
Motivate Yourself with a Personal Weight Loss Mantra

Self-motivation is one of the keys to successful weight loss. But how do you keep yourself motivated when faced with food temptations or a lack of desire to eat right and exercise?

Develop a personal weight loss mantra.

I have always been interested in marketing and advertising slogans that large corporate brands use–like Nike’s “Just Do It” or Burger King’s “Have It Your Way.”

When you hear those slogans you instantly know what those brands stand for and what message they are trying to convey. A personal weight loss mantra can do the same for you.

A mantra is a phrase that is repeated to give you focus. A weight loss mantra motivates you to keep working on your weight loss effort no matter how hard it seems. I developed my weight loss mantra during my final weight loss. After mulling over different ideas, I came up with a simple three-word phrase.

Never go back.

Even after I completed my weight loss, my mantra is still present with me. Choices I make each day are filtered through it. It motivated me then to move forward losing weight, and it motivates me now to maintain a healthy weight.

Developing and using a weight loss mantra has several benefits.

1) It’s Personal

Having your own mantra is a personal motivator. Whether you borrow mine or develop your own, it becomes a phrase you can repeat to yourself when you are feeling unmotivated or tempted.

2) It’s Positive

Most people I talk to do not find losing weight to be a positive experience. A mantra is positive reinforcement because it moves you in the right direction and takes your mind off the difficulty of making the right food choices or exercising when you don’t want to.

3) It’s Persuasive

A mantra should be persuasive. My mantra reminded me of where I had come from and persuaded me to continue reaching forward.

Use your mantra when faced with challenges. For example, if you find yourself lying in bed debating whether to get up and exercise, repeat your mantra to yourself. Then get out of bed.

When you see a sweets table at a meeting or wedding, say your mantra in your head. Then walk away from the table, confident that good choices now will pay off later.

Here are some tips for developing your own mantra:

·      Keep it short.

·      Make it simple.

·      Use a phrase that works for weight loss and maintenance.

·      Write it down.

·      Try it out for a day or two.

·      Change it if you decide you don’t like it.

I’ve put together 20 sample mantras. Take one as your own, tweak it to suit your needs, or use one as a springboard for a completely different mantra.

1. Always make the effort.

2. Don’t give up on yourself.

3. Always finish what you start.

4. Make your dreams a reality.

5. Make my children and my spouse proud.

6. Be brave. Take risks.

7. Don’t give up at the end, go harder.

8. Don’t EVER give up.

9. Strength, Focus, Discipline.

10. I am going after what I want.

11. I am important.

12. Excellence in all things.

13. I love myself enough to stay strong.

14. Tomorrow is too late.

15. Take action today.

16. Creating a new me one day at a time.

17. Keep on fighting.

18. Can’t is not in my vocabulary.

19. I’m doing this for me.

20. I can do more than I think I can.

My mantra, “Never go back,” motivates me to stay at a healthy weight, gives me the boost I need to get off the couch and exercise, and reminds me of where I came from.

Find your personal weight loss mantra, and use it as a daily inspiration. Write it down, embrace its meaning, and stay motivated to lose weight and keep it off.


10 Reasons to Run With the Pack

Running is inherently an individual sport.

OK, sure, if you are on a high school or college cross country or track and field team, I suppose you can consider running a “team” sport. But for the rest of us non student, recreational runners, it’s just us, our sneakers, and the pavement. (Or the trail, or the treadmill…but you get the idea.)

There’s no denying that one of the great things about running is the fact that you don’t need anyone else to participate in the sport. In fact, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that one of the huge appeals to me as a runner is the opportunity running gives me to have alone, quiet, “me” time.

Time to reflect on my day, brainstorm posts like this very one you are reading, and solve the

problems of the world…or at least the ones in my own little world.

But one of the other really great things about running is the community. Runners are some of the most amazing, caring, encouraging people on this planet. And while there is nothing wrong with solo running, I’m going to boldly say that if you haven’t joined in on a group run, you are missing out. Here are ten reasons why:

10) Accountability. It’s hard to hit that snooze button when you know someone is waiting for you. It’s so much harder to sleep in when you know an entire group is waiting for you, and will likely give you a hard time the next time they see you if you skip this run.

9) Learning about the latest running gear/nutrition/races on the market. Let’s face it, this type of stuff doesn’t typically make the front page of the news, so it’s great to have some insider sources.

8) Having someone by your side to distract you from the endless, boring, long run miles. But even better…having someone by your side to share the amazing “it feels like we’re flying” miles.

7) Learning tips and tools of the trade from experienced runners, like how to properly perform a “Farmer’s Blow”.

