actually Bad For You

Have you seen the motivational post floating around on social media that says, “Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated”? I admit many people give me the “obsessed” label too.

As a fitness professional, people may be under the impression that I live to workout. Ironically, people who really know me are very aware I’m not even really fond of exercise. I’m only fond of the results. I am not obsessed. Like the infamous quote, I’m simply dedicated to healthy living.

Dedication takes work and work is something people like to question. People don’t like to work. They really don’t even like seeing other people work because it reminds them of what they could be doing. This tends to make people feel guilty so they begin to “Dr. Phil” their fit friend in hopes of discovering that their friend is the one with the real problem. People often would rather put a label on someone else than accept that we are the ones who need to change.

We live in a society where people like labels. We like to know there is a logical explanation for why we are different (i.e., lazy and out of shape) or why someone else is an overachiever (i.e., disciplined and dedicated). Ironically, we are almost relieved when a doctor gives us a diagnosis like ADD or some other mental or physical condition. Why? Because now we have an excuse to fail.

Since the fit lifestyle is more than what you do in a gym, it tends to get a lot of bad press because of how it encompasses your whole life. If you spend an hour in the gym everyday, you are going to be more protective over how you live the other 23 hours a day. Fitness is an investment.

This is a very foreign concept to people who haven’t “crossed over” to the fit side yet. As a result, people look at you like an alien and wonder if you are some kind of fitness fanatic who’s obsessed either with fitness or your body–or worse, that you are an exercise addict.

While exercise addiction is very real, many people do struggle with maintaining a healthy balance. Most people who seem a bit obsessed are probably not as obsessed or addicted to fitness you’d think, but they may have life out of balance a bit. This is common in the beginning stages of fitness when all the excitement and learning begins. However, it is good to check your healthy lifestyle and make sure it is not doing you more harm than good.

Here are a few warning signs your fitness routine may actually be bad for you.

Strong In The Gym, Weak In The Kitchen


Think of the workaholic: Some people are literally slaves to work, but it’s usually not because they love working so much. It’s because they are slaves to their debt. So, they get as much overtime as they can, take odd jobs and work like crazy, simply to balance out all their overspending.

I’ve learned most people aren’t afraid of work. They are afraid of missing out during their playtime. They don’t want to part with the luxuries in life–the cars, clothes, dining out, going out on the town, etc. So they work hard to maintain those things, even if those things (or the work required to keep those things) are killing them.

In many ways, we do the same thing in the gym. We work way harder than we need to in the gym because we aren’t willing to give up our rich taste.

If this sounds familiar, maybe you need to stop eating like a pig so you don’t have to work like a dog. Yes, it’s harsh, but it’s honest. It’s not healthy to rely on exercise to keep getting you out of trouble because of your lack of discipline in the kitchen. It’s time you truly address the real problem: eating. It’s time to cut back, because what you are missing out on now is much more valuable than your favorite food.

Controlled Weight, Out Of Control Life


Another common issue that can turn a healthy fitness routine into an unhealthy obsession is when your workouts are the only thing going well in your life. I have been guilty of this myself in the past. When I was young and single, I hated my job, I had no boyfriend, and I was in debt up to my eyeballs. Essentially, my life was completely out of control. The only thing I could control was my waistline.

I dove into fitness because it made me feel successful at a time in my life when I was failing in every other way.  While it is great to build your confidence and have something you succeed in, it is unhealthy to run from all your problems.

Exercise became my drink of choice and the gym was my bar. I wasn’t putting the energy I needed to put in to improve my circumstances. I was getting on the treadmill and literally running from my problems. Unfortunately, my bank account didn’t care that I was improving my body.

If you find yourself looking forward to going to the gym more than you do going home, maybe your home life needs the real workout. Though you shouldn’t neglect your health, your fitness shouldn’t come before fixing relationships or other important life issues.

All Or Nothing


Some people have great intentions when they start a workout program, but their “all or nothing” personality type can get them in trouble. This type of person (and I’m not ashamed to say I’m one of them) can go from completely out of shape to super fit fast, but at what expense?

This is something I really have to keep an eye on. I can easily get so focused on whatever project I’m working on (even my own body) that other things can quickly fall out of balance.

If you find you are putting your workouts above important obligations or relationships, this may be a sign your life is getting out of whack.

If balance is in question, your life will not magically balance itself back out again. Balance takes work. You must sit down, analyze your lifestyle, and re-prioritize. A life out of balance is simply a life with priorities out of order. Write down all your priorities and put them back into the proper order on paper. Then, work daily to keep them in that order.

Selfish Or Plain Addicted?


Whether you are battling selfishness or addiction, they both can be equally damaging. And whether your addiction is to food (fueling your addiction to exercise) or you are truly addicted to exercise itself, the result can still be the same: too much time in a pool of sweat.

After doing some research, I found a checklist on for possible symptoms of exercise addiction. Check yourself by answering these questions honestly below.

1. Have you missed important social obligations and family events in order to exercise?

2. Have you given up other interests or friends to make more time to work out?

3. Does missing a workout make you irritable and depressed?

4. Do you only feel content when you exercise?

5. Do you like exercise better than sex, good food, or a movie?

6. Do you work out even if you are sick, injured, or exhausted?

7. In addition to your regular schedule, do you exercise more if you find extra time?

8. Have family and friends complained, saying you are too involved in exercise?

9. Do you have a history (or a family history) of anxiety or depression?

Although some of these feelings are natural, and even healthy, there’s a problem if you answered “yes” to most of these questions. Even though feeling good because of exercise is a good thing, feeling good at the expense of harming relationships or your body is very harmful. (Read Know the signs of unhealthy exercise addiction to learn more.)

Whether your life is just a little out of balance, you are in a selfish stage in your life, or you are actually addicted to exercise, change is necessary. If you can be honest with yourself, you’ll prevent unhealthy fitness obsession and take your fitness to a whole new healthy level.