6) Being entertained by the “old timers” who always have outrageous tales to tell, like the one time a local runner ran a whole mile off course, got chased by a raccoon, drank half a beer, and still ended up winning the race (this may or may not be a true story).

5) Broaden your friendship horizons. I’ve been on group runs with people from completely opposite backgrounds who voraciously debated opposing sides of hot topics, typically political or religious issues, as the miles ticked by. Chances are these people wouldn’t have normally given each other the time of day, yet through running, they have become close friends.

4) Become a faster runner. Hanging onto a pack of runners who are slightly stronger and faster than you can force you to step out of your comfort zone, push that lactic threshold, and train harder. But on the other hand…

3) Other runners can keep you in check. Does your workout call for a long, SLOW run at a specific distance? Staying back with a slower group will prevent you from pushing the pace. Be sure to tell the most sensible one in the group what your prescribed workout is, and they’ll remind you not to try and be a hero and run further than you should.

2) Free “life” advice. On group runs I have heard everything from how to deal with a teething infant, to suggestions on the best Chinese food take out restaurant in town, and absolutely everything in between.

But the number one, hands down, reason for joining a running group?

1) Finding other people who understand your type of “crazy”, like going to bed early on a Friday night just to wake up at 5:00 am and run 20 miles through a snowstorm the next Saturday morning. For fun.

So if you haven’t given your local group run a try, go. Join them. You don’t have to give up the solo life of a runner just yet, but the camaraderie, laughter, and valuable training (and life) tips you will take away from a group run will only enhance your running experience.


The World Is Your Gym: Exercise In The Great Outdoors

Let’s face it. Getting in shape usually requires plenty of hard work, dedication, and a considerable amount of time in the gym. But sometimes it’s good to shake up the routine a bit to help keep things fresh and new. Mixing in some other activities, especially ones that help get you outside, can provide a nice change of pace without compromising your workout schedule in any way. In fact, there are a number of great outdoor sports that will not only compliment your existing workout but possibly enhance it as well.
If you’re looking to move at least part of your exercise routine to the outdoors, here are the very best activities that can help you achieve your fitness goals while providing a healthy dose of fresh air and sunshine too.


While hiking may seem like a simple walk in the woods, it can actually lead to a fairly intense workout if you want it to be. Hiking trails can range from completely flat, to incredibly steep and hilly, with the terrain obviously having a direct impact on the intensity level of the trek. Steep hills, both up and down, will work the leg muscles as well as the cardiovascular system. Flat trails won’t offer the same level of difficulty of course, but if done at a faster pace, they can still provide a good workout.
Want to add an extra challenge to your hike? Try wearing a full backpack while walking the trail.

Mountain Biking

There are few outdoor sports that provide more heart-pounding action than mountain biking. Not only will riding a trail test your legs and lungs, but the fast-paced action will induce more than a few adrenaline rushes too. That makes for a great cardio workout of course, but mountain biking can also be of tremendous benefit to both the lower and upper body as well.
Riding up and down hills is the best way to improve fitness, of course, but rolling along on a flat trail at a high rate of speed will still provide a solid workout too. It is all about keeping your cadence up, which can lead to burning calories at a surprisingly high rate.

Stand-Up Paddleboarding

In order to stay on your feet, SUP requires participants to maintain their balance at all times. This not only provides a good workout for the leg muscles but the core (chest and abs) as well. Additionally, since the sport involves paddling across flat water or down a river, the arms and shoulders get plenty of attention too.

Trail Running

Nothing changes up a stale running routine quite like moving off the treadmill and onto a trail. Trail running requires strength, agility, and balance, as the uneven terrain is much more difficult to run on than anything you’ll find in the gym, or even out on the road.
Regular trail runs can result in stronger legs and joints, not to mention improved cardio efficiency. And since you’ll be working harder on a trail run, you’ll burn far more calories too.

Rock Climbing

For one of the best all-body workouts available, give rock climbing a try. Most non-climbers are under the false impression that rock climbing is all about upper-body strength, but honestly, the legs and core are just as important to achieving success.
Rock climbing can help promote lean muscle mass, while also toning the arms, chest, shoulders, legs, and back. It also happens to be a great way to burn calories and work the cardiovascular system as well.
While obviously not for everyone, and not an activity you should do solo, rock climbing really is one of the best all-around workouts to add to your fitness routine.
It can’t be stressed enough just how important it is to change up your exercise routine from time to time. These outdoor activities will not only help you do that but also add in a healthy dose of fun in the process. By just moving your workout from inside the stuffy gym to the fresh air of the outdoors you are bound to see positive benefits as well. Consider that the next time you are having a hard time getting motivated. Then give yourself a free pass to go hit your favorite local trail instead.


How Much Protein do Runners REALLY Need?

If I had a dollar for every gym member or client that has asked me if they need to be drinking a protein shake, well, I’d be able to buy nearly a lifetime’s supply of protein powder.

I’m only slightly exaggerating.

In the fitness industry it seems that people are pretty obsessed with protein consumption. Open any fitness or athletic magazine and you will see countless advertisements for various protein supplements, each one touting a higher and better protein content than it’s competitors…and likely being consumed by a bronzed, ripped athlete with impressive six pack abs.

Protein powders. Protein bars. Protein cookies. Protein pancakes. Even protein water…the protein products are seemingly endless.

So it’s no wonder the average Joe in the fitness world seems to believe the misconception that more protein is better. After all, how else are we going to look like that bikini model, body builder, or super fit elite triathlete if we don’t slug down copious amounts of protein immediately following our workouts?

News flash: not only is protein deficiency incredibly rare in adults in our society, but according to the Centers for Disease Control, Americans as a whole tend to consume too much protein. But there is a valid reason why athletes should concern themselves, at least somewhat, with protein intake.

Let’s break it down:

Protein is essential nutrient found in animal products, nuts, and beans. Protein is comprised of amino acids; amino acids are essentially the building blocks of our body. Because our bodies are made from these amino acids, it only makes sense that we need protein to help our bodies grow and repair.

Now, when we do something physically taxing on our muscles, such as strength training or a good, hard run, the microscopic fibers that make up our muscles actually tear. In theory, we then rest allowing our body to rebuild those fibers, and voila, we have muscular growth. But what do we need to assist in that repair and contribute to new cells and rebuilding old cells?

Amino acids. Which come from…


That is an incredibly simplified version of what actually goes on inside of our bodies, but now you get the general idea of why protein consumption is essential for everyone, but even more so for active people and athletes.

So, let’s get to the point, the whole reason you clicked on this link in the first place, shall we?

How much protein do YOU, a runner, need?

Of course, the exact answer is going to vary from person to person, but for the sake of this article we can give some general suggestions.

According to the American College of Sports Medicine and the Academy of Dietetics and Nutrition, the average adult requires approximately 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. That’s kilogram, not pound, a common oversight. (To convert to kilograms, take your current weight in pounds, and divide it by 2.2.)

An endurance athlete, however, needs approximately 1.2-1.4 grams of protein per kg of body weight. The added protein will help with the extra repair needed after all of the stress we put our bodies through training. Again, these numbers can vary based upon training volume and other activities, but they serve as a good rule of thumb. (For comparison purposes, strength and power athletes need anywhere from 1.2-1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.)

So what does this look like, in real world, non scientific speak?

Simple: a 150 lb non athletic female requires about 54.5 grams of protein a day. A 150 lb female who also happens to be a regular runner requires anywhere from 81.8- 95.5 grams of protein per day. The difference between non athletic and athletic is around 34 grams of protein…or the equivalent of about 4 ounces of grilled chicken (about half a chicken breast.)

As you can see, that’s really not a huge difference.

So, don’t fall victim to all of the hype and advertising that says you NEED tons of protein in order to be a good athlete. Eat well rounded meals, be aware of your protein intake, but save your money on those bulking supplements, and spend them on a new pair of sneakers instead.


Manorexia: Understanding The Masculine Side of Body Image Distortion

Close your eyes for a second and imagine someone with an eating disorder.
If the person you envisioned was female, you’re not alone. In fact, most of us believe that women and girls are the only ones affected by eating disorders. But the facts tell a very different story. In the U.S., at least a third of the 30 million people suffering from eating disorders are boys or men, according to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA). That’s 10 million people, most of whom won’t ever get the help they desperately need because they have a Y chromosome. And that, my friends, is a real—and sometimes quite deadly—tragedy.
So why do we ignore men and boys with eating disorders? I’ve come up with at least three reasons:

  • Even though a lot of those 10 million boys and young men know they’ve got a problem, they refuse to ask for help because they’re afraid that people will make fun of them. After all, real men don’t have eating problems right? Guys who do acknowledge that they have a problem and ask for help often find that eating disorder treatment programs accept only females.
  • It never occurs to most medical professionals that boys could actually have an eating disorder. So even when the symptoms are staring them in the face, pediatricians and primary care docs too often don’t see them. Mental health professionals_people who really ought to know better—also turn a blind eye to boys. One of the big industry groups, the American Psychiatric Association, has a very informative section on its website devoted to eating disorders. But the first symptom on the list is “menstrual periods cease.” That pretty well eliminates the boys.
  • Since so few professionals seriously consider the possibility that eating disorders might not be purely a female issue, they routinely exclude boys and young men from relevant research. And if they’re left out of research, they’re also left out of clinical trials for drugs and other potential therapies.

How the Media Feeds Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are typically related to body image. People suffering from anorexia, for example, look in the mirror and, no matter how skinny they are, they see an obese person. Generally speaking, girls and women worry more than boys and men do about being overweight, and some of those worries are driven by the media. Many critics put the blame on the undeniable gender-based double standard: dad-bod, for example—a nice way of saying “soft and pudgy”—is perfectly fine for men, but mom-bod includes a tight butt and a six pack. Others point to men’s magazines, movies, and TV, and the idealized images that girls and women feel they have to emulate to be considered attractive.
There’s a lot of truth there. But next time you’re at the grocery store, spend a few minutes flipping through Cosmo, Shape, and other women’s magazines. You’ll find that the images of women are nearly identical: alluring, idealized, and sexy. The enormous pressure girls feel from all sides to look like those perfectly airbrushed actresses and models can make them feel terrible about their own body and sometimes leads to eating disorders.
That’s the bad news.
The worse news is that the media does something equally damaging to boys. Men’s magazines, movies, and TV shows feature guys with impossibly large biceps, too many abs to count, and the kind of physique most of us  could never achieve. Those same idealized (and objectifying) images also show up in girls’ and women’s magazines, where they influence the expectations their readers have for men and boys.
As a result, males who are overweight may feel even more pressure to lose weight—which could contribute to eating disorders. And those whose weight is perfectly fine may develop another type of disorder: “muscle dysmorphia,” also known as “bigorexia.” Bigorexics (who are almost always male) look in the mirror and, no matter how ripped they are, see a 96-pound wimp.
While bigorexia isn’t as deadly as anorexia and other “traditional” eating disorders, it can still lead to a number of very serious problems.
Boys and men who feel pressured to have the perfect body often become anxious and depressed (which can lead to suicide). They diet and work out obsessively and can do permanent joint and muscle damage. Those obsessions can become so consuming that homework, school attendance, and career may suffer, and they may stop spending time with friends and family because they don’t want to interrupt their workout schedule or they feel embarrassed about how skinny they are.
Bigorexics may drain their bank accounts to pay for personal trainers and surgery (if exercise doesn’t produce the desired effects, it’s always possible to get that Mr. Olympia look with pec, bicep, calf, ab, and other implants). And they may load up on “supplements,” including testosterone and steroids, which have been linked to increased blood pressure and heart attack risk, reduced liver and bowel function, dementia, and sudden flashes of anger sometimes called “roid” (as in steroid) rage.
If you suspect that you or someone you know has an eating disorder, including bigorexia, it’s important to find help. Now. If the person is under 18, start with his pediatrician. If he or she laughs it off or refuses to consider an eating disorder, find another doctor. If he’s over 18, set up a visit with the primary care doc or a mental health professional who has experience treating people with eating disorders. You’ll also find a ton of great resources, information, guidance, and support at the NEDA website,


Trail Running: Good for ALL Runners

The other day I attended a meeting for a running club that is predominately made up of road runners. One of the main discussions of the evening was surrounding an upcoming race that would be run cross country style; in other words…not on pavement. People were nervous and intimidated. Many referred to a local beginner running trail and asked if this race would be as difficult as that particular (did I mention, beginner?) trail. As an avid trail runner myself, I was surprised at how much trepidation surrounded this very large crowd of runners, all over the thought of simply taking their running off road (we’re not talking super technical, mountain running here).

But in the running world, this is nothing new.

So many road runners find reason to shy away from trail running, because let’s face it: trail running is indeed harder. I won’t sugarcoat that fact or try to deny it; the twists, turns, technical footing, softer terrain, and of course, hills, all demand much more of a runner’s body.

But the greater demand is the exact reason why you SHOULD incorporate trail running into your training routine, at least occasionally.

If I had to sum up all of the benefits of trail running into one sentence, it would simply be this: you’ll get stronger and faster, all while reducing the risk of running related injuries. Do I have your attention now? Are you slightly more interested in trail running, or at least want to hear my side of this trail running argument? Let me explain further.

Trails are typically softer than the road.

This is great for your training for two reasons. One, the softer terrain (typically dirt or sand) offers less impact on your body compared to the constant pounding on pavement, which can help reduce the risk of overuse injuries.

Two, the softer terrain has more give to it, meaning you are going to have to work harder to run on it. This is especially the case when running on soft sand or mud. This benefit is likely the one most road runners grumble at. No one likes to see their pace drastically drop while effort increases. But the added effort translates over to stronger legs, which will result in (hopefully) faster paces on the road.

Variety is key.

A lot of running injuries are caused by muscular weaknesses and imbalances from the same, repetitive, forward motion that is required in road or treadmill running. How many times have you heard of a runner who “stepped the wrong way” off of a curb or into a pothole, resulting in an ankle sprain? Sure, some injuries are unavoidable, but many certainly could be avoided if the body was better prepared for quick changes in movement and direction.

Now, trail terrain is more variable than that of the road. Of course, there are expectations of long, straight, flat, fire road type trails, but for the more part you will likely encounter rocks, roots, divots, and trail that quickly and sharply changes direction. With the frequent terrain changes on a trail, runners are constantly forced to vary their running stride. Long strides, short strides, lateral movement (something you hardly ever see in road running), up hills, down hills, even leaps over a small stream or puddle, a trail runners movement is constantly changing. This varying running pattern forces runners to use different muscle groups, as well as challenge ligaments in the knees and especially in the ankles. And when you challenge muscles, you become stronger, and risk of injury decreases.


A fancy science term that essentially means having awareness of where your body is, while in movement, in comparison to the environment around it. In order to prevent stepping on or even falling over trail hazards (rocks, roots, etc.), a far greater level of bodily awareness is required than typically needed when running on paved roads. The greater bodily awareness combined with the constant shifting of your body weight to avoid such obstacles while running will help increase your overall balance and stability. Balance and stability are not only essential skills that are needed in day to day life, but are both skills that are lost over time without practice. (Just picture your Grandmother trying to stand on her tippy toes trying to reach a box of cereal on the top shelf at the grocery store. )

Trails are more fun.

Sure, this one is more of a subjective opinion, but I doubt any regular trail runner would disagree with me. While you have to be on alert for things like rocks, roots, and grizzly bears (I’m only sort of kidding about that last one), you can leave behind the fear of traffic and completely zone out. The ever changing terrain and environment can help you avoid the monotony often felt running down the same paved road past the same cookie cutter houses. Avoiding monotony = avoiding mental burnout. Avoiding mental burnout = running more miles. Running more miles = stronger runner.

Plus, I doubt anyone will disagree with me when I say that breath taking forest views and fresh air are FAR more enjoyable than bland, industrial views and inhaling exhaust.

Now, I promise not trying to convert the most die hard road runners into trail lovers; you can keep your pavement, I’ll keep my dirt, and we’ll still be one big happy running family. But I do want to point out the benefits of trail running to any of you who may be intimidated or hesitant to leave the roads behind. For the reasons listed above and more, trail running can help you become a better runner.   I know that access to trails isn’t available to everyone, and we work with what we’ve got.  But…the next time the opportunity strikes, give trail running a try.  You may find it to be a fun, positive training tool you never knew you were missing out on.

Happy trails to you!


Don't Let Disappointment Ruin Your Weight Loss Efforts

I’ve read the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey several times. Every time I read it, Covey makes me think about how modeling behavior on proven, successful models helps in a lot of areas–including weight loss.
For example, rather than come up with a unique way to teach my children a new math concept, I first try using a proven method. Not that I ignore technology though, because I make use of some pretty awesome apps.
When it comes to weight loss, it is easy to feel disappointed in your progress. However, if you think about it, taking advantage of proven techniques that work–no matter your dieting philosophy, your gender, your weight loss requirements, or your age–can help you move from being disappointed in your weight loss to satisfied and proud of your accomplishments.
After all, why constantly reinvent the wheel?
That being said, you do need to find an eating and exercise regimen that fits your lifestyle, but there are certain techniques that I have found work in almost every circumstance.
Stop feeling disappointed in your weight loss, and commit to using these techniques to move from disappointment to satisfaction.
I came up with a list of seven techniques you can use to help avoid disappointment in your weight loss efforts no matter what diet you are following.

1. Stay positive.

Weight loss does not happen on its own or in a straight line. There may be times when your weight loss comes to a screeching halt or you are just not as committed as you want to be. This has happened to me quite a few times. One key technique for avoiding disappointment is to focus on the positive and not allow slip-ups or a lack of progress make you quit.

2. Do some form of exercise every day.

Part of the reason you might feel disappointed in your weight loss effort is because you are not burning enough calories. Do like I did, and commit to at least 15 minutes of daily exercise. The more fit you become, the longer your sessions should be.

3. Eat something in the morning.

Eating in the morning is an important technique for the majority of highly successful losers. I readily admit to not being a breakfast lover, but I do eat something healthy by 10:00 a.m. I find that eating something in the morning helps me avoid overeating or binging later in the day.

4. Understand that portion control is key.

I was really bad at controlling my portions until I realized that controlling portions equaled controlling calories. Over time you will find yourself developing a keen eye for the right amount of your favorite foods.

5. Stick with basic, whole foods.

You may know people who have lost weight using prepackaged diet meals or expensive programs, but I wonder how many of those people were not disappointed with their results over the long term. Stick with basic, whole foods, and avoid eating processed diet foods.

6. Be deliberate when tracking.

When I was disappointed in my weight loss results, it was often because I ate more calories than I needed. It is way too easy to stuff several handfuls of nuts in your mouth or think that the fun pack of M&M candies doesn’t really count. (Not that I ever did that…) I experienced the most success and the least disappointment when I took the time to track my calorie intake. It doesn’t matter what app or technique you use–just pick one and stick with it.

7. Deal with emotional eating issues.

This is huge and something that must be addressed for success. If you have a substantial amount of weight to lose or have been overweight for a long time, there are likely some emotional issues surrounding food that you need to deal with. Ask yourself what emotions drive you to eat and then develop strategies to cope with the emotions without relying on food. If you don’t, you will likely find yourself staying disappointed with your lack of progress.


An Accident-Prone Person's Guide To Embarrassing Yourself While Exercising

In theory, the most important thing about exercising is making the effort to improve yourself. It’s about taking care of your body so you can still be active later in life. It’s about making positive choices.

In theory.

I suspect there’s more to it than that. Secretly, I think people want to look cool–or at the very least competent–while exercising. We hope to look like the sculpted, glistening people at CrossFit or in P90X videos. Athletic wear companies are certainly aware of this. Why else would they spend so much time and money developing and marketing sleek-looking workout gear and colorful cross training shoes?

Reality often has other ideas. I know from personal experience. 

I consider myself a decent athlete. I grew up playing baseball, basketball, football, and hockey, and sports have always been part of my life. I’ve hit the gym several days a week for years. I also like to think I’m more coordinated than the average person. 

Despite this, I’m also very accident-prone. To an almost unreasonable degree. All of this is to say: I’ve embarrassed myself more than a few times exercising. In the interest of healing (literally and figuratively), I would like to share a few stories about looking decidedly uncool while exercising

The first incident that comes to mind is every gym-goer’s worst nightmare. 

When I lived in Kansas, I went to a small 24-hour gym in town. The exterior was made up almost entirely of glass windows, which, if I’m being honest, was a bit awkward. Gawking patrons from the nearby shopping center aside, I liked the gym very much. It was small and there were limited machines and equipment, but it was immaculately clean and the people were friendly. 

One day after work I decided to hop on a treadmill for some interval running. For those of you unfamiliar, interval running involves sprinting for a set amount of time then walking for a set amount of time. Anyone who works out during the week knows that the gym is usually packed between 4 and 6 p.m. with the after-work crowd. I numbered among them and felt lucky to snag an open treadmill.

I wouldn’t feel lucky for much longer. 

The sprinting and walking started, and I had a good sweat going. But something was bothering me. Something on the inside hem of my gym shorts kept rubbing me the wrong way. Literally.

I was in the middle of one of my sprints, and I just couldn’t take it any longer. A normal person would have stepped off the treadmill for a minute to take care of the offending loose threads. Or at the very least, waited for a walking interval. I didn’t do either of those things. I did something so stupid, I can’t believe I’m actually about to write it.

Instead of stopping, I thought I could quickly pull out the loose threads while I was running. It turned out to be a poor decision. 

My footing faltered immediately. My legs came out from under me, and gravity pulled me toward the spinning belt of the treadmill. I was able to turn a bit so I didn’t fall directly on my face. I landed on the left side of my back and left shoulder. The belt, which was moving at a considerable pace, immediately tore up a section of my back. It then proceeded to shoot me several feet to the foot of an exercise bike. 

Naturally, the cardio section was full when this happened, and a dozen people saw me embarrass myself in a way that didn’t seem possible until that very moment. I remained on the ground for a little bit to gain my composure. The belt left a sizable burn on my back, and the unceremonious exit from the treadmill left a few bruises on my side where I landed. But otherwise my injuries were minor compared to what could have happened. 

Someone was nice enough to help me up as I assured everyone I was fine. I walked away, nursing my ego and cursing myself for picking such a busy time of the day to act like a jackass. 

Another embarrassing incident happened in high school (insert your own joke here).

I grew up in northern Illinois where it’s winter for roughly eight months out of the year. When baseball season started, my high school team had to practice indoors until the fields were suitable for use. 

A common indoor practice was to separate into groups and do a hitting circuit. The circuit included several stations, each focused on a different hitting drill. Obviously, the best station was the batting cage. After a few stations, my group got to the batting cage, but we realized we had to adjust the pitching machine. One of my teammates went to the end of the tunnel to sort it out. 

He wasn’t doing a very good job, though. 

I was getting fed up since we only had so much time at each station. The longer we took to adjust the machine the fewer swings we each got. I lifted up the net and yelled down the tunnel, “Hey, I think I can do it! Let me try!” My teammate didn’t hear me. He turned around and yelled “What?!” as he put another ball in the machine. Why you would just put a ball in the machine without looking is beyond me.

What happened next was like watching a car wreck in slow motion. 

I was jogging down the middle of the tunnel as he put the ball in. I saw it coming right at me and realized it was too late to get out of the way. My muscles tensed as I briefly anticipated getting Happy Gilmore’d at point-blank range. Taking a fastball to the chest seemed inevitable, but what actually happened might have been worse.

The ball hit me square in the crotch, and my protective cup made a loud “THUNK.” The force of the impact knocked my feet out from under me, and I tumbled to the ground. Sure, the cup mitigated some of the damage, but it was still one of the most unpleasant experiences of my life. I felt sick and weak and had to sit out the next few drills.

I could go on and on. 

During a high school football practice, my own teammate managed to get his elbow in my face mask and give me a mean bloody nose. I also broke my finger simply deflecting a pass during practice the next year. I was fielding a ground ball in a rec league baseball game when I saw it hit a rock and take an unbelievable bounce. The ball proceeded to tag me directly under my left eye. In the weight room, I managed to crush one of my fingers between two metal dumbbells. After a set of bench flyes, I dropped my dumbbells in relief. Someone hadn’t returned his set to the rack and my left ring finger was smashed as a result. More recently, I’m easily the least flexible person in my yoga class and can’t do positions others have no problem with.

I think you get the point. 

Anyway, if you’ve been putting off the gym–or exercise in general–because you want to avoid embarrassing yourself or looking silly, look at me. I work out all the time and still find new and inventive ways to look like an idiot. Those people who look like they have it together at the gym have made their fair share of mistakes, too.

Yes, you might make mistakes, and you might fall, but you can always get up again.

Plus, you might end up with a few funny stories. 


How Resting Can Help You Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life

It may not seem like it at first, but working out can be very addictive. This is especially true when you start to see positive gains, and all of that hard work you’ve been putting in begins to pay off.

It is around that time that your exercise routines start to become something you look forward to rather than dread. Going to the gym or for a run no longer seems like a daunting task, but is instead an integral part of your day. So much so, that you may even start to feel bad when you skip a workout. But no matter how fit you become, mixing in rest days should be an important part of your exercise plan.

Here’s why you should learn to embrace those days off too.

Your Body Needs Recovery Time


No matter what type of exercise routine you do your body requires some recovery time to help your muscles regain strength and bounce back to their previous levels of freshness. This is especially true for high-impact sports such as running or cycling, but even yoga and Pilates practitioners need to allow some time for rest too.

If you don’t give yourself the proper amount of time to recover, fatigue can set in, which will in turn drag your level of performance down. That will make it much harder to continue to improve your overall fitness, and could actually compromise some of the positive gains you’ve already made.

Your Mind Does Too!


Rest days aren’t just for the body, they are essential for the mind too.

A long workout can be intense, leaving you mentally fatigued as well. Being overly tired can affect your memory; impact your problem solving skills, and lower your all around awareness. Taking a break from the routine gives your mind the chance to bounce back as well, which may be just the thing you need to return to the gym with a fresh outlook.

So Does Your Immune System!


Regular exercise puts a strain on your immune system as it tries to repair strained and exhausted body parts. By taking a break you give your immune system a chance to work its magic without pushing itself to the limit. In other words, rest days can actually help you to be more healthier.

You’ll Avoid Injury


Rest days can also help you to avoid injuries that can sometime crop up from over-training. For instance, shin splints, minor muscles tears, and bone spurs can all result from working out too much. By not allowing your body to have the time it needs to heal properly you could turn a minor injury into a major one. That could sideline you from working out at all, and cause setbacks to your fitness training.  

Rest days can help you avoid that issue by allowing those nagging little injuries to heal, keeping you on track to reach your goals.

You’ll Sleep Better


Intense workouts can impact your ability to sleep, as tired, aching muscles can sometimes lead to restlessness. By taking a day off, though, you’ll give those muscles time to rest, which can in turn lead to better sleep, which only aids in the recovery process.

You’ve Earned It!


If none of these arguments are convincing, at last keep this one in mind. After working out for several days, you’ve earned yourself a break. Embrace that attitude, and rest day will be much easier to accept. Everything else will just fall into line.


The Lazy Girl's Guide to Strength-Training

All my life, I’ve hated strength-training. When I used to play competitive sports, I’d sometimes conveniently get sick on our all-too-frequent weight room days in the off season. (Shh. Don’t tell anyone.)
There’s this old storyline that women focus on cardio to get lean, and men focus on weights to bulk up. After polling random friends and acquaintances of both sexes over the last few months, it’s true. Stereotypes and tropes really do exist for a reason.
But as a woman, still, ladies: you’ve got to build some muscle. Not only does muscle help you look leaner, but it helps you burn more calories whenever you hit the treadmill or elliptical; in fact, muscle tissue burns off more calories than fat even when you’re just sitting around watching Netflix episodes of Scandal. And who could want more, right?
Don’t be fooled. You can look lean without bulking up, and you don’t need expensive weight equipment to gain some muscle mass. My friends always ask me how I stay toned. I tell them all it’s a pretty simple process. So simple, in fact, that I hardly think about it.
Since I’m the queen of getting the most bang for your strength-training buck, with as few extras as possible, here are some of my best moves.
The Push-Up
It sounds to easy to be true, but push-ups are the core of my arm routine. But here’s the secret for results: stop doing the “girl version.” Get off your knees, and do a real, honest-to-goodness push-up. This means you’re up on your toes, with both palms flat on the floor, bending those elbows into a 90-degree angle. Do as many sets of 10 as you can muster.
Make it easier: Drop and do push-ups in increments of 10 throughout the day, or in between cardio intervals during your regular routine, working up to a higher and higher total. Then, you’re not absolutely killing yourself. It’ll take like 15 seconds max. (I promise you can survive 15 seconds of pain.)
The Plank
I like to multi-task. The more things I can do at once, and do well, the better. Which is why I love the plank so much. Drop from a push-up position onto your forearms, keep your tummy taut, and hold for as long as you can.
Make it easier: My trick? Listen to upbeat music, and hold for the length of a song. Give yourself a minute break, and then hold for another length. You may have to work up to this from the length of a chorus, or half a song, but give it time. Pretty soon, you’ll be toning that tricky area at back of your arms and flattening those abs.
Wall Sits
No. Wall sits are not fun. I used to loathe these babies back in the day, but now they’re my go-to leg move, as they are very effective for toning your entire thigh. Use the same song-timing trick as you would with your plank, and work up to three sets. To better tone your inner and outer thigh, shift the weight on your foot from the outside to the arch.
Make it easier: As I mentioned, definitely do wall-sits to music if you’re tacking directly onto your workout routine. Or better yet, you can always do these throughout the day. Because, duh: walls are everywhere. I once wall-sat my way up to the front of the line at an amusement park, leaning against a very sturdy fence. My friend thought I was crazy, but hey! I toned up, they didn’t, and random strangers did not seem to judge me.
Yoga Poses
I don’t do yoga as much as I used to, but if you ever want to get toned fast, I’d totally recommend signing up for a classes with a professional. Never in my life was I more toned and taut — arms, legs, core and beyond — than when I was hitting those vinyasa and ashtanga flows three times a week. In yoga, your whole body has to work to support your own weight.
Make it easier: After a month or two (or three) of classes, you’ll confidently know the moves to do at home, so you can tone up at any moment throughout the day. It’s worth the investment.
Five-Pound Weights
Invest in a pair of juuuust-heavy-enough dumbbells. Probably five to eight pounds will do. Then, adopt a routine that you do consistently, every other day, every single week. If you truly get in the habit of tacking this onto the end of your cardio workout, you’ll see the results you want. Toned arms, all around.
Make it easier: You can lift light dumbbells in front of the TV, and you’ll hardly notice you’re doing it. Try this five-minute routine if you need some go-to move inspiration.
Bottom line? You don’t have to do deadlifts or hit the bench press to get toned. Just wedge easy-peasy moves into your day, whenever you can, and you’ll be showing off toned biceps and sculpted legs in no time